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Friday was here and Josh was still feeling like an idiot.
Last night, he was packing bag for spending Friday night. He was in the middle of it when he groaned. He looked back at Blaine who might have wondered what was wrong, "Why am I packing to spend the night? At my own house?" Annoyed by his own foolishness, he immediately put the packed clothing away. "I'll just change clothes at home and use one of our spare toothbrushes. Stuff like that."
Josh had set his alarm clock for an earlier time so that he could go to the gym this morning instead of this afternoon since he was going to be busy. Same routine for a guy who likes routine. Gym, shower back here, and then get dressed. Today, he wore tan corduroy pants. For a top, he wore one of his Henley shirts. Best when I can't make up my mind if I want to wear a tee or a button shirt. This one was olive green and had short sleeves. Josh didn't much care for shirts with long sleeves.
Josh day passed by well and he had daily lunch with Santiago and Flynn. He had wanted to bring Blaine along so the four could eat together, but the timing hadn't worked out so far. Flynn was stunned, "Homesick? Already?" Josh shook his head, "Not really. I told Blaine about my cooking, and we agreed to head to my place so I could make him something. We're having salmon with risotto and Brussels sprouts." Santiago approved of the menu, "We eat lots of fish at our house with chicken every now and then. Beef rarely and only when we go out to eat. Makes it muy especial." Flynn asked, "Are you going to make it in time for the movie tomorrow night? Don't want to miss Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Santiago grinned , "Yea and miss Richard Dreyfuss make the mashed potatoes mountain. Downer scene, but it's the one I remember the most" as he fingered his owl pendant necklace.
As soon as Josh's last class was over, he made a beeline to the dorm and to his room. He appeared and Blaine appeared all ready to go, "Come on, come on. It's 1515 hours." Heading to the parking garage, they came upon Red Tundra which could use a wash soon. Josh mused, "Dude needs a bath." He petted his truck like a beloved pet, "Don't you?" Looking at Blaine, "I like to handwash him." He opened the doors and climbed in helping Blaine with his overnight bag, putting it in the backseat. He set his phone in the holder and away they go.
Red Tundra ambled down the road out of Sutter until they connected with the freeway. Thus began the long journey home. For the next three hours, they made small talk every now and then. Nothing too serious, just a general assessment of how their first week at school went. Throughout, they were accompanied by what Josh called the buddy playlist. It was a list of 180 songs that were the favs of Josh, Brett, Trevor, and Dave. Listen to Josh's 80's pop music like Journey and Duran Duran, Queen, various J-Pop boy bands such as Uverworld and Nova Dream, movie soundtracks too. Listen to Brett's songs from the 60s and 70s such as those from Creedence Clearwater Revival, Bee Gees, Steppenwolf and Yes mixed with songs Broadway and Opera including his rare public singing performances. Listen to Trevor's Metal bands like KISS, Metallica, and Iron Maiden. Listen to Dave's Country selections like those of Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, and Willie Nelson.
Eventually, as the sun began its fall, recognizable sights were being seen. Off in the far distance, the skyline of downtown Houston. Josh said, "I'm getting off here. Scenic view." The street that the truck now was on, Mitchell Drive, was a large street which was one of the longest in the city. He spoke like a tour guide, "To your right is Paco Tacos. Cheap but excellent taqueria. Me and my bros would go there during off campus lunch. They only do tacos and enchiladas." A couple of blocks away and with an inflexion denoting pride, "Also to your right, my school."
Here is Josh's alma mater: St. Isidore High School. Here is the original building in the front and those added over the years to the sides. On the corner, near the street, is a brick sign bearing the school's name. Behind it are the flags of the US, Texas, and the school itself. Facing Mitchell Drive is the football stadium. Atop the announcer booth bears the sign (Home of the Ravens). Signs attached to the back of the bleachers are signs noting prior state championships. There was the one from last year and then nine year before that, then prior ones. Make a turn. Nothing much to say about this street except, "Down that street, St. Martín de Porres, the church I go to." Make a turn.
