U.P.M.C. Ferrum

Gahh! this took of fast! I just signed on gimmie a moment, need to read about all the chaos that has happened, unless someone can recap for me.
okay basically everything has gone to shit and we don't exactly know what went wrong yet and we're rallying survivors on the ninth deck and trying to figure out everything. We're also running out of space in our make shift hospital
ahh excellent! greg will wake up in a locked room on the 8th floor, since someone was looking for survivors there, that work?
probably, floor 8 is starting to depressurize but I don't know if anyones actively looking there. other than it's been mentioned NPCs are searching the ship
Since the sabotage thing has surfaced, and Grigory used to be a Separatist, I figure that only the captain knows, by the token that UPA told him he was getting a captive defector aboard his ship. None of the other crew know that he's anything other than a normal doctor.
Well, he gave some orders, probably not a specific kill order, but the boots on the ground decided to just unleash hell. That could be very interesting if it ever comes to light.
Indeed. It's also funny that our characters are named Greg and Grigory.

Grigory isn't a vindictive guy, but looking his family's effective killer in the eye would definitely affect him in some way.
My guy's called Alaric, just saying.

And yes, plus Alaric fought in the war, so he's got it in for the separatists. Can't see him being too please to be serving along side one.
How far has human colonization gone? How many star systems? Have humans expanded out of our arm of the galaxy? Did we terraform or did we create biodomes?
Basically humans have colonized and terraformed pretty deep into our arm of the galaxy. But the Ferrum is way out from any majorly colonized planets
Okey okey, sorry I'm so late to the party. I was out all day but I'll read up and then finally post something lol.
I don't think it makes any sense for a scanner that someone planted in the hopes that it wouldn't be noticed to be rigged to blow up after a certain time. That's what bombs are for. If somebody wanted to blow the Ferrum to hellfuck, they kinda already did. If they wanted to do it some more, they'd use an actual bomb.
Greg's current mindset "Oh crap oh crap, oh crap,oh crap! Hey....I can get another reactor out of this! still, oh crap oh crap oh crap!"

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