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Fantasy Unclaimed Wilds OOC


Junior Member
Hello everyone!

I will be posting the IC for the RP soon!

Please use this thread to ask any questions you might have about the story or other characters. You can also PM me directly if you would like the GM's input without posting it publicly.

Or you can just chat and get to know everyone!

Also, here is a set of tentative rules for the RP to consider before finalizing your characters sheets:

1. Follow all the site rules. This one's a given.

2. Try to limit your characters. I'll message a few of you soon about questionably powerful abilities, but for the most part, I expect everyone to have and show weaknesses and to allow their characters to be put into tough-to-handle situations. It's supposed to be a survival-heavy RP, and if everyone feels invincible, it won't be very fun. (Also, I should note that I'm impressed with everyone's characters. They honestly have a lot more depth than I was expecting. Kudos, everyone. I like this site.)

There should also be no 'perfect' abilities. Things like telekenisis, hydrokenisis, etc., for example, should come at a cost. The user should be forced to give up some mobility for concentration, or something in that vein, so that there's never an excuse to just bat any would-be attacker out of the air 100% of the time, if that make sense. Everyone should take some hits in combat situations.

3. No killing other players without consulting them first. There will be plenty of monsters around for you to show off your sweet moves. No one wants their character to meet an untimely demise.

4. You can kill off your own character, but... send me a message first, preferably a PM.

5. You can PM me about any concerns you have. I won't ever ignore you and feedback really helps the RP progress. Everyone should be a significant part of the story.

6. Feel free to world build. As long as it doesn't interfere with the main story or other characters in a drastic way, you can play with the lore and history of the UW world.

Unclaimed Wilds CS: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/unclaimed-wilds-cs.350027/
Unclaimed Wilds IC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-unclaimed-wilds-ic.350357/
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You should add the links to each page so we have better navigation
Alright guys, there's about.. 14 and a half characters out there at the moment and only 2 of them can do stuff outside of fighting or sneaking. well, listed in abilities anyway.

We have (baddies included mostly because i'm not completely sure):
8 Dudes and 6 Chicks.
1 demon. 1 dragonfolk. 1 doll. 2 half angel half demon. 5 human. 1 nymph. 1 winter succumbus. 1 faun. 1 wiccan.
3 learned magic. 4 bred magic. 1 warrior/bred magic. 3 tinker. 1 warrior. 1 warrior (paladin). 1 bred/learned magic.

So we've got variety going for us.

we have 2 characters who can make maps, which is one of the goals of the mission. the other being killing things, which we seem to be okay on.

what we're in need of are support skills like healing, cooking, and the ability to make a tent or something. we've got a paladin who can heal, a nymph who can cook, but besides that nothing much.
we've got a few characters who seem to have lived out in the wild or something, so we're not completely helpless, and i'm pretty sure the tinkers can whip something up for shelter or whatever
we have someone's pet to gather starstone and someone who knows how to make some cures for illnesses and such

not sure what we're going to be facing, but it would be hilarious if it was all just camping and we never ran into a monster

15 1/2 or maybe just 15 characters
8 dudes, 7 chicks
1 demon. 1 dragonfolk. 1 doll. 2 half angel half demon. 5 human. 1 nymph. 1 winter succumbus. 1 faun. 1 wiccan. 1 fairy.
3 learned magic. 5 bred magic. 1 warrior/bred magic. 3 tinker. 1 warrior. 1 warrior (paladin). 1 bred/learned magic.

Edit 2:
16 characters
9 dudes, 7 chicks
1 demon. 1 dragonfolk. 1 doll. 2 half angel half demon. 5 human. 1 nymph. 1 winter succumbus. 1 faun. 1 wiccan. 1 fairy. 1 bat-dragon hybrid.
3 learned magic. 6 bred magic. 1 warrior/bred magic. 3 tinker. 1 warrior. 1 warrior (paladin). 1 bred/learned magic.

we've got more support now so we're pretty good. at least we won't die from injuries

Edit 3: (includes through crabman)
17 characters
10 dudes, 7 chicks
1 demon. 1 dragonfolk. 1 doll. 2 half angel half demon. 5 human. 1 nymph. 1 winter succumbus. 1 faun. 1 wiccan. 1 fairy. 1 bat-dragon hybrid. 1 orean crabman.
3 learned magic. 6 bred magic. 2 warrior/bred magic. 3 tinker. 1 warrior. 1 warrior (paladin). 1 bred/learned magic.
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Alright guys, there's about.. 14 and a half characters out there at the moment and only 2 of them can do stuff outside of fighting or sneaking. well, listed in abilities anyway.

