Unatural [Rp]

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Just Eria

One Thousand Club
You awake up in a test tube, floating in a weird substances. You don't know where or when you got here. There is some type of tube coming from your belly button. You look around to see more and more test tubes, but there only ten other people that look like you. You try your best to bust out, but the glass is to strong. Then that's when scientist come in to view, but they stop at the others and look at them strangely. You get the feel of anger inside of you and your body sets to flames causing the tube to burst. The scientist take cover quick and the heat is so intense that all the other tubes to shatter. The bodies of the others slowly float to your feet. The awake slowly while the scientists run off.Now the ten of you live your lives fighting for whats needed.

Name: Yuki(yuki)


Powers: can do every element (fire,water,air,and earth)

Likes: likes to seduce boys and fighting also likes Aru

Dislikes: people who act all tough

Family:mom and dad(doesnt know) Night(brother) Ryoku(twin sister) Izwa(little sister)



Powers: reading minds and transforming

Likes:to read and also likes Kazo

Dislikes: tough people and being yuki's twin sister

Family: same as yuki

Name: Izwa(HeartBrokenIceQueen:)


Powers:invisabilty and transforming

Likes: nature and likes Shingou

Dislikes:mean people

Family: knows dad(scientist)Ryoku(sister) Night(brother)



Powers: can transform into a cat

Likes: cats and nature ,also likes Ero

Dislikes:dogs and tough guys

Family: shingou( brother)

Name: Haru ( PoisonousKandy)


Powers: skretching

Likes: not talking and also like Night

Dislikes: talking and tubes

Family: Aru(brother)Ero(brother)



Powers: Dark Magic

Likes: stealing and likes Yuki

Dislikes: Tubes and people hurting

Family: Haru(sister) and Ero(brother)

Name: Ero (runeofflame)


Powers: plasma manipulation

Likes: seducing girls and flirting

Dislikes:ungly girls and fat girls, also likes miyoku

Family: Haru(sister) and Aru( brother)



Powers:making people do what he wants them to with his eyes

Likes:flirting and likes Izwa

Dislikes: Ryoku thinks she is creepy


Name: Kaze (kaze)


Powers: Has angel wings and is also ninja like

Likes: None

Dislikes: love and people oh and scientist

Family: No one

Name:Night (yuki temporalily)


Powers: can do every elment also transform

Likes: transforming into a dog and likes Haru(also is a huge flirt)

Dislikes: cats and miyoku

Family: Yuki,Ryoku,Izwa(sisters)

Guys if you wanna be either of these characters that have no one beside them send me a message. :D  
Yuki stared at the bodies a the floated to her feet.They slowly awoke one by one.
Kaze looks around at what he just woke up from. He grabs hold of his head as a memory sometime in the past either while he was in the test tube or before, he can't quite make out. All he clearly sees is a woman, dressed in the normal white jacket with auburn hair that looked like it was really silk. He groaned as he stumbled toward the stairs. 'Someone... must know something... i'll find out and get some clothes other than this big fig leaf.' His Wings slowly fade from white to red as he walks up the stairs.
Haru:Haru slowly got up sitting up on the floor. She looked around with a glazed look in her eyes,"where am I?"she mumbled rubbing her head. She gazed around and saw other bodies what was going on? She couldn't remember. Haru saw a blanket and took the chance to put it around her body.(wait a second.... Are they all naked? 030)
Miyoku: Miyoku woke as she was laying on the cold, tile floor "What the heck" she mummbled to herself, then she noticed the current situation, everyone had no clothes on she walked to a hanger that was on the wall and grabbed a scientist jacket and put it on she then scratched her head looking around
Eros:*glances around momentarily, observing the broken glass and the mostly nude others, assuming the most likely possibilities and choosing something snide to say*whew, must've been one crazy night
yuki:Yuki notice she was standing up naked quickly made her body set to flames burning night.Yuki then winked at ero! ^.^

