• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Turn of the Century, Lead your nation in the year 1900!


A Navy Man
Greetings one and all! It seems you lucky chap have managed to survive the turbulent times of the industrial revolution. Well, welcome to a new century, a century of war, famine, and disease. Don't worry, all you'll be doing is trying to make sure your nation doesn't get lost within the masses of the world powers of yesterday, or mixed in the dirty alliances of tomorrow. Good morrow to you and welcome to the 20th century.

Now, the rules of the game are as follows. Please play the game as historically accurate as possible (Or at least as much as you think you need or want) if you want to play as some Communistic Hierarchy, have a revolution when you start as your country, don't put in your CS. The same goes for military numbers, your military will start out for the military numbers at the time, you can make them bigger during the game but remember size of the military affects your economy and nation as a whole, so be mindful. Turns will equal 4 months game time, and each turn will take a week, between Mon-Fri you can write up your turn and between Sat-Sun we will moderate it. Please send in your turn by 2000 hours Hawaii Time. When putting in your CS please put everything in the most accurate as you can (If you can't find any sources for a certain part of the CS, you can just guess and the moderator or I will decide whether or not we think it is accurate) everything you put in the CS can be changed over the course of the roleplay. Other than that whatever the Mod says goes (Mod is Serenade) and have fun. If you have any more questions please ask in the OOC, and either I, the Mod, or a player from one of our former RPs will post their first turn to be used as the template for posting.

We also have a Skype channel for discussing diplomacy, trade, and etc. If you would like to join please PM me your username. It is not required, but highly encouraged and makes the roleplaying experience much more enjoyable.

Starting year is Jan. 1st 1900
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Yog’s 11 Thesis Statements

(I have no idea why I wrote Thesis)

Chapter 1. Turns

All turns must incorporate the following-

Military Numbers

The Turn Number

A list of all researches completed

Chapter 2. Late Turns and Events

Turns must be turned in by Saturday 9:00 PM EST

Late Turn = Late Moderation (Will try not too)

In event of a late turn, events concerning said nation may also be late.

Chapter 3. NPCs

NPCs will operate on a level unseen in the previous RPs, they will become much more threatening, intelligent and more beneficial as an ally. Invading a NPC will not be an easy task, as the NPC will operate on a similar level as a PC, with recruiting, drafting, tactics, all dictated by surrounding political atmosphere. NPCs will declare war on PCs if provoked high enough, and can also even backstab if it feels so. (Highly unlikely) Rebellions will start in countries if morale is low enough, however, countries will receive many warnings or hints before time.

Chapter 4. “Skype”

The player base may use Skype messages to their advantages during times of war. Be careful of what you write on Skype, as since I control the NPCs, and I am present on Skype, the NPCs will be reading whatever you wrote.

Chapter 5. Events

All events will be made done as accurate and fun to read as possible, I swear to not metagame when controlling a NPC. I also swear to no not be biased to any nation, people and or species.

Chapter 6. Royal Britannia

Does NOT rule the waves

Chapter 7. What you can expect

Quality Events

Quality Turns

Accurate Events

Consideration of geography, political, number, tactic and general regarding war moderations.

Chapter 8. Consequences

If military numbers are not found on turn, it will not be moderated

(Don’t try to hide your numbers and cheat stuff without others knowing)

All will get 3 citations, if found cheating more than 3, one shall lose one turn worth of production, operation writing, trade, etc.

Chapter 9. Industry and Production

All production, recruitment and food shall be set by le moi, increasing industry will work better for some versus other countries. Recruitment numbers will change according to population morale, economic stability, and political stability.

Chapter 10. Alternate History

Whilst NPCs and or rebellions will follow like how they did in real life, NPCs will recruit more, research more, and modernize more if threatened by anyone. This is to keep players from mindlessly increasing militaries while thinking nothing will lash back. Whilst rebellions will not attack the same as in real life, they will be controlled by a new general, and this is so crushing planned rebellions easily. Most countries however, will attack almost how they did...expect more intelligently.

Chapter 11. Good Luck

With NPCs more threatening, tactics and weapons lowered, and a major shift in political and geographical power, this RP will come le harder, and second chances may not happen…

Chapter 12. The Line between a NPC and Player

When a player has been inactive for 3 weeks, such as not posting a turn without a certified reason approved by either the Playerbase, Kerkov or I, their country will be declared a NPC.

Chapter 0.???

No Respawns. If your country and leader dies…
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Rajis da Krumaav (The Kingdom of Egypt) turn 1:

Current numbers:

400,000 soldiers

400,000 Mauser 1889 rifles


10 River monitors

50 river gun boats


Recruit 100,000 soldiers into the army

Build 5 River monitors

Build 500 Maxim Machine Guns

Reequip the soldiers with the Khopesh as a main weapon of the army

Build 100,000 Mauser 1889 rifles


Build canals throughout the country, instead of using roads for transportation we use the canals

Build farms in the Nile Delta

Internal affairs:

Strengthen border security in case of invasion

Build fortifications around Cairo, Alexandria

Reinstall Pharaoh as ruler of the Khedivate of Egypt

re-add the Ancient Egyptian pantheon of gods as another religion of The Khedivate

Declare independence, The Egyptian Caliphate is the new nation replacing the former Khedivate

Foreign affairs:

Ally with Spain (Discussed, will help each other militarily)

Ally with Germany (Discussed, he will help me shoo UK away from Egypt)





Katrav rifle (Details PM'ed)

500hp diesel engine

Memphis class submarine (Details PM'ed)
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Kingdom of Italy turn 1:

Military Size:

800,000 soldiers

2 Formidabile class

4 Regina Maria Pia class

1 Affondatore class

1 Principe Amedeo class

2 Dulio class

2 Italia class

3 Ruggiero di Lauria class

3 Re Umberto class

2 Ammiraglio di Saint Bon class (building, finished turn 2 and 3)

2 Regina Margherita class (building, finished turn 4

1 Vittorio Emanuel class

1 Maria Adelaide class

1 Marco Polo class

2 Victor Pisani class

2 Giuseppe Garibaldi class (1 building)

1 Caracciolo class

1 Flavio Gioia class

1 Amerigo Vespucci class

1 Giovanni Bausan class

4 Etna class

1 Dogali class

1 Piemonte class

5 Umbria class

1 Christiforo Colombo class

1 Calabria class

1 Vendetta class

2 Agostino class

1 Messaggero class

1 Archemide class

1 Delfino class


Build 2 Regina Margherita class battleships

Build 5 Guissepe Garibaldi class cruisers w/ the 8" gun modification


Sell Russia 4 Etna class and 4 Umbria class Crusiers

Sell Greece 1 Vittorio Emanuele class, 1 Maria Adelaide class, and 1 Vendetta class


Build 2 factories in Naples

Build 1 shipyard in Naples


Regina Elena class mod.1 (original)

Regina Elena class mod.2 (custom)

Regina Elena class mod.3 (custom)

Battleships, total:56

1 Warrior class

HMS Warrior

1 Hector class

HMS Hector

1 Achilles class

HMS Achilles

1 Bellerophon class

HMS Bellerophon

1 Hercules class

HMS Hercules

3 Audacious class

HMS Audacious

HMS Invincible

HMS Iron Duke

1 Sultan class

HMS Sultan

2 Swiftsure class

HMS Swiftsure

HMS Triumph

2 Devastation class

HMS Devastation

HMS Thunderer

1 Alexandra class

HMS Alexandra

1 Temeraire class

HMS Temeraire

2 Belleisle class

HMS Belleisle

HMS Orion

1 Dreadnought class

HMS Dreadnought (not that dreadnought)

