Undead epicenter {Alice x Kid} (Other members always welcomed)

"I-It's fine, I don't normally sleep that much anyway, I'm used to working overtime at night so hopefully I'll be fine..." He leaned back, groaning and cracking his fingers.

((Sorry for the short reply.))
((Dont worry lol))

Alice finishes cooking the food then walks over after the food is done, she places a plate on a table of cooked rabbit meat and white rice with a glass of water, she sets it on the table in front of Edwin, then she goes and goes and gets Marshal some to and gives him the plate, Alice says "Im not hungry tonight....I may go to bed..." Marshal looks at Alice as he puts the plate of food down "Um are you ok?" she smiles "Yes just a tad feverish..." Marshal looks at her "Ill check on you in a little" Alice nods and walks off down to her room.
"Th-Thanks for your hospitality..." Edwin looked down at the plate of food and chomped down on the rabbit, chewing rapidly and gulping it down in a matter of seconds, he started to eat the rice, savoring every grain, he licked his lips, smiling. "That was delicious..."
Name: Tyler Moores


Height: 5'7

Looks: long Dirty blonde hair, pale skin

Wears: A black call of duty shirt, Black pants, white shoes.

Weapon: Machete, if surrounded a 9mm

Bio: Tyler was just finishing up 8th grade when the infection hit, he didn't play outside much, mostly video games, he always sorta liked the thought of a apocalypse. but when it hit he was barely ready, he would watch all the zombie movies, when it hit he grabbed a couple bottles of water and some canned food

when the outbreak first broke out Tyler grabbed some food and water along with his dads glock 9mm and a machete from his family's shed. 3 days had passed before Tyler left his house, he finally decided to leave, because his dad hadn't come home yet he knew he would only survive if he left his house, he began to look in near by neighborhoods as tyler walked and walked he came across a neighborhood that hadn't been ravaged through, but he noticed a large amount of infected and decided not to search it. the infected noticed him and began to walk towards him he quickly dashed out of the neighborhood

he began to run out of the neighborhood has fast as he could. He scrounged for food, he only had a bottle of water and some crackers. As he out ran the infected he found another neighborhood, he found a nice house no broken windows. He took camp there barricading every opening, as he looked through the pantry he was attacked by an infected he quickly pushed it off and decapitated it with his machete. 
((hey i'm her brother she hasn't replied because she didn't get the notification but I told her so she'll be on later maybe))
Om m

[QUOTE="'Kid']((Whelp, guess I've killed the thread. .-. ))

oh my gosh Kid im so sorry! I didnt get the notification! forgive me ! -hugs- 

[QUOTE="'Kid']"Th-Thanks for your hospitality..." Edwin looked down at the plate of food and chomped down on the rabbit, chewing rapidly and gulping it down in a matter of seconds, he started to eat the rice, savoring every grain, he licked his lips, smiling. "That was delicious..."

Mason smiled at Edwin "glad you thought so...took me forever to catch that damn rabbit..." he laughs a little as he finishes his food, then sits back on the couch, he sighs and stands up and takes the empty plats and puts them in the sink, he says to Edwin "So if you want, you can take my room to sleep in, I will sleep in Alice's room, tomorrow we will head out and see if there are any other survivors"
[QUOTE="Alice Hellsing]Om m
oh my gosh Kid im so sorry! I didnt get the notification! forgive me ! -hugs- 

Mason smiled at Edwin "glad you thought so...took me forever to catch that damn rabbit..." he laughs a little as he finishes his food, then sits back on the couch, he sighs and stands up and takes the empty plats and puts them in the sink, he says to Edwin "So if you want, you can take my room to sleep in, I will sleep in Alice's room, tomorrow we will head out and see if there are any other survivors"

(('Tis fine. -Huggles-))

"N-No, no, it's fine, I'll sleep in here, I'm used to it..." Said Edwin with a chuckle, huddling up into the corner of the couch and embracing his knees. "D-Do you really think there are other survivors? I-I mean, yeah, you may have found me, but I was on the end of my tether...hell, I was ready to...you know, end it..."
Tyler had finally scrounged all the food in the house. He started to barricade himself in the home. He hadn't checked the upstairs he was hesitant at first to check but he had to, as he slowly walked up the stairs heard a small creek in one of the closets, he walked slower and slower to were he found himself holding the knob. He quickly opened the door, ready to kill any zombies, but it was only a small raccoon that quickly scurried away. Tyler finally found a place to sleep, there was a quick escape window, that was right next to a gutter he could climb down. Tyler ate a small amount of food and a sip of water, then climbed into bed and quickly fell asleep.
Mason looks at Edwin and smiles "there has to be more people... don't worry" Alice tosses and turns and cant sleep, she gets up and looks at Mason "I'm...going for a walk...." Mason looks at her "be careful...please...." Alice smiles, grabs her katana and walks outside, Mason locks the door behind her, Alice opens the gate and shuts it, the neighborhood was quiet, it was a gated community so it wasn't to dangerous, she noticed that the house near them was barricaded, she starred curiously and walked up to the barricaded house and tried to open the door, she forced it open, she didn't consider that someone dangerous could be inside, she gripped her katana and slowly made her way through the house. It was the same house Tyler was in.

