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Fandom TSoH&V (Reeboot~): Character thread, Willow Creeks Academy

WIP (cause i needed to chexk main thread on this page and obviouusly couln';t do both)

Name: Hanako Suzuki
Name meaning:
Hanako 花子: Flower, child (a feminine name)
Suzuki 鈴木: Bell, tree/wood
Current Alias: Juliett
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Blood type: A
Birthday: June 14
Sexuality: unclear
Height: 5'5
Side: Villain
Any association with either school?: WCA as a member of NOCA
Appearance: His shocking baby face.
Related image

History/Backstory(explain why they do what they do, have they ever been caught? who have they caught?):
Quirk: Fusion
Quirk Description: His quirk allows him to fuse with his brother, now known as Romeo, where they get an increase in size, strength, speed, and agility. Their fused form is reminiscent of the fusions in steven universe.
Quirk Drawbacks: If hit really really really hard they will defuse, and are unable to refuse for 5 minutes. They can also defuse if they have a sort of falling out, or have too much on their mind.
Villain Outfit:
-breaking out of prision

Name meaning(? if there is one):
Alias(hero/villain name): Foxtrot/lima
Blood type:
Any association with either school?:
Appearance(if written, should be around 1-2 paragraphs on length):
History/Backstory(explain why they do what they do, have they ever been caught? who have they caught?):
Quirk Description:
Quirk Drawbacks:
"Hero" Outfit(probably will have to describe it. at least on paragraph):
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  • a6dbc22349fed8df662510fcd59b06be.jpg
    Name:"Natsuharu Tanin (他人 夏春/Tanin Natsuharu)"

    Name meaning: "Natsu" means summer and "Haru" means spring. "Tanin" means other person.

    Alias: FLLFFL


    Gender: Male

    Blood type: O

    Birthday: July 4

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Side: "Good"

    Why are they going to this school?:"To become the very best and to develop confidence."

    Course: "Hero"

    Class: TBA
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  • [div class=overlaytext]愛してる[/div]//////////[/div]
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[div class=credit]credits @RI.a [/div]
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james 'touma' tanaka


artist: kkumi


faceclaim: kim taehyung fanart
james touma tanaka ⚬ him/him ⚬ cisbi(good luck man)
james supplanter + tomua (屠) slaughter + tanaka (多仲) many relationships
july 11 ⚬ cancer
japanese/american ⚬ san francisco, california

pale skin ⚬ short black messy hair ⚬ black eyes
5'11 (180 cm) ⚬ 165 lbs (75 kg) ⚬ lean, thicc biceps, rectangle body
sharp oval face ⚬ sharp features ⚬ black thicc straight brows
button nose ⚬ plump lips ⚬ monolid almond eyes
fashion style: edgy™, lots of black ripped jeans, leather jackets

likes: reading | being strong | cold temperature | chocolate | ocean
dislikes: being weak | his family | extroverts | treated like a child
vices: cold | hot-blooded | violent
virtues: independent | strong-willed | analytical

tsuki (月) ⚬ chaotic neutral villain student
the user can the water stored in his body to create objects made of ice such as daggers. he can also cover his hand full of water. the user can melt, boil and freeze the water/ice at will and is not affected by the change of temperature.

speed: 4/5
cooperation: 1/5
intelligence: 3/5
power: 3/5
technique: 5/5

dry hands / dry climate will cause him to use more water
overusing can cause dehydration
always has cold and sweaty hands

straw hat, long-sleeved loose blue "kimono" shirt that covers only half his chest (like the greeks), loose blacks pants, reinforced black boots that reach his knees, gauntlets that absorb moisture in the air to help his quirk.

the younger twin, james was supposed to be the stronger twin. as they grew up, james was the prodigy and was supposed to be the heir of their father’s company. but all of the praise went to his head and james grew mischievous and arrogant. he became a bully at school and was feared by all his peers, all except his older sister and their childhood friend.