On this street, Fletcher Blvd, there were a plethora of business including plenty of eateries of all kinds. To a guy whose nickname is Jaws, it must seem like paradise. Red Tundra passed a wooden apple-shaped sign on an esplanade, "We are now entering Appleseed Park." Make the final turn. This was Newton St. The house slowed to a stop in front of the sixth house on the right. "We're here."
The Nakayama house was a single-story home made of limestone brick. There was a patch of garden on the side next to the corner window and a planter box facing the house next door. Some grass, then another planter box. A series of three windows. Below these were the blooming rosebushes tended by Tomokazu Nakayama, Josh's father. A red mailbox nestled in a smaller patch of garden with two garden flags: the Stars and Stripes of America and the Hinomaru of Japan. A red iron door in front of a wooden door which was also red. The house was painted a sky blue and had a trim of cobalt blue. A white carport above a double driveway. Just Tosan's SUV so far. Mom's running late today. Inserted into the grass was a new and short-term addition. It was a political sign (Elect Chet! For Mayor). Connecting all the houses was a sidewalk.
Josh got out and opened the passenger door for Blaine. Walk up the pebble path up to the door. Josh got out his keys and opened the door. Next to the door, it was necessary to pause. was a cubby. There were slots with labels in English and Japanese. (Mother), (Father), (Ryota), and (Visitors). Josh removed his sneakers, but them in his cubby, and put on his slippers. To Blaine, "You can keep your socks on." Around the corner, to the right, was the den. His nostrils wavered. I smell food. No. It can't be. I said I was going to make dinner. He heard for the accompanying sounds. No. No cooking. A male voice whose Japanese accent had softened some during the past 30 years, "Ryota? Is that you?" Josh replied, "Yes Tosan along with Blaine."
A man with short hair appears from around the corner, "No. I didn't start cooking. I just left everything on the counter." He was slightly taller and, in his youth when he was on his high school kendo team back in Ibaraki, he had a toned body. It was still there for the most part, but older. Not as muscular as his son if they were the same age because in terms of musculature, Josh was an Ishida man. His uncle and grandfather had physiques similar to his when they were his age. The older Nakayama said, "It's nice to meet you. My son's been talking about you a great deal." He took Blaine's hand and shook it, "We'll talk soon over dinner." To Josh, "Your mother should be home in about 30 minutes."
Josh took Blaine away from the kitchen and towards the rest of the house. The left led to the master bedroom with bath and to the home office which was used mostly by his mom. To the right were the other rooms. They go that way. Josh said, "There's the bathroom on the left. As you can see, I like frogs a lot. That's why Dave usually calls me in his Kermit voice. On the right, is the media room." Wooden saloon doors led inside. It had a couch with a fold out bed and various movie posters. Here were shelves of books and DVDs and video game cases. A large TV. The end of the hallway where they come upon a door with a wooden sign bearing the name of Ryota in Kanji. Open the door.
It was a large rectangular room painted a pastel orange color with a walk-in closet. There was an odd nook near the door opposite the full-sized bed. The nook was four foot high x four foot wide x ten feet long. The floor was cushioned. It was assumed that this was a place where Josh liked to relax and recline while reading a book or something like when he didn't want to be on his bed. Yes, but it is a bed when I want to sleep in my full wolf form.
Above Josh's bed was a framed poster of Yutaro Takeda with shirt mostly unbuttoned revealed a firm chest. Adjacent on the connecting wall was a poster of the entire band of Nova Dream; those young men were equally dreamy. Sitting between his two pillows was Kaeru-chan who was his plush frog and mainstay since early childhood. Also retained since childhood was the light switch plate which was in the shape of an owl; it was painted green.
His desk, which was next to the bed, was next to the window which looked out into the back yard. They had a shed and a smaller garden which was in the middle. At its center was a crape myrtle. Above the desk were photos of him and his buddies and various memorable events from school. Above his file cabinet which was between desk and bed, there was a poster of Earl Campbell of the Houston Oilers. On the top of the file cabinet was a hinged frame. They contained photos of his grandfathers when they were just a handful of years older than him. On the left side was Hironobu Nakayama in a uniform befitting a seaman of the Japanese Imperial Navy. On the right was Kentaro Ishida in an American Army uniform serving with the MIS. Two men on opposing sides of a long and brutal war were now linked through the marriage of their children. Each night, he wished his grandfathers good night.
