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Hey uhh

I made a character for this awhile ago but held off on posting it when I noticed the rp was closed. But now I'm seeing there was a spot left.
So just to be sure, is there any room for one more or is this permanently closed now?

and sorry for just appearing out of nowhere btw
Haze- Haze- I'm so sorry for overlooking that. If you can link me the character, I'll approve them and make that the final joining

I can have it up in the CS in a sec so that you can take a look at it. Also, no need to be sorry or anything, it's mostly my bad for not posting my draft and asking if this was open when I had the chance-
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Haze- Haze- The only thing worth adjusting, I think, is that a Quirk usually manifests in like year 4-6, or on birth in some cases. Anything beyond that it won't manifest if my memory serves. Beyond that, Dark Shadow Star Platinum is alright. Once you make the edit, let me know and I can approve.
I was not expecting him to get called a jojo reference so soon, but anyways, I forgot about the age thing. Small edit, but I cut the age he got the quirk in half for it to make more sense

Lmk if it's all good now ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

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