yui was the sun to his moon: she was bright, warm, and caring, and didn’t take any of james’s shit. whenever she saw him do something bad, yui taught him a lesson by kicking his butt in front of everyone. an intense rivalry grew between them and james began to take training seriously, just to be stronger than his sister and put her in her place.

after getting in another fight and majorly hurting someone, james’s father yelled at him. he said that james wasn’t worthy to be the heir and yui was became the heir. in a fit of anger, james stormed out and let his anger overtake him. after seeing what he had done, james fled and arrived in japan.

james was taken under a villain’s wing and was told about wca. he is attending to grow stronger than his sister and wants to get revenge on his family.
code by Ri.a
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Kiseki Naoru
[div class=headerTabs] [div class=textTabs]Age: 16[/div] [div class=textTabs]Gender: Female[/div] [div class=textTabs]Blood type: A+[/div] [div class=textTabs]Birthday: July 23rd[/div] [div class=textTabs]Sexuality: Bisexual[/div] [div class=textTabs]Height: 5'6[/div] [div class=textTabs]Side (good/bad): Good for now[/div] [div class=textTabs]Name Meaning: Miracle Healing[/div] [div class=textTabs]Alias: Mummified[/div] [div class=textTabs]Class: 1-1[/div] [div class=textTabs]School: WCA[/div] [div class=textTabs]Course: "Hero"[/div] [div class=textTabs][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=gap][/div] [div class=textContainer] [div class=scrollContainer] [div class=wrapContainer]
[div class=textTitle]School[/div] [div class=textbox] Kiseki wants to become a rescue hero, but she's afraid she wouldn't be able to get into any other schools because her quirks not as good to attack with. She hoped that with WCA's acceptance rate she had a better chance at getting in. She has no clue that this isn't really a hero school. [/div] [div class=gap][/div] [div class=textTitle]personal[/div] [div class=textbox]

[div class=textLabel]Personality[/div] Kiseki is a happy go lucky girl who wants to help people as much as she can. She tends to have trouble saying no to people, and she can be somewhat of a pushover. Growing up without her parents support made her search for acceptance from other people. She just wants to feel accepted and that she means something.

[div class=textLabel]Backstory[/div] Her parents are both full on mummies (stiff bodies, wrapped up head to toe in wrap) so it was a miracle that she was born looking human (hence her first name). Her quirk came to her when she was six, which was late considering quirks mostly turn up around the age of four. When she was younger her elementary school was right near a villain attack. She being as young as she was didn't understand what that meant and walked right by the comotion. Luckily a hero saved her, which sparked her interest in heroes. She wants to save others like that hero saved her that day. Her parents always told her she wasn’t good enough, but when it was time to choose a school she went against her parents wishes and applied to WCA.
Kiseki from a young age was emotionally and physically abused. Her parents would lock her in her room for days on end, and they hardly fed her growing up. She got a job as soon as she could to get out of the house, and to afford the things she needed. When she first got her quirk her parents started to “train” her in their own little ways which included hitting her with belts, but the worst was what her father would do. Her father was an Iron Maiden (torture devices with spikes inside designed not to kill their victims instantly but have them bleed out), and he’d shut himself while she was inside which impaled her body with spikes to test how fast she could heal herself. The first time it happened the spikes impaled both sides of her chests, and she fainted before she could heal them so they ended up scaring. The scars are thick, and there the only scars she has on her body.

[div class=textLabel]Likes[/div] She likes helping others, hard strawberry candies, cold weather, and sleep.

[div class=textLabel]Dislikes[/div] She dislikes geography, zucchini, spikes, confined spaces, routines, and being woken up. [/div] [div class=gap][/div] [div class=textTitle]abilities[/div] [div class=textbox]

[div class=textLabel]Quirk Name

[div class=textLabel]Quirk Description
She can grow thick bandages out of her body on will. She can control them like limbs. They are strong enough to pick up objects, and they can tie around a person to keep them from running away. When the bandages are wrapped around a wound it speeds up the healing process. Depending on how serious the injury is and how much energy she has healing will take longer unless she uses more energy.