Mason looked at Edwin after he locked the door. "she has been acting a little weird lately...I think everyone being dead is making her depressed...but we just need to stay hopeful..."
Tyler quickly wakes up to the sound of the barricaded door being forced open, he grabbed his machete and pistol, slowly walking down the stairs with his pistol drawn, he heard footsteps but they were to consistent to be a zombie, he shouted "W-who are you...a-and....w-what do you w-want."
(We cant RP any farther till Kids online)

Alice was startled and jumped when Tyler shouted, She looks at him with her eyes wide "Good lord kid! you want to wake the neighborhood!?" a zombie stumbles through the front door, Alice turns around and beheads it, she turns and looks at Tyler "Wait...your another living person!" she puts her hand over her mouth realising she said that quiet loudly, then she says quietly to Tyler "I cant believe it! you are coming back with me! Mason and Edwin will be so happy to see there are more people!"
"Y-Yeah, but then again, life's been shite ever since the outbreak...Hardly any food, most of the water's contaminated, weapons and supplies are scarce...i-it's horrible..." Edwin flicked some hair out of his eyes, sighing afterwards.
Mason smiles "I know...Trust me, I was apart of the military when it happened...so I know how bad it is....I have a plan...to go to the CDC and see what we can figure out...maybe...just maybe there is a cure..."

(Kid, you cool with Nirvana joining?)

(Vault Boy, we can continue now)
(Kay kay, posting ze form;

Name: Antonia(Toni) Letenorvowski

Age: 15

Height: 5' 7"

Looks: choppy long dirty blonde hair streaked with bleach blonde that she ties back in a ponytail, darkish gray-blue eyes, pale skin

Wears: ripped up light blue jeans with the bell bottom thingamabobs, Nirvana t-shirt that has a tear in the shoulder, fingerless gloves

Weapon: 7 pocket knives that she often uses as throwing knives, a 22 rifle on occasion

Bio: Toni was always just a typical girl, though she had always loved zombies. Her little brothers did odd survival things, and forced her to too. She knows which plants are safe, and which aren't and she has pretty good aim. Never one to be quite, at times she was pretty loud and open. Around those that she'd never met, she will be cold and unfriendly.


[QUOTE="Alice Hellsing](Sure, well we just have to wait till Kid is online, then we can talk more about it :) )

(Aimed at this post... Mehlp...)

"A-A cure? Pfft, this ain't the walking dead, this is real life...b-but there could be some weapons around...bloody well hope so, anyway..."
(Looks good :) go ahead and put your first post whenever, My bother is offline, doing something, im at work so I will be off and on throughout the day) 
Mason stares at him "Hey!...I like the Walking Dead..." he laughs a little "We never know, I think checking the CDC would be a good idea....And I want to go to the base I was stationed at and get weapons, maybe a armored car...Well im going to be up a little longer, I may have to save Alice, if she doesn't come home...."
Tyler, proceeded to ask Alice several questions, all which she could answer, once Alice told him how this all went down, he sighed and said "I always new the CDC would start it, Tyler proceeded to ask "where do you camp out" she tilted her head in the direction of their camp she replied with a "come on we have to more back at camp" Tyler smiled and followed
"I like it as well, love it even, but there is no way that we're gonna find a cure at the CDC, I know I'm the 'fresh meat' an' all, but I think the best thing to do at the moment is let the day pass and head over to your base-y hoojimaflipper full of goodies..."
(Kie kie then.)

Toni glanced around, walking through the devastated town. She gripped her dad's 22 rifle in her right hand, keeping an eye out for anything that moved. She was filthy, her hair hanging from it's pony tail in matted clumps. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move, and whirled around to face it. She trailed the gun on it, watching carefully. She slowly walked towards it in shadows. As she got closer, she spotted two people. A male and a female, the male near her age, it seemed. Toni put the gun down slightly, watching in the shadows as she was unsure of whether or not they were human.
(Dang it, my post was lateish... adding on...)

Once she saw them begin to leave, she followed quietly; still unsure of whether or not they were actual people that were alive, or zombies.
Tyler talked to Alice, mostly about how she had survived, Tyler stopped and turned around quickly drawing his pistol, he swore he heard someone walking but he didn't see anyone

((sorry for the short post))
(to Vault boy-No god modding boy!) Alice sighed and looked at Tyler as they started to walk up to the house, out of the corner of her eye she saw a girl out of the corner of her eye, she whipped around quickly and saw the movement of the person was to fluent to be a creep. Alice said "Hey! you! wait" She waited to see if the person responded.

Mason nodded "Agreed...There are a few more places I want to hit up as well, I have seen enough movies and been in the army long enough to know what ta do" he smiles, then sighs"damn...Alice isn't back...Maybe I should find her..."

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