Next to his closet, there was his dresser which he had turned into a shrine dedicated to his days of playing football for the St. Isidore Ravens. On it was his football helmet in a case and accompanying it, his jersey was secured in a frame on the way. His school had a robust booster club. Jerseys were all personalized and, should an athlete play for all four years, they were able to retain their uniforms. Uniforms cleaned and polished naturally. Surrounding the helmet, there were four framed photos. First, was the largest. It was last year's varsity squad. Somewhere in the middle, there was Josh. On the opposite side, was the second photo. That one was of him, Brett, Trevor, and David. They were all in their gear wearing faces full of jubilant camaraderie. In front of the first photo, there was Josh alone. He was on one knee. One hand touched the top of his helmet and a ball in the crook of his arm. In front of the second photo, there was the fourth. This one was of just Brett and Josh in gear. The two young men stood side to side in a slight V stance. In the crook of one's left arm, was his helmet. In the crook of the other's right arm, was his helmet.
He had a trio of bookshelves. Two were right by the door and the third was by his desk. There were a variety of books. Many were cookbooks and one about growing herbs called Total Herbage. Relatedly, there were biographies of notable chefs. He also had several science books. There were those about biology, chemistry, genetics, and astronomy. As with the culinary books, there were biographies about scientists. He had a variety of graphic novels and manga. He turned to Blaine, “I used to have DVDs in my room, but I moved them to the media room when my parents and I decided to merge our collections. That way, I have room for more books. I do read fiction. Mostly Lovecraft, Poe, King. I have Star Trek novels and classics like Treasure Island.
On the top shelf of the two bookshelves by the door, there were no books. On one of them, were posable figures of Pegasus Seiya and the other four main Bronze Saints. On the other top shelf, were the five main gundams from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. After this brief view of the room, "So then, sleeping arrangements for tonight. Either we could share my bed, or you can use the bed while I sleep on the futon, or we could do the same in the media room. Just put your stuff on my bed for now and we'll return to the kitchen."
There, Josh asked Blaine to sit at the dining room table so he could see Josh cook.
Last night, he was packing bag for spending Friday night. He was in the middle of it when he groaned. He looked back at Blaine who might have wondered what was wrong, "Why am I packing to spend the night? At my own house?" Annoyed by his own foolishness, he immediately put the packed clothing away. "I'll just change clothes at home and use one of our spare toothbrushes. Stuff like that."
Josh had set his alarm clock for an earlier time so that he could go to the gym this morning instead of this afternoon since he was going to be busy. Same routine for a guy who likes routine. Gym, shower back here, and then get dressed. Today, he wore tan corduroy pants. For a top, he wore one of his Henley shirts. Best when I can't make up my mind if I want to wear a tee or a button shirt. This one was olive green and had short sleeves. Josh didn't much care for shirts with long sleeves.
Josh day passed by well and he had daily lunch with Santiago and Flynn. He had wanted to bring Blaine along so the four could eat together, but the timing hadn't worked out so far. Flynn was stunned, "Homesick? Already?" Josh shook his head, "Not really. I told Blaine about my cooking, and we agreed to head to my place so I could make him something. We're having salmon with risotto and Brussels sprouts." Santiago approved of the menu, "We eat lots of fish at our house with chicken every now and then. Beef rarely and only when we go out to eat. Makes it muy especial." Flynn asked, "Are you going to make it in time for the movie tomorrow night? Don't want to miss Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Santiago grinned , "Yea and miss Richard Dreyfuss make the mashed potatoes mountain. Downer scene, but it's the one I remember the most" as he fingered his owl pendant necklace.
As soon as Josh's last class was over, he made a beeline to the dorm and to his room. He appeared and Blaine appeared all ready to go, "Come on, come on. It's 1515 hours." Heading to the parking garage, they came upon Red Tundra which could use a wash soon. Josh mused, "Dude needs a bath." He petted his truck like a beloved pet, "Don't you?" Looking at Blaine, "I like to handwash him." He opened the doors and climbed in helping Blaine with his overnight bag, putting it in the backseat. He set his phone in the holder and away they go.