[div class=textLabel]Drawbacks[/div] How many bandages she can create depends on how much fiber and water she drinks. She wont be able to grow any more once she uses up all of it. She can’t be in confined spaces without freaking out. She can heal multiple people at once, but it'll cause her to get dizzy and there's a good chance she could overwork herself and pass out.

[div class=textLabel]Strengths[/div] She can demobilize an opponent by wrapping her bandages around them. She can pick up small objects with them to throw. She can heal her own injuries while she's attacking.

[div class=textLabel]Weaknesses[/div] Her bandages can get wet and become less effective, or slip off easy. Her bandages can be burnt off. If an enemy has a sharp weapon they can cut through the bandages before they can wrap around them. She can't grow her bandages out of places that are covered by clothes or other bandages. If someone takes away her scissors she wont be able to cut her own wrap off because it's too thick to rip. Once she grows the bandages they cant go back into her skin. She's easy to manipulate.

[div class=textLabel]Fears[/div] Not being good enough, not being accepted, not being able to help people, her parents, spikes, and definitely confined spaces. [/div] [/div][/div] [div class=gap][/div] [div class=textTitle]appearance[/div] [div class=textbox] Her hero outfit is modeled after an ice-skating dress. The material for the shirt is tight which contrasts with the short flowy skirt attached. The outfit was designed to show as much skin as possible, because she needs exposed skin to make her bandages, while being decent and easy to move around in. She wears tight black spandex shorts underneath her skirt, thin black fingerless gloves, purple socks and black athletic shoes. She had a pocket sewn into the side of her costumes black top skirt to carry around scissors, pain medicine, and healthy bars. When it gets cold she puts on a skin tight black turtleneck underneath her dress top, and mesh tights. They both have slits cut in various places to allow her to use her quirk, but it limits her a lot.
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code by RI.a
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Takashi Mori


Tips: Hot damn good luck man.


Faceclaim:Shokudaikiri Mitsutada
Name: Takashi Mori
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Sexual Alignment: oh yes please
Moral Alignment: Chaotic evil
Class They Teach: General and Professional Relations

Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Black-grey
Height: 5'9"
Weight: normal
Bloodtype: O+
Body Type: lean, soccer player build
Features: Black eye-patch

Takashi likes it when its all eyes on him. He's greedy, selfish, flirty, manipulative, and his way of thinking is abstract and weird. He's great at solving puzzles, and he likes mind games like Chess. He's the type to love being in control, but also love kissing someones foot when he sees them as deserving. He both sadistic and masochistic behaviors making him an interesting subject. He has weird hobbies, most of them having suggestive undertones, and he tries out new things all the time looking for entertainment. He does have things he cares about however like his eye-patch and his special pair of gloves that keep his quirk aligned. But he also cares about people who happen to be his fellow mafia members, and sadly the students he teaches. They all have a soft spot in his cold heart, but that doesn't mean they're immune to his games.

Likes: Being the center of attention | Flirting with people he cant have | His looks | Fancy items | Puzzles | Protecting his students | Being hurt | Hurting others
Dislikes: Loud and annoying students | Not listening the first time | Disobedience
Hobbies: Chess | Playing with people/Messing with people | Dancing | Ice Skating

This user can suck in movable items in with a hole in his left palm, and shoot them out of him with the hole in his right palm. He can only store so much in himself so he can only carry BLANK in pounds within himself, and the more weight he takes in the slower and harder it is to move his body. If his left hole takes in animals and humans the void inside of him can’t contain them so his right hand will shoot them back out after a second. Inorganic and non-animal can stay in him till he carries too much. When he reaches his weight limit his eyes will start to bleed, and the holes in his hands will slowly start tearing open further. He wears gloves to make it so he doesn't suck in anything he doesn't want to.