1 Superb class

HMS Superb

1 Neptune class

HMS Neptune

1 Inflexible class

HMS Inflexible

2 Agamemnon class

HMS Agamemnon

HMS Ajax

2 Conqueror class

HMS Conqueror

HMS Hero

2 Colossus class

HMS Colossus

HMS Collingwood

4 Rodney class

HMS Rodney

HMS Howe

HMS Camperdown

HMS Anson

1 Benbow class

HMS Benbow

1 Victoria class

HMS Sans Pareil

2 Trafalgar class

HMS Trafalgar

HMS Nile

7 Royal Sovereign class

HMS Royal Sovereign

HMS Empress of India

HMS Repulse

HMS Ramillies

HMS Resolution

HMS Revenge

HMS Royal Oak

1 Hood class

HMS Hood

2 Centurion class

HMS Centurion

HMS Barfleur

9 Majestic class

HMS Magnificent

HMS Majestic

HMS Prince George

HMS Jupiter

HMS Mars

HMS Hannibal

HMS Caesar

HMS Illustrious

1 Renown class

HMS Renown

1 Canopus class

HMS Canopus

Battlecruisers: 2 total

1 Hotspur class

HMS Hotspur

1 Rupert class

HMS Rupert

Monitors: 6 total

1 Cerberus class

1 Glatton class

4 Cyclops class


Armored Cruisers: 74 total

1 Raliegh class

1 Shah class

1 Nelson class

2 Imperieuse class

7 Orlando class

2 Blake class

9 Edgar class

2 Powerful class

4 Diadem class

Protected Cruisers (1st rate 2nd rate3rd rate): 92 ()

2 Voltage class

2 Emerald class

1 Bacchante class

5 Comus class

2 Iris class

6 Satellite class

2 Calypso class

4 Leander class

4 Mersey class

5 Medea class

21 Apollo class

8 Astrea class

9 Eclipse class

3 Arrogant class

2 highflyer class

4 Barracouta class

2 Barham class

9 Pearl class

6 Pelorus class

Scout Cruiser: 16 total

2 Osprey class

1 Doterel class

4 Mariner class

4 Nymphe class

2 Beagle class

2 Alert class

2 Pheonix class

1 Condor class


2 Surprise class


2 Scout class

7 Archer class

Torpedo Ships:RT: 1 total

1 Polyphemus class

PGT: 33 Total

1 Rattlesnake class

3 Grasshopper class

13 Sharpshooter class

11 Alarm class

5 Dryad class

Destroyer: Total: 75

2 Havock class

2 Daring class

2 Ferret class

3 Ardent class

3 Janus class

3 Banshee class

3 Handy class

3 Rocket class

3 Charger class

2 Haughty class

2 Salmon class

3 Sunfish class

3 Sturgeon class

2 Swordfish class

4 Desperate class

4 Quail class

2 Avon class

6 Earnest class

6 Star class

2 Angler class

2 Violent class

3 Gipsy class

2 Fawn class

3 Conflict class

1 Cheerful class

2 Coquette class

1 Leopard class

1 Leven class

Torpedo Boats: 165 total

9 TB 2 class

2 TB 17 class

1 TB 14 class

1 TB 15 class

1 TB 20 class

2 TB 21 class

2 TB 23 class

1 TB 25 class

23 TB 26 class

21 TB 30 class

5 TB 34 class

1 TB 79 class

1 TB 80 class

1 TB 39 class

3 Baluchi class

1 Gurkha class

3 Mahratta class

6 TB 82 class

2 TB 88 class

2 TB 91 class

1 TB 93 class

3 TB 94 class

1 TB 97 class

1 TB 90 class

11 TB 51 class

1 TB 63 class

8 TB 64 class

18 TB 76 class

4 TB 74 class

1 TB 98 class

12 WTB 1 class

2 TB 99 class

2 TB 49 class

10 TB 39 class

1 Hecla class

1 Vulcan class

Miscellaneous: 79

1 Staunch class

1 Plucky class

23 Ant class

1 Ariel class

3 Forester class

11 Medina class

2 Linnet class

7 Banterer class

2 Bouncer class

1 Handy class

3 Albacore class

2 Curlew class

3 Bramble class

6 Pigmy class

9 Redbreast class

1 Bramble class

1 Lady Loch class

1 Otter class

4 Heron class

2 Woodcock class

Grand Total:

56 Battleships, 2 Battlecruisers, 74 Armored Cruisers, 103 Protected Cruisers, 16 Scout Cruisers, 1 RT, 33 PGT, 75 Destroyers, 165 Torpedo Boats, 79 Misc. Ships

Total: Britannia rules the waves!

Royal Army:

416,400 personnel , 750 artillery pieces (type to be determined),12 Zeppelins in Europe

500,000 personnel in Africa, 500 Artillery pieces, 6 Zeppelins

250,000 personnel in Asia, 250 Artillery pieces, 2 zeppelins in Asia

Military:Operation Reclamation

Operation Allson

Recruit 200,000 troops for Africa

Send the Occupation force in Egypt to Cairo to accept the Egyptian surrender, allowing the Pharaoh to become the Governor.


Build 7 factories in England

Build 5 factories in Scotland

Build 4 shipyards in Southern England

Build 2 shipyards in Western England

Build 7 factories throughout Africa

Work on improving the rail systems in the Home Isles.

Continue to push support to the men fighting the Boers, ensuring that Ladysmith shall soon be liberated.


Invite France, Italy, and Russia to form an alliance known as the either Double, Triple, or Quadruple Entente depending on how many accept.


Begin to research Short Magazine Lee Enfield Mark III

Begin to research Vickers machine gun

Begin to research the QF 4.5-inch howitzer
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Qing Dynasty China turn 1


On January 31, in the midst of the New Year's celebration, a coup occurred. The Beiyang Army stormed the Summer Palace and proceeded capture and arrest Empress Cixi and all those who are loyal to her. A couple of the remaining officials survive(the ones who aren’t idiots like Cixi)and they immediately put Guangxu as head of what’s left of the government. The combined armies were somewhat hostile to this but a consort of the the Emperor vouch in his favor, stating he planned to improve China via reform both economically, politically and militarily but was stopped by Cixi. The remaining officials agree with her statement and the heads of the New Green and Beiyang armies agree to let this man rule if he immediately begin the reforms stated. Thus begins a new rule in the Qing Dynasty…

Armed Forces


2 Hai Chi class protected cruisers

3 Hai Yung class protected cruisers

3 Wei Yuen class composite sloops

1 Tung Chi unprotected cruiser

1 Pao Min steel cruiser

2 Nan Shui steel cruisers

3 Kai Chi composite cruisers

1 Fei Ying torpedo cruiser

4 Hai Lung class destroyers

1 Fei Ting torpedo gunboat

1 Fei Ch’ing torpedo gunboat

2 Che Tse class torpedo boats

2 Chang Tse class torpedo boats

9 Lei Chen class torpedo boats

2 Lei Fu class torpedo boats

1 Fu An transport

2 Ching Ch’ing class transports


(Don’t have any solid evidence for heavy military equipment so I’m just going to have everything at 100 units)

100 6cm Mountain guns

100 7.5cm Field guns

100 7.5cm mountain guns

100 7.85cm field guns

100 8.7cm field guns

100 37mm Hotchkiss rotating guns (a primitive autocannon)

75,000 Strong Beiyang Army

60,000 Strong Guangdong Victorious Army

7,000 Strong New Army

5,000 Strong Green Standard Army

18,000 Strong Imperial Guard


Centralize the Armies of China, renaming them the People’s Army of China, with all units to be trained to the level of the New Army commanded by Yuan Shikai. Have all military reforms and organizations done his contemporary, Zhang Zhidong. He is in charge of recreating China’s Armies.

Centralize the Chinese navy and begin a massive retraining process with all naval forces except those of the Beiyang navy.

Send 3,500 of the former New Army and 3,500 of the former Beiyang Army to Peking to help foreigners and Chinese Christians evacuate the city. The city in ti's entirety is to be put under curfew. They are to reinforce that part of the city with simple defenses and Gatling and Hotchkiss gun emplacements. Don't use force unless the situation forces them to. Also have 2,500 of the Guangdong Victorious Army patrol the railroad tracks leading to and from Peking. They are to guard it from any Boxer interference.

Purchase 10 ironclad battleships from Italy (3 Re Umberto class, 2 Caio Duilio class, 2 Italia class, and 3 Ruggiero di Lauria class), pay 2.3 million Yuan for these ships

Purchase 4 Giuseppe Garibaldi class armored cruisers (dual 8” version) and 4 Piemonte class protected cruisers for 700,000 yuan

Request to purchase a license to produce Mauser C96s pistols from the company themselves.

Begin increasing ammunition and gun production for the modernization of the Chinese army.


Begin taxing the importation and internal trade of opium

Begin a project lowering the amount of land taxes placed on farmers if they farm food staples

Begin introducing principles of capitalism to the chinese market

Begin importing modern work equipment for companies to purchase from the government at a reasonable price. 1 million yuan is to be given to this project

Begin construction of coal and metal mines to provide china with the resources for her modernization, offer good salaries for the workers of these mines

Begin importing modern farming equipment for the people to use

Internal policies

Begin setting the government up to switch over to a constitutional monarchy system. Have an constitution be drafted but only begin this project in earnest once the Boxer problem is dealt with.

