Umbrage Asylum for the Insane

Not mind control, just control over sinful or evil emotions. Laziness, counts as one of the seven deadly sins for some reason, so I use it. Just a little bit of laziness would dull down the insane thinking by making him too lazy to think about everything there is.
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I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the last part of your post... But from what I assume you mean, I don't think that accentuating sloth would control mental instability, or possibly even the mind; its not necessarily what, or even the amount he thinks about, it's how. And being lazy won't control how his mind functions.

I'm not trying to prevent you from messing around with Leon if they are ever against each other (although I highly disapprove xD ), but I'm not sure how beneficial it would be if they were a team.
Flawless said:
being lazy won't control how his mind functions.
He'd still feel too lazy to think about much or do anything if given enough laziness by Belphegor. Everything comes from the brain. Emotions, feelings, actions, etc. Laziness is your brain just taking a huge rest from everything, even most thinking. It'd help with that psychotic murderous intent. It would affect how his mind functions. Of course, it'd also have the same effect on Belphegor in a way. Not to mention Belphegor can't fully control it, so it won't be like a full mental change, just enough to make him a lil' bit resistant to insanity, maybe get him to actually sit down or sleep for a lil' bit too.
I see your point, but then it comes back round in a complete circle again. What is the point of ramping up wrath if you are just going to subdue it with sloth? What's the point of lighting a fire if you're just going to throw water on it? And since he can control these things I assume he could just lower them as well...

And also, I don't believe that it will make him resistant to insanity. He is insane. It is how he naturally is. Him becoming resistant to insanity is like a cat becoming resistant to being a cat. That's the image I get, anyway. I could be wrong. While I am deeply interested in psychology, I am certainly not an expert.
I did state it'd only be a little, to subdue unnecessary thought that makes him the insane person he is, right? He'd still be with murderous intent, just be in a somewhat more normal state of mind for a person who isn't insane. Anyway, we can just figure out anything else later on if needed to be done.
His thoughts are the things defining his insanity, so unless you stopped his thought train altogether, I don't think it would subdue him in that way.

But I do agree with you; we don't really need to be discussing things like this when we don't even know if its even going to occur :3
I'll just say one last thing on the matter, and if you're not really wanting me to continue, feel free to tell me shut up as much as you want today.

Laziness is a mental state, therefore changes your thought pattern completely. Pretty much makes the primary focus of your thoughts become "don't do shit, just lay here."
I've just read through our past conversation and it's taken up an entire page and a bit...

We probably should both shut up now before Laney grabs a shotgun xD

My last thing to say is that if it affects Belph as well, then why would he use it just to tone down something that he might as well not accentuate in the first place (as it is, as I have previously said, already in overdrive)? And I still hold with my previous post, as I don't think it would be able to subdue his actual mental condition, but I do agree that it would be able to slow his thoughts like you said.

@Laney Lane, what do you think?
Still, slowing down the thoughts would be a big improvement for a guy with thoughts constantly racing through their head. Might make Leon grateful for actually being able to think. Besides, Belphegor's already lazy enough that he doesn't care if he becomes lazier.

Also, on the overdrive thing. If it's in overdrive, then it's definitely worth it. Just a little bit added to overdrive'd make him twice as murderous, makin' an amazing weapon.
Hellos! It seems everyone is active when I'm at school... o_O

But Ultra, making him 'twice as murderous' would almost certainly send him into an overflow.... And of course he can think! They're just... Not quite normal thoughts... >:3

And I still don't think that it would affect his thoughts apart from making them lazier. He is just simply insane.
Belph's or Leon's? And he can't control an overflow, so Belphegor would be in the firing range as well.. :/
Well, Belhp'd do it to Leon. He'd also make sure to be outta sight. After Nice is dead, he'd then either send such high sinful desires in Leon that Leon passes out from his brain nearly exploding, or lower them back to at least normal.

Belph'd be pretty murderous for a bit though, plus one massive headache.
You're so mean to Leon ;-;

But if they were working together, it would be far more efficient and easier if he just didn't tamper with his mind, really... And also, an overflow has actually quite small chances of straight out killing someone. It all depends on the circumstances, but it definitely isn't an auto-kill. Most likely it won't, unless they were in very close proximity. Then there's chance it will completely rip them to pieces, but otherwise, it isn't the best way to go about killing someone.


But, if one does happen, injury is very likely. The severity quite often depends on how close they are.
He is perfectly in control over his actions, just not in an overflow, where he has absolutely none at all. And that overflow, under natural circumstances, would be caused by inactivity or anger, but would most likely be immediately set off if wrath was accentuated too far. But a little I think would be fine...
Day 2 of finals are starting, i have a coffee in hand and extreme confidence that i can bs all of my subjects :D
sorry to bring the topic up again but @UltraYuseke you should really think about your debuffs, its almost like you dont have any I dont even understand what Belphegors is.
Belhpegor's debuffs? Ah, forgot to edit them in, but I've stated 'em before. Physical manipulation severely damages his body, while controlling sinful/evil emotions tears at his mind. Kinda makes using his powers usually cause more harm to him than anythin' else.

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