In short; His left hole sucks in movable objects and they shrink to fit inside the hole in his palm. and the objects return to normal size when they get shot out of his right hole. His right hole shoots items out. He can aim to wear they come out and use them as projectiles and shoot them at people

speed: 2/5 cooperation: 2/5 intelligence: 4/5 power: 3/5 technique: 4/5

- Went to AA as a student to graduate and become a pro hero's sidekick
- Overused his quirk and got distracted in a battle. He ended up losing an eye.
- His views on heroes twisted. He believes heroes cant protect citizens since they cant even protect themselves.
- He joined the mafia and got sent to teach at WCA.

Fears: Caring about people too much. Other people using that care against him.

code by Ri.a
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[div class=mainCon][div class=tabBar][div class="miniTab 01"]👿[/div][div class="miniTab 02"]☂[/div][div class="miniTab 03"]🍆[/div][div class="miniTab 04"]💜[/div][/div][div class=pageWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class="textWrap One"]
[div class=header]BASICS[/div] [div class=title]Character Name[/div] kosuke akayama
[div class=title]Nickname(s)[/div] ko, kota woahta, kosu woahsu
[div class=title]Side[/div] villain
[div class=title]Age[/div] fifteen
[div class=title]Gender[/div] male
[div class=title]Sexuality[/div] good luck
[div class=title]Blood type[/div] AB-
[div class=title]Birthday[/div] 10/23
[div class=title]Occupation[/div] student
[div class=title]Alignment[/div] lawful evil

[div class=header]APPEARANCE[/div] [div class=title]Height[/div] 5'8"
[div class=title]Weight[/div] normal
[div class=title]Hair Color[/div] raven black
[div class=title]Eye Color[/div] deep blue
[div class=title]Complexion[/div] fair skin (burns easily)
[div class=title]Physique[/div] "warrior", or built but lean
[div class=title]Distinguishing Feature(s)[/div] his scowl
[div class=title]Tattoo(s)[/div] small flying birds on collarbone
[div class=title]villain outfit[/div]
Black shirt, black pants, gas-mask. [/div] [div class="textWrap Two"]
[div class=header]PERSONA[/div] [div class=title]Vices[/div] wrath | impatience | jealousy
[div class=title]Virtues[/div] commitment | courage | determination
[div class=title]Likes[/div] strawberry milk | anything strawberry | socks
[div class=title]Dislikes[/div] spring | bloggers | romance because no one would date him
[div class=title]Habits[/div] early bird | scowling | cussing

Kosuke, or Ko to his close friends he has none, is quite the character. Ever since he was a wee little toddler he’s always looked like a scowling bitch. His pissed off look followed him from before preschool even till he applied to WCA. When you grow up with everyone thinking you’re an angry piece of shit it’s hard to think any differently yourself. He doesn’t know how to express himself, or even where himself ends and who people think he is starts. Sometimes when he doesn’t want to come off as rude he’ll will himself to be quiet which just looks like he’s planning murders. No matter what the poor kid would do he’s never fit in.

Ko is extremely competitive and he strives to be the best in almost everything he does. This doesn’t really go well with the short temper he has gained from over the years. Though that doesn’t really make a difference when you always look angry. After all those years of people assuming he was mentally beating them up he came to adapt a few things that would fit the type of person who they thought he was. Like his bad language, his tattoo, and the fights that he would get into. He doesn’t like getting into combat situations, so fighting isn’t something he enjoys, but he won’t think twice about it if they piss him off.
[/div] [div class="textWrap Three"][div class=header]BIOGRAPHY[/div] Kosuke was a single child to a couple who was neither poor nor rich. Growing up he was always closer to his mother thanks to her calming, and quite gentle nature. His father on the other hand was quite the opposite. Learning from his own dad he was quite hard on Kosuke to “prepare him for the real world.” This started off as extra chores, no allowance, little things that weren’t that bad in the grand scheme of things. Slowly it started to escalate however to throwing plates at him, beating him with brooms, and not feeding him for a few days. His mother could never bring herself to say anything till one day when she got work.