Reject the Parts of the treaty of Nanking regarding foreign exemption from chinese law. From this day forward foreigners will have to abide by the same laws as do the chinese population. Begin bring a hand down on illegal opium dens and other foreign run operation that are illegal. Have the Green Standard army help local law enforcement with this task.

Modernize the Imperial Examination system, encouraging more free thinking and have the system be ridden of the irrational parts of the system (fate, the heaven’s will and such)

Eliminate sinecures from the work system

Begin modernizing the education system, introducing modern math and science but keep confucian texts as well

Disband the Manchu Banners

Begin “rapid industrialization of all of China through manufacturing, commerce and capitalism”

Foreign policy

Request that Japan send an advisor to help China successfully go through its modernization process

Allow Italy to dock and construct dock yards in Port Arthur in exchange for helping china reconstruct and modernize her navy

Purchase the equipment needed to drill for oil in the Manchuria province

Allow Germany to mine and drill certain areas inside Manchuria but they will pay land tax and will be carefully observed.

R & D

Research a lighter and more modern version of the Jingal Wall gun. It must be able to be carried by a single solder and workible with a 2 man team. It will be known as the Jingal Type 0 heavy rifle. It’s primary purpose is to take out targets at extreme ranges both offensively and defensively.

Researched an improved bullet for rifles and pistols. These new rounds will have the bullet taper off into a point at the from, improving the speed and accuracy.

Research improved farming method for the people to use
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German Empire


2 million Infantry units: Equipped with Mauser Gewehr 98, Mauser C96, and Dreyse Reichsrevolver Model 1883)

200,000 Calvary units (Dreyse Reichsrevolver Model 1879)

500 7.7 Feldkanone 96 (FK96) Field Guns (1896)



Kronprinz (1)

König Wilhelm (1)

Kaiser (2)

Sachsen (4)

Oldenburg (1)

Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm (4)

Kaiser Friedrich III (2)

Siegfried (6)

Odin (2)


Furst Bismark (1)

Bismark (5)

Carola (4)

Nixe (1)

Alexandrine (2)

Charlotte (1)

Irene (2)

Kaiserin Augusta (1)

Gefion (1)

Victoria Louise (5)

Grille (1)

Zieten (1)

Blitz (2)

Greif (1)

Schwalbe (2)

Wacht (2)

Bussard (2)

Meteor (2)

Seeadler (3)

Geier (1)

Hela (1)

Torpedo Ships

D1 (2)

D3 (2)

D5 (2)

D7 (2)

D9 (1)

D10 (1)

S90 (1)

Nr. XVIII (8)


S7 (17)

S24 (7)

S32 (1)

S33 (8)

S42 (1)

S43 (14)

S58 (8)

S66 (1)

S67 (7)

S74 (1)

S75 (7)

S82 (6)

S90 (10)

G88 (2)

TSS (1)


PC (4)

Other Fighting Ships

Wespe (11)

Otter (1)

Wolf (2)

Habicht (2)

Hay (10

Brummer (2)

Iltis (2)

APG (1)

Rhein (1)

Pelikan (1)

Commence the "Tirpitz plan" and "Sub plan", all historical ships will be built and done according to their respective years.

Commence military intensive training within Austria-hungary, requesting the leader of Austria to take over of training their troops.

Recruit 200,000 soldiers

Create 3 more shipyards

Produce 300 more 7.7 Feldkanone 96 (FK96) Field Guns (1896)


Improve railroad infrastructure to the south and west

Commence expansion on railroads

Create 5 more weapons and Ammunitions factories.

Expand and fund more into the Prussian Military academy, even building another such military academy in Berlin.

Internal policies:

Commence propaganda project to inspire and rally up nationalism.

Foreign policy

Request Russia to sign the Reinsurance Treaty, along with Austria-hungary for an extended 5 years (1905)

Request for Ottomon Empire to join the Alliance

Request for Italy to continue its alliance pack with Austria-Hungary, and Germany.

Request for the usage of one Italian shipyard to build one Braunschweig-class battleship.

Supply China 50 7.7 Feldkanone 96 (FK96) Field Guns (1896), and 58,000 Mauser Gewehr 98's for 50 million German Gold marks.

R & D

Research the Luger P08

Research the Maxim MG08

Research the Krupp 7.5 cm Model 1903
French Third Republic Turn:1

Military Size:

970,000 French Personnel

900,000 Lebel 1886 Rifles

French Navy:


Charles Martel-1








La Galissonnière-2













Gustave Zédé-1

Military Planning:

-Recruit 200,000 well-trained horses

-Build 70,000 Lebel 1886 Rifles

-Replace all military uniforms with the new french outfits of blue & white colors

-Begin Construction of Land fortifications near Germany’s borders

-Begin a final plan to push into Kousséri to end the war in Cameroon.


-Paris Métro Line 1 to be built in Paris.

-Working hours for women and children is limited to 11 hours

-Exposition Universelle to be opened within three months to increase tourism

Interior Affairs:


Foreign Affairs:

Sign the Treaty of Paris with The Kingdom of Spain( Río Muni will be relieved of all conflicting claims from France. Moreover, if Spain decided to abandon its possessions in Río Muni, it will grant the French the right to pre-emptively seize all territories.

-Send a representative of the French Third Republic to the United Kingdom for discussions of a possible alliance.


FN M1900

-Early agriculture
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Empire of Japan Turn 1

Military Numbers:

Military Size:

Imperial Japanese Navy:

Military Size:

Imperial Japanese Navy:

Pre-Dreadnoughts: 6



2 Shikishima Class

2 Fuji Class

Armored Cruisers: 6






Iwate (under construction, will be commissioned turn 4)

Protected Cruisers: 16


2 Suma Class



3 Matsushima Class


2 Kasagi Class

2 Naniwa Class




Unprotected Cruisers: 4





Torpedo Boat Destroyers: 11

5 Ikazuchi Class

6 Marakumo Class

Imperial Japanese Army:

300,000 Soldiers

100 75mm Howtizers


Normalize relations with Japan.

Send advisers to China to aid in their industrialization program. Railroad engineers, factory managers and other trades necessary for industry will be sent. The group is meant only to advise and thus will be kept relatively small as to not effect Japans own production.

Order 2 Garibaldi Class Armored Cruisers from Italy for 70,000 pounds.

Send a representative to the Parson Marine Steam Turbine Company to discuss the possability of acquiring a license to build their turbines in Japan. Also ask if they would be interested in setting up a new firm in Japan.

Internal Affairs:

Build 3 factories for naval rifle production

Begin Construction on a slipway capable of building a Battleship at the Kure Naval Arsenal

Begin construction on a battleship capable slipway at the Yokosuka Naval Arsenal

Begin fortifying Tsushima Island. A garrison of 10,000 Japanese Soldiers will be deployed to the Island. Other details will be PM'ed.


Begin constructing 4 Hayabusa class torpedo boats


8 inch Howitzer Details PM'ed

76mm Howitzer: Details PM'ed


Furutaka Class Armored Cruiser: Details PM'ed
Qing Dynasty China turn 1


On January 31, in the midst of the New Year's celebration, a coup occurred. The Beiyang Army stormed the Summer Palace and proceeded capture and arrest Empress Cixi and all those who are loyal to her. A couple of the remaining officials survive(the ones who aren’t idiots like Cixi)and they immediately put Guangxu as head of what’s left of the government. The combined armies were somewhat hostile to this but a consort of the the Emperor vouch in his favor, stating he planned to improve China via reform both economically, politically and militarily but was stopped by Cixi. The remaining officials agree with her statement and the heads of the New Green and Beiyang armies agree to let this man rule if he immediately begin the reforms stated. Thus begins a new rule in the Qing Dynasty…

Empress Cixi is pronounced dead, a flurry of destability results temporarily from the recent coup, the Boxers have used this to their advantage, blaming the coup due to foreign influence, Cixi’s suppression of the Boxers have ended. Various Boxer leaders are suspicious of Guangxu after the Hundred Day’s Reform.

