Tyrant's Gaze: Lock&Key [Inactive]


Speaker for the Voices
TimeSplitter submitted a new role play:

Tyrant's Gaze: Lock and Key - Its a long road to usurp the throne.

The kingdom of Ezekiel was once a Utopia, a sanctuary for all against the harsh winds of the Frost-lands. It was founded long ago by the crusader turned king, Ezekiel, who found a strange and beautiful crystal buried on a plateau. After shaking the snow off it, the crystal let off a beautiful but blinding light as it hovered over his hands before floating off into the sky, parting the dark black clouds and allowing for sunlight to pass through into the small section of the...
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The carriage driver takes a quick peek at the cargo he had been charged with; It was certainly an interesting trio, though he couldn't recognise any of them, they were all blindfolded and had their hands chained. One man was built as big as a giant, and his shackles were way thicker than that of the others to compensate, the Driver shudders to think what the man would do should he escape, though he felt fairly safe seeing the thickness of his shackles. Another seemed like an innocent lady, though he knew if she was in the cage with the others, then she was dangerous, and wouldn't take any chances with her. Unbelievably, the last of them seemed to have wings attached to his back, and he wonders for a brief moment what it would be like to be able to fly, but he didn't let it bother him, the wings weren't going to help the boy now.

Satisfied with inspection, the driver closes the iron door with a heavy slam, and begins his journey back into Essa, eager to get out of the Frost-lands. He chuckles to himself as he draws his heavy coat closer into himself to warm him up, and then takes the whips to get the horses moving on their way.

The weather gets warmer as they get taken deeper into the Kingdom of Essa, and warmer still as the carriage arrives at the centre at the city where the castle towered over the rest of the city, the beautiful piercing sunlight showering over everything made it look beautiful, even though the nature of the castle couldn't be darker, it was there place where Vapik would put down his dooming judgement for the three captives.

The three were marched in blindness with blades at their backs. After a few moments, they were stopped, and after their eyes readjusted to the light they saw that they were placed before Vapik's throne, though the throne may have once been golden, it was stained with blood and rust. Vapik doesn't even look up at the three before him, he was too busy reading a book, though he still shouts down at them from his seat.

"So... how are you feeling today?"
Ririchiyo was tempted bow in a mocking way and reply smarmily, but she knew better. It would cost her head. So instead, she settled for,

"I am feeling just fine today, my lord." She did not smile, but she did not say it mockingly either. She thought about spitting upon the floor of the throne room, but again decided against it. Ririchiyo was a little worried though. She had left the shop in the care of Mrs.Figgins, who was a complete dolt.
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Kass bowed lightly, but certainly not enough to show any respect. "Certainly not at my best. But you seem in far better health." He muttered under his breath "Unfortunately." With a quick smile, he began examining the room, searching for a good way out.
"Well that's good to hear, considering its about to change very drastically." He says in a toxic tone, but still doesn't look up from his book, it seems as though he is about to speak, but instead licks his finger to turn the page of his book, speaking after reading the first few lines. "You'd be right to say I'm in much better health. I'm sure you know why you're before me today, right?"
"Actually, I don't. Why don't you give us an idea of why you dragged us here, your highness." Oops. Ririchiyo had gotten angry and let it slip out. This wasn't a bargaining deal where she could get angry and kick the bargainee's rear end. This was a very corrupt man who stood before them, dangling their lives over a fire. She couldn't smack herself with bound hands. Also, she was well aware of why they were there, or rather, why she was there. It had just come out and she couldn't take it back.
Vapik closes his book, turning ever so slowly to first lay eyes on his captives, he takes them a moment to look them up and down, and then gives off a loud and obnoxious laughter. "Oh. Oh really? These are what the rebellion has to offer? A little girl, a bird and a Neanderthal. I'm shaking in my armour." He gets up off his throne, placing his book on the arm-rest, and strolls down the stairs to the trio, his dark cloak floating behind him and spiked armour clinking together as he walks. He stops only a few steps away from the three. "Take a guess."
Kass grinned and looked at the ceiling thoughtfully. "Well let's see, it could be because we stole your potatoes, or maybe it's because it's my birthday?" He broke into a huge grin. "Or is her birthday?" No doubt, the wrong thing to say at that moment, but Kass preferred comedy.
Brutus chuckled at Kass' quip. Then Vapik suddenly shifted his eyes to Brutus; looking at him with such a grimace that he cringed.