Ko had always appeared like he knew what he wanted and he was tough enough shit to get what he wanted so his mother tried to have that little hopeful voice in the back of her head that said he was fine and he’d make it through. She worked late into the night so she got home pretty late that day. In the midst of the quiet house she could hear a little kid crying. Kosuke was never one to cry, the last time being when he was eight and they lost his grandmother, so hearing her kid so broken ripped a whole in her heart. She just had to do something.

That something led to the incident, the incident led to the cops being called, and the cops being called led to Kosuke's father going on the run. Ko knew it was no surprise that his old man had gotten away due to his father’s quirk, and from that day forward Kosuke vowed he’d never stop his search for him. He was going to get revenge for what his father did. No matter what. That’s why he joined WCA. He decided he’d go through any method to find his father, even if that meant becoming a villain to be able to track him down.
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[div class=header]STATS[/div] [div class=title]Speed[/div] [div class=statBar]

[div class=title]Cooperation[/div] [div class=statBar]

[div class=title]Intelligence[/div] [div class=statBar]

[div class=title]Power[/div] [div class=statBar]

[div class=title]Technique[/div] [div class=statBar]

[div class=title]Defense[/div] [div class=statBar]

[div class=header]QUIRK[/div] This user can seep dark, almost black, fog from their pores. The fog makes it incredibly hard to see, especially given that it’s thick and the colours dark. If exposed to the fog for too long it can cause difficulty with breathing, hives, coughing fits, and other symptoms you’d experience with an allergic reaction. The user can turn their body into the same smoke they can expel, but they can only do this for at most five seconds at a time. (Think Moira and Reaper from Overwatch.) The user can draw back the fog they create into their body at will allowing them to clear the area, or to save allies from getting even more affected by their quirk.

How much fog the user can create at a time depends on how much fluid they have in their body. They can’t create anything out of nothing. When the fluid returns to the user after they recall it they’ll feel fatigued depending on how much fluid they had to convert into fog, and then back into fluid. Even though they don’t get ill from their own fog like other people do they wear a gas-mask. This has a few advantages to it. They can save an ally from their quirk if they willed, but what they use it for is to trick others into fighting close combat. If others think the users not immune to their own quirk others will try to get the mask off of them.
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code by RI.a
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[/div][/div] [div class=miniwords]I wont kiss and tell if you don't, babe [div class=miniwords2]well actually.. I might[/div][/div][/div] [div class=tabcontainer][div class=tabs][div class="first" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordi]posts[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="second" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordii]requisite[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="third" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiii]persona[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="fourth" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiiii]biography[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"] [div class=div style="overflow:hidden"][div class=overflow] [div class=posttitle][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]JustAKiss[/div] [div class=date]dec 12[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/o7THzvS.jpg);background-size:110%"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]JustAKiss[/div] [div class=quote]touch me ~~[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:280px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]JustAKiss[/div] [div class=date]dec 30[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/TbnHBxl.jpg);background-size:110%"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]JustAKiss[/div] [div class=quote]hold me ~~[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:555px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]JustAKiss[/div] [div class=date]jan 3[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/rc2D0SE.jpg);background-size:110%"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]JustAKiss[/div] [div class=quote]bite me ~~[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Ritsu Yattsu[/div]
the requisite
[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]Name Meaning !![/div] "interest", "eight"

[div class=box]Age !![/div] 15

[div class=box]Gender !![/div] female

[div class=box]Blood Type !![/div] b+

[div class=box]Birthday !![/div] may 22nd

[div class=box]Sexuality !![/div] yes

[div class=box]Side !![/div] villains

[div class=box]Class !![/div] TBA

[div class=box]Height !![/div] 5'7"

[div class=box]Weight !![/div] normal

[div class=box]Hair !![/div] long red

[div class=box]Eye Colour !![/div] orange-red

[div class=box]Complexion !![/div] fair

[div class=box]Alignment !![/div] chaotic neutral

[div class=box]Quirk !![/div]The user kisses two people to get their dna to obtain a combination of the twos quirks. The combinations are always different, and they last twenty four hours before it wears off and and can get a new combination of quirks. She can’t get a new quirk if she already has one.