Armed Forces


2 Hai Chi class protected cruisers

3 Hai Yung class protected cruisers

3 Wei Yuen class composite sloops

1 Tung Chi unprotected cruiser

1 Pao Min steel cruiser

2 Nan Shui steel cruisers

3 Kai Chi composite cruisers

1 Fei Ying torpedo cruiser

4 Hai Lung class destroyers

1 Fei Ting torpedo gunboat

1 Fei Ch’ing torpedo gunboat

2 Che Tse class torpedo boats

2 Chang Tse class torpedo boats

9 Lei Chen class torpedo boats

2 Lei Fu class torpedo boats

1 Fu An transport

2 Ching Ch’ing class transports


(Don’t have any solid evidence for heavy military equipment so I’m just going to have everything at 100 units)

100 6cm Mountain guns

100 7.5cm Field guns

100 7.5cm mountain guns

100 7.85cm field guns

100 8.7cm field guns

100 37mm Hotchkiss rotating guns (a primitive autocannon)

75,000 Strong Beiyang Army

60,000 Strong Guangdong Victorious Army

7,000 Strong New Army

5,000 Strong Green Standard Army

18,000 Strong Imperial Guard


Centralize the Armies of China, renaming them the People’s Army of China, with all units to be trained to the level of the New Army commanded by Yuan Shikai. Have all military reforms and organizations done his contemporary, Zhang Zhidong. He is in charge of recreating China’s Armies.

The deed is done.

Send 3,500 of the former New Army and 3,500 of the former Beiyang Army to Peking to help foreigners and Chinese Christians evacuate the city. Also have 2,500 of the Guangdong Victorious Army patrol the railroad tracks leading to and from Peking. They are to guard it from any Boxer interference.

Foreigners and Chinese Christians are thankful to be supported, the army has evacuated them to nearby docks, ready to depart to other lands if needed.

Purchase 10 ironclad battleships from Italy (3 Re Umberto class, 2 Caio Duilio class, 2 Italia class, and 3 Ruggiero di Lauria class), pay 2.3 million Yuan for these ships

Ital Ital, the ships manage to arrive safely.

Purchase 4 Giuseppe Garibaldi class armored cruisers (dual 8” version) and 4 Piemonte class protected cruisers for 700,000 yuan

Ital Ital, It is done.

Request to purchase a license to produce Mauser C96s pistols from the company themselves.

They accept, and ask what will you give to Mauser.

Begin increasing ammunition and gun production for the modernization of the Chinese army.

More rifles and ammunition will be made whilst civilian products will be sacrificed.


Begin taxing the importation and internal trade of opium

Some Opium Addicts are quite sad.

Begin a project lowering the amount of land taxes placed on farmers if they farm food staples

Many farmers quickly switch, but this leaves many other foods, but the royalty are experiencing a sudden lack in variety of foods.

Begin introducing principles of capitalism to the chinese market

This will be done.

Begin importing modern work equipment for companies to purchase from the government at a reasonable price. 1 million yuan is to be given to this project

Very well.

Begin construction of coal and metal mines to provide china with the resources for her modernization, offer good salaries for the workers of these mines

Many workers come, former farmers, peasants, etc. Unfortunately, they are not well trained and many accidents occur.

Begin importing modern farming equipment for the people to use

Farming equipment is imported.

Internal policies

Begin setting the government up to switch over to a constitutional monarchy system. Have an constitution be drafted but only begin this project in earnest once the Boxer problem is dealt with.

Very well.

Reject the Parts of the treaty of Nanking regarding foreign exemption from chinese law. From this day forward foreigners will have to abide by the same laws as do the chinese population. Begin bring a hand down on illegal opium dens and other foreign run operation that are illegal. Have the Green Standard army help local law enforcement with this task.

Many opium dens are found, and confiscated.

Modernize the Imperial Examination system, encouraging more free thinking and have the system be ridden of the irrational parts of the system (fate, the heaven’s will and such)

Quite a large shock, but the community attempts to adapt.

Eliminate sinecures from the work system

It is done.

Begin modernizing the education system, introducing modern math and science but keep confucian texts as well

The population adapts well.

Disband the Manchu Banners

Many former Manchu Bannermen become Boxers, they now share extreme hate for the government, and their influence spreads.

Begin “rapid industrialization of all of China through manufacturing, commerce and capitalism”

Rapid industrialization is attempted.

Foreign policy

Request that Japan send an advisor to help China successfully go through its modernization process

The Japanese seem to have sent the advisers.

Allow Italy to dock and construct dock yards in Port Arthur in exchange for helping china reconstruct and modernize her navy

It is done.

Purchase the equipment needed to drill for oil in the Manchuria province

By now, the newly formed Qing Government is tight on budget, any more spending and you will be in debt, leading to more instability.

R & D

Research a lighter and more modern version of the Jingal Wall gun. It must be able to be carried by a single solder and workible with a 2 man team. It will be known as the Jingal Type 0 heavy rifle. It’s primary purpose is to take out targets at extreme ranges both offensively and defensively.

3 Turns, Power will be limited however, and will not retain the same power as the regular.

Researched an improved bullet for rifles and pistols. These new rounds will have the bullet taper off into a point at the from, improving the speed and accuracy.

These remind me of Hollow-Point bullets, but 3 turns

(Is this bullet given an actual designation in real life?)

Research improved farming method for the people to use

3 Turns, When this is completed with the sudden rush of staple crops, food will become much more plentiful, along with farming machinery.
Kingdom of Italy turn 1:

Military Size:

800,000 soldiers

2 Formidabile class

4 Regina Maria Pia class

1 Affondatore class

1 Principe Amedeo class

2 Dulio class

2 Italia class

3 Ruggiero di Lauria class

3 Re Umberto class

2 Ammiraglio di Saint Bon class (building, finished turn 2 and 3)

2 Regina Margherita class (building, finished turn 4

1 Vittorio Emanuel class

1 Maria Adelaide class

1 Marco Polo class

2 Victor Pisani class

2 Giuseppe Garibaldi class (1 building)

1 Caracciolo class

1 Flavio Gioia class

1 Amerigo Vespucci class

1 Giovanni Bausan class

4 Etna class

1 Dogali class

1 Piemonte class

5 Umbria class

1 Christiforo Colombo class

1 Calabria class

1 Vendetta class

2 Agostino class

1 Messaggero class

1 Archemide class

1 Delfino class


Build 2 Regina Margherita class battleships

6 Turns

Build 5 Guissepe Garibaldi class cruisers w/ the 8" gun modification

11 Turns


Sell Russia 4 Etna class and 4 Umbria class Crusiers

The ships arrive safely in Russian ports.

Sell Greece 1 Vittorio Emanuele class, 1 Maria Adelaide class, and 1 Vendetta class

The ships arrive in Greece.


Build 2 factories in Naples

I will assume these are multi-purpose factories, 5 Turns

Build 1 shipyard in Naples

I will assume you will build battleships in this shipyard.

3 Turns


Regina Elena class mod.1 (original)

Regina Elena class mod.2 (custom)

Regina Elena class mod.3 (custom)

Did not receive any of these.
Rajis da Krumaav (The Kingdom of Egypt) turn 1:

Current numbers:

400,000 soldiers

400,000 Mauser 1889 rifles


10 River monitors


Recruit 100,000 soldiers into the army

4 Turns, Economic Stress already showing, you have inducted to much men into the army!

Build 5 River monitors

Specify what river monitors you want.

Build 500 Maxim Machine Guns

Your factories and men don’t know how to build this thing, they found a design in the Egyptian Archives, but it will take a long time. 4 Turns, worse yet, you barely have any factories.

Reequip the soldiers with the Khopesh as a main weapon of the army

Your men are now prone to heat exhaustion in the desert, carrying another weapon that literally does nothing on the vast opens of desert, why not just carry a small, light bayonet?

Build 100,000 Mauser 1889 rifles

Your industry is shaking without Ottoman help. 6 Turns


Build canals throughout the country, instead of using roads for transportation we use the canals

The result is an extremely tricky transporting of troops, supplies, etc. Boats can only hold so much at one time, when the ground supports all.

Build farms in the Nile Delta

Farms will be built in the Nile Delta.

Internal affairs:

Strengthen border security in case of invasion

Increased border patrols

Build fortifications around Cairo, Alexandria

Fortifications are built around Cairo, SOMEONE GET ME MY TREBUCHET.

