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Unbreakable Bond {MoxieDov X RaraHaruko SNK}

Eren's eyes dropped. The feeling of the male running his fingers through his hair calming him slightly. The words falling from Levi's mouth crammed into his ears, making him stop breathing for a moment. His eyes grew wide as he reached back with his mind, to the scene where he'd slammed his face into the creature's flesh, ripping a chunk of flesh and swallowing it with satisfaction. He was full of fear, this was true, but he was also hungry. Eren had been in complete control over all his actions. It wasn't like other situations where he'd faded from the whole moment, slipping into a rage-induced haze as the shell of flesh continued on without his knowledge. No, he'd intended to eat the creature... and he'd liked it. "No." He said, finally, after a pause that seemed to last forever.

His body stopped trembling, hands loosening around the soldier's torso once more. "I did it..." He paused, not sure if he could continue. He didn't want to frighten the Corporal, or even give him a chance to think of him as the monster that he truly was. His stomach flipped, almost like he was going to be sick again, but the nausea didn't come when he thought about the slimy tissue running down his throat. Nor did it become present when he remembered the burn of the sinew trailing down his throat. "... because I was hungry." His voice fell in a whisper, all of his human-like thoughts falling to the side as the Titan wrapped it's fingers around his brain, pulling him back into its clutches. His flesh looks soft, do you think it peals away as easily as the skin on a peach? The voice wrapped itself around his brain, plummeting his vision into darkness. His head swam, hunger flinging through his body with such force he blacked out.

There was a falling sensation. It wrapped its warm arms around him bringing him to the earth.

The titan didn't feel when his arms fell from Levi's hips, nor when his body began to slide off the horse.

His mind had registered the collision with the ground, but kept his sight from crawling back. He tumbled over sharp rocks, kicking up clumps of dirt and grass as his limp body slammed into the ground. His forehead grazed over a large boulder, slicing deep into his skin, opening a fresh wound.
He knew his arm was bent in an awkward position, especially while he was upon a moving steed. though, for the sake calming the other's nerves, he would attempt to keep the angle for long as it was needed. Due to the sudden movement of Onyx being directed away from a large tree, his hand jerked out of the other's locks. Levi swapped the previous angle for a more suitable one, gently stroking the other's hair with his fingertips. Titans seem to be quite a distance away and the Wall seems to be getting closer. Levi noted, somewhat glad at his surroundings after he scouted them. He rubbed a lock of the other's hazel hair, lightly pressing into it with his thumb and index finger. Not as greasy as I though. He concluded, somewhat surprised yet pleased with the result. As if responding to the titan-shifter's word, his paused the action of his hand, only to bring it back to the front a couple of seconds later.

Even though the contact of him and the other seemed to slowly slip, he could tell that the other had stopped shaking. "Go on..." Levi encouraged, his tone calm and seemingly patient. While he was awaiting an answer, his mind randomly travelled back to the time before his titan slaughtering career. I never would have thought I'd end up hunting down a blonde b**** with a brat, who could turn titan. He snorted with amusement at his own thoughts. He knew if he had informed his past self of all the s*** he would experience in his later years, his past self would probably never believe him. That wouldn't matter though. It was going to happen and nothing could change it. If he did travel back in time, which Levi finds impossible, and does something to prevent this from happening, it wouldn't be better or worse. Once in a lifetime experience. He added, huffing once more at his own humour.

The dull smirk that threatened to slip onto his face due to his dark jokes, vanished from existence as the other spoke. Hungry? Was it because he didn't eat the damned hare I caught or hungry for the death of titans? Levi pondered, unaware of what was currently happening to the younger soldier behind him.

The elite noticed when the limbs detached from his figure, though simply assumed that the male was going to wrap them around him in a minute. The warmth of the male's body seemed to fade away, which caused Levi to scour the area ahead for no obstacles before turning his head around to check on the other. "Er-Eren!" He began with a curious tone, only to end with a shocked and concerned yell. He pulled back the reins, not too forcefully though, just enough to cause the horse to halt to a stop. The male turned the animal around, despite the creature's confusion of why the other was upon the earth. Levi tapped Onyx's side quickly, allowing the horse to head towards the injured male in a swift canter. The corporal leapt off of the dark stallion, rushing towards Eren before he knelt by the male's side. "Eren?! Can you hear me? What happened?" He questioned, carefully turning the light body around and onto his lap. The dark haired elite noticed the gash along the other's head, placing his hands against the other's chest, searching for his heartbeat. "Eren?" Levi repeated, sighing out in relief as he felt the thumping of the organ.

He reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a large white cloth. He folded the fabric into a long rectangle, before tying it securely around the younger's forehead to prevent the wound from being infected.
Darkness swirled around Eren, his arms reaching out in front of him. His fingers brushed against damp cloth, a familiar sweet scent dimming into his face. He placed his hands on both sides of a small face, the shape of cheeks he'd grown to comfort. He blinked rapidly, his surroundings finally coming into view. He could make out the small soft lips, dull get eyes... get eyes frozen in fear. "Eren?! Can you hear me? What happened?" Eren opened his mouth to speak, trying to say that he was okay, everything was fine.

The words boiled away under his tongue.



Eyes fluttered open, but refused to see. Something pressed against his chest, making him suck in a sharp breath. He was trying to scream, trying to warn the man to get away as quick as possible. But the titan inside wrapped fingers around his vocal cords, allowing only a staggered moan to escape from between his teeth. He's so close now, just let is happen. This is what you want, right? To feel his blood run down your neck?

No! Stop!