We have (baddies included mostly because i'm not completely sure):
8 Dudes and 6 Chicks.
1 demon. 1 dragonfolk. 1 doll. 2 half angel half demon. 5 human. 1 nymph. 1 winter succumbus. 1 faun. 1 wiccan.
3 learned magic. 4 bred magic. 1 warrior/bred magic. 3 tinker. 1 warrior. 1 warrior (paladin). 1 bred/learned magic.

So we've got variety going for us.

we have 2 characters who can make maps, which is one of the goals of the mission. the other being killing things, which we seem to be okay on.

what we're in need of are support skills like healing, cooking, and the ability to make a tent or something. we've got a paladin who can heal, a nymph who can cook, but besides that nothing much.
we've got a few characters who seem to have lived out in the wild or something, so we're not completely helpless, and i'm pretty sure the tinkers can whip something up for shelter or whatever
we have someone's pet to gather starstone and someone who knows how to make some cures for illnesses and such

not sure what we're going to be facing, but it would be hilarious if it was all just camping and we never ran into a monster
Coffee has a support who will be able to cook. A fairy human I think.
(I can make the monster idea happen though)
Oh nuuuu :closedeyescryingfrown:. I just realized my character was the parallel idea of @Pushks (Also bootiful art).

Instead of being born from ashes and charred land that she was connected with, she would create/destroy terrain so it would be like that.(Y'know cuz mother nature can't exactly pop up volcanoes and heat anomalies anywhere it wants.) She was also a simi-orphan...*sigh*.
*Rubs invisible beard.* *Pokes Lily**
Oh nuuuu :closedeyescryingfrown:. I just realized my character was the parallel idea of @Pushks (Also bootiful art).

Instead of being born from ashes and charred land that she was connected with, she would create/destroy terrain so it would be like that.(Y'know cuz mother nature can't exactly pop up volcanoes and heat anomalies anywhere it wants.) She was also a simi-orphan...*sigh*.
*Rubs invisible beard.* *Pokes Lily**
Why was I poked?
q r o w q r o w You're just naturally *poke-able* I was also hoping you would say something that was pun-able, but it's just not as B R E E (A) Z Y as one would think.

Side note: Idea!! I can be a teen mom who didn't know she was pregnant.
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q r o w q r o w You're just naturally *poke-able* I was also hoping you would say something that was pun-able, but it's just not as B R E E (A) Z Y as one would think.

Side note: Idea!! I can be a teen mom who didn't know she was pregnant.
I can't wait to change my name again......
Rerri Rerri may I ask when this will start? Don't mean to rush, but I'm asking so I can prepare before.
Hi everyone! Important announcement!

I apologize for all the delays in this RP, I was a little busier than I thought I would be this weekend. I hope everyone that expressed interest and made a character sheet is still available to play.

That being said, the RP will commence tomorrow, Wednesday at 1:00 P.M. EST.

If you cannot get on at that time for whatever reason, I will try to drag out the early meet and greet portion of things a little to allow everyone to join in. If you are late, however, you can either contrive an excuse that will let you join up with everyone slightly later, or PM me and I'll help you in.

Special thanks to Amerikia1126 Amerikia1126 for that awesome summary of where things stand at the moment. That will be helpful for keeping track of things.

Edit: You do not have to be online at the time that the RP will begin. The time listed above is when the first post will go up, but there will be plenty of time for everyone to join at their own pace and convenience.

Be there or be square!

q r o w q r o w Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze @T A E H Y U N G DaffodilsAndDragons DaffodilsAndDragons Ghost Toast Ghost Toast Mr. Moorgrove Mr. Moorgrove @Pushks Loki777 Loki777 TerrorKitty TerrorKitty @C O F F EE Verdas Verdas
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Hold on, why do we need to be there in real time? Isn't the whole point of forum games to avoid that?

You don't have to be on at that time! It's just when the first post will go up, so anyone that wants to start right away can. Hopefully it will allow us to get going pretty quickly, but by no means will posts ever be scheduled or time-sensitive.
And to anyone that has yet to post a CS - no rush! If you expressed any interest at all, you can join at any time in the RP upon approval of your character.
My post will occur when the Explorers reach the untamed lands.
Sorry for this but I'm gonna 'unjoin' this rp, although if you need someone to play an NPC or someone who's not gonna be important you can pm me anytime.
Boy oh boy am I excited to actually get this shit on the road. Come on people, give me your best posts, let's get some interactions going!
This is dying fairly quickly....
And I didn't even get to use my characters wow

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