Red Tundra ambled down the road out of Sutter until they connected with the freeway. Thus began the long journey home. For the next three hours, they made small talk every now and then. Nothing too serious, just a general assessment of how their first week at school went. Throughout, they were accompanied by what Josh called the buddy playlist. It was a list of 180 songs that were the favs of Josh, Brett, Trevor, and Dave. Listen to Josh's 80's pop music like Journey and Duran Duran, Queen, various J-Pop boy bands such as Uverworld and Nova Dream, movie soundtracks too. Listen to Brett's songs from the 60s and 70s such as those from Creedence Clearwater Revival, Bee Gees, Steppenwolf and Yes mixed with songs Broadway and Opera including his rare public singing performances. Listen to Trevor's Metal bands like KISS, Metallica, and Iron Maiden. Listen to Dave's Country selections like those of Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, and Willie Nelson.
Eventually, as the sun began its fall, recognizable sights were being seen. Off in the far distance, the skyline of downtown Houston. Josh said, "I'm getting off here. Scenic view." The street that the truck now was on, Mitchell Drive, was a large street which was one of the longest in the city. He spoke like a tour guide, "To your right is Paco Tacos. Cheap but excellent taqueria. Me and my bros would go there during off campus lunch. They only do tacos and enchiladas." A couple of blocks away and with an inflexion denoting pride, "Also to your right, my school."
Here is Josh's alma mater: St. Isidore High School. Here is the original building in the front and those added over the years to the sides. On the corner, near the street, is a brick sign bearing the school's name. Behind it are the flags of the US, Texas, and the school itself. Facing Mitchell Drive is the football stadium. Atop the announcer booth bears the sign (Home of the Ravens). Signs attached to the back of the bleachers are signs noting prior state championships. There was the one from last year and then nine year before that, then prior ones. Make a turn. Nothing much to say about this street except, "Down that street, St. Martín de Porres, the church I go to." Make a turn.
On this street, Fletcher Blvd, there were a plethora of business including plenty of eateries of all kinds. To a guy whose nickname is Jaws, it must seem like paradise. Red Tundra passed a wooden apple-shaped sign on an esplanade, "We are now entering Appleseed Park." Make the final turn. This was Newton St. The house slowed to a stop in front of the sixth house on the right. "We're here."
The Nakayama house was a single-story home made of limestone brick. There was a patch of garden on the side next to the corner window and a planter box facing the house next door. Some grass, then another planter box. A series of three windows. Below these were the blooming rosebushes tended by Tomokazu Nakayama, Josh's father. A red mailbox nestled in a smaller patch of garden with two garden flags: the Stars and Stripes of America and the Hinomaru of Japan. A red iron door in front of a wooden door which was also red. The house was painted a sky blue and had a trim of cobalt blue. A white carport above a double driveway. Just Tosan's SUV so far. Mom's running late today. Inserted into the grass was a new and short-term addition. It was a political sign (Elect Chet! For Mayor). Connecting all the houses was a sidewalk.
Josh got out and opened the passenger door for Blaine. Walk up the pebble path up to the door. Josh got out his keys and opened the door. Next to the door, it was necessary to pause. was a cubby. There were slots with labels in English and Japanese. (Mother), (Father), (Ryota), and (Visitors). Josh removed his sneakers, but them in his cubby, and put on his slippers. To Blaine, "You can keep your socks on." Around the corner, to the right, was the den. His nostrils wavered. I smell food. No. It can't be. I said I was going to make dinner. He heard for the accompanying sounds. No. No cooking. A male voice whose Japanese accent had softened some during the past 30 years, "Ryota? Is that you?" Josh replied, "Yes Tosan along with Blaine."
A man with short hair appears from around the corner, "No. I didn't start cooking. I just left everything on the counter." He was slightly taller and, in his youth when he was on his high school kendo team back in Ibaraki, he had a toned body. It was still there for the most part, but older. Not as muscular as his son if they were the same age because in terms of musculature, Josh was an Ishida man. His uncle and grandfather had physiques similar to his when they were his age. The older Nakayama said, "It's nice to meet you. My son's been talking about you a great deal." He took Blaine's hand and shook it, "We'll talk soon over dinner." To Josh, "Your mother should be home in about 30 minutes."