night: he awoke and looked up to see a naked girl standing above.He then smelled smoke to notice his hand on fire."ahhhhh" he screeched. He quickly stuck his hand near the fire extinguisher to make them go off. The water went everywhere causing yuki's fire to stop she quickly grabbed a scientist coat and stood beside yuki. Night noticed he was naked and winked at Haru. " Hello beautiful..." he said in a sexy confident way. Then finally he decide to cover his self.
Eros:*is momentarily sprayed with the water, screams and suddenly a singular flash goes off, incinerating the tile below him a full two inches down , thankfully he was not nearby to the others or it would have most definitly killed them*god, what did I just do?!*looks around at the burnt tile, observing no fire could be generated so hot*
Water fell on Miyokus dark hair touching her ct ears, she hates water, she hisses as she grabs another coat to put over her head "Idiots" when she says this her left cat ear twitches she then scans the room looking for any ways to get out of here
Night: night carfully stared at miyoku because he new she was cat like. He barked and winked at her.
Eros:*glances at miyoku, immediately having some recollection of feeling something for her*hello there*he smiles, his white teeth showing*
Kaze stumbled outside and grabbed a hold on the first person he came across. Unfortunately it was a male but kaze didn't care, he was still stumbling, pissed and looked as if he were partly drunk. "Where the hell am I, What were we doing in that building?"

The Man looked at him blankly and said "What building, all i see is the ocean front."

Kaze gripped the man's wrist tightly and said in a low, almost non-human like voice "give me your clothes." The man nodded while in pain and quickly undressed, handed Kaze the clothes (As seen in picture-ish) and then bolted down a nearby alley to take leave of Kaze. Kaze walked back to the entrance of the building and looked at it. 'Why couldn't he see the building... Is this God's work?' He then looked at the doors and walked in, the group would apparently have to stick together enough to survive this place, where ever they go. Once he was inside the doors at least, he got dressed and then headed downstairs again.
Haru jolted using a lab coat to cover herself. She blushed at Night and moved away quietly,"please be quiet"she said softly. She looked around to take in her surroundings.
Eros:*looks at kaze, thinking wether he saw this one before in the group or if he was an outsider. His hand clenches to a fist at his side, briefly glowing inside with a bit of light then fading* who are you?
Kaze looked at Eros but said nothing but his wings took the color of rust. He then walked toward his original broken test tube and examined it. 'There has to be something here, there always is...' Kaze took a quick look at Yuki and his wings slowly started to turn back to white. He then looked back at the tube to finish examining it.
Mikyoku hisses at night "Weirdo" she says loudly not caring if anyone outside heard, Miyoku could sense that night was a dog "Great" she mummbles to herself "Im stuck with a mutt" then she noticed that a guy had said hello to her she turns towards the voice to see Ero she then waves at him and her cat tail begins to wag "finally someone who doesn't seem all that crazy" she says this in her mind but she has a smile on her face

(Do we all know each other?)
Eros:*keeps his eyes on kaze, on edge from recent events he looks down and steps out of the mostly destroyed solid tile, he scrapes his feet off and sighs muttering* this is surely one hell of a day. 
Eros:hmm....I wonder*he glances at his tube, seeing his name on it then looking at mikyoku*my names Eros, yours is?
Miyoku didn't know her name either but she saw thar Ero had looked at his tube to find his so Miyoku looked back at her tube to see her name she then turns back "My name is Miyoku" she then turns to look at the others "So.... are we gonna get the hell out of here anytime soon" she says this with a concerned tone
Haru covered her ears at all the noise. She walked over to her tube and saw all the glass and water,"where would we go?"she asked softly. She looked up at the ceiling then at the door way.
Eros:ok! Now were gonna have to get down to business, does anyone have any clue what happened?*he has a bit of a commanding look, to get his message across*
Kaze managed to find a button on the back of his that opened a small door on his tube. inside was a single piece of paper that was torn apart at one point and it said:

Project: Kaze

Species: Angel of the Lord

At this Kaze drew back his right hand and then punched a hole in the nearby wall. His wings were the color of a fiery red. He wanted to scream, he wanted to yell, and most of all he wanted to make those who did this to him to suffer the wrath of an angel. He grit'd his teeth as he said to Ero, "The name is Kaze..."
Eros:more information inside the things then, great work kaze! Every bit of information helps!*he does the same with his tube, pulling out the paper*

Project: Eros

Species: maker of the stars

Eros thinks:well I'll be damned
Aru: "Its simply" she says out loud that everyone looked at her with aura she had a dark blue hooded on to almost hiding her face "Don't you all see their trying to control us by placing us in those tanks for some reason.
Eros:I'm not sure, if they where trying to control us wouldn't they have made sure if we went uncontrolled we wouldn't be able to break out? Glass isn't the most stable thing*he crunches a piece under his shoe* Id assume we where changed here or made here, what is this place anyway? I can hear water running outside.
(Yui-chan not to be mean or cause problems or anything but Aru isn't a female and Yuki-chan didn't accept you Nya gomenasi desu but can you please talk to Yuki before continuing?)

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