U.P.M.C. Ferrum


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Hair color:

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Focus on: (only if in research department)




Normal clothes:




My Character:

Name: Felix Monroe

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Hair color: Brown and messy short pomp with a large rough beard

Eye color: Purple (augmented) often tired and bloodshot or glassy

Body: Tall and average build. Severe scarring and burns on left arm and hands.

Occupation: Captain of the Ferrum

Personality: Ambitious but realistic. Determined when he's thinking straight. Works best under pressure. often has a short fuse with others and exhibits mostly violent responses to conflict. Though he is open to reason if you can get it to him in time. Hard to get close to but those who do he protects wholeheartedly.

History: Born on Titan to a middle class family. Daydreamed through school with stars in his eyes, literally. he wanted to be a pilot no matter what. And after his temper got the best of him one too many times leading to expulsion from flight school the only way he could do that was through working through the ranks of the U.P.M.C. He would stop at nothing to fly through the stars some day so he worked wherever they needed them. Which eventually led to open skin exposure to plasma while working on the hull of a planet cracker due to malfunctioning equipment. He was burnt almost entirely on his left side and almost completely blinded. After several lawsuits towards the U.P.M.C. he got new augmented eyes and basically offered anything for the case to not go public so he took his dream job. It may have been through corrupt blackmail worthy avenues, but it didn't matter he was a captain now, he had his name on something. People looked up to him.

Experience: For the short time he had in flight school he scored top of his class in simulators. He is experienced with all types of work in the mining operations.

Normal clothes: Grey or blue Tee-shirt and white members jacket or hoodie with the Ferrum insignia on the back with Blue jeans and boots.

Uniform: Tight white peacoat suit with polished black shoes and his standard cap (rarely seen wearing this)

Weapon: Nothing but his fists and wit. Oh yes and his standard issue side-arm.

other: His eyes are naturally green/blue but they were augmented so heavily that the purple polymer used to hold the components in placed replaced any other colors. Heavily alcoholic and somewhat sex addicted
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My Character:

Name: Unknown, Goes by "Dusk"

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Hair color: Black, Somewhat short. Often covers his right eye so no one can see the augmentation.

Eye color: Red

Body: White, skinny, robotic left hand. Stands about 6 feet tall.

Occupation: Scientific Studies

Focus on: (only if Scientist) Applications between science and technology

Personality: Quiet, reserved, shy. Intelligent, but almost never speaks unless necessary. Can be very pessimistic at times.

History: Born on an unknown colony, it was attacked by a ground of unknown terrorists seeking the experimental technology being researched. He was attacked, and his father was killed, and mother taken, before being left in the burning building. Waking up on a station five years later. He realizes that he has been implanted with augmentations to keep him alive. Also, by the person he once thought dead, Sydney De' Venuta, his childhood friend. This chip in his head help him stay connected to technology from anywhere, even allowing him, with the right concentration (it is is still being tested) to control technology from a distance. He was assigned to the U.P.M.C Ferum as Chief Science officer, and technology support.

Experience: Little experience in the field, this is his first assignment,

Normal clothes: Kakis and a Polo. Often wears a black jacket with a hood to cover his face.

Uniform: Kakis and a Polo. He doesn't like change that much...

Poor, Rich, or medium wealth: Poor

Weapon: Pistol, although he isn't all that effective with it, he is a scientist after all. Best weapon is his mind and his implant, allowing him to control technology around him.

Other: Eye augmentation, (right only). Left robotic hand. No "superhuman" qualities, in all respects still human.
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Name: Robert Bukowski

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Hair color: Short, Brown, Clean

Eye color: Blue

Body: 6 feet tall. Somewhat slim. Somewhat handsome. He is not a very unique-looking man.

Occupation: Bureaucrat

Personality/History: Robert is very ambitious and blindly idealistic. After graduating from university on Earth, Robert was eager to enter government service, with hopes of becoming a representative in the general assembly. Instead, though, he was sent to supervise a mining expedition. Robert graciously accepted the mundane job with exceptional excitement. He takes his position way too seriously, often invoking obscure government regulations that are no longer recognized or enforced. He has high hopes that his future will hold more than just paperwork and reports on a mining ship, but for now, the Ferrum is his life.

Experience: Robert is a skilled diplomat, though being youthful and headstrong often cause him trouble.

Normal clothes: Robert is always in uniform. Always.

Uniform: Robert wears a suit with a UPA badge.

Poor, Rich, or medium wealth: Robert came from an upper-middle class Earth family.

Weapon: none
Name: Alaric Nystrom

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Hair color: Dark red crew cut

Eye colour: Green

Body: 5"11, muscled, scars across his chest and face.

Occupation: Former military, now head of security on board the Ferrum.

Personality: Alaric tries to respect everyone on board, keeping up with military discipline to the best of his abilities. He does however harbour some serious anger issues, as well as a case of alcoholism, and is prone to bouts of rage, especially when pushed to the edge. He doesn't like to talk about the later years of his military service, and will mostly blow off questions about the war.

