Two Clans

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Name: Huro Kirotomo

Position: Rogue Samurai

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Weapon(s): A No-Dachi

Personality: An almost Hound (From GOT) like character, Huro despises samurai "honor" and ninja "code". He views them as stupid, and only a meer covering of decency that shades had hides away the beast inside everyone. Although he isn't fond of committing crimes, he isn't mister goody two shoes either. He's killed alot of people. He is sarcastic most of the time, and rather unfriendly, but fiercely protective of those he befriends. He doesn't consider himself a ronin, as he instead considers himself a free man, not some die-hard mercenary.

Special Info: He is a skilled warrior, with strength and towering height on his side, standing at 6'3 feet. He needs no fancy powers to kill men, as his sword swing alone can cleave clean through a man, through bones and all. Not very good agility wise, rather clumsy. His thick armor protects him, but it has weak spots.

Bio: Born to a low-level family, responsible for swordsmithing for a larger clan, Huro quickly gained reknown from his size and strength alone. From day one, he began his training, creating masterpieces of steel and iron, although he never believed he'd have to use them. Then one day, The Fire Nation attacked. No, just kidding. The castle his family lived in was attacked by a far superior force, causing the head of the clan, Giro Matatori, to flee, although he was caught and forced to commit seppoku by the enemy for his shame. The remaining garrison, now leadlerless, chose to fight to the last, and prepared themselves. The siege was laughably short, lasting only an afternoon before the defenders were either captured or slain. However, one warrior stood out, a boy, age 16, wearing only a robe, and wielding a custom-made No-Dachi, standing at the door of his family's shop, his father beside him, cutting down their foes. An arrow caught his father in the throat, and another took Huro in the knee. He and his family were left to die, as their foes marched on, contradicting every honorable thing Huro ever believed in. From then on, he trained himself, serving no man but himself, fighting often, and sleeping little.


He looks like:


His armor looks like this:
Name: Yoshiki Shizuka (His preferred name is Raijin.)

Position: Balanced

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Weapon(s): Kunai,
Kyoketsu-shoge, Repeating Crossbow & Shirasaya

He is an extroverted man, which has his reputation of knowing him. Sometimes, he always does his best of racking up reputation and get him to know the deadly assassin. Raijin can make allies, which he likes to negotiate, whenever he will be put in place of service. He is cruel and sometimes, unlikely to spare someone who wants him dead, unless he would spare him or her if he leaves him alone peacefully. The past has scarred memories of his fallen mentor brings a burden to his life, whatever the consequence he made in the past is never asked from any time of questioning. Raijin can ensure that he would get the work done, but not definitely easy for him if ever make it tougher the job he can risk it. He can be a friendly guy just for once, likely to be coming true ally and swearing his oath to whatever side he takes.

Special Info:
He specializes in stealth and assassination, which he depends on what kind of weaponry he can use in suitable environment. Raijin runs fast like a cheetah and strikes fast than a snake, with reasonably good haste. Here's the weapon specialty divided in four sections.

  1. Kunai: He makes use of the Kunai as a reliable weapon in close combat, in case of losing a weapon. Some of the pack of Kunai holds up to 5 (it holds on the side of the waist, while the one Kunai is hidden right up the shelve.)
  2. Kyoketsu-Shoge: A knife & chain weapon that holds with the metal ring at the end of the chain. It makes multitude uses of the weapon, which can be used for entangling the enemy with the chain or could be used for climbing with the hooked blade near to the hilt. This weapon is considered used for striking or entangling the enemy in a 'safe' distance. The chain & metal ring can make use of wrapping around the enemy's leg and making them trip.
  3. Repeating Crossbow: A state of the art, semi-auto crossbow that loaded up with 5 crossbow bolts into a metal box and can kill an enemy with a couple of bolts. defenseless in reloading and takes time to complete reloading, unless a companion should protect him while she/he is reloading the weapon. It was stolen since the mission in empire of samurai people and carried around the crossbow is deemed deadly to the enemy.
  4. Shirasaya: It is originally used as a weapon of choice and likely to be used on normal standards or assassination missions.

Bio: He was born in a village, where a group of professional assassins was trained here for business, but more likely to rule over by the ninja clan, roaming in his village. His memory was only mentioned with his real name, calling him Yoshiki Shizuka. He was a child at that time and likely to be an orphan which her birth parents abandoned him, instead raised by a mentor of assassin guild and renamed him Raijin. Later on, he began his special training in assassination, which is mentor taught him in though training and a few lessons of becoming as an assassin in terms of the surviving and stealth. He learnt about the ninja that they have been own superior terms of surviving & stealth, compared to the assassins who are specialized in killing important figures who are holding the pieces of the foreign land. When he was 18, Yoshiki began his first mission of assassinating the high-ranking ninja within his grasp in his village, but luckily succeeded in killing the ninja in a dark alley. It became one of his reputation, spreading thought out the occupied village, fearing that one of the ninja clan's major threat would lose one of their clan members next. In the following year, he later stole a Repeating crossbow, which was a prototype and it was calming to be the Samurai Empire on a mission. In 5 years later, He became strong and hopeful in liberating the Village, not until the fateful day that his life changed. His mentor was lying on the floor of the room and seems to be dead at the time when Yoshiki arrived. The dying message on the floor that was saying, "Leave the village." Without knowing the situation, he was shocked that his mentor was slashed in the back while he was fighting for his life. Without warning, a clawed assassin slashed his right face without expecting it, he attacked the assassin and gave anything he had to save his own life. With the hired assassin is killed in the fight, He left the village immediately and disappeared from the place before the other assassins can kill him. A year later, he was wandering around the forest and kept hidden thought out the foreign land, he bears the scars of his past and willing to hope to find revenge, who is responsible for killing his mentor.


Update: I changed the storyline a little, due of the two confusing sentences and later been improved.
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