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UEEF Adventures - IC Thread

Psychie Psychie Eonivar Eonivar

Since the UEEF fleet has left Earth, you have been on the Foxhound, a Garfish-Class Troopship, traveling on your way to the home world of the Robotech Masters as a part of the 3rd Heavy Armored Assault Division for the past several months. Conditions are somewhat cramped on the tiny warship, but after this much time, you have learned how to make do with what space you have and not murder each other over the smallest of infractions. Spirits remain high despite the hard conditions of the trip as you draw closer to exiting out of fold space.

The Foxhound is a squadron leader of a group of three other Garfish, the Dagger, the Vorpal, and the Discovery. These four ships are currently diverging slightly away from the main UEEF fleet to investigate an outer colony world of the Robotech Masters on a nearby planet, hoping to get a feel for how they might receive you as you try to establish some good will between your two peoples.

Four pilots make up your particular squad: 2nd Lt. Nike (crack Alpha pilot), 2nd Lt. Renna 'Scorch' Taeger (Intel officer and Beta pilot), 3rd Lt. Barbara 'Babs' Olsen (another Alpha pilot), and 3rd Lt. Ruan (Zentraedi Communications and EWO Specialist and Beta pilot). The four of you ladies share a bunk room, and over the past several months you have gotten to know one another well.

At this point, you are a few days away from your emergence into normal space in the outer system of the Robotech Master colony world.
Amongst her squadron mates, the blue-green haired Nike (Nee-kay) is generally reserved and quiet. Nike, a Zentraedi woman who is a part of a new generation of Zentraedi who were brought out of the tanks in the Robotech Factory found after the war to bolster the ranks in preparation for the Expedition. Nike was trained with human and Zentraedi. She is a bit ill at ease with her squardron because of the much more experienced and older Zentraedi and is anxious to prove herself.

Particularly on this day which is her "birthday", but Nike is unsure of the human custom and is also a bit embarrassed to the fact that they are only five years old since they emerged from the Cloning Tanks at the Robotech Factory in 2017.

But that did not prevent her Personal Data Device to loudly play a song of Minmei singing "Happy Birthday!" to announce to everyone in the bunk room that morning

"GOOD MORNING 2ND LIEUTENANT NIKE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of the United Earth Expeditionary Force! Do not forget to pick up your free cake at the mess today! And to celebrate here is our very own Lynn Minmei to seranade to you on this special day!" The Happy Birthday song continued...much to Nike's displeasure.

Nike sat up in her lower bunk, her wavey, almost curly shoulder length blue green hair hanging down as its usual tie had come undone in her sleep, picked up her PDD and proceeded to try and get her PDD to stop. "No...no...nononono...stop playing...I do not want everyone to know...its embarrassing...STOP IT!!" She then looked up and realized that everyone else was awake and looking at her.

Her oval tan looking face with freckles, with smears of pastels on her face from her art project the day before turned bright pink

Nike held up the PDD (still playing) "It's broke..."
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Renna wakes up quickly thanks to many long months of time in both Basic Training and Flight School and tries to rub the sleep from her eyes and make sense of the conversation in front of her. Realization dawns on her and a wide grin crosses her face. Leaning over the top bunk to look at Nike upside down, she says, “It’s your birthday? Oh my gosh! It’s your BIRTHDAY! Why didn’t you tell us?” She flips over and lands mostly on her feet, spins around and says, “Do you know what this means? BIRTHDAY TICKLES!”
Ruan lets out a groan and throws her pillow at the back of Renna’s head. “Must you be so loud? I had third shift KP and I need sleep!” She pulls the blankets up over her head and tries to ignore the exuberance coming from Renna.

Barbara smiles at the exchange and says, “I’d be careful trying to tickle her. She might throat punch you!”
Nike looked back at her PDD and pressed a button to finally end the song and then glanced from one squad member to another truly perplexed.

"I don't get it...what does tickling have to do with my birthday? That does not make any sense. Isn't tickling for human kids? Do human adults truly tickle each other? Also, what sort of food is cake? What I am going to get here on the ship?"

Nike shook her head and stood up and stretched.
Babs gives Nike a chuckle. "I think she's messing with you, since you are new to human culture and all that. You see, she hasn't even started trying to tickle you. Besides, everyone knows that the human birthday tradition is spankings, one for every year old you are, not tickling." She does her best to hold her serious expression, but can't and breaks down in laughter. "Usually, the spankings are playful and don't really hurt, and for the most part, are only given to kids by adults, not to us grown folk. But, hey! You might be into it, so who am I to stop you?"