Reinstall Pharaoh as ruler of the Khedivate of Egypt

Many Egyptians still do not see you as a “Pharaoh” but as just a regular leader.

re-add the Ancient Egyptian pantheon of gods as another religion of The Khedivate

The dominant Muslim majority of your population questions this act.

Surrender to the British Empire

Your people are confused, you have allied with Spain and Germany, but surrender to the Brits without even a fight.

Declare independence, The Egyptian Caliphate is the new nation replacing the former Khedivate

Now your men see what the government has done, and support the independence and will fight the enemy British.

Foreign affairs:

Ally with Spain (Discussed, will help each other militarily)

Ally with Germany (Discussed, he will help me shoo UK away from Egypt)

Your people are pleased with recent diplomatic success, but it may not put down some questions.




See Events


Katrav rifle (Details PM'ed)

Your men struggle with this ambitious new rifle design, but they quickly use knowledge from the Mauser 1889 and put into here. 5 Turns.

500hp diesel engine

Memphis class submarine (Details PM'ed)

Your men rage quits, there is NO way that the Egyptians could possibly design a submarine of this technique. Heck, the entire concept of a "submarine" is barely a decade old! 9 Turns, on second thought, this sub is impossible, the engine is not adequate enough to power the submarine. Revise the plans.
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French Third Republic Turn:1

Military Size:

970,000 French Personnel

900,000 Lebel 1886 Rifles

French Navy:


Charles Martel-1








La Galissonnière-2













Gustave Zédé-1

Military Planning:

-Recruit 200,000 well-trained horses

Horses all across France are found, taken, tested and put into the army, unfortunately this task is quite big. 5 Turns.

-Build 70,000 Lebel 1886 Rifles

2 Turns

-Replace all military uniforms with the new french outfits of blue & white colors

Very well.

-Begin Construction of Land fortifications near Germany’s borders

Construction of fortifications near Germany is done.

-Begin a final plan to push into Kousséri to end the war in Cameroon.

There is currently no war between France and Cameroon.


-Paris Métro Line 1 to be built in Paris.

An ambitious plan indeed, but will improve transportation, 6 turns until fully operational.

-Working hours for women and children is limited to 11 hours

Very well.

-Exposition Universelle to be opened within three months to increase tourism

It is opened early, and people marvel at the inventions while tourism does indeed increase.

Interior Affairs:


Foreign Affairs:

-Sign the Treaty of Paris with The Kingdom of Spain( Río Muni will be relieved of all conflicting claims from France. Moreover, if Spain decided to abandon its possessions in Río Muni, it will grant the French the right to pre-emptively seize all territories.

-Send a representative of the French Third Republic to the United Kingdom for discussions of a possible alliance.

All will be done, waiting on countries responses.


-FN M1900

Your researchers manage to get a FN M1900, and attempt to reverse-engineer it. 2 Turns.

-Early agriculture

2 Turns

The Ottoman Empire


Current Military Numbers

Infantry and Cavalry

41,000 personnel

6,700 horses and camels




(4) Osmaniye

(1) Mesudiye

(1) Hamidiye

(1) Asar-i Tevfik

(1) Asar-i Sevket

(1) Hifz-ur Rahman

(2) Avnillah

(1) Feth-i Bulend

(1) Iclaliye

(1) Mukaddemei Hayir


(1) Heybetnuma

(2) Sinop

(3) Beyrut

(2) Mansure

(2) Zuhaf

(1) Lutf-u Humayun

(1) Peleng-i Derya

(2) Burhaneddin

(5) Gilyum

(3) Mecidiye

(7) Nasir


(3) Akka

(1) Musul

(1) Sahir

(2) Intibah

(1) Saheddin

(1) Izzeddin

(1) Fuad


80 airships


Continue modernzation

Add 80,000 mektepli officers (both army and navy)

Add 10,000 alayli officers

Add 10,000 topcu units

Conscript 40,000 additional soldiers

Take volunteers (should there be any) - no minimum number

Train at least 10,000 horses

Revive use of the Great Turkish Bombard (is to remain in a single position, either along coasts and/or borders)

Make 30,000 artillery

Recruit and train 20,000 aviation personnel


Build a shipyard and a factory in Constantinople

Build docks (one each) in Sinop, Antalya, and Palestine

Build three factories, all in Turkey (a priority, I suppose)

Agrarian reforms - encourage agricultural production and animal pasturage

Continue construction of
Chemins de Fer Ottoman d'Anatolie

Internal Affairs

- Prioritize defending the empire; no expansion attempts are to be made

- Try settling military and religious unrest peacefully (ask me about it later)

Foreign Affairs



- Betterment of parliamentary government

- Western military tactics



German Empire


2 million Infantry units: Equipped with Mauser Gewehr 98, Mauser C96, and Dreyse Reichsrevolver Model 1883)

200,000 Calvary units (Dreyse Reichsrevolver Model 1879)

500 7.7 Feldkanone 96 (FK96) Field Guns (1896)




Commence the "Tirpitz plan" and "Sub plan", all historical ships will be built and done according to their respective years.

They shall all finish according to respective years, but this may change if Germany gets into further conflict or other misfortunes.

Commence military intensive training within Austria-hungary, requesting the leader of Austria to take over of training their troops.

Austria Austria

Recruit 200,000 soldiers

4 Turns

Create 3 more shipyards

7 Turns, Battleship worthy shipyards.

Produce 300 more 7.7 Feldkanone 96 (FK96) Field Guns (1896)

3 Turns


Improve railroad infrastructure to the south and west

Infrastructure is improved.

Commence expansion on railroads

It begins.

Create 5 more weapons and Ammunitions factories.

13 Turns

Expand and fund more into the Prussian Military academy, even building another such military academy in Berlin.

Prussian Military Doctrine is now more widespread.

Internal policies:

Commence propaganda project to inspire and rally up nationalism.

Ital Ital

Foreign policy

Request Russia to sign the Reinsurance Treaty, along with Austria-hungary for an extended 5 years (1905)

Request for Ottomon Empire to join the Alliance

Request for Italy to continue its alliance pack with Austria-Hungary, and Germany.

Request for the usage of one Italian shipyard to build one Braunschweig-class battleship.

Supply China 50 7.7 Feldkanone 96 (FK96) Field Guns (1896), and 58,000 Mauser Gewehr 98's for 50 million German Gold marks.

See events.

R & D

Research the Luger P08

3 Turns

Research the Maxim MG08

3 Turns

Research the Krupp 7.5 cm Model 1903

3 Turns
Empire of Japan Turn 1

Military Numbers:

Military Size:

Imperial Japanese Navy:

Military Size:

Imperial Japanese Navy:

Pre-Dreadnoughts: 6



2 Shikishima Class

2 Fuji Class

Armored Cruisers: 6






Iwate (under construction, will be commissioned turn 4)

Protected Cruisers: 16


2 Suma Class



3 Matsushima Class


2 Kasagi Class

2 Naniwa Class




Unprotected Cruisers: 4





Torpedo Boat Destroyers: 11

5 Ikazuchi Class

6 Marakumo Class

Imperial Japanese Army:

300,000 Soldiers

100 75mm Howtizers


Normalize relations with Japan.

It is done.

Send advisers to China to aid in their industrialization program. Railroad engineers, factory managers and other trades necessary for industry will be sent. The group is meant only to advise and thus will be kept relatively small as to not effect Japans own production.

Chinese-Japanese relations improve, but not the Chinese and Japanese people.

Order 2 Garibaldi Class Armored Cruisers from Italy for 70,000 pounds.

They arrive...if Italy wrote it in his turn.

Send a representative to the Parson Marine Steam Turbine Company to discuss the possability of acquiring a license to build their turbines in Japan. Also ask if they would be interested in setting up a new firm in Japan.

The Parson Marine Steam Turbine Company will give Japan and advice on building their steam turbines, in return for a new branch in Japan, eager to influence the Asia’s.

Internal Affairs:

Build 3 factories for naval rifle production

7 Turns

Begin Construction on a slipway capable of building a Battleship at the Kure Naval Arsenal

2 Turns

Begin construction on a battleship capable slipway at the Yokosuka Naval Arsenal

2 Turns

Begin fortifying Tsushima Island. A garrison of 10,000 Japanese Soldiers will be deployed to the Island. Other details will be PM'ed.

Fortifications begin building.