Eren's hand shot out, grasping tightly around Levi's neck. The sickening smile was plastered on his face, eyelids droopping. He could smell the blood rushing through the man's jugular, feel it move through his veins. His jaw opened wide...
He turned his attention away from the make-shift bandage, to the pools of emerald green that suddenly revealed themselves. An air of uneasiness seemed to float around them, as he noticed the other's eyes seemed different. Levi didn't know what the difference was, but it was just...different. "Eren? How do you feel?" He asked, his hands upon his lap as he awaited an answer. Eyes filled with confusion as the almost strangle sound emitted from the titan-shifter's lips. The elite parted his lips to question the younger male once more, before his cloudy grey eyes widened.

Expression full of shock and surprise, he accidentally let out a hushed breathe. This isn't Eren. He concluded after a single moment, attempting to force the other's grasp off of him with his left hand. No, it is. But what he mentioned before. It must be what he meant by his blood lust. Levi corrected, his right hand moving quickly to grab his blade. Instead of inserting the weapon directly into the other's heart, which was what his mind currently screamed at him to do, he sliced through the other's elbow, disconnecting the forearm from it's owner. Levi jerked the limb off of him, rising his feet in a heartbeat, returning his weapon to it's holder. I won't kill you, Eren. You just need some discipline. That's all.

He raised his right boot, before crushing it into the brown haired male's face. The dark haired male reached down and grabbed a fistful of hazel locks, forcing the other's head up a little. Levi swung his leg around, and as his knee was a millisecond from colliding with Eren's head, he forced the younger soldier's face down. The joint in his leg smashed into the other's lower face, knocking out a tooth, as well as probably cracking the male's jaw. He released the other's head, lifting up his right leg and slamming it onto the top of Eren's head, swiftly pushing his face into the tough earth with force. Levi brought his leg back, before it came into the titan-shifter's side at a truly fast speed.
A sharp pain ripped into Eren's arm, dislocating him from the deep trance he'd been held in. The titan screamed, unraveling his fingers from the boy's mind, releasing him.

A yell fell from Eren's lips, a strange low gritty voice echoing his cries, fading into his normal tone.

Something in his eyes cleared, the normal glint of humanity rushing back. His vision returned in time to see a boot come crashing into his face. The rubber collided with his nose, a loud snap vibrating up his temple. Pain exploded behind his eyes, making a normal human yelp escape his split lips. His lids shut tightly, fingers wrapping themselves around his locks, tugging him up onto his knees. His teeth gritted as he groaned, one hand reaching up to pry Levi's hands from his hair. He felt the man pulled his face forward, something hard slamming into the side of his head, knocking a tooth loose into his mouth, molars slamming down on the soft pink flesh inside his cheek. Overwhelmed with the taste of copper, he felt his jaw crack, unhinging itself with a clean break. He screamed loudly, his brows brought themselves together as agony consumed his body. He felt relief wash over him once the Corporal released him, but his false sense of hope shattered when the same boot collided with the back of his head. His teeth scraped against the ground. Blood, dirt, and vegetation filled his maw dragging up large clumps of earth. Just when he thought it was over, something hard rammed into his ribs, another jolt of crushing bones making sickness rise in his throat.

He lay there, boddy shaking. What had he done? Was Levi okay? Did he say something wrong? Why were they not on the horse?

Everything came rushing back to him, he'd fallen off the steed. But everything after that was a jumble of nothing. He lifted his chin, spitting the contents of his mouth onto the ground. A moan of anguish fell from his tongue, a tooth falling along with it. He looked up, scarlet dousing his pale face. "L-Levi..." he looked at his missing limb, green eyes wide with fear. "W-what... did I...".

His arm quaked as he used his remaining strength to push himself off the ground with one hand, failing miserably. His forehead landed in the pool of crimson liquid, embarrassment sinking in. He didn't care about his own form, he was worried about what happened when he blacked out. "Are you okay Corporal?" He asked, his cheek now laying against the mush that had been under the roof of his mouth just moments before.
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He considered flipping the other onto his back with a kick for a moment, though held the thought aside as he noticed that the male wasn't leaping back up at him. He blinked at the lack of movement from the other, though noticed the trembling of his form, as if reassuring himself he didn't accidentally beat the younger soldier to death. Is he just faking it or is he genuinely back to normal? Levi wondered, cocking his hip to the side as he continued to stare at the boy. The dark haired horse had witnessed the entire thing, as it simply stood quietly a metre or so away from it's owner. Even it knew that it would definitely not want to be on the receiving side of the corporal's boot. The animal also did crank it's head around, ready to give a signal if any titan would approach them. It had witnessed the damage that the large monsters could do, and was truly grateful that his beloved owner hadn't been a victim to one of the creatures.

Levi blinked as the other moved his head, straightening up his posture a moment later, poised and ready to defend himself if necessary. He examined the other's movements, seeing if he could spot any sign of anger or that, strange smile that had appeared on Eren's face before. He slowly, but cautiously crouched down, gaze trailing across the other's face. Maybe I went a little far with that? Levi wondered, dismissing the idea seconds later as he came up with a suitable answer to his own question. There could have been many worse things than that.

