U.P.M.C. Ferrum

Since we started out in past tense, let's try to keep that consistent as much as possible. Everybody is pretty much doing that, but even a couple lapses are jarring.
Just a general note this RP was started to be somewhat of a narrative on how different minds react in crisis. Which means there is no real main character. The entire idea of someone trying to destroy the ship is fine but i didn't start this to have it be about anyone but the crew as a whole, noone is more important than another. I'm entirely fine that someone did this on purpose and all but that is not the main focus. It starts good paranoia among the crew, but be careful that we don't lose all sense of helplessness which was the general feeling i wanted when i came up with this idea. I'm not trying to restrict your creative freedom or anything but keep in mind that there are other writers in the story and to stay away from cliche as it shortens the possibilities and pathways the story can go.
I thought it could be quite fun if we sort out the ship, stabilize it, but are still stranded, then we see how people react to prolonged periods of being on small rations and stuck in a confined space. I see violence brewing between the crew members, unless we get attacked by pirates at some point.
I agree, we need to sort things out just keep in mind that in this situation there would be almost no chance of us getting a ship in that bad of condition running again. I'd also like communications to go out completely at some point and us to have to deal with periodical power outages. But I'm not the sole writer and I have just as much input as you all do. Just my 2 cents for you
I think comms should die, but not internal, and we should have a possible way to repair the engines, but not for a long time. Pretty much anything that will force the crew to stop and rest, while contemplating their situation. Like you said though, we need to just role with each others ideas.
Exactly, and yeah maybe we have some engine power but if we did it should push us into separatist controlled space, which could lead to interesting conflict
Honestly I hate this entire idea. I like really didn't want problems as large as this one to arise other than the initial ones for quite some time
Maybe one we find it to be false, the characters lose faith in the scientists and engineers, as they are perceived to just be fear-mongering. We could always have it be just a transmitter if we really want it to be sabotage, but I prefer the whole freak accident vide rather than the people are sabotaging a mining ship thing.
I hope I brought the darkness of hopelessness back to this RP!

because when the Engineer is feeling terrible and almost given up hope, you know it's bad
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, was hoping Rosco would make a post of at least him putting has mask on. I'm gonna make a massive post of what I assume is 10 minutes of crap happening to Warik, Ma, and Rosco later, but I have some plans tomorrow and I spent the last 8 hours working.
Hey guys, gonna be away for a while, have UTK orientation stuff to do. I expect I will be able to post again around Tuesday night. I might be able to sneak in a few more before then, depends on what needs to be done.

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