Begin constructing 4 Hayabusa class torpedo boats

4 Turns


8 inch Howitzer Details PM'ed

2 Turns

76mm Howitzer: Details PM'ed

2 Turns


Furutaka Class Armored Cruiser: Details PM'ed

4 Turns
UK Turn 1

Military:Operation Reclamation

Operation Allson

See event event

Recruit 200,000 troops for Africa

4 Turns, however these are all British men and not men native to Africa.

Send the Occupation force in Egypt to Cairo to accept the Egyptian surrender, allowing the Pharaoh to become the Governor.

Event Event


Build 7 factories in England

16 Turns

Build 5 factories in Scotland

12 Turns

Build 4 shipyards in Southern England

12 Turns

Build 2 shipyards in Western England

Six Turns

Build 7 factories throughout Africa

21 Turns

Work on improving the rail systems in the Home Isles.

It will be done

Continue to push support to the men fighting the Boers, ensuring that Ladysmith shall soon be liberated.

Event Event


Invite France, Italy, and Russia to form an alliance known as the either Double, Triple, or Quadruple Entente depending on how many accept.


Begin to research Short Magazine Lee Enfield Mark III

3 Turns

Begin to research Vickers machine gun

3 Turns

Begin to research the QF 4.5-inch howitzer

3 Turns

Qing China

With the new government, a rise in banditry increases, but is quickly shot down by the suddenly better armed and trained and new People’s Liberation Army. Public knowledge knew that the government viewed the Boxers as a problem and Promised aid just...never arrived. The Boxers grew furious, and many of them were eager to take down the new government while it was still in its infancy, and so the Boxer Rebellion finally happened!



500,000 Boxers

30,000 Former Manchu Bannermen

Many other allies, and partners

But...All they were...were just raids and ambushes?

...Guards have reported to their superiors to have noticed an increased numbers of intruders...

Meanwhile, continued attacks on Christians and foreigners persist, many foreign missionaries are kidnapped.

South Africa, Second Boer War

Siege of Ladysmith

Boer Army-

21,000 Men

A Dozen or more artillery guns

British Army-

12,500 Men

The Boer Army has successfully surrounded the British town of Ladysmith and the forces inside of it, took control of the water supply, and pounding the British, the British have sent reinforcements and are attempted to lift the siege, will the British be finally free or will the Boers show to the world maybe the British aren’t so powerful?


Boer leaders knew British reinforcements were indeed coming, the question was how to defend, the men knew that some of the men had been exhausted, and decided that if they were to win, they must not let the British know of their positions, so for a couple of days, bombardment stopped, the British took this time to build fortifications, the Boers meanwhile shifted their positions, Thornhill’s 3 guns moved to Blaauwbank mountains/hills, as if the men were to come through the Van Reenen’s, they would be mowed down by two sides. Concentrated artillery was also increased. The lone on below Flat Topped Hill was moved to join the two on the hill above Flat topped Hill. The two guns at Lombard's Kop, one was moved to Tree-Covered Kophe, the other too the Bulwaado, the two guns below Lombard's Komp and Bulwaado were moved one to each side. Now, this left approximately 5 places to attack, but each place one attacked would be mowed down by two sides, both on hills or mountains, also at this time the Boers went out to look for food, salvaged rifles, dud shells, etc.

The Day of the Attack

Boer observers took notice of the British Reinforcements, then looked at their own forces, and concluded that Boer forces was still superior, then they quickly hid, got down and even lowered down the artillery. Occasionally, a man would get up and attempt to see how close the British were, apparently, the British were just given the order to attack, and no intricate plan was made, as a result, the British were confused when they saw no artillery, no bombarding...nothing! Men inside of the town were also suspicious and confused as it almost had seen the Boers had just vanished, some brave ones went out and attempted to establish contact with the relief force, when all of a sudden, a shot rang and all across the hills, shells began raining, bullets from two sides slammed into the body of the British soldiers, the men in the town knew the positions of the Boers...or so they thought, When the British Relief Force with the obsolete map went out, the hills they attempted to hide either had nothing on it, and other times they were much more heavily fortified then they thought. The British Relief Force hurriedly retreat after being flanked so hardly, and suffering enormous casualties while the Boers suffered relatively few. The town of Ladysmith surrenders to the Boers, and is captured. Worse yet, when the Boer analysts analyzed the battle, the British forces literally had to funnel forces in, and these forces were quite large, while the Boers were extremely close, and concentrated fire was a huge success. Rain also hampered the British attempts to climb up the hills and mountains.


British Army-

6,000 Men

Boer Army-

2,500 Men

3 Artillery Pieces

Result - Boer Strategic Victory
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Battle of Jerusalem

Egyptian Army-

50,000 Soldiers

Ottoman Army-

20,000 Soldiers

At first, the Egyptian Army marched on unopposed, sweeping the south of the Mutasarrifate, unopposed, until they finally could see Jerusalem with their own eyes, and, their government had told them that they were the rightful rulers of Jerusalem, but, the men knew they risk hitting the walls of the great city, was a definite invitation from Allah to hell, so, the men hesitated what to do, until 20,000 Ottoman soldiers poured in from two sides. MGs, rifles and artillery fire rained out of the great walls, and the Egyptians were at a loss of what to do. Fight for their government? After all this is what they did. But fighting in this battle would mean destroying Jerusalem. The Egyptians decide to hold out, build trenches, and prepare defenses against the wave of Ottoman attacks. The Ottomans suffer heavy losses due to being outnumbered, and underestimating the Egyptian forces, believing that many had been pulled out to fight back the British. Egyptians had already suffered supply shortages and raids due to bandits and local populace. While the Ottoman defenders had a constant supply of arms, food and water. Ottomans prepare a counter attack, but are driven back by Egyptian Maxims, and artillery. (Yes, they had these I will link to you if you want) The Egyptians are now under a stalemate, daring not to siege the walls of Jerusalem, but eager to fight back against their former rulers, encouraged by the recent victory against the British, they fought back, leading to a bloody stalemate. The Egyptian populace is calling for an immediate withdrawal of Jerusalem.



12,500 men


20,000 men

Battle of Tanta

(First Battle to use Live Modding)

Line Up of Forces-


British Occupation force of Egypt

(80,000 Men, armed with artillery and Maxims)


Main Army of Egypt-

300,000 men (Armed with similar equipment to the British)

Location - Near City of Tanta

British forces occupy Egypt have made their move, their plan? Beeline to Cairo! However, British movement effort is stopped to a halt when halfway to Cairo, due to heat exhaustion, lack of water, bandits, and local populace harassment. Egyptian Forces and British Forces suddenly meet up, and the British commander hurriedly issues the order to dig down, and digging, the Egyptians took this time to surround the British, with 25,000 on their flanks, 25,000 behind them, and the main force in front of them. The two forces immediately start shelling each other, pouring Maxim fire. British forces are soon losing water, and demoralized. When they decide that the only way they could win was by retreating, they focus all fire onto the Eastern Flank, whilst most of the Egyptians at the Eastern Flank hurriedly moved on their own to the West and North. British forces, then break through the Egyptian Eastern Flank, destroying most of their equipment in their process to make retreat as quickly as possible, Egyptians finally mount a major attack on all sides, The British fight back, but all is in vain as Egyptian shells, machine gun fire rain from 3 sides. Egyptians have suffered many casualties due to MG and rifle fire, as their new sword weighs them down. Nevertheless, out of the 80,000 British men, only 20,000 lived for another day. Egyptian casualties were higher, with 80,000, but the Egyptian Forces are highly moralized after making the second defeat of British forces. Meanwhile, the British Fleet have made their move....Alexandria will be attacked, with an overwhelming force of British men, while half the Egyptian Army shadowed from behind. Egyptians cheer about with their great victory.





80,000 Men

Alexandria began preparing itself…
Battle of Southern Libya


Egyptian Army-

50,000 men

Ottoman Army-

21,000 men

Egyptian soldiers, hearing the recent victories against the British, and the recent push on Jerusalem, were confident of a victory, however, unbeknownst to them, the Ottomans also will use their own tactics against the Egyptians. 12 Calvary men were rushed first, firing off rifles at the Egyptians, which the Egyptians responded with fear of an enemy attack, but the gunfire stopped. Next, the same 12 men came around and fired again, slowing down the Egyptian assault, before the real force came around, though, still outnumbered 2:1, The Ottomans had the advantage with geographical knowledge, knowing off Egyptian positions, an intricate plan of cavalry, and infantry, it seemed as if this tactic had been pulled straight out of Napoleon’s hat. The Egyptian advance is halted, after being surrounded, despite numbering twice as much as the enemy. Nevertheless, the Ottomans suffer similar losses, the two forces, currently fighting each other in trenches and other fortifications, Egyptians have attempted to establish supply lines, but this proves to be a pain as enemy raids are mounting. However, the Egyptians will eventually be able to push through if Ottoman help does not increase. Ottoman forces behind enemy lines leave much to be desired for the Egyptians.