He didn't respond as the other started a question, deciding to shuffle closer to the hazel haired male. He restrained himself from making a slight action of amusement at the other's failure, deciding that the other was probably not going to attempt and strangle him now. Levi reached over and rolled the other onto his back before lifting him up. The older male placed the titan-shifter onto his lap, waiting a couple of seconds before he spoke. "I'm fine, Eren." Levi eventually answered, searching his pockets for a clean handkerchief. He frowned heavily as he pulled out the only cloth that had been frantically shoved into his jacket pocket earlier on. The material was stained with smudges of mud and strands of grass stuck to the fabric. As it was his only choice, he let out a sigh. "I apologise but this is the cleanest handkerchief I have and that what I am about to do is absolutely disgusting." Levi almost warned the other, as he folded up the somewhat slightly dirty cotton. He cringed at his next actions, before turning his head away and spitting onto the item. He almost seemed to shiver in disgust as he brought his hand back to Eren's face. The older male began to wipe off the other's face, removing the blood and mud gently.
He heard the sound of shuffling footsteps, inching very slowly towards him. He didn't move, his mind reeling, trying to piece the last few moments together. Had he attacked Levi? Was he in some sort of hunger-induced state? Did he try and eat the male before him? He continued to stare at the ground, his green eyes fluttering as pain continued to pound in his wounded face. He felt a hand along his shoulder, flipping him over. He was staring into the canopy now, gaze flickering over the clouds that hung low in the aqua sky. He winced at the movement, but didn't protest when Levi lifted him onto his lap, head resting gently on top of the soldier's legs. He stared up at the perfectly unscathed face of his high-ranking officer, obvious that he'd somehow managed to fight off the human-titan before being injured. He shifted his vision over to the steaming stump that was slowly forming a long white bone, veins beginning to wrap themselves over the hot flesh. The soldier had managed to sever his arm, why did his joint get severed? "I'm fine, Eren." He moved his attention back to the Corporal, split lips parting in a small smile. He was glad to know he hadn't harmed the man he loved. "I'm glad I didn't hurt you." He said between short groans of pain. He hadn't noticed the stained cloth that the man fished from his pocket before he mentioned it. The boy didn't protest. When Levi spit into the handkerchief, looking disgusted, Eren only lifted his head slightly, so the male could clean his face better. The feeling of the wet spittle on his face didn't seem to bother the human-titan, allowing him to swipe up the mess he'd made of the stupid child.

"Thank you." He breathed, but winced when the fabric rubbed along his open wounds. The steam that billowed from his skin made it difficult for him to see Heichou, but he couldn't protest towards it, knowing it meant he'd be able to go on soon.

"What did I do?" He finally asked after many long moments of the man freshening Eren up. He felt guilt well in his chest, knowing he must have done something terrible in order to receive such a harsh spout of discipline. "Levi--" He lifted his good arm, cupping the man's cheek in his palm. "I didn't hurt you did I?"
He tried to wipe of the filth from the other's face as carefully as he could, making slower and calmer movements that he generally would. A comment failed to leave his lips as the younger male expressed his relief for not doing any harm to the elite. His fingers applied slightly more pressure onto the side of the other's lips, rubbing off the dirt that stuck to the skin. Levi was somewhat pleased that the other cooperated with his need to clean him up, as he wasn't required to hold the titan-shifter's head up himself. I would need to wash these handkerchiefs later. He noted, referring to the cloth he was currently using, as well as the fabric that wrapped securely around the other's forehead. He blinked at the other's words, turning his head to the side so his entire face wouldn't be hit with the scorching gas. Once Levi had decided that Eren was clean enough, as well as he could through the steam that floated up. He brought the piece of material up his face, frowning at the tainted cotton before pushing it into his pocket. Knowing that the gash along the male's forehead was probably steaming beneath the cloth, as well as probably rapidly intensifying the temperature of the other's flesh. He reached over and used his fingers to guide his hands around the younger soldier's head, untying the handkerchief to release the gas.

As he was in the procedure of folding up the blood-tainted fabric, his ears picked up on the titan-shifter's question. The male remained silent for a couple of seconds, as he noticed the movement through the steam. Something was placed against his soft flesh, as it only took a moment for Levi to realise that it was the other's hand. "You didn't hurt me, Eren. You won't see any marks once the steam clears away." The black haired male repeated, breathing out softly before answering the male's first question. I guess his blood-lust completely took over his mind...How does that even work? He questioned himself for a mere moment, before parting his pale lips. "You somehow fell off the horse, and I came back to get you. After a bit, you opened your eyes before reaching out and attempting to strangle me with your former hand." Levi stated, fingers gently threading themselves through Eren's locks.
Wounds beginning to fade into small pink scars, Eren almost gasped in shock. Had he really attempted to strangle the man? Would this thing inside him become too much for them both to handle? It was obvious that the burden he carried was weighing heavy on their shoulders, extreme exauhstion falling over the air between them. He dropped his hand from Levi's cheek, letting his fingers fall across his now tightly clenched eyes, trying hard to cover up the fear in his eyes. The last thing he wanted was this man's blood on his hands.

"Levi, I'm...so sorry." He said trying to keep the waver from reaching his voice.

Fingers curled around the hazel strands atop his head, making him grow weary. He didn't deserve this soft touch, nor did he deserve the gentle tone in the other's voice. He lifted his body, gently pushing the Corporal's hand away from his hair.

He stood, but not without difficulty, his knees buckling from the intense beating he'd received a few moments prior. He stared into the eyes of the steed he'd fallen from, then shifted his gaze to the sky. The sun was hanging low, giving them at least four hours until sundown. "I keep setting us back. We'll lose them if I continue to let this thing control me." As he said this, a flash of the titan s face formed behind his pupils, lip less jaws holding a perminant grin. "Annie is probably a day ahead of us."
A sigh would follow his words swiftly, knowing that his words were blunt. Lying wouldn't have helped anything. In fact, it would have simply worsened the situation. His mind spoke up once again, causing the dark haired male to shake his head briefly before remaining still. Grey eyes stared directly through the clouded air, focusing upon the hazel haired male's face. Levi noticed the warmth of the other disappeared from his face, which allowed him to glance around the area. His gaze searched for titans, though the only ones he spotted were idly strolling around in the distance. "Don't be." He simply responded, turning his attention back to the soldier who had been laying on his lap. He watched as the other rose to his feet, considering offering help if Eren would fall back down.

The dark animal pawed idly at the dirt it stood upon, gaze travelling over the splatters of blood along the ground. It has seen the same scarlet liquid spilled onto the earth several times before, and even it knew that the sight twisted something within it. Onyx met the titan-shifter's gaze, blinking several times before turning it's attention towards the rock that managed to create a cut in Eren's forehead.