Josh took Blaine away from the kitchen and towards the rest of the house. The left led to the master bedroom with bath and to the home office which was used mostly by his mom. To the right were the other rooms. They go that way. Josh said, "There's the bathroom on the left. As you can see, I like frogs a lot. That's why Dave usually calls me in his Kermit voice. On the right, is the media room." Wooden saloon doors led inside. It had a couch with a fold out bed and various movie posters. Here were shelves of books and DVDs and video game cases. A large TV. The end of the hallway where they come upon a door with a wooden sign bearing the name of Ryota in Kanji. Open the door.
It was a large rectangular room painted a pastel orange color with a walk-in closet. There was an odd nook near the door opposite the full-sized bed. The nook was four foot high x four foot wide x ten feet long. The floor was cushioned. It was assumed that this was a place where Josh liked to relax and recline while reading a book or something like when he didn't want to be on his bed. Yes, but it is a bed when I want to sleep in my full wolf form.
Above Josh's bed was a framed poster of Yutaro Takeda with shirt mostly unbuttoned revealed a firm chest. Adjacent on the connecting wall was a poster of the entire band of Nova Dream; those young men were equally dreamy. Sitting between his two pillows was Kaeru-chan who was his plush frog and mainstay since early childhood. Also retained since childhood was the light switch plate which was in the shape of an owl; it was painted green.
His desk, which was next to the bed, was next to the window which looked out into the back yard. They had a shed and a smaller garden which was in the middle. At its center was a crape myrtle. Above the desk were photos of him and his buddies and various memorable events from school. Above his file cabinet which was between desk and bed, there was a poster of Earl Campbell of the Houston Oilers. On the top of the file cabinet was a hinged frame. They contained photos of his grandfathers when they were just a handful of years older than him. On the left side was Hironobu Nakayama in a uniform befitting a seaman of the Japanese Imperial Navy. On the right was Kentaro Ishida in an American Army uniform serving with the MIS. Two men on opposing sides of a long and brutal war were now linked through the marriage of their children. Each night, he wished his grandfathers good night.
Next to his closet, there was his dresser which he had turned into a shrine dedicated to his days of playing football for the St. Isidore Ravens. On it was his football helmet in a case and accompanying it, his jersey was secured in a frame on the way. His school had a robust booster club. Jerseys were all personalized and, should an athlete play for all four years, they were able to retain their uniforms. Uniforms cleaned and polished naturally. Surrounding the helmet, there were four framed photos. First, was the largest. It was last year's varsity squad. Somewhere in the middle, there was Josh. On the opposite side, was the second photo. That one was of him, Brett, Trevor, and David. They were all in their gear wearing faces full of jubilant camaraderie. In front of the first photo, there was Josh alone. He was on one knee. One hand touched the top of his helmet and a ball in the crook of his arm. In front of the second photo, there was the fourth. This one was of just Brett and Josh in gear. The two young men stood side to side in a slight V stance. In the crook of one's left arm, was his helmet. In the crook of the other's right arm, was his helmet.
He had a trio of bookshelves. Two were right by the door and the third was by his desk. There were a variety of books. Many were cookbooks and one about growing herbs called Total Herbage. Relatedly, there were biographies of notable chefs. He also had several science books. There were those about biology, chemistry, genetics, and astronomy. As with the culinary books, there were biographies about scientists. He had a variety of graphic novels and manga. He turned to Blaine, “I used to have DVDs in my room, but I moved them to the media room when my parents and I decided to merge our collections. That way, I have room for more books. I do read fiction. Mostly Lovecraft, Poe, King. I have Star Trek novels and classics like Treasure Island.
On the top shelf of the two bookshelves by the door, there were no books. On one of them, were posable figures of Pegasus Seiya and the other four main Bronze Saints. On the other top shelf, were the five main gundams from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. After this brief view of the room, "So then, sleeping arrangements for tonight. Either we could share my bed, or you can use the bed while I sleep on the futon, or we could do the same in the media room. Just put your stuff on my bed for now and we'll return to the kitchen."
There, Josh asked Blaine to sit at the dining room table so he could see Josh cook.
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