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Realistic or Modern Two Months to Live and We All Looked Up (Interest Check) [Closed]


Baddest Bitch in Herstory



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And We All Looked Up

In Follansbee, West Virginia, everyone is defined by a label. This is especially true at the local highschool. Every student there is viewed by their peers as a label, a few words that become their entire being. On top are The Jocks, Mean Girls, Queen Bees, and Beauty Queens. Below them are the The Creators and The Theater Kids. On the very bottom of the social chain are The Sluts, The Nerds, The Stoners, and The Misfits. For as long as Follansbee Highschool had been founded the teenagers lived in their labels. But then, everyone was forced to look up.

A blue comet danced overhead, visible at all times during the day. Experts said it would hit Earth in two months, completely destroying humanity. That gave the teenagers at Fallansbee High two months to leave their labels behind, two months to become something bigger. It would be two months to really live.

Hello!! If you are interested in this roleplay, please comment below. If it gets enough interest I will make a CS thread : ) This will be a roleplay where society crumbles as humans are forced to live without purpose. Crime rates soar; the world is unsafe. Characters will have to face impending death and figure out what to do with the time remaining.
(This roleplay is inspired by We All Looked Up written by Tommy Wallach.)

The Jock. The Jock is charming and cocky; he's the sharp smell of the a frosty morning, the sound of a crowd roaring with excitement, and the pride filling your chest as you win a game. He's popular and well-known among his peers. He plays nearly every sport offered by the small high-school and succeeds in all of them. He's attractive, confident, and arrogant.His future is planned out for him since he has multiple scholarships to prestigious colleges. However, when he's forced to look death in the eye, he begins to wonder if his future is really worth it. He's dating The Beauty Queen, is friends with The Outsider, and enemies with The Misfit and The Nerd. He eventually develops feelings for The Creator, which leads to problems.

The Slut. The Slut is a walking contradiction; she's the gentle sound of flipping pages in a book but also the pulsing bass that pounds into your temples at a club. Outwardly, she appears friendly, sweet, and shy. And for a while, she was. But when a rumor went around saying that she fucked The Jock, everyone labeled her as The Slut. For a while, her life was miserable as people verbally attacked her. Eventually, she came to embrace her given label. Now, she can be found at the local club and is constantly taking guys home. Despite this, she yearns for a real relationship. She has a crush on either The Jock or The Outsider (writer decides), is friends with The Misfit, and is enemies with The Beauty Queen.

The Overachiever. The Overachiever is intelligent and quick-thinking; she's the sound of led on paper, the smell of new books, and the accomplished feeling of getting an A+ on a test. She's quiet, insightful, and silly. She's known for getting all As and for having over a 4.0 gpa. She's studious and has never missed a day of school. However, this is mostly prompted by her parents' wishes. Her parents yearn for her to go to Princeton and become a doctor or lawyer. Inwardly, the girl wishes to choose her own career. She has a crush on The Creator, is friends with The Nerd, and is enemies with The Misfit.

The Nerd. The Nerd is charmingly awkward; he's the sound of rain pattering on a sidewalk, the simple quietness of a library, and the warm feeling of holding someone else's hand. He's a little socially awkward but that's okay. He doesn't really know how to talk to people but tries his best; he's friendly, lovable, and nerdy. He gets fairly good grades and can constantly be found in library. He loves reading and also enjoys comics and videogames. He's introverted and always speaks in a soft voice. He has a crush on The Beauty Queen, is friends with The Overachiever, and enemies with The Jock.

The Misfit. The Misfit doesn't fit in; he's the sound of a skateboard hitting pavement, the distinct smell of leather, and the feeling of defying all odds. His appearance is full of tattoos and piercings. He slacks off in school and prefers to do his own thing. He rarely listens to authority and can often times be found playing videogames or drinking at the local bar. He's odd and quirky but fun to be around. He has a crush on The Overachiever or The Outsider (writer decides), is friends with The Slut, and enemies with The Jock and Overachiever.

The Beauty Queen. The Beauty Queen is gorgeous and confident; she's the sound of heels clicking on tile, the smell of floral perfume, and the feeling of lips trailing across skin. If pain was beauty, she'd be the prettiest. She puts indescribable effort into being pretty. That said, much of her beauty isn't natural. She's bitchy, unapologetic, and in control. She's the girl who runs the school. Despite this, inwardly she struggles with her own fears and insecurities. This has become especially true after a rumor emerged that her boyfriend cheated on her with The Slut. She is dating The Jock, is friends with The Outsider, and enemies with The Slut and The Creator.

The Creator. The Creator is artsy and creative; she's the feeling of paint-covered fingers,the gentle strum of a guitar string, and the feeling of finally finishing an art-piece. She spends her time painting, drawing,singing, and writing. She has a vast imagination and uses this in many of her hobbies. It isn't uncommon to find the girl staring of to space, lost in her daydreams. She isn't well known in the school but prefers it that way. She's slightly judgemental towards The Jocks and Beauty Queens, but otherwise friendly and personable. She has a crush on The Nerd, is friends with The Overachiever, and enemies with The Beauty Queen.

The Outsider. This boy just moved to Follansbee and thus hasn't been given a label other than The Outsider. He's mysterious and interesting; he's the dancing flame of a lighter, a fading map laid across a desk, and the warm smell of pineneedles. He was taken under the wing of The Jocks and The Beauty Queens, but just about everyone is interested in him. However, he's ignorant to how the town works and to the labels that define the high school. He has a budding crush on The Slut, is friends with The Jock and The Beauty Queen, and hasn't made any enemies yet.

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

god i cant get the roles into a spoiler w/o messing the entire code up this is a me s s
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Interested in this idea! It sounds cool. =^-^= Also, since this seems to be a thing, interested in the Nerd.
Oooh heck yeah!! Please feel free to submit a form on the character thread. I don't think anyone has submitted a charrie for The Overachiever yet Phobos Phobos
I don't think anyone has submitted a form for the jock !! Pls make a character if you're interested ! :0 The Comet The Comet And if you snag the jock then I can play The Nerd and The Beauty Queen and we can prolly get started
Forms have already been submitted for both those roles, but this isn't first-come-first serve so you could still submit something! I haven't technically accepted anybody yet. Yes, I would prefer if the romances were played out. It doesn't have to be anything extreme or over the top- really whatever the rper is comfortable with. Will you be submitting a form? There's definitely no rush if you want to, but I need to know because that affects how soon the rp can begin < 3 kerberos kerberos
What do you mean? I assumed that once a role was taken no one was allowed to be that type of role. I'm not really interested in the other roles so if the above is the case I'm afraid I have to back out, sorry. : (

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