Levi had risen to his feet a moment before the other began to talk, paying attention to what the soldier had to say. He made his way towards his stallion, taking hold of the leather strip and leading it towards the stone. "Then, let's go." He simply responded, not bothering to ask for the other's assistance in mounting his steed, as wanted the younger to heal. Levi released the material as he reached the side of the small boulder, climbing onto the object as Onyx waited patiently. As much as he hated to admit it, the elite did find it way easier to climb upon the animal on top of the item. Levi grabbed onto the reins once, placing a hand on the back of the creature's neck. The black haired male shifted his small form onto the animal, before taking a glance at the other male.
Eren slumped over to the large animal, waiting patiently for his high-ranked officer to heave himself onto the leather seat. He gripped onto the side of the saddle, pulling himself up behind the elder his hand loosely wrapping around the man's hips. He liked the feeling of the Corporal so close, but the lack of distance between them stirred something in his stomach. More gruesome images ran through his head, making him blink rapidly. He felt sickness rise in his throat, but pushed it back trying hard to brush aside his feeling of uneasiness. He wondered if his blood-lust was brought about by his lack of nourishment, or possibly the deep hate for the female titan he felt budding inside of him. He tried to keep his mind off the topic by gently nudging the animal with his heals, hoping to set course for Maria.

"This is why I asked you to go back to Wall Rose." He said simply, his face straying away from the male's form. The scent of Levi's flesh would make his mouth water again, and he didn't want another episode to interfere with their mission. He looked up at the sky, lifting one hand from Heichou's torso and using his fingers to measure the space between the sun's blaze and the wall beyond their vision. "We have at least four house until the sun sets." He guessed, letting the notion hang in the air for better analasis from the Corporal.
He turned his head back to the front, straightening out a couple strands of his treasured horse's mane. The long, thick strands of hair were naturally straight, a feature that the elite somewhat liked. Due to the sun's glow, the black seemed to shine, giving the stallion a glossy look to it's hair. Levi had to admit it, his trusty steed did in fact bear several similarities to himself. The faint touch of what seemed to be a hand upon his body seemed to bring his mind back to the present. His dull eyes stared at the palm out the corner of his eye, still finding it highly strange how he would specifically find the other's touch pleasant. You never told me what you did to me, brat. Levi reminded himself of the strange yet never-ending question. Breathing out lightly as he felt the animal he sat upon shift forward into a canter.

He scoffed at the other's statement, moving his hands a little to direct Onyx in the correct direction. "Tch." Levi uttered in his infamous sound, meaning he was somewhat amused as well as irritated in the slightest. The dark steed sped up to a gallop, taking a mere second to reach it's full speed. He made a slight noise of interest, something that would have sounded like a; "Hm". The elite was somewhat surprised that the other was capable of estimating the current time. "In that time, Onyx will probably reach a distance where it'll be possible to spot the details of the gate." Levi vaguely responded, leaning forward a little to assist the animal in becoming more stream-lined.
Nodding, the boy leaned forward with his high-ranking officer, assisting in the excelled speed of Onyx. He knew the Corporal well enough to understand why he'd brushed his comment to the side. Yet, somehow it still puzzled him how the soldier in front of him could somehow keep a level head with a monster practically breathing down his neck. "Do you think we can make it to Maria in time to stop Annie from scaling the wall?" He asked, spotting a twelve meter titan to their left. He gently placed his hands over the older man's helping him to steer the horse to the right in order to avoid an attack.
He didn't complain at the extra warmth along his back, almost enjoying the close proximity of the two. His pleased attitude failed to show in his expression, which was as cold and emotionless as ever as it stared at the path in-front. Stormy eyes failing to express anything, not even the look of boredom or irritation. The sound of heavy hooves colliding with the ground repeated droned into his mind, though was somewhat relaxing. "Hm? I think she'd be about halfway up before her eyes and fingers will be sliced." Levi responded, his tone as casual as if he was simply asking about the weather. The sound of footsteps caught his ears, causing the dark haired male to turn his head to the left, staring at the newly arrived creature. He felt palms overlap his own, assisting him as he directed his steed away from the titan. The elite soldier was grateful that the Survey Corps received specially bred horses, as an ordinary animal would have fled from the titan in pure fear, even if the giants wouldn't hurt them
((I'm tired of stalling... xD ))

They rode for what seemed like days, dodging potential fatal encounters. Some times they'd barely escaped by the skin of their teeth, bodies brushed lightly by the pads of large humanoids. The sun began to recede behind the wall along the horizon, the moon barely scraping along the light sky. An array of red, orange, and purple began to blanket the sky. Eren stared up at the colors, questioning the reason for the ever-changing heavens. Maybe Hange will know. A small lump developed in his throat at the sudden realization that she would have known the answer, if she were still with him.

His fingers had found they way along the Corporal's belly, clasping his fingers around his soft clothing when the painful thought rang through his mind. He could see the wall increasing in size as they grew closer, a large figure plastered along the bottom of the pale stone. His eyes widened. Annie.


Annie had grown anxious, the smell of titans cloudy in the dimming air. Many of the large creatures had began to pursue the two human-titans. Their jaws opened wide, ready to rip chunks of their flesh off, feeding on their steaming shells. The wall had became an obsession at this point, a goal in which she needed. A craving in her throbbing heart, the unexplained want for the truth. What were they? What was their purpose on this earth? Was this it? Was she created only to lead the son of Dr. Yeager back to his birthplace? Would she eventually help the rise of humanity?

No one knew.

And she hoped it was all worth it.

The silver eyes pinned on the cream-colored stone, her fingertips and toes hardening as she jumped with all her strength. Hands sunk deep into the rock, dust giving way in her strength. She began to scale, excitement racing through her veins as she continued.

