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Unable to Save Changes (Hosted Project)


Connoisseur of Romance
Hey there!

I know there was a HTML change that might have mucked things up, but I've run into an issue I am not certain how to fix. In my hosted project I saw that on my RP description that the logo (which had been uploaded as an attachment) was now just a clickable link called "coollogo_com-10800391.png" rather than actually displaying the image. When you try to click that link, it takes you to a 404 Page Not Found: https://www.rpnation.com/uploads/monthly_2016_08/coollogo_com-108001931.png.3ff4c4ce72423feb72d2c6d175bdcd12.png

I decided that maybe with the HTML change it simply broke and I could remove it, reinsert it, and it would be fixed... but that isn't the case. I removed it, then reinserted it, and at first the image displayed correctly but on the bottom of my description the "coollogo_com-10800391.png" link was appearing as an object. I went back to Roleplay Management to edit it back out and now I'm encountering the following issue:

1.) The logo inserts in the editor and previews correctly; however, once I save and view it on the overview page (rather than in the editor) it is just a broken link. I can see the reason it's broken is because in the name it too many extensions. It's called "coollogo_com-108001931.png.3ff4c4ce72423feb72d2c6d175bdcd12.png" which obviously won't work. This broken png link/name appears each time I try to insert the image into the post and save.

2.) The "coollogo_com-10800391.png" at the bottom of the description is removed each time I try to save. I delete it every time, but after I save it's still there. I can't make it go away. I even tried removing the broken logo and it still won't delete out of the post.

I guess my question is... can we no longer insert uploaded images into posts? All my images linked from another site are displaying correctly, so this is the only one with this issue. And how can I get rid of the "coollogo_com-10800391.png" inserting itself at the bottom of the post?

Link to the hosted project in question: https://www.rpnation.com/rp/878-psydrium/


  • coollogo_com-108001931.png
    21.7 KB · Views: 0
A lot of people have been having issues uploading images to the site in general.  The staff are working on fixing things as best as they can. :3
Yeah, I understand that and wouldn't mind moving my logo on the description thing, but I can't get rid of the damn broken picture link that keeps reappearing on the bottom. =[ There shouldn't be a picture there at all, there never was, so I think perhaps this is an issue with saving the description itself? That's my best guess anyway. I can delete the logo (broken as it might be) out of the description, but not the little "coollogo_com-10800391.png"  that keeps appearing at the bottom. It appears my attempt to erase it are being overwritten in some manner when I click save.
The storage system for images is rebuilding it self and it shouldn't have to happen again for many years to come if ever.

I apologize for the hassle but it's mostly a waiting game.
Do you think that little "coollogo_com-10800391.png" will allow me to delete it properly once the storage system is rebuilt? Is it an error that is popping up perhaps due to the image system rebuilding? I saw the other thread about images breaking, which I understand, but I am confused why I keep getting this little broken thing at the bottom of my description that will show deleted in the editor, I save, and it's there again. I'm sort of at a loss of what is causing it and how I can fix it. I've tried everything I can think of but I am open to any suggestion anyone has!
Now the logo on the top is broken (I can live with this) but in a cruel twist of events, the "coollogo_com-10800391.png" at the bottom has transformed into the proper logo, but it still refuses to allow me to delete it. It is persistent, like the IRS.

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