U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

Felix sighed deeply. The sigh was not of disappointment or anger in any way, he'd had too much of both of those things today. He waited a few seconds and put his hand on Roberts shoulder. "Hey... This doesn't have to go on the report or anything... It was an easy mistake to make..." He sat there with his hand on roberts shoulder quietly and apathetically
Robert looked as if he had just seen a ghost. "Yeah. Yeah, okay," he wheezed. He looked up at his captain. "Say, you have any liquor you could spare?"
"Yeah, of course. Let's go back to your office and have a little "debrief" I have a feeling theres not a whole lot we admin types can do at this point"
"Captain? Come in. Greg and I have got back from deck 3, no signs of bombs or people," Alaric sighed, leaning against a wall and glaring at Dusk as he was looked over by the doc. "How's your work going on the escape pods? The suit said something about having one ready for launch. How copy, over."
"That's the best idea I've heard all day, captain," Robert said. He walked back to his office and sat silently while Felix brought the drinks. He only broke his stare at the ceiling when a glass of whiskey was shoved in his face. He threw it down without so much as blinking. "Another," he demanded. He downed the second one as quickly as the first before grabbing the bottle and taking a deep gulp.
Grigory's accented voice squawked through their com devices.

"Captain, engineering team, you are back inside, yes? When you are available, please come to the triage center. I want to give Dusk a medical examination, but I want you to check his computer systems first. We have to find out why he picked up those false readings."
Felix tapped on his com." Yeah, hey. I'm in and the escape pod was a red herring. And I'll be there soon." He downed his glass and contemplated getting up. But he decided he was no good there so he snatched the bottle from Robert and filled his glass. His tired eyes seemed to spark up a bit when the whisky hit his tongue and burned his belly. After his drink he sat and thought about the last few hours in silent reflection

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