Suddenly, the sound of hooves beating against the ground caught in her ears, ripping her joy into small shards. The Military.
( xD )

The sound of hooves clashing with the tough earth bore into his mind, though he somehow managed to remain alert during the painstakingly long journey. He could almost feel the grime slowly building up on his pale skin, though the feeling of wind constantly hitting his frame would feel somewhat fresh. The man's eyes were half-hooded with boredom, as he continued to stare at the path in-front. He knew his steed would have began to tire about an hour ago, due to the speed and distance, though he failed to spot a difference in pace even when the horse began to pant. It's legs had began to faintly ache with over-usage, though managed to remain it's top speed. Levi lightly patted it's head with affection, silently praising the horse for it's will power as a normal animal would have stopped.

The wall was definitely growing closer, which brought some sort of hope to the dark haired male. That b**** better have not already made it outside. He growled mentally, shifting his posture slightly to restrain his back from aching. His eyes travelled to his right side for a moment, taking a glance at the river that was suited a distance from them. The setting sun had reflected off the clear liquid, causing the river to almost shimmer. He would be lying if he said it wasn't stunning. I wonder if the ocean is like that, only much bigger and more impressive. Levi noted, turning his head back to the front.

His eyes fully opened, emotionless features changing into a burning hatred. Onyx seemed to almost recognise the titan who began to climb up the large wall, as it pushed itself to go even faster. His muscles tensed, staring at the blonde who had tore his close ones away from his live. Levi frowned heavily, after the initial shock and surprise faded away. Your end is near, Annie.


He had almost fallen asleep at some points of their journey, as he wasn't required to actually do much. He had shifted himself from the female's hand, onto her shoulder so Annie would have been able to grab onto the stone. Hand grasping onto the titan's flesh, he steadied himself as the large creature lifted itself off the ground. This is my chance. Reiner noted, his heartbeat almost quickening with excitement as he stared down at the grass. He brought his free hand up to his face, breathing in deeply as he attempted to calm the rapid thumping of his heart. Something out the corner of his eye caused him to freeze in his actions.

Eren?! Corporal?! Reiner shifted his entire body to get a better view of the two soldiers. They're alive? He blinked with disbelief, though was also somewhat happy. He noticed the black haired elite's eyes lock onto his figure, anger clear in the stormy greys. They'll be trying to kill me as well, though. He reminded himself, breathing out as he turned his attention back to the blonde. A frown tugged down his features as he remained silent for another couple of seconds. I'll bring you down, Annie. Reiner shoved his hand into his mouth, crunching down on the flesh. Blood spewed out from the wound, falling into Annie's blonde locks and her flesh. Heat coursed through his figure, body rapidly growing in size. A titan, protected by hard plates around it's body, sat upon the female's shoulder, for a mere moment.
Annie felt the rustle of the dozing human along her shoulder. Her silver gaze fell along his form, a hand brought quickly to his lips. Eyes widened, she rotated her shoulder quickly trying to shove the increasing weight from her body. Large arms wrapped around her body, causing her fingertips to break away from the rock. She grasped onto the armored-Titan's flesh, hardened nails finding their way under his heavy plates. She dug her fingers deep into his skin, her teeth sharpening with the crystal-like substance. Her jaw clenched down hard on the titan's disks, molars almost giving away to it's strength. Simultaneously their bodies collided with the ground, grass and dirt being dug up from under them. She slammed the heal of her foot into his shin, the impact splitting her skin and exposing her foot-bone. She craned her neck, vision falling on the formation of numerous horses galloping to their left, along with the pursuing characters straight behind them. She began to feel panic rise in her throat, knowing this could very-well be the end.


The sight of the armored-titan forming along the shoulder of Annie made the boy's heart flutter with anticipation. His green eyes widened, the hunger swelling along his tongue. His grip on the man's clothing tightened, every nerve in his body firing up. He had waited for this moment for what seemed like a decade. Images of the chaos the female-titan had unleashed made his skin crawl with anger. He thought of how delicious her skin would feel along his taste-buds. These thoughts buzzed in his mind, causing his eyes to droop once more. The sickening smile split his face in half, voice low and dripping with blood-lust. "I'll kill them all." He said, repeating the wish over and over in his head until the wrestling titans came into view. She let his fingers drop from the Corporal's waist, his hand reaching up to his lips, ready to let his monster free from its shackles.
A deafening roar erupted from the giant's plated maws, flames streaming out between the rows of teeth. The heat grazed over the back of the blonde's head, burning the light coloured locks. It's arms automatically locked around the female's form, effectively forcing her hands off of the wall. He let out a groan at the feeling of digits prying under the plates, it's left arm swinging under and colliding with the titan's stomach. It fell the air past him rapidly, the wind ruffling his pale blonde hair. Another gust of crimson fire escaped Reiner's mouth, the intense warmth colliding with Annie's eyeballs. His right hand moved, grasping onto the female titan's neck for a moment before their large forms crashed into the tough dirt. It didn't hurt as much as he would have expected it to, mainly due to the fact that his entire body was covered in armour-like skin. Another groan emitted from his lipless mouth, raising his other leg up and slamming the knee into the female titan's hip, hoping to somehow dislodge the hipbone. It's right hand reached up, grasping onto Annie's face tightly before constricting his hands, squeezing together the front of her head. Reiner's ears picked up on the sound of galloping creatures, more than one. They're here.


Grey eyes seemed to darken the longer his gaze focused on the blonde giant. Memories of the fellow soldiers she had so heartlessly slaughtered flashing before his eyes. Petra against the tree. Oluo laying upon the ground. Erd's lifeless face. Gunther's hanging corpse. Hange's twisted limbs. His left hand had removed itself from the leather material, instead, it gripped tightly to the handle of his blade, his knuckles whitening. Levi had ordered Onyx to remain at his top speed, the horse flawlessly leaping over stones and other obstacles as it travelled. He took notice of the tone of the titan-shifter's voice, taking a glance at the male out the corner of his eye. Gaze shot back to the front as they eventually grew close enough to actually see the two bodies fighting upon the ground. A low growl emitted from his pale lips, hair falling over his eyes as he began to draw his blade, the metal glistening in the sunset. If looks could kill, Levi was sure the two titans would already be corpses.

