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Two Hybrids [ a 1x1 between Azi and me. ]

"Zack, take a rest." He goes and takes a deep breath and knocks on Kero's door. Kero, was awake and opened the door. He was sleepy, "Yami.. Leave me alone." He slammed the door on her and she frowned. He then quickly opened the door with wide eyes. "YAMI!" He almost killed her with the hug he gave her and almost was going to cry. "Calm down." Yami said smiling and hugged him back. Kero stared at her and her stitches. Yami felt so uncomfortable. "Zack told me everything but.. Why are you here?" He said concerned. "Well... I will tell you."
Zack, being paranoid, would have only rounded the corner. No way he was straying to far from yami with kero possibly brainwashed. He listens in and hikes a hand over his throwing knives, ready to grab one.
"Well the papers.. I read them.and uhh I gave it to Zack and he found some paper about his sister and where she is.. You gave the papers to me.. So.. What's up with that?" She said sitting down and picking up her old sketchbook. Kero looked at her, "Oh. I don't know." He looked pretty serious. Yami raised her brows at him. "The twins up?" Kero nodded. "Here, let's go greet them." He said with a warm smile. Yami was weirded out. He did not react to what she said... All he said was 'Oh. I don't know.' She was getting a little suspicious.
Zack would notice, too. He now brainstorms back to the lab, as hard as it was, to try and remember if there was a way to counter the brainwashing.
Yami nodded and got out, seeing Zack. "Well." She said we a raised brow and Kero knocked on a room. One of the mouse twins sleepily saw Yami and his eyes widened. "MIKE! WAKE UP!" Mika flops off his bed and they both squeeze her almost to death as well. Which the yell made everyone arose and start to gather around Yami and ask her question and she was given hugs and pecks,
Zack would kinda get sprung by rocky. Who, amazingly, hugged him. "... well this is new. Who are you and where is the real rocky." Zack jokingly demands.
Yami would laugh and hug everyone. Everyone was pleading to her to stay and some of the new hybrid would question others about her, they would tell them excitedly who she was. She sees rocky hugging him and smiled.
"you know it's yami you missed, and not me, right? Unless you missed being tied to a tree..." rocky doesn't react. "okay, that'll do." Rocky doesn't let go until Zack gently push him back. "... wait, didn't the twin do that to you?" "lightning struck the branch." Rocky the lucky rooster.
Yami creepily got behind rocky but hugged him, covering his mouth and he was dragged away. Minutes later you could see Yami dragging him, tied up with rope and chains and duck tape. She then proceeds and ties him to a tree and returning to everyone.
Rocky knee he was done for. He doesn't even struggle .

Zack would be sitting with Sophie. He would be talking about Sarah.
Yami would come back happily sitting next to Sophie, hearing about Sarah broke her heart. "Um what about Sarah?" She said trying not to make herself sound weak,
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"Yeah. Her mom is really nice too. They were both nice.." She said looking at the vibrant green forest. "Ya' know, she is everything a mother could ask for as a child. She is cute, sweet, and loving. " she said.
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Yami nodded and hugged Sophie, handing her the teddy bear, "This was Sarah's.. I mean.. You're a little older than her but.. " she brung it up to her chest. "But it's cute!" She said grinning.
"she named it thunder... well, anyway, it's great to see you again. Even if... well... you can't see us."

Sophies smile wouldn't waver. "it's fine. I'm adjusting quickly."
Yami looked at the teddy bear and put it in Sophie's arms. "He'll protect you." She said seriously, she got up and left to her room.
Sophie would snuggled the teddy.

"i'm gunnu go talk to yami. She seems a little glum." Zack follows after yami.
Yami slips into her room and picks up all her old stuff laying around. She started humming a very old song and she laid down, closing her eyes, but she decided after two minutes to sketch something... And she started to sketch Sarah. She frowned.
"Come in." She says after hesitating. Yami hid the sketch and she was staring at the ceiling now.
Zack would open the door and come in, taking a seat on the floor. "so. Did kero seem right to you?" He asks.
"No... What if he is brainwashed?!" She said with a bit of panic. "How will he snap out it?" Yami's ears folded downward again.
"we'll find a way. I'm trying to remember what happened before I escaped. But until then, I don't know."
"Oh." She said squirming on her bed, Yami morphed into a cheetah and she slipped off her bed, and onto his lap. "... What if something else happened to Kero? What if he is not brainwashed..." She said quietly.
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