History: Alaric was born on a deep space colony as the first of six sons. He quickly showcased that he was nothing special in terms of book smarts, but did exhibit tactical sense, and so enrolled in the military academy on his home world. Training hard, Alaric was eventually deployed off world, fighting against terrorists and insurrectionists for ten years in the 95th Rifles. Eventually he caught the eye of his higher ups, and was sent to Earth to recieve Officer training in 2282. By the time the war started, Alaric was a commissioned Lieutenant, and lead his unit across space, rising to the rank of Commander, stationed on Mars, in 2284. After his orders were misinterpreted, leading to a massacre of civillians, Alaric requested a transfer away from the front line. The U.P.A, eager to bury anything and everything to do with the Martian Massacres quickly complied, assigning Alaric to the Ferrum as chief of security.

Experience: Ten years of fighting against terrorist groups and insurrectionists, two years fighting against the Separatist Coalition. Crack Shot.

Normal clothes: His normal armour, with the plates removed from the top half, and his old units beret.

Uniform: Military issue body armour.

Weapon: Standard issue assault rifle with an underslung masterkey shotgun.

Other: Has a tribal tattoo around his right eye from his home world.


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Name: Gregory “Greg” Moray

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Body: Slim, slightly muscular. Stands about 5’10

Occupation: Assistant Engineer

Personality: Gerg has a very practical outlook on life, and in his career as an engineer. Crap happens, fix it. He’s also a realist, if a situation is bad, he will say it point blank. Finally he’s does his best work under stress, though don’t get in his way. The general response would be “MOVE OUT OF MY [censord] WAY!” All in all he’s motivated, knowledgeable about his trade, but mixed under pressure.

History: Some men are born to greatness, with great parents, a rich history etc. For Gregory, it was an average family with being the middle child of 5. He was rated with Above average intelligence, but nothing really amazing. 65th percentile, he was good at repairing, and mechanics. He went through trade school, learning how to be a ship’s engineer. His tuition was mostly paid for by U.P.A in a recruitment program. In exchange he’d be working on Company ships for 10 years. His first ship he was assigned too was a small mining ship, The Ferrum is where he got transferred, after a year of excellent work.

Experience: Trained to operate on a large variety of U.P.A ships, 1 year on a smaller mining ship, 6 moths on the Ferrum, specializations: atmospherics repair and maintenance, Extra-vehicular repair, and reactor subsystems.

Normal clothes: Work boots, jeans, green shirt with a grey hoodie

Uniform: He has two, 1. On duty He wears clothes that look like this, Electric resistant, plenty of pockets for tools, and in case of gravitational generator failure, magnetic boots that can be switched on and off; everything that a ship’s assistant engineer needs. However when it comes to work on the outside of a ship, or sections that are depressurized, or otherwise deemed too hazardous for general operations, Gregory does have a designated space suit. The suit comes equipped with magnetic boots minor thrusters for maneuvering in zero-g. The space suit is rated as radiation resistant, and heat resistant.

Weapon: None, (though as dead space has taught us, though honestly I've never played it, engineering tool can be used in unconventional ways.)

Other: Nothing of note
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Name: Edward Warik

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Hair color: Dark Brown (almost Black)

Eye color: Dark Brown

Body: Average Build for a 5' 11"guy

Occupation: Main Gravity Tether Operator, Leader of Engineer Team

Personality: Generally a good person, his mood mostly depends on how things are going for him. Has been a very calm, "go with the flow" kinda guy until recently. Sarcastic, witty, and known among his friends as the universe's biggest smartass. When he works there is nothing more important to him than whatever sits in front of him, leaving nothing to risk while repairing broken equipment or operating the Gravity Tether. Often considered overcareful, he has never had any accidents while working.

History: 1st son of a wonderful mother and father. Student who earned high grades without much effort, went to college at age 18 to become a physicist, but fell in love with engineering. Figured go big or go home and applied to be a ship maintenance engineer for the U.M.P.C. at age 26. Did this because he thought this would be the ultimate challenge to his engineering skills.

Experience: Worked on multiple U.M.P.C. ships for the last 7 years as a maintenance engineer and as a Tether operator for 3 of those years.

Normal clothes: Jeans, a clean shirt, his fancy leather shoes. Sometimes a hat.

Uniform: Same as Gregory Moray's 1st uniform (It's the standard for the Engineer team). Doesn't like working outside the ship because he fears open space.

Weapon: Carries a knife that he uses instead of wire cutters because he doesn't like them.

Other: Sees the situation as his fault. He allowed another operator to work the Tether while he was doing work elsewhere on the ship. Fells things could have gone differently if he was there in the Tether station. Haunts his conscience, has nightmares. Fears above all else of being in a room that depressurizes while he is in it and being sucked into space. Calls this "being vac'ed".
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Name: "Rosco" (Nobody really knows his name)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Body: Unnecessarily slender

Sexuality: The human mind cannot comprehend some things.