Over his rage, he failed to catch the sound of dozens of hooves travelling towards them from the left.
Heat melted the skin of the female-titan, loud screams billowing from between her pink lips. She began to rake her nails under the long hard slab of skin, bringing the plate up like a torn off toenail. A large palm crushed over her face, teeth sinking deep into his thumb as Reiner tried to crush her skull. She screamed once more, something hard slamming into her hip. A loud pop vibrated through her socket, leg dislodging from her form and falling limp. The Military was now upon them, swarming their large bodies, yet they seemed to pay no mind to the wrestling Titans.

While Reiner was fixated on the galloping mammals, Annie let out a rumbling roar, shaking the trees. She shifted her arms up, squeezing herself from his grip. Her lungs continues to omit the loud earsplitting sound. The rumble of nearby titans seemed to pick up, their meal calling to them. Annie fell against the wall, willing all of her attention to healing the limp limb at her side.


Eren's teeth barely grazed against the skin along his palm before green eyes fell on the swarm of horses making their way towards the two. His heart leaped in his throat, realization sinking in deep. They found us. Worried gripped his jugular and squeezed tightly. "Levi..." he placed a hand over the other's weapon, forcing him to lower his stance. "They're here." He croaked, fear obvious in his tone. His brain split in two. One half of him reeled back to the task at hand, how terribly he wanted to swallow the female-titan whole. The thought of her hot blood rolling off his tongue sent pleasant shivers down his spine. The other half was fixated on the fate of his Corporal. Would he be executed along with Eren? Would he be promoted? Or would they simply pull him down the ranks and keep him as prisoner.

With fear clinging to his mind the young man wrapped his arms around Heichou tightly, tears now beginning to form in his eyes. "We're dead."
Several groans and grunts escaped his lips as he felt a slab of the protective skin peel away from his form, steam rising from the wound moments later. He increased the pressured of his fingers, aiming to crush the blonde's skull. As he had the female's face tightly grasped in his hand, thoughts of what the titan had done travelled throughout his mind. She killed Bertolt. She crushed Armin. She slaughtered the 104th Training Squad. She murdered all of your friends. Reiner let out another burst of fire, as well as a satisfied roar at the sound of Annie's leg disconnecting from the rest of her body. The sight of several dark coloured creatures moving by his side caused his eyes to shift over. The animals seemed like miniature models instead of living creatures, something that fascinated his mind. It snapped his neck back to the titan who had been prying at it's flesh seconds ago, glowing eyes set firmly on the female's face. Reiner struggled against the female's movement, his fingers eventually losing grip on the blonde's face. The ear-splitting shriek had grown loud enough, which caused him to cover his ears with large palms. It climbed up onto it's feet, having watched Annie rest against the wall. The giant raised a foot, before slamming it down repeatedly on the other's leg, refusing to allow the limb to heal.


His stance had began to shift, preparing himself to leap off the moving horse in the next couple of seconds. The mention of his name seemed to cause him to pause his actions. As he parted his lips to ask what was the matter, his senses alerted once more and picked up on the recognizable sound of a large group galloping. Levi allowed his hand to push the blade back into it's holder, head turning to face the soldiers who were currently approaching the two. Eyes wide with shock, he stared blankly at the dozens of men and women upon horseback. They'll execute me as soon as possible. I didn't follow the protocol for a disaster such as the base being destroyed. Levi's eyes returned to their original size, turning his head back to the front to avoid colliding with anything. His horse had noticed the appearances of the fellow animals, somewhat confused why it wasn't in the formation.

Levi felt limbs wrap around his torso once again, as he racked his mind for solutions to escape the current situation. Almost like it was an instinct, his left arm reached back, his fingers threading into Eren's locks. He remained silent for a couple of moments, eyes shielded by black locks that overlapped his sense of sight. "They're not getting us that easily."
Another screach shot from Annie's maw, making the branches vibrate like they were a shaking human. Fear gripped at her when her leg gave way, but determination pulled her from the quick douse of emotion. The other titans were gaining on them, their footfalls enough to shake dust from the Wall the female-titan had pressed her back against. She couldn't let this go to waste, she had to get to Shinganshina.

Her fingertips hardened, ignoring the steam that billowed from her rapidly healing hip. She leaped with one leg, grasping onto the cream stone with all her strength. Annie began to scale the wall again, her muscles bulging as she acted quickly.


The titan shift er tightened his grasp over Heichou his mouth at the male's ear. "Levi we can't resist arrest, it will just go against us in a trial." He breathed, half pleading. His green eyes were still fixed on the fellow soldiers in front of them, hoping their anger didn't burn as bright as his fear was. He though about the man held in his arms, the punishments endless. An image of the Corporal's lifeless eyes dimming in the back of his head as an axe sliced deep into his neck flashed before his eyes, fingers grasping tightly to the green cape. Another scene played before him, where the dark-haired man sat on his knees, hands tied behind his back. A long rope slid hard against the male's spine, a whip cracking along the man's skin. Blood would seep from the split flesh, pain swollen in dark pleading eyes. He couldn't let this happen, they had to give themselves up.
A hand shot up to his head once again, shielding one of his ears as he continued to stamp on the steaming limb. The screams that the female were somewhat less sharp than what he would has heard if he was still human, though due to the close distance between the two did intensify the volume. Reiner turned his head around, taking a quick scan of the titans that were all heading towards them. He wondered if he should run, to avoid being devoured by the creatures. But if he did that, this entire journey would have been a waste of time. He intended to bring Annie down when she least expected it, both literally and mentally. The pale blonde snapped his head back, seeing that the female had managed to get back onto the stone wall with a leg missing. He let out a blast of fire, the heat barely burning Annie's feet as she advanced up the stone. Reiner growled, leaping up to grasp onto the female's leg though missed by a metre or so. He considered the option of breaching the wall one more time to weakened the structure that the blonde climbed up rapidly. I can't damage the wall. They'll kill me either way. Reiner simply resorted to leaping up at the blonde, attempting to even faintly burn her skin with the flames that erupted from his mouth. She's going to escape... He concluded, disappointment heavy in his heart. If he still had his gear, he could have sliced her fingers off in a couple of moments. He had almost began to mentally apologise to his friends, though remembered his words from earlier on. "Apologizing won't bring anyone back." Reiner turned back round, noticing that the waves of titans had gained quite a lot of distance. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't scale the wall like Annie could. He couldn't simply break the structure. He couldn't use his gear to advance up the wall. He couldn't do anything any more.