He thought why did Lord Sanctus have to die? Why did this beautiful kingdom end up in a tyrant's hands? As he was cogitating his muscles tensed, his skin got vascular and began to go flush. "Your anger Brutus, watch it!", he tried to dissuade himself.

Vapik's eyes were still fixed on Brutus; Kass and Ririchiyo also cocked there heads towards him. Brutus began biting his lower lip, something he did to calm himself down, but it was getting harder and harder for him to keep control. He let out a groan and pulled the chains of his shackles; making them clank menacingly.
Vapik wanders over to Brutus, though because the man was so huge, he had to look up to stare at him in the eyes. "Oh, I anger you? What are going to do, drool on me? Pathetic." He says viciously, he turns back to the other two walking nonchalantly, and gives them both a short glare. In a quick movement, he unsheathes axes from behind his back and brings them up inches away from their necks. "Tell me who's birthday it is, I have a present for them!" He yells angrily at them, but then quickly sighs and lowers the axes back down and slots it in behind his back. Shaking his head, he turns his back to them and takes a few steps before speaking as though he is trying to hold back an maniacal laughter. "Actually, you've all been such good little soldiers, I think you all deserve a little birthday present, don't you think?"
Brutus was now more bewildered than angry. He felt his anger mitigate and a confusion seize his mind. "He's a freaking lunatic, how could anybody be so darn cruel", he thought in disbelief.

Brutus turned his head towards the other two, they seemed just as confounded as he was. What is this monster going to do to us? Torture? Throw us in to the sea? Public execution?! What ever he was going to do, Brutus knew they had no chance of escape. Not yet that is...
Kass was confused, the mountain of a man who he hadn't seen very much before kept shifting about, cringing. There was something going on, but Kass couldn't feel the tension in the air. He winced, however, when he got yelled at, his good hearing unused to such an assault. "Depends. Does it explode?" Kass had a childish look on his face, and it was hard to tell which answer he was actually hoping for.
Vapik turns around quickly. "Careful what you wish for, acting like a smart-ass isn't going to win you friends in my hall." He brings up a spiked gauntlet up to his face to scratch his chin in thought. "In fact, I think you need to be taught a lesson in respect." He brings out one of his razor sharp axes from behind his back, lining up with the center of Kass' skull. "Kneel."
Brutus turned his head towards Kass and was startled by the look on Vapik's face. He was ripe for murder, looming over Kass with his threatening axe. "He is really going to kill him!", Brutus thought.

His whole body lurched towards Vapik, pulling all the chains that encumbered him. He looked desperate, his face feverish, the chains shuddering behind him. Everyone's head turned to him; Vapik's axe still inches away from Kass's head.

It was this moment that Brutus knew he had made a grave mistake.
Vapik aptly maneuvers out of Brutus' attack, twirling around his huge body in a singular swift movement, the guards that surrounded the hall were quick to go in bloodthirsty for the kill, but Vapik held up his hand, and the guards halted and returned to their positions. Now he was behind Brutus, he takes the hilt of his axe and slams it into the back of his knee, causing the giant man to collapse. "Really? Are you all this rude? You're all such barbarians... your blood isn't worthy to adorn my blade" He says with a heavy sigh, sliding the axe back behind his back with the other one, turning briefly to Kass. "You owe him a drink." He strides away from the three and begins walking back to his throne, taking his book back into his hand and flipping through the pages, trying to find where he left off. "So what am I going to do with an obnoxious bird...thing, a rotten little girl and an intruding oaf? Sounds like the start of a bad joke." He snickers a little to himself, before turning a page and looking up. "Well?"
Kass knelt beside Brutus, worried. "You okay?" He whispered. He knew it was pretty much his fault that Vapik had hit him like that. Kass also wasn't quite sure where he was going to get a drink, but it seemed a reasonable idea, and he agreed with Vapik on that part.