7,500 men


10,000 men
The Egyptian Caliphate turn 2:

Current numbers:

375,000 soldiers

400,000 Mauser 1889 rifles


10 River monitors


Draft 125,000 soldiers into the army to get numbers back to 400,000


Build railways along the nile

Allow women to work

Allow poor to work for housing and food

Internal affairs:

Build housing for the poor

Send the physically stronger poor workers to work on Operation Rukaz

Improve industry x10

Foreign affairs:








Katrav rifle (4 turns)

Memphis class armored cruiser

Cairo class battleship
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The Empire of Russia

Active Strength

  • 36,000 Officers
  • 860,000 Enlisted

Reserve Strength

  • 27,000 Officers
  • 2,640,000 Enlisted

Exact info about Russian Army as follows,

The 24 army corps of which (with the addition of some independent divisions) the army consisted. An army corps had in general a staff, 2 infantry divisions, and 1 cavalry division (with attached artillery), a corps of engineers (consisting of 1 company of sappers, 1 telegraph company, 1 section of field engineers, and half a pontoon battalion), 1 battalion of train, and a section of the reserve horse dep6t. Its normal strength is about 1,030 officers, 47,653 men, 16,965 horses, and 124 guns. The active army was supplemented by the Reserve troops, Depot troops, Fortress troops, Local troops, and the Imperial militia.

The infantry consisted of 12 regiments of the guard, 16 grenadier regiments, and 181 army infantry regiments, each regiment having 4 battalions of 4 companies. In addition there were 4 rifle battalions of the guard, 24 rifle regiments, 8 Finland rifle battalions, 8 Caucasian rifle battalions, 8 Trans-Caspian rifle battalions, 4 Turkestan rifle battalions, and 12 East Siberian rifle regiments. For frontier service in Asia there were 15 Turkestan, 5 West Siberian, and 11 East Siberian battalions. The Cossack infantry consists of 16 Kuban and 4 Trans-Baikal battalions. The reserve infantry (intended to expand in war) had, in Europe, 1 guard reserve regiment, 15 reserve regiments of 2 battalions, and 50 reserve cadre battalions of 5 companies. In the Caucasus are 4 reserve regiments (Russian), 4 native reserve regiments of 2 battalions, and 10 reserve cadre battalions. In Siberia there were also 10 reserve cadre battalions, and in Turkestan 5 line cadre battalions. The fortress infantry had 1 regiment of 5 battalions, 17 of 2 battalions, and 13 single battalions. There was also local infantry in 141 small detachments in remote places. Depot infantry was formed on mobilisation-one battalion for each infantry regiment of the active army, and smaller bodies for the rifle brigades and Cossack battalions. The imperial militia infantry was to consist of 640 battalions in brigades of 8 battalions, and divisions of 2 brigades, so that there would be 40 divisions; in addition, there would be 18 fortress militia infantry battalions in the Warsaw district ; making 658 battalions in all.

The cavalry consisted of 4 regiments of guard cuirassiers of 4 squadrons ; 6 regiments of light cavalry of the guard, of 6 squadrons ; 54 regiments of dragoons of the line, of 6 squadrons; 1 regiment of Finland cavalry, 1 of Littoral, 1 of Crimean Tartar, and 1 of Daghestan cavalry, each of 6 squadrons ; 1 division of Osset, and 1 of Turkestan cavalry, each of 2 squadrons. The Cossack cavalry consists of 44 regiments (in war, 130) of 6 squadrons ; 8 (in war, 18) of 4 squadrons ; and 21 (in war, 53) independent squadrons. Depot cavalry sections are maintained corresponding to the 64 cavalry regiments of the guard and line, ready to be grouped into cadres and brigades. The imperial militia cavalry will consist of 80 squadrons, grouped in 20 regiments.

The artillery consisted of: Field artillery, 3 guard brigades; 4 grenadier brigades; 45 line brigades, attached to infantry divisions; 1 Turkestan brigade ; 2 East Siberian brigades; 1 Finland regiment of 4 batteries ; 5 divisions of 3 batteries attached to 5 line rifle brigades ; 1 Trans-Baikal division of 2 batteries; 1 West Siberian division of 2 batteries; 3 TransCaspian batteries ; 1 division of 2 light and 1 mountain batteries attached to Caucasian rifle brigade ; 1 division of 2 batteries attached to guard rifle brigade ; and 1 East Siberian division of 3 batteries. The regular horse artillery, 1 guard horse artillery brigade of 6 batteries; 23 line horse batteries; 1 horse mountain division of 2 batteries; 1 Turkestan horse mountain battery. The Cossack horse artillery has 20 batteries (in war, 38). The howitzer artillery consists of 7 regiments of, in all, 24 batteries of 6 howitzers each ; and 2 batteries belonging to the Siberian artillery.

The first and second reserve field ammunition columns (expanding in war), consist, in peace, of 52 parks for the 52 divisions of the active army ; 8 parks for the 6 divisions of the guard, the Finland and the Caucasian rifle brigades ; 2 East Siberian parks; 7 howitzer parks ; and 1 cadre for transport column for troops in Trans-Caspia. The third ammunition reserve column consists of 91 local parks. The reserve field artillery consists of 7 reserve brigades, 3 of 45 batteries, 3 of 5, and 1 of 7 ; and 1 reserve cadre battery. On mobilisation these 41 batteries expand into 164. The field communication columns consist .of 8 parks, which expand in war into 18 reserve artillery park brigades, attacked 18 reserve divisions ; 12 parks attached to 12 reserve divisions in European Russia ; and 2 reserve mountain parks, attached to 2 reserve divisions in the Caucasus. Depot artillery has permanent peace cadres of 3 depSt brigades, each of 3 batteries (expanding into 12 batteries) ; 3 depot batteries (expanding into 12) ; 1 guard battery, and 1 Caucasian battery (expanding respectively into 3 guard batteries, and 4 Caucasian) ; and 1 horse artillery dep6t battery. Imperial militia field artillery consisted of 80 batteries combined into 40 regiments, each of 2 batteries, attached to the 40 divisions of the militia infantry. The foot artillery consists of 56 fortress battalions ; 4 siege battalions ; 10 fortress artillery companies ; 2 fortress detachments in Asia ; and 5 sortie batteries. The imperial militia foot artillery will consist of 10 battalions in war.

The engineers consisted of 25 sapper battalions ; 4 Turkestan and Siberian battalions ; 8 pontoon battalions, and 7 of field park engineers. There are 7 battalions of railway troops ; 2 engineer siege parks ; and an instructional balloon park. Reserve engineers consist of 2 reserve sapper battalions. The fortress engineers are 23 fortress sapper companies and 4 half companies ; 15 submarine mining companies ; 6 fortress balloon detachments ; 7 fortress telegraph detachments ; and 10 engineering artificer detachments. The depot engineers form on mobilisation 4 depot sapper battalions and a depot technical battalion. The imperial militia engineers will consist, on mobilisation, of 20 militia sapper companies in 5 battalions.

The frontier guard, stationed on the frontier, were in 31 brigades and 2 detachments, in all about 35,000 men. In addition to these components of the Russian army there were field gendarmerie (6 cadres kept up in peace), field post service, Caucasian native militia, the Palace grenadier company, corps of military topographers, veterinary service, sanitary divisions (attached to the infantry divisions), train (6 battalions), reserve horse depots, &c.

By 1900 Russia had an extensive frontier both by sea and land, protected by numerous fortifications of various classes. On the west, Poland was defended by a system of four strongholds, sometimes called the Polish Quadrilateral - Novogeorgievsk on the right bank of the Vistula; the fortifications of Warsaw ; Ivangorod on both sides of the Vistula ; Brest-Litovski on the Bug. As the Vistula line remained unprotected on the rear from a possible invasion through Eastern Prussia, new fortifications had been raised in the rear of these fortresses. Western Poland, to the west of the Vistula, remained also quite unprotected, but new fortifications are being raised now about Kielce, at the foot of the Lysa-Gora Mountains in south-west Poland. There were numerous other fortified places, mostly neglected, on the Vistula and Bug.

