Umbrage Asylum for the Insane

He can't wear 'em all the time. Also, it's not the speed of light, it's only the speed of sound. Also, just need a loud noise that can cancel out whatever noise he's making himself to travel on, such as his snapping finger. Make a noise loud enough to cut those soundwaves short of their travel, and he's a bit screwed.
if he is traveling at the speed of sound then we would be able to see him :? anyway so the power isnt him its the headphones?
No, he's the one with the power, it's just it requires an outside source to really channel his power. His just happens to be headphones. It's the same as a mage needing a staff or wand to use their magic.
but really strong ones dont require a catlyst :) anyway from a scientific standpoint it seems that nice moves at the speed of light not sound which doesnt make sence if he moves at the speed of sound
By the time you can see my fingers snap, you're already hearing the sound, right? That's how fast sound is. By the time you know he's snapping his fingers, he's already there. By speed of sound, I mean he travels in the sound waves, making him faster than just the visual speed of sound.
but to be unseen by human eyes you have to move faster then the speed of sound even if I cant here it. Moving at the speed of light would make you invisible because its faster then your eyes can pick up light.
Also, he's an experiment, so he's definitely not going to be able to go without some kind of catalyst because his powers aren't entirely complete, meaning trying to use 'em without a catalyst'd be suicide.

He travels in the soundwaves. Since the soundwaves can't really be seen... He's still there as a physical entity, just can't really be seen until he slows down to actually take an action, like kick somebody.
Well, he's not nearly as op as he actually seems. He's pretty easy to beat, especially when what he sees is a ton of colors that'll eventually kill his eyes for a bit. Pretty much he's really strong when shit begins, then over time loses the ability to properly use his powers until he takes a good break from usin' them.
Sorry guys I've been busy with some things and should have notified you before hand but Christmas made it hetiv and my mom was in surgery and there was work. Anyways yeah sorry. So what has been going on and what has been discussed or..
The only thing I can think of is that @UltraYuseke and I were discussing what would happen if Belphegor and Leon teamed up... But it's not really relevant (at least for now..) so you don't have to read it.

Anyways, welcome back (and best wishes for your mom)!
I'm so sorry my computer decided it explode (I tried over clocking it and something blew) so now I'm stuck on my iPad until I can pay to fix it
So like are we all slowly going to go inactive. dis gonna be sad. Hope everything is alright @Laney Lane hopefully we can get to start a rp successfully soon haha, best of wishes to everyone I try to check as much as I can but I am busy a lot though so it doesn't happen much.

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