His boot tapped the side of his steed, causing the animal to slow down to a canter before a trot as several of soldiers began to surround them. His features were dark, an emotionless expression upon his face as the men advanced towards them. He's right. I can't resort back to my old ways. Levi reminded himself, before furrowing his eyebrows in thought as he repeated a well-known quote in his mind. "Only the strongest are allowed to live. The world is cruel like that." He had scrunched up his hands so tightly, his knuckles were pure white as his horse came to a total halt. A tight circle was formed around Onyx, preventing any escape or it was supposed to. Levi shot a young soldier a deathly glare, causing the man to flinch, sweat gathering on his brow in nervousness. His horse also seemed to back up, at the intimidating height and muscled frame of Onyx. Two of the men who surrounded them, clutched handcuffs in their gloves hands. They all seemed determined and confident, though with a little bit of effort and a glare, Levi could easily scare the living daylights of any of the soldiers.
Heat licked the bottom of her feet, making the silver-eyed titan wince slightly. She didn't let it slow her down though, just continued on. She closed her eyes tightly, keeping her mind on the prize. Freedom, Shinganshina, Basement...Freedom. repeating this in her head like a prayer, until she reached the very top. A scream of triumph escaped her lips and she leaped.



Eren paid no mind to the soldiers around them, large green eyes pinned on Annie as she reached the top of Maria. "No..." he breathed, anger welling under his tongue. The advice he'd just slid to Levi completely cleared from his thick skull. He dropped his hands from Levi's torso, leaping off the side of the horse. He moved forward trying to press through the crowd of surrounding cadets. Something stronger then blood-lust tugged him towards the fifteen meter female. It gripped at his insides. Almost making him sick. Fingers pulled at his clothing, grasping his hair and hooking under his arms. He struggled against the sea of bodies, gaze still pinned on the titans. "No! She's escaping!" Blows by various fists fell along every inch of his body, but he still pressed on. Something more then pure determination driving him. He cried, hands pointed towards the woman as she leaped from the side of the cream stone. His brows pulled together, a frenzy of rage escaping from every pore. "She's going to reach the Shinganshina District! Stop her!" He ripped his gaze from the wall, angryfire eyes shooting to the faces of his accusers. "What are you doing?!" He bared his teeth, yelling and scratching as they tried desperately to contain him. "Let me go! I have to--" something hard and sharp slammed against his side. Blood fell from his lips, his eyes falling along a redheaded one-armed male. Tegan stared down at him with dark eyes, a large sling of fabric tied over his forehead. Eren's eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets, brain reeling back to the first experiment with Levi and Hange. He'd almost eaten this man, if that wasn't bad enough... they left him for dead. Yeager felt the blade fall from his fresh wound, scarlet liquid spilling onto the grass as a boot collided with his back. His face slammed against the ground, lids shut up tightly as his arms were tugged behind him. Large rusting shackles clamped down tightly on his wrist. He was under arrest. They would place him on trial, only this time Levi wouldn't be there to save his skin. What about Heichou? He could be killed as well. The sickness stirred in his stomach. Levi needed to live on, he was the only valuable soul still breathing. They couldn't. He looked up at the dark-haired male perched on the horse, emerald hues pleading. "L-Levi..." a boot slid into his cranium, making his vision go black.
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Large digits pressed firmly against the sturdy bricks, head angled directly up as he stared at the figure that scaled the structure hastily. As the blonde's hand pressed against the top of the wall, he sword his heart literally stopped for a moment. Guilt burning into his soul harshly as he knew he had failed to stop the female in time. Your deaths were all in vain. Reiner concluded, scrunching his hands into fists as the female clambered up onto the top, ready to jump. He completely ignored his previous statement to Eren, his hopes shattering into a million shards as Annie plunged from the wall, earning her long-awaited freedom. I'm sorry everybody.

He could feel the rumble of the titans, still rushing to the spot he stood in. His head had dropped, eyes set on the tough earth he stood upon. Reiner slowly turned his head back up, shifting his gaze around him. He glanced at Yeager, watching for a mere moment before his heart crumbled. The titan's glowing eyes set onto his Corporal, almost sending an apology to the dark haired man. The pale blonde shifted around for a moment, before taking off in a sprint to his right. Reiner kicked the smaller titans that got in his path, into the air, frantically running away from...He didn't know why he was escaping. He just knew he needed to get some peace and quiet. Reiner's footsteps shook the ground, as the armoured titan fled from the scene, some giants would run after him.


A couple of seconds would past and the dark haired man directed his gaze towards the top of the wall. Eyes widened with shock, horror, rage, and disbelief as the large figure stood upon the top of the bricks. The next couple of moments seem to past in slow motion. The blonde leapt of the wall, moving slowly as if her movements were delayed. Levi couldn't believe what he was witnessing, eyes refusing to return to their original size as he stared at the slowly disappearing blonde hair. The lost of contact from the hazel haired male didn't seem to faze him, expression failing to falter at all as he remained still. Annie. She...She's escaped. Soldiers chased after Eren as he advanced towards the tall structure, though some remained around Levi. Despite everything we did...She escaped. He continued to repeat the last two words in his mind, almost thinking that it was just some strange dream. Not even the shouts of the titan-shifter could bring his mind out the state it currently was in. His face no longer showed his surprise, though only made him look gloomy, as usual. A couple of men began to approach him, reaching for his arms to bring them back so they could lock his wrists in place. One of the two placed his hand on the black haired male's forearm, only to be whacked in the face moments later by his fist. The soldier stumbled back for a moment, as his partner seemed to stare at him in amusement.