Another pillow is hurled by Ruan, this time at Babs. "Do all humans talk as much when someone is trying to sleep as the two of you? Ugh! I might as well get up at this rate. Besides, I don't have any more pillows to throw."
Nike shook her head at Babs. "Hmmm...spankings...isn't that used as a punishment? I do not think I will ever understand humanity."

She checks the time and looks at Ruan, I know we have a strategic briefing and update in a few hours...probably some more drills after that...we should get something to eat now."

She proceeded to head off to the Showers to prepare for the day.
Tossing Ruan her pillows back, Renna suits up in her gym clothes and heads for the exercise room to get a good sweat built up before using the showers herself. There is a bit of a bounce to her step as the excitement of exiting fold space soon is hitting her. To be able to see something besides the metal halls stone her and to get some actual throttle and stick time in her Beta sounds really good right now.

Once she has successfully washed and dressed, it’s time for breakfast before her shipboard duties call.
Once everyone is dressed and ready for the day, there is a pilot briefing in the ready room. All eighteen Veritech pilots are here, along with the CAG, Commander Stenn. Along with everyone here, there are screens that are lit up with image feeds from the other ships of the squadron, the Dagger, the Vorpal, and the Discovery. Their pilots are listening in on the briefing being held here on the Foxhound. The CAG steps up to the podium and the room falls silent.

In his thick Russian accent, he says, “Ladies and gentlemen, we have been in fold space for a long time, but tomorrow we are going to be breaking into normal space as the advanced scout force to investigate a colony world of the Robotech Masters. From our Zentraedi allies we have learned that this world is home to a few thousand Tyrolian clones with a small defensive garrison force of Zentraedi. We are going to gather some intelligence on the system before the Command Cruiser MacArthur and her escorts arrive. Our goal here is to try and establish friendly relations with the colonists and test the waters for our diplomatic mission to the home world. To that end, we will do our best to avoid engaging any Zentraedi or Robotech Master force at all costs unless we are forced to do so. We are coming here to make new friends, not to escalate hostilities between our peoples.”

“Our schedule is to exit fold space tomorrow morning at 0800 hours. At 0700, the ships will be in combat readiness with all pilots and crew to be in their CVR-1 armor and pilots ready to sortie if we come under fire at our breakout point. The odds of that should be low with us emerging in the outer system, but we will be ready just in case.”

“The expected course of action is for the ships of the squad to begin maneuvering closer to the inhabited world, using our electronic assets to listen in on their communications. From our allies we have some data on the system, including the fact that there is a fairly rich mining program being run by another race of the Robotech Master empire: the Karbarran Bear People. Data on the system and these Bear Men and other clones in the system are being sent to your tablets, so take some time to familiarize yourselves on what we are getting into.”

“I want do stress to each and every one of you that I expect and require the very best performance from all here. You are the best of the best, the tip of the UEEF spear and I will not tolerate anything less than 100% from all the pilots under my command. Be ready for deployment in the morning. Until then, are there any questions?”
Nike raises her hand. At the Commander's selection, the young Zentraedi speaks.

"Commander, I want to be clear, provided that we are not attacked upon exiting fold space, are we going to be performing reconnaissance operations?"
Nike raises her hand. At the Commander's selection, the young Zentraedi speaks.

"Commander, I want to be clear, provided that we are not attacked upon exiting fold space, are we going to be performing reconnaissance operations?"
Commander Stenn nods at Nike. “Correct. Our mission is to gather intelligence for the MacArthur and her escorts to move in and evaluate the status of the Zentraedi garrison, if any troops remain in place. In my opinion, the desire to peacefully negotiate with the residents of this world will not result in success, but we have our orders to try. Anyone else with a question?” His eyes search the room for any queries.
Renna listens intently to the briefing, letting her own squad leader ask the questions for their squad. As it stands right now, there is little enough for her to ask about. All the variables that come to mind won't be answered until they exit fold space and see what there is to see around them. Recon. Recon is good. I can deal with that.
A few other questions come up from the assembled pilots, but they don't take long to answer. Soon enough, the briefing is closed and everyone is released to go to resume their day with the firm suggestion to inspect their Veritechs in the hangar and prep them for possible launch in the morning.

As the day goes on, everyone is taking turns in the simulators to hone the razor edge of their piloting skills, and everybody is showing signs of excitement at the prospect of getting out of the ship and into open space for the first time in months.

The next morning comes early with all the pilots getting up and prepping for action. The preflight checklists are all coming up green, and at the moment, the Beta wing missile hard points are currently empty since there are no expectations of heavy combat. [OOC: For the rest of the ordinance in both the Alpha and Betas, you'll need to declare what kind of missile warheads you are packing in your launch tubes.] The Foxhound is now counting down to emergence into normal space.

OOC What squadron name do you want for your team?

Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie
Scorch is strapped in the cockpit of her Beta and is busy with her preflight checklists and is very pleased to see that so is coming up green. She keys her radio and calls out, “Banshee two to lead. I’m showing all systems at 100%. Ready to fly.”

OOC missile payload
MM-20’s - 40 HEAP 1d4x10
MM-16 - 16 Plasma
“This is Ruan in Banshee four. Coms check green. Getting data from the Foxhound. Emergence to normal space in five minutes. Babs, status check. How are you receiving?”

“Babs in Banshee three. Got you loud and clear, and I’m getting the signal from flight control. All set to rock and roll. Nike, you good over there?”
Nike sat in the cockpit of the Blue Alpha Fighter attached to Scorch's Beta sitting in the cradle of the launch bay waiting for launch. She lowered and sealed the visor on her helmet and sat there quietly for a minute listening and feeling the systems in her alpha come on. All the worries and troubles all seemed to fade away when she is suited up and nestled in her fighter, and linked to it. As the heads up display came on, he countdown to defold operations ticked down.

It had been a complete surprise to her that they had made her Squadron Leader and it puzzled her greatly given a human and two much more experienced Zentraedi were in her squad. If anything, she felt that she was the least qualified for the job, but here she was "Banshee Squadron Leader".

Nike took a deep breath and whispered to herself before switching on her comms..."You can do this.."

"Banshee Leader here, engaging IFF and CCC computers and linking the squadron...now."

The rest of the squadron's status and signal appeared on the side of her HUD, her alpha's central computer coordinating and sharing Banshee's squadron's tactical and position data.

Nike made sure her and the rest of her squadron were green.

"Foxhound Command, this is Banshee Leader, Banshee Squadron is showing green and ready to go."


the squadron gets a +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, and a +2 to parry/dodge while linked

Nike's Missle Loadout
MM-60 - 60 x HEAP 2D6x10
MMDS-8 Mini - 8 x Plasma 1D6x10
Nike’s message is responded to by one of the radio operators in Command and Control located in the Flag Bridge at the front of the Foxhound. “Copy that, Banshee Lead. Your telemetry is coming in clear. Breakout to normal space in three minutes. Standby.”

The minutes seem to tick by so slow as everyone waits until finally there is a ten second countdown followed by a shift and the Garfish renters normal space. “Transition complete. All stations report status. Veritech squadrons standby.”

Seconds pass, and finally there is a report. “Contract! Five large ships and multiple smaller targets. Computer indicates that we have two Zentraedi destroyers, both having sustained major damage, and they appear to be escorting a single smaller ship, identity unknown, using their own ships to shield it from the last two, identity unknown. Range 100,000 kilometers.”

The radar take is being fed to your displays in real time, and the three unknown ships are immediately recognized by Nike and Ruan: the first is a Robotech Master cruiser, roughly the same size as a wet navy aircraft carrier. The other two are Invid Scorpion Troop Carriers, each capable of holding hundreds of mecha and with enough firepower on them to be a threat to the Zentraedi destroyers. Both are showing signs of being damaged in the close in slugging match.

There two destroyers have deployed dozens of Battle Pods and fighters in an effort to destroy the Invid, but they are out numbered and the destroyers are in real bad shape. It doesn’t look like they will be able to hold out much longer without help.
Nike watched over the radar...she felt her pulse rise upon seeing the new ships, particularly the two attacking ships.

Over the Banshee tac net. "Ruan, are those..what were they called? Invid?"

She glances over at the mission status readout figuring the higher ups were debating on what to do here.

"Stay ready Banshees, we may get the orders to launch any time now."
Scorch grips the controls and waits, asking, "What are Invid? Are they going to be our allies here, or enemies? Who are we rooting for?"
Ruan lets out an angry snarl. “Invid are the enemy! You cannot talk to them, cannot reason with them! They fight you to the bitter end, and if the Invid are here, we are in for a nasty fight!”

As you watch the radar screens, you can feel the ship’s main engines kicking in. “Attention all hands. We are being asked by the Zentraedi to come to the aid of a civilian ship crammed full of refugees. Do not engage the Zentraedi. I say again, do not engage the Zentraedi. We are moving into launch range and will deploy Veritechs at that time.”

On the radar, you can see that one of the Zentraedi destroyers just took a critical hit to its engines and had flame shooting out of multiple fractures in the outer hull. As a last minute desperation move, the destroyer accelerates and actually rams one of the Invid ships, destroying both in a massive explosion!

Babs lets out a low whistle. “Damn! I knew that the Zentraedi were all a bit crazy, but that took some serious guts to do that. Whatever is in that refuge ship must be considered more important than their own lives!”