The more important fortresses and forts were divided into three classes as follows: In the first class were Warsaw, NovoGeorg'ievsk, and Brest-Litovsk in the Warsaw district, and Kovno in the Vilna district. The second class consisted of Kronstadt and Sveaborg in the St. Petersburg district; Ivangorod in the Warsaw district; Kerch in the Odessa district; Libau in the Vilna district; and Vladivostok in the Pri-Amur district. In the third class are Viborg in the St. Petersburg district; Ossovets and Ust-Dvinsk (Diinamiind) in the Vilna district; Sevastopol and Ochakov in the Odessa district; and Kars and Batum in the Caucasus district. There are also fortysix places unclassed, many of them being mere fortified posts. The list was as follows :-Zegrj in the Warsaw district; St. Petersburg ; Kiev and Dubno ; Dvinsk in the Vilna district; Alexandropol, Evdokimov Shatoi, Yevgenievsk, Karadagh, Khunzakh, Khodjal Makhi, Preobrajensk, Veden, Georgievsk, Guvieb, Akhti and Zakatali in the Caucasus district; Kushk Port, Alexandrovsk, Krasnovodsk, Ashkhabad, Merv, Chikishliar, Tashkend, Ura Tiube, Namangan, Kokand, Aulieata, Khodjend, Samarkand, Chinaz, Kliuchevoi, Khust, Makhram, Petro Alexandrovsk, Andijan, Margelan, Chimkend, Perovsk, Djarkend, Bakhti, Karakol, Narin, and Zaisan in the Turkestan district; and Nikolaievsk in the Pri-Amur district.


World navies yesterday - Russia 01.01.1900

I'll put in exact numbers for my navy later

Internal Affairs

—Begin construction on 3 more commodities factories in Moscow and St. Petersburg

—Begin construction of more railroads in Easter and southeastern Siberia, especially near the border of China.

—Begin improvement of railroads in Europe, from Moscow westwards.

—To help improve farms, build 4 factories that produce farming equipment at a low price for farmers who wish to buy it. Each one will be built in the following cities, Stavropol, Sevastopol, Minsk, and Kursk

—Start construction on three Yermak Ice-breakers, one being built in Archangel, another in Port Arthur, and the other in Vladivostok.

—Lay down rails and found a new railroad connecting all parts of Turkestan (All the area in Kazakstan, Turkmenistan, Krygistan, Uzebekistan and Tagikistan) all the way from the Caucasus Rail Line down to the Persian/Afghan border.

Foreign Affairs

—Decline the alliance offer with the British Empire, but instead negotiate a Non-Agression Pact with them instead, to last 2.5 years.

—Offer treaties to the governments of Romania and Bulgaria to become semi-autonomous states to Russia, to help defend against any future Ottoman, or any other nation's invasion. To sell the idea to both nations, ensure them that Russia can help strengthen their economies as well as their defenses and provide support in anyway if they became satellite states

—Send 300 Russian Orthodox missionaries to the princely state of Mysore at their request. They will spread all over Mysore to teach the word of god. And not only will the Russian Empire send only missionaries, but will also send materials, money and laborers to help construct St. Bzukhov's School Mysore, and the proper amount of Priests, Nuns, and Aides to run the school.

Military Affairs

—Send a small single vessel expedition using the Yermak and a complement of 12 Polar explorers, 2 officers and 26 soldiers. They will head to Franz Josef land at the southernmost point touching Nightingale sound. Once there the CO of the small platoon will plant a Russian Iron Flag laying claim that the entire Archipelago is now Russian territory (Yes, a flag literally made out of Iron) and will depart from the Yermak with enough food for 6 months (This month being May) and the materials and supplies to build a small base out of steel, ice and wood. The Yermak, and eventually it's successor the Zavarot (One of the Yermaks being built) will return to the base every three months to re-supply it with food, water, and other necessities, as well as a replacement garrison to take their place. This new base shall be called Odin Arkticheskiy.

—Move 4 infantry regiments(Around 4-6 thousand soldiers) in Turkestan to the border of Afghanistan. Mainly on the Badakushan river.

—Have a military parade in Port Arthur, displaying my troops to the Chinese and as a warning to them that Russia will not be told around by some backwards nation south of Siberia. (In response to China giving permission to Italy to open docks in Port Arthur) They will also be at full readiness if any Boxer attack commences.


—Set up a trade with Japan, that once finished the third Yermak Ice breaker being built will be given to Japan. In exchange the Russian Empire shall receive 520,000 Rubles, ($260,000) around 40,000 more Rubles than cost to produce as profit.


Delfin Class Submarine

PM M1910

6-inch siege gun M1904

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The Princely State Of Mysore Turn 1:

Current Military Numbers :

  • HM Regimental Cavalry "Mysore Lancers"(HQ at Mysore with outputs in the frontier of Jagalur and Pavagada)
    1000 to 2000 personnel

[*]3 Infantry units [Each Battalion constituted around 400 to 1000 personnel]

  1. st Battalion(Stationed in the districts of Bangalore and Kolar)
  2. nd Battalion(Stationed in the districts of Shimoga and Hassan )
  3. rd Battalion(Stationed in the districts of Mysore and Tumkur )

[*]1 transport corps


A new unit constituted of battle hardened mercenaries from the African hinterlands will be recruited to the Maharajah's personal guard , this unit will be called "Zumari Khas" , the name is derived from a Farsi couplet-"dur Zumari Ma Ghumm Nubashud " that is "In our company sorrow shall find no entrance".

The Unit will have around a thousand men and will be stationed at the Palace of Mysore and the royal family's summer home the Janganmohan Palace . Due to the language barrier the Maharajah will be required to learn simple commands in Afrikaans , making him the only person the unit answers to.

Economy :

  • Creation of the Maharajah's Forestry Department under which the state took control of a large section of the states sandalwood , Neem and mahogany reserves . The forestry department would be responsible for the cultivation , planning and surveying the Forrest resources in order to make way for state run plantations which in turn will provide raw materials for the following factories under construction :
    2 Government Sandal Wood Oil Factories
  • 2 Wood distillation Factories

[*]Indian Industrialists the TATA's and the BIRLA's are encouraged to set up plants in Mysore , with the state providing a section of capital for the project .... also these plants will be completely tax exempt for a period of 2 years .

  • 2 Tata Iron and steel plants in Bangalore
  • 2 MP Birla cement Plants in Mysore

[*]In order to encourage the regional textile production in muslin , silk and cotton the local and village artisans , weavers and tailors are grouped into what is called "small units" or "cottage industries" , these units are given tax breaks and cheaper raw materials in order to tackle western imports.

[*]The Mysore state railways (MSR) is formed with the objective of laying down at least 740 miles of railway track with most of the money for the venture coming from foreign investment especially from Japan and Russia .

[*]The State Bank of Mysore is founded with its initial objective being to provide cheap credit opportunities to up and coming businesses , helping in the formation of cooperatives in rural areas and in providing better housing in rural areas .

Internal Affairs :

  • The Crown Prince is made Maharajah after a 14 year regency , The viceroy of India attended the ceremony at the Mysore Palace .
  • A large scale campaign is induced to impart education to the lower sections of society especially in Rural areas , religious institutions are also encouraged to set up schools and universities in rural areas , this has resonated much with the orthodox faith who in order to get a foothold in India have made plans to start a school in Bangalore by the name St.Bzukhov's School Mysore , This move is surely supported by the Russian government.
  • The Maharaja marries Maharani Lakshmivilasa Sannidhana Sri Pratapa Kumari Ammani Avaru of Kathiawar . youngest daughter of Rana Sri Bane Sinhji Sahib, Rana Sahib of Vana .

Foreign Affairs:

- Purchase the district of Mangalore from Great Britain for 10 million pounds payable in increments of 2 million per turn , Further a tariff of 10% will be imposed on all imports all of which will go to the crown.


-With the advent of large scale industrialization in the western world , traditionally agrarian societies have to do much to compete hence researchers from the University of Agriculture And Sciences , Bangalore have been put to work in order to develop the first light-weight petrol-powered general purpose tractor .
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