Race: Of African descent

Occupation: Gravity Tether Operator and etc. (Most everything nobody else wants to do)

Personality: Rosco is an enigma that nobody can truly understand. Not much of a conversationalist, he only really responds in very apathetic sounding short sentences. The only person he really hangs out with is the Captain, for unknown reasons. He does many jobs around the ship (Although his official title is Gravity Tether Operator) including janitorial work, and appliance repairs. That being said, he only does these things provided you can actually find him. When he is missing, he is nearly impossible to locate and to the rest of the crew, it is incredibly aggravating.

When he is found, he is usually sitting in some obscure crevice of the ship carving small, hand-sized statues of Geoff Wilco, a famous bluegrass artist. When he is finished with them, he puts them in odd places of the ship, such as the Captain's medicine cabinet, or within the gearworks of the Gravity Tether (Which has proved to be incredibly dangerous). A recent counting of his carvings showed that he had made over 500.

History with the crew: Literally showed up one day when the UPMC Ferrum stopped to dock. He is not technically officially employed, but still receives a salary and (some) benefits.

Uniform: Standard Janitorial uniform with parts of the engineer uniform. Also wears a beanie with large goggles. Can sometimes be seen wearing an astronaut helmet around the ship.

Weapon: Is never around when conflict arises, although, he carries a carving knife should the situation arise.

Other: Is actually very handsome, but never keeps himself groomed.
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Name: Ma Emerson

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Magenta (contacts), Brown (actual)

Body: Short and mostly flat chested; has some muscle to her but not much.

Occupation: Engineering intern

Personality: Reckless and hot headed; she likes to think she knows more than she actually does. Ma often says things she immediately regrets and cusses like a sailor to seem older. She can be levelheaded and tends to work better under pressure than most people though, and knows when to keep her mouth shut around superiors.

History: Came from a middle class family, Ma always had a strange interest in low level robotics. Ma grew up with a twin sister, Pa, who was favored in every way possible. While her sister went off to fashion school, Ma dropped out of high school to further her studies in mechanics/robotics. Through some friends of friends she ended up landing a sort of internship job on the U.P.M.C. Ferrum and hopes her time on it will help her become a greater mechanic.

Experience: Most of what she knows is self-taught, but she is a fast learner. Either way she is a beginner at most, she has a lot of book knowledge but not a lot of hands on experience.

Normal clothes: Tan tank top with camo shorts.

Uniform: She wears the same standardized engineer outfit that the others wear.

Weapon: Ma uses two robotic fists of her own creation, they're glitchy as hell but they sure do pack a punch.

Other: She dreams of being the first to create a fully sentient robot AI.
Name: Grigory Maslov

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Hair color: Brown, cut close to the scalp.

Eye color: Grey

Body: Heavyset, stocky, solid but not fat, medium height

Occupation: Ship's Medic

Personality: Incredibly empathetic, deferential and non-confrontational to a fault, kind but inaccessible. Does not talk to strangers much or make friends easily, but is very warm and supportive to his few friends. Passion for healing the sick and helping the hurt.

History: Choosing to leave their bleak lives on Earth behind, the poor Maslov family joined the brave few bound to colonize Mars. Used to hard work and tough times from generations of Russian farming, they thrived there, helping to build the vital systems and infrastructure necessary for civilized life. Grigory, descended from these pioneers, had never known any home aside from his beloved Red Planet. He achieved high marks throughout school through talent and hard study. After graduating high school, he was granted a generous scholarship from the top Martian university, where he eventually earned a doctorate in general medicine. While there, he met a girl named Veronika. They bonded over their shared heritage and love for helping people, and held their wedding the day after receiving their diplomas.

A few weeks after the birth of their child, the insurrection began. Grigory enlisted as a medic, the love of his home overcoming his natural pacifism. After several months of fighting, his unit was ambushed by a UPA detachment. The bloodbath that ensued left all of Grigory's friends dead except his fellow non-combatants. They were given a choice: imprisonment or defection. Most of his comrades chose prison, but fear overcame Grigory, and he chose to join the force that destroyed his life. Aboard the UPMC Ferrum, Grigory resolved that he would work hard and stay strong in the hope of being with his family again. The final blow came when he learned that his wife and infant daughter had been shot to death in the Martian Massacre. Though full of resentment and anger, he recognizes that his crew mates are not the ones responsible for his loss. He takes his duty as a doctor seriously, and never turns down a patient.

Experience: Extensive medical education, specialty in urgent care. Some military experience.

Normal clothes: Green cargo pants, T-shirt, and plain, chunky boots. Secretly wears Martian military dog tags under his clothes.

Uniform: Scrubs, medical mask, medical cap.

Weapon: Keeps a combat knife handy and often has many sharp medical implements at hand.

Other: Suffers from PTSD and depression as a result of his experiences. Speaks with a distinct Russian accent and will revert to Russian in moments of stress and emotion.

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