Ruan says, “Not all of our people are as insane as Lord Khyron. Most have a strong sense of nobility to them, like High Lord Breetai. I am just thankful that the Captain has decided to go to their aid and stop the Invid.”

While the Foxhound accelerates in, orders are being delivered. “Asgard and Lion squads are tasked to defend the Foxhound and assist our point defense guns. Everyone else assist the Zentraedi and take the heat off of that refugee ship. Go in guns hot. Prepare for launch. Targets will be designated by Command and Control. Remember that the capabilities of this enemy are unknown, so use extreme caution.”

For the first time, humans are on the offensive against the Invid.

At a distance of thirty miles, the hangar does open wide and give you your first look at open space in months. Launching out in sets of linked Alpha and Beta fighters, the veritechs start to fly on their own to engage the enemy.
"You heard the Commander Banshees, we are to aid and assist the Zentraedi against this new threat. We will go at Flank Speed to the conflict zone...Alpha-Betas will stay connected until circumstances dictate otherwise. Prepare for launch!"

The launch hatch opens and the vastness of space yawns before Nike in her Blue Alpha Fighter. She feels the fighter power up, power level readouts all rise reflecting against the glass of her helmet.. Nike turns and salutes the Catapult Officer in their bay and then looks forward.

"Banshee Leader- Banshee Two...LAUNCH!" Nike then jams the accelerator lever forward then she is pushed back with great force as the Alpha-Beta fighter flew out of the bay....the Foxhound shrank in the rear view behind them becoming a speck in the vast back as they accelerated away.

Nike checks her displays to make sure Banshee Three-Four launched and were clear, she then checks the telemetry data and verified that Command had designated their enemies as foe. "Banshee Squadron Form up...come to vector 240 by 350 by 45, keep your eyes open. Remember we are weapons free to engage the invid, the designated targets, and assist the other Zentraedi, arm all weapons and prepare for combat." She flips her arming switches to on.

She switches coms. "Foxhound, Banshee Squadron is inbound to designated combat zone, we are weapons free to engage the designated targets."

Nike focused on her tasks at hand preparing for combat ,taking deep breaths and loosening herself up, not letting those stray thoughts and worries that she or her squadron may not come back to slow her. She remembered her training when she emerged from the Clone Chambers... It is the greatest honor for every Zentraedi to die in battle in service...

Initiative Roll 1D20+2 = 17+2 = 19!
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Scorch feels a rush as the G forces push her back into her seat with the power of her Beta’s boosters. Her head’s-up display is lit up with multiple targets, and the feisty pilot is anxious to mix it up.
On Foot / In the Beta / In the Cyclone
Number of Attacks: 5 / 5 / 6
Strike: +4 / +5 / +5
Parry: +6 / +8 / +8
Dodge: +6 / +7 ground, +9 air / +9 Automatic Dodge
Roll: +6 / +7 / +9
Perception: +6
Initiative: +0 / +1 / +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 20

MM-40 -HEAP 40 / 40
MM-16 - Plasma 16 / 16
The four Veritechs of Banshee Squadron are getting targeting information from the Foxhound, lining up multiple targets for you to engage. There are four larger mecha, all equipped with heavy blasters on the shoulders:


Flying along with the four larger mecha are eight smaller vehicles.


At the moment, you are three miles apart, and your opponents are flying at a speed of only 400 mph. They seem to have an effective range on their blasters of only around a mile, so you have at least one action where they are going to try and close in on you before they can engage.

Eonivar Eonivar is up with Nike

Initiative Order:

19 - Nike <====
18 - Armored Scouts 1-4
17 - Babs
14 - Shock Troopers 1-4
12 - Scorch
11 - Armored Scouts 5-8
8 - Ruan
Nike looks over the radar, their targets rapidly approaching.

"Decelerate to Mach 2 and separate Alpha and Beta units to spread the enemies fire, mind the g's, even at Mach 2 we are coming at them very quickly so they should not have too much time to react by the time we pass them...designating targets. " Nike assigns targets through their linked system. "I will take the first group of small ones (Scouts 1-4), Babs take the other group of small ones (Scouts 5-8)...Scorch and Ruan focus on the big ones(Shock Troopers). Ok HERE WE GO! AAAAAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Nike lets out her own banshee's screen over the comms......

Nike's blue alpha changes to guardian to break from the Mach 8 velocity they were approaching at...she breaths, feeling the g-forces...


And the Alpha springs free of the Beta...separating and dropping below it...

The Alpha still in guardian changes vector and speeds towards the first group of scout invid...Nike targets one of the scouts as the covers on her alpha's right shoulder open and unleashes a wave of four missiles ....

Strike 1D20+5 = 4+5 = 9 to hit
Damage (if it hits) = 2D6 x10 x4 = 9x10x4 = 360
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