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Fantasy Two Worlds Collide

Helena smirked, "His name is Adam, he is also a Warrior that has been on a mission with Rowan. I thought it was rather interesting, since it happened her first day her." she smiled at Rowan kindly to let her know that she was impressed, "My uncle thought she would benefit from seeing a mission through, and I hear she did her part very well."
Elias raised an eyebrow in surprise. He knew of Adam's reputation but he also understood the weight his family held. "I am quite inpressed." He said, looking to Rowan with a smile. "A mission so early is a feat in itself." He added with pride.
Helena smirked, "I was just explaining to Davina, that she hadn't yet gotten a chance to be trained in anything." she glanced at Nicoli, "I imagine that Nicoli was planning to begin training her to protect herself, as he tried to teach me." she chuckled slightly.
Elias laughed at that. "As I recall you gave him a fine bloody nose." He said. He looked to his son and then to Rowan. "I suspect you'll want to get to it. We will be around for a couple of days so there will be plenty of time to get to know one another. Is Hector busy Helena? I should like to meet with him to catch up whenever he has time. Though I suppose it's been busy so perhaps another time."
Helena nodded, "My uncle actually had to go see the council, there was been some developments on the information we have." she smirked, glancing at Nicoli, "I think Nicoli learned his listen with me. He will have to take it slow, so I can help you guys get settled. I am meeting Gal after this and it will give me time to catch up with you both, myself."
Elias smiled and nodded as Davina went and gave Nicoli one more hug and then gave Rowan one. Elias rolled his eyes but he was smiling. "We look forward to it." He said.

"We know our way to the guest housing. We can meet you there." Davina offered.
Helena smiled, "I'll lost soon. Nicoli and I are staying in our old room settings. From my understanding, so maybe I can drag them both away and we can all have a meal together, before you leave." She assured them
"That would be lovely. Thank you Helena." Davina said with a smile, kissing her cheek. "Good luck Nic." She said with a grin as she turned to go. Elias chuckled some.

"Lovely as ever to see you Helena. I look forward to dinner." Elias said before going to follow his wife.
Helena smirked at Nicoli, "Your father is still upset over the wedding. Thought it would help if he and your mother thought things were getting back to normal." She turned to Rowan, "I'm sure your grandparents would have loved you, but it helps to be sure they knew you weren't all human." She smirked softly, "Nothing is wrong with it, but you can imagine how helpful knowing is."
Rowan gave her a smile. "I appreciate it Helena. I was afraid they would not like me because I am half human." She said quietly. Nicoli smirked.

"My father is set in his ways. But he'll come around and already you've begun to impress him. That'll make a difference too." He assured her.
Helena nodded, "I'm happy to help. I should actually get going. I was with Gal when my uncle told me your parents were here. I need to get started on my work, if I am going to get it done quickly." She said pulling away, "Let me know when you are having dinner with your parents, and I'll be there."
Nicoli nodded. "Of course. Thanks Helena." He said. Then he turned to rowan. "I didn't know you were friends with Adam." He said and Rowan couldn't help blushing.

"I am. Weren't we going to go train?" She said with a grin. He laughed and nodded, motioning for her to lead the way.
Helena giggled, "You two have a lot of catching up to do. Have fun." She teased before leaving the room to meet with Gal.
They didn't catch up. Rowan told her father everything she felt was safe to tell while he started her training in self defense. He started to tell her some, but there was so much that he kept it limited for the first bit. Mostly telling her about her grandparents who they would be having dinner with. As dinner came around they both went in search of Helena so she could join them.
Gal spotted Nicoli and Rowan, "She still in the lab." He commented as he approached them in the hall. "Been drawn in a new mission, I am guessing." He sighed, "I heard you were back, guess I shouldn't be surprised by that. Helena has been good with a lot."
Nicoli chuckled. "It's good to see you too Gal." He said with a grin. "Is it okay for us to go in? Or do you know when she'll be done?" He asked Gal. His parents were going to meet them, he'd already sent a message to them. But he would happily wait for Helena.
Gal raised an eyebrow, "I'm not sure she will ever be done." He sighed, "She's down the hall, second to last door on the right. You know her, silence. I suggest to wait but you don't seem to be good at that." He stated, knowing Nicoli didn't always let Helena to drawn in to her work.
Nicoli have him cheeky smile and then took Rowan's hand to lead her to where Gal directed. He knocked once to let her know they were coming and then waked jn. "Helena you ready?" He asked with a smile. He knew what to expect and kept Rowan behind him just in case.
Helena was focused on her work, she sighed, wanting her hand, "Five more minutes, I'm getting somewhere." She said not thinking of who was speaking to her.
Nicoli smirked then looked to Rowan and winked. He went up behind Helena and looked over her shoulder. "What kind of break through?" He asked, very much in her personal space.
Helena sighed, "I am just getting to a point where if I do something just right, maybe...." She said turning and freezing. He was really close to her, a space so close, that for just a moment she forgot everything. She forgot they had never reached the point were everyday was just this. She looked at him and for a moment she was lost. Before she pulled back slightly, "Nic. Is it time, already?"
Nicoli didn't realize how close he'd been until she paused. He pulled back a little and gave her a sheepish grin. "It is time. We can wait a few minutes until you get to a stopping place?" He offered.

Rowan stood back silently. She didn't know what to think. She liked Helena but Her father was acting like a school boy with a crush. She knew they had a history but her mother wasn't even buried yet.
Helena looked back at her work and sighed, before she nodded. She stood up, nodding, "Okay. I just have one thing to do and I'll see you outside." She started, "It'll take a few minutes."
Nicoli grinned and nodded. "Alright. See you in a few. Come on kiddo," he said as he turned to Rowan. She nodded silently and followed him out.

"You still lovebher don't you?" Thevwords cane out without her permission. Nicoli looked at her shocked.

"I....that's not something we need to discuss right now." He said. Rowan said nothing else as they waited.
Helena sighed, to catch her breath, before she placed it on a point and then she quickly changed into something less working. She came out after a few minutes and sighed, "Okay." She smirked, "I'm hoping just a little more and I can get the spell to work."

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