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Fantasy Umbrage Asylum for the Insane (Interest Check)


Name: Juliet Ross

Age: 17 (don't know whatrange we're going with?)


Power: (Give a weakness accordingly. Or if experiment say how their power is faulty) (No repeat power unless experiment meant to copy.): telepathy, (healing control too) her powers can't be used for long, only for a very short time, but when they are, they're in a powerful form. She has serious mental problems shortly after using the powers and also some physycal after healing with her telepathy (pale skin, getting dizzy...). After using them, she also starts coughing, sneezing, and more, usually very violently. The worst form would be that she starts choking.

Sub-Level?: (I will assign this)

Did they go crazy?: Nope. Strong mental will~

Quick Personality: (You can go more into detail as you roleplay) She's smart and a quick, strategic thinker, but doesn't do well in teams. She has a dark sence of humor and personality in general, and sarcasm is something she likes to use. She has a temper, but not really a hothead. She does well under pressure, but nearly completly fails in teamwork, not being used to it and having trust issues.

Looks Description: (You can add a pic if you want to help give us an idea. ) she stands at 5"6, with a slim, nicely shaped body. Her hair is curly and fiery red, somewhat un-natural looking (but it is her natural color). It reaches to about her waist. Her eyes are bright, bright green, and her skin has a nice middle tan, not white but not completly dark either.

(Yeah, a w.i.p. more to come~) Please reserve the powers over wind and metal/earth for my little people-
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Name: Alex "Thor" Woodguard

Age: 18

Role?: Patient

Power: Can summon lightening from the sky to do one of two things, firstly to use as a direct attack, but also to strike himself. Whenever he strikes himself he becomes overcharged with energy, becoming stronger and faster. Any hits he does land electrocute the opponent as well. However each lightening strike physically pains him. Furthermore when he gets "amped up" he ceases to think clearly and can get himself into a lot of dangerous situations. And of course he has to be outside to use his powers.


Did they go crazy?: The years spent alone and the drugs did do a number on Alex. He suffers from horrible nightmares and hears the occasional whispers in his head. Though he is sane enough to ignore them.... For now.

Quick Personality: Alex is a generous and good person. Despite his lack of a role model he has genuine morals and is willing to fight to up hold them. Though not a born leader he isn't afraid to speak out against authority and resist things which he considers evil. He is what some would call fool hardy and others would call brave, not afraid to take a big risk for a big reward.

Looks Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/imagesSM7C92B8.jpg.dca058e4d3eea433a0f6c56eb3e84bb7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/imagesSM7C92B8.jpg.dca058e4d3eea433a0f6c56eb3e84bb7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Stands at around 6' 1"

- Relatively muscular, though it is toned rather than defined

- Around 80 Kg



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16-21 is the age range


Lapis said:
Name: Juliet Ross

Age: 17 (don't know whatrange we're going with?)


Power: (Give a weakness accordingly. Or if experiment say how their power is faulty) (No repeat power unless experiment meant to copy.): Telekinesis, different sorts of telepathy, healing, water control. All of these powers can't be used for long, only for a very short time, but when they are, they're in a powerful form. The only one she can freely use is water (ice, steam... included). She has serious mental problems shortly after using the powers (but water), and also some physycal after healing (pqle skin, getting dizzy...). After using water, she starts coughing, sneezing, and more, usually very violently. The worst form would be that she starts choking.

Sub-Level?: (I will assign this)

Did they go crazy?: Nope. Strong mental will~

Quick Personality: (You can go more into detail as you roleplay) She's smart and a quick, strategic thinker, but doesn't do well in teams. She has a dark sence of humor and personality in general, and sarcasm is something she likes to use. She has a temper, but not really a hothead. She does well under pressure, but nearly completly fails in teamwork, not being used to it and having trust issues.

Looks Description: (You can add a pic if you want to help give us an idea. ) she stands at 5"6, with a slim, nicely shaped body. Her hair is curly and fiery red, somewhat un-natural looking (but it is her natural color). It reaches to about her waist. Her eyes are bright, bright green, and her skin has a nice middle tan, not white but not completly dark either.

(Yeah, a w.i.p. more to come~) Please reserve the powers over wind and metal/earth for my little people-
Okay. I will back you up on the reserve. But it has to be one power per person to be fair and so no one is over powered. Also so there is enough to go around. Just a note.