Kass turned to Vapik and it took all of his will power from laughing. It wasn't because Vapik was funny, it was the laugh in the face of danger habit that Kass had developed.
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Brutus blanched by the intensity of the blow writhed on the ground. Trying to regain his composure, he looked up at Kass on the verge of laughter, he frowned; perplexed at Kass' urge to chortle. "What the hell are you thinking, boy?", Brutus thought.

Brutus tugged Kass' wing trying to keep him at bay. Then he just collapsed back to the floor as another twinge seized his leg. The only thought now in Brutus' mind was how does a man of Vapik's proportions have such earth shaking power.
Kass nearly fell over when his wing got tugged. Turning, he saw Brutus fall back down to the ground. Kass reached out a manacled hand to help him up. "Oh c'mon, fall down after we're done here."
Ririchiyo's lip curled as the scene unfurled. The behemoth of a man was brash, and doing stupid things like that often got ones self killed. But oddly enough, it was thanks to their boorish behavior that the trio had a possibility of living. Her teeth flashed into a brief smile when Vapik mentioned it sounding like a bad joke. He was right about it, and Ririchiyo was a little surprised that someone of his demeanor had a sense of humor. But the smile disappeared and she commented,

"I know a great place where you can get a few drinks." She was completely stony faced when she said this.
Vapik looks at the girl with eyes like daggers. "You know what, I know a place where you can get drinks as well." And with that, he clicks his fingers. Nothing happens for a couple of seconds, but then the floor shifts abruptly under the three. With the three still standing or lying on the platform, the whole thing drops down, leaving no option but for the trio to fall down into the hole. Up above, Vapik lets off another bout of obnoxious laughter as the hole seals up again. The drop was quick, and there was just enough water at the bottom to break all their falls, and leave them generally uninjured. Though despite being thrown into what should have been a dark hole, it seemed as though there should have been alot more water, but instead there was a door a little farther up the wall with a mangled gate and a skeletal hand hanging over the last step. It was fortunate nobody landed on the stair, or they probably would have broken their bones from the fall.
Whipping her hair back and forth, Ririchiyo shook the droplets of water from her hair. Her glasses had made it and for that she was glad. Without them she was blind as a bat. She looked apologetically at the other two captives. Whether or not Vapik was planning on dropping them down there from the beginning was unclear, but she had had the final word before he did so and she felt bad-ish. She flicked her bangs away from her forehead and glared at the floor/ceiling above them.

"Curse him and his uppity tyrannical attitude."
Kass glanced upward, and immediately set to work undoing the ropes on his wings. After a few moments, he realized that it was just too hard with chains on his hands, and looked around at his surroundings. "Yeah, power does corrupt." Noticing the skeletal hand, Kass walked over to examine it.
The hand looks as though it had long been subject to the tide, it looked withered from the water and was still wet to the touch, though it seems strange that it was this way considering it was a few feet away from the water in the middle of the room. The fingers were rather strange as well, they were much, much thinner than normal fingers, even for bones, you wouldn't have even thought it could have once been a finger if it wasn't attached to the hand by a thread of reeking flesh.
Kass frowned. The bones could make a good lock pick, but why would the bone be in such a condition? A different creature being the source of the hand would make sense, but the water obviously rose more than the level it was at now. He glanced around worriedly, wondering if there was some sort of storm drain.
The walls were similarly drenched, though the water level seems to stop well before the stair just above them. There didn't seem to be any sort of drainage system anywhere in the room, but the walls had obviously been subject to a torrent of water for very long periods of time, as they were cracking and generally warped, even with some small potholes dotting it.
"This would be a pretty neat place to swim, you know, under other circumstances." Ririchiyo remarked. She picked uninterestedly at the shackles. She pointed at the hand Kass was examining.

"Pretty gross huh? Doesn't even look humanoid." She touched the wall and ran her hands over it curiously. The water obviously has risen before and many times. The question she was searching for an answer for was when would the water rise again?

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