The sound of something colliding with the ground caused Levi to snap his head in the direction of the sound, as well as punching both of the soldiers in the face, who were attempting to lightly handcuff him. "Oi! What the f***do you think you're doing, you piece of s***?" His low voice growled out, clearing displeased at the fact that a blade was inserted into his subordinate's side. The dark haired man brought his leg up to allow him to leap of the animal, only to have several hands grasp onto each of his arms. Levi let out another dark growl, flexing his arms away from behind, which caused the men to push harder. He groaned, managing to hold his ground as he refused to allow his arms to be pressed against his back. Several more soldiers grasped onto his arms, eventually forcing his limbs to his back. Levi grunted with annoyance, leaning his form forward as they locked the steel around his small wrists. The metal clung to his flesh tightly, which almost insured a bruise or mark once they eventually were removed.

At the sound of his name, he turned his gaze towards the younger male, a flame of hatred burning up in him as he examined Eren's condition. He glared at the men that stood around him, frowning heavily as well. A brown haired man made his way over to the titan-shifter, lifting up the other's body smoothly. Levi watched carefully, as well as the blonde male who was slowly approaching him upon a horse. The burly man climbed onto his horse, one that was a couple of inches shorter than Onyx. He placed Eren's body in-front of him, before issuing some instructions to the men who stood on the ground. The golden haired male who trotted to his side, grabbed the leather reins of Levi's black steed, tying them around the base of his own reins. The blonde's horse stared at the leather material that was tied around on the straps around it's snout. The dark stallion turned it's head to face it's beloved owner, only to be jerked back forward as the blonde signalled his animal to move forward. Levi scowled at every single person that surrounded him, as well as the other soldiers.

The formation would now head back to Sina, now that they've captured the people they were sent out for.
A crowd of humans spread out before green eyes. Eren's hands were pinned behind his back, a large metallic rod slid onto the chains that bound his wrists together. He was back in the courtroom, only instead of a fair trial by his peers he was forced to be evaluated by the majority of Wall Sina's population. The sea of bodies held before him made his insides churn, realization sinking it's teeth into his windpipe. He tried to recognize someone, anyone, but whenever he would fix his gaze on a face... there would be nothing there. No eyes, lips, noses... nothing.

His heart sank. He'd killed so many families, ripped so many lives away.

A man with a large black cloak, the hood pulled over his eyes, produced a very long and thin scroll from his cape. Black-gloved hands shook as he opened it slowly. Names began to spill from the stranger's small pale lips, a familiar voice ringing in Yeager's mind.

"Erwin Smith

Jean Kirstein

Connie Springer

Sasha Burausu..."

Eyes widened, reality spiraling around in his mind. These were the fallen soldiers, who's lives were held in his own hands. His responcability, his failure.

"Krista Lenz

Mina Carolina

Zoe Hange

Mikasa Ackerman

Armin Arlet"

"Stop, please!" He cried falling forward, his forehead resting on the cold stone. Tears fell from his cheeks, splashing onto the ground. His body heaved, sobs ripping through him. "Stop..."

"Eren Yeager can only be described by one word." The man said, lowering the parchment from his face. "A Monster." Grey eyes stared down at him, Levi Heichou pointing an accusing finger towards his limp body. "I hope you burn in hell for what you've done."

A blow to the stomach is what shook the human-titan from his spiraling dream. Blood flung from his mouth. He pried his eyes open, lids crusted together by dried blood and stale tears. His gaze fell along the face of a soldier, his stone cold pupils slicing through his face. He felt hands around his throat, lifting him from a steaming horse. The sky was blacked out, stars seizing to peek behind the heavy clouds. He struggled to breath for a long moment, the world tipping. He felt his body fly, disorientation still thick in his skull. The back of his head slammed against a metal frame, vibrating up his body. The grinding of rusted hinges brought his attention to a barred door, a cage ramming shut. He moved forward, the top of his cranium hitting the low ceiling. The cramped space made him wish for his old cell back, because at least he had space to breath. Eren tried to spread his legs, to keep them from cramping up. He hadn't realized how tiny his prison was until his feet pressed against the thick rods, knees at his chest. He felt himself give way too the overwhelming sense of hopelessness, his hand reaching out through the bars as if there was something over the horizon.

Within the blink of an eye, silver flashed,pain exploding in his wrist. The boy let out a marrow churning cry, wide eyes shooting to the severed palm falling to the ground in front of his cage. Blood splashed across his face, a red haired male peering through the bars. Tegan sneered at the titan, pure hate shining in his now dead eyes. "Put another limb outside of those bars, I fucking dare you!" He snapped, swelling up spit under his tongue and projecting it into Eren's face.

The male winced, warm spittle dripping down his cheek, he wiped the back of his other hand over his skin, cleaning his own flesh. He shrank back, his spine splitting into the cold metal. He searched around frantically. Where was Levi? Was he dead already? Did they kill him? He hoped with all his being that Heichou was in better conditions then himself. The smell of animal urine swirling around his head, making him feel ill. "Where's Levi?" He asked, fighting back fearful tears. "Levi!? Levi??" He called out frantically, only to receive another shot of pain to his leg, a thin blade shoving into his knee, and grinding into bone. Tegan twisted the sword, making the marrow split. Screams of agony shot through Yeager's teeth, vibrating his ribs.

"Shut up!" The one armed cadet screamed.

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