Allcure said:
Name: Alex "Thor" Woodguard
Age: 18

Role?: Patient

Power: Can summon lightening from the sky to do one of two things, firstly to use as a direct attack, but also to strike himself. Whenever he strikes himself he becomes overcharged with energy, becoming stronger and faster. Any hits he does land electrocute the opponent as well. However each lightening strike physically pains him. Furthermore when he gets "amped up" he ceases to think clearly and can get himself into a lot of dangerous situations. And of course he has to be outside to use his powers.


Did they go crazy?: The years spent alone and the drugs did do a number on Alex. He suffers from horrible nightmares and hears the occasional whispers in his head. Though he is sane enough to ignore them.... For now.

Quick Personality: Alex is a generous and good person. Despite his lack of a role model he has genuine morals and is willing to fight to up hold them. Though not a born leader he isn't afraid to speak out against authority and resist things which he considers evil. He is what some would call fool hardy and others would call brave, not afraid to take a big risk for a big reward.

Looks Description:

View attachment 89471

- Stands at around 6' 1"

- Relatively muscular, though it is toned rather than defined

- Around 80 Kg
Allcure said:
All seems good!! Accepted!
Ok, Then reserve others than healing qnd telepathy, since she uses a combo of both to work. (So basicaly mostly telepathy that can healxD)
Name: Rose Fallon

Age: 16

Role?: Patient

Power: Shape-shifting, to a certain extent. She can summon different attributes of certain animals at different levels, for example, if she chose a cat at a very weak level she would gain slightly increased senses and reflexes. At a very high level, she would potentially grow ears, gain cat eyes and a tail and all of those added senses would increase threefold along with a few other bonuses, although she would lack human speech and her mindset would be simpler and her understanding of what others say would become vague. And in major cases, she can start to lose control. She has a limited inventory of animals she can choose from (will make a list later :3). shifting is very physically and mentally taxing, and she can pass out after prolongued use. Also, initially, shifting is very painful but only for a brief moment. She can't go for too long for the fear of being unable to turn back.


Did they go crazy?: If she uses it for too long then she starts to lose control over it, and this leads to some mental problems although she is still generally sane.

Quick Personality: Rose is quite sweet and shy, and is also quite playful and catlike. She hates being trapped in what she feels like a cage and loves to be outdoors. She is also independent and doesn't like to be slowed down of burdened by anyone although of a friend is truly in need, she would sacrifice a lot for them, despite her self-preserving nature.

Looks Description: 5'2", small and althletic. She has shoulderlength, thick, fluffy black hair, pale skin and bright green eyes. Her ears are also pierced with small black hoops.

~Work in Progress~

Axel Vitalie Bermudez



Axel is able to shift, yet he is only able to shift into one form, Canis Lupus. Axel takes on the mutation of a wolf, yet his form isn't ordinary. This form takes on a height of 130 Cm (4'2) and weighs 90 Kg (198lbs) This mutation can often have a mind of its own. He finds it difficult to differentiate people, and can't control a more feral instinct that takes over. When he is in his form, his sense of smell, hearing, and eye sight is increased greatly. Yet staying in his form for to long can mentally drain him. If he stays in his form for to long, it can become fatal.

Sub-Level?: (I will assign this)

Axel has never truly lost his sanity. He can seem insane due to his dark glare that just feels like its seeing through your soul, and his very quiet personality. Yet Axel is quite down to earth, and is far from insane.

Axel is quite distant, he doesn't enjoy being surrounded by other people, or being pushed around. He hates those who find pleasure in harming others, and while he personally hates fighting, will protect the ones who need it, or those he loves.

Rose sounds cute.

Sorry about the in and out guys. I'm at work at the moment.

There are still spots. You can start brainstorming. I'm almost out of work so hopefully I'll be able to post the actual RP with the extra info.

Name: Crimson willows

Age: 17

Role?: patient

Power: Crimson is schizophrenia. He has two illusions that he sees. One is a little girl named Lily that tells him who he should and shouldn't trust and how to keep the balance. B an older teen who's also a psychopath and wishes to see everyone he doesn't like burn warns him about approaching events that can destroy or effect him badly. He also warns him about secrets others hold.

Sub-Level?: (I will assign this)

Did they go crazy?: He was already a little mad.

Quick Personality: A hyperactive kid he loves to have fun and has a large imagination. He's slightly naive but also sadistic. He is mischievous and curious often getting into trouble and looks like he is in his own head most of the time.

Looks Description: Crimson has a slim build and stands at 5'4. He has pale skin and is very androgynous. His crimson colored hair falls to his ankles and his grey eyes are wide framed by black eyelashes.
Oh! Sweet! So... A lot of people are putting their characters here. Do I do that too...?
You can. But I would prefer you hokd off till I put the RP up. O.o

Sorry. Haha I'm still wgtting used to this site, so its weird to me how characters can go here too. Annnywaysss. Join away. Rules will be up with the actual RP and all that. So please abide! Thank you people!


[QUOTE="Enchanted Dreams]

Axel Vitalie Bermudez



Axel is able to shift, yet he is only able to shift into one form, Canis Lupus. Axel takes on the mutation of a wolf, yet his form isn't ordinary. This form takes on a height of 130 Cm (4'2) and weighs 90 Kg (198lbs) This mutation can often have a mind of its own. He finds it difficult to differentiate people, and can't control a more feral instinct that takes over. When he is in his form, his sense of smell, hearing, and eye sight is increased greatly. Yet staying in his form for to long can mentally drain him. If he stays in his form for to long, it can become fatal.

Sub-Level?: (I will assign this)

Axel has never truly lost his sanity. He can seem insane due to his dark glare that just feels like its seeing through your soul, and his very quiet personality. Yet Axel is quite down to earth, and is far from insane.

Axel is quite distant, he doesn't enjoy being surrounded by other people, or being pushed around. He hates those who find pleasure in harming others, and while he personally hates fighting, will protect the ones who need it, or those he loves.


Axel is fierce and adorable! Accepted! Man he is going to HATE my boy haha.

I'm curious about Crimson so I'll allow it. Accepted!

So many patients so little experimenta. How sad it is. ;p not many survived testing I suppose.

Name: Aoi Arita

Age: 16

Role?: patient

Power: Electricity Manipulation

Sub-Level?: (I will assign this)

Did they go crazy?: Well, kinda. She used to be depressed, but now she's half way recovered. Aoi likes to constantly go into killing-sprees, but she's a kind person when you get to know her. She doesn't sleep, and the Asylum tries to get her to sleep. (It doesn't work) Her background is unknown, but it's a...Depressing one.

Looks Description:


(I'll be nice and include her personality)

Aoi is a cold and anti-social girl, and anyone she first meets she will ignore them or... Well, act cold to them. If you manage to befriend her, she will make sure to protect all who's close. Aoi will try to kill anyone who decides to fight her or her friends. She loves her electronics and she's from the future. (She doesn't know anyone's future, as she lives her own life) Aoi likes silent places, and likes listening to music. When depression come around, she becomes emotionless and a little bit rude. If she's in public, she will try to keep a smile on her face, yet people look at her weirdly because she says she has Manipulation abilities: Electricity. Aoi is VERY lazy and loves to eat. (Yet she gains no extra weight :P )

Build: Aoi is rather short, her height is around 161 cm. She is very slim for her age, but she has a good amount of strength. Aoi is the youngest in her family, until, well...Bad things happen. (They get killed :P )

Tell me if there needs to be any changes :) I'll try to change it if there are any problems.
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Name: Kieran Gates

Age: 17

Role?: Student



Did they go crazy?:

Quick Personality: Before people genuinely meet Kieran he's thought of as cynical, when in reality he's just guarded. He feels especially cautious around the unpredictable which explains why he becomes jumpy when in the asylum. Though he can be pretty bitter sometimes he often teases like a big brother, highly open hearted and cares deeply for his friends.

Looks Description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0f583744_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_large.jpg.1fccb15724083175915e0ae41de90060.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35894" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0f583744_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_large.jpg.1fccb15724083175915e0ae41de90060.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'8

Build: Lanky runners physique, with noticeable muscle in his legs and back

Weight: Fairly light, so 165 lbs



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And yeah, I joined the site a couple weeks ago. You'll like it :D Just stay away from he ones you feel skeptical about :P
You guys are new to?! Oh thank hell I was worried I'd make an ass out of my self ;-;
Twisted said:
You guys are new to?! Oh thank hell I was worried I'd make an ass out of my self ;-;
Nope! I know a fair amount of the people I've spoken to have joined within the last month.
Yeah, this is the third RP I've been in so far! I've been pretty active here lately, so... Yeah!

Gonna edit mine real quick, I hope no one minds...

There :) I'm done!

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