[div class=box]Strengths !![/div]You cant fight her once and know how to fight her again. She has a small body frame so its easy to dodge attacks. She's a really good acrobat, and she uses that to her advantage in combat.

[div class=box]Weaknesses !![/div]It’s the luck of the draw quirk. She has to kiss people. Get's hot easily. Less of a raw strength gal, and more of a technical fighter.[/div][/div]
[/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/K02Uy3J.png);background-size:140%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Ritsu Yattsu[/div]
the persona[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]Virtues !![/div]Generosity, cooperation, adaptability

[div class=box]Vices !![/div]Escapism, lust, illusion

[div class=box]Likes !![/div]Physical contact with others, her hair, flirting, dancing, acrobatics, the harp, the violin, attention

[div class=box]Dislikes !![/div]People reading through her, people seeing her upset/mad, not knowing what to say, being ignored

[div class=box]Habits !![/div]Playing with her hair, skipping breakfast, hoeing around, cheek biting, constant showering [div class=box]Personality !![/div]Ritsu represents the Eight of Cups (“Disappointment, withdrawal, escapism, aimless drifting, walking away.") and the Devil (“Detachment, addiction, exploring dark thoughts, sexuality, restriction.”) of the Minor and Major Arcana because she doesn’t want to come to terms with herself. She uses flirting and sex as a means to escape, or to pretend to be someone she’s not because deep down that’s what she believes she’s only good for. She’s disappointed in herself for not only putting on a show and not being herself around people she cares about, but also playing her part so long she doesn’t know who herself is. To avoid people leaving her once they find out she has no real personality she puts up walls, and if people hop over those she’ll sabotage the relationship herself even if she’s not actively aware of it. Using flirting and sex to escape what she percieves as emptiness in herself slowly stopped being a choice and more of an addiction. All of her doubts and self hate are behind lock and key with a painted on door of shining charisma and sex appeal. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/p1ZPpL8.jpg);background-size:100%;background-position:100% 0%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Ritsu Yattsu[/div]
the biography[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]history !![/div]Ritsu grew up with a large family that weren’t related by blood. Even with her father being the head of their violent group they all treated each other equally. Instead of a gang hierarchy they were all on the same level, all seeing her father as the dad. That’s what Ritsu was lead to believe when she was younger. She started to notice the other children tiptoe around her and her older sister, and she’d overhear conversations where the other members would trash talk her family. Her parents wanted her to see the good side of their gang so she’d be more willing to take it over when she was older. That responsibility was going to fall onto her older sisters shoulder, but her only sibling left the family and ran away. Ritsu was only thirteen when she had her future decided for her.

Her mother started to teach her how to interact with people, especially males, to get what she wanted out of them. How much skin to show, what to say and how to say it, when to wink, how to notice little details about them, how to act in bed etc. Her father would teach her how to fight while her mother would teach her how to seduce people. They started to take advantage of her quirk when Ritsu looked mature enough. She’d seduce members of other gangs to get information. She’d kiss them without telling them her quirk to get an idea of what her families rivals had in store, and have sex with them because that’s what she was taught. Being sexual became her norm so much that not flirting with others seemed strange. She didn’t have much free time while she grew up to learn and explore hobbies, besides an instrument or two, so being with others felt like the only card in her possession. What would she do and who would she be if she wasn’t seducing someone?

[div class=box]why WCA !![/div] Ritsu is going to WCA because her family made a deal with the staff that they’d fund the school if they’d help Ritsu develop her quirk and manipulation skills further so she can become the greatest asset to the family she can be. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div]
[/div][/div] [class=credit]height: 25px; width:500px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 10px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div]
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Name: Masami Kawaguchi
Name meaning: Masami is a combination of "masa" (right, proper) and "mi" (beautiful). Kawaguchi roughly translates to "mouth of the river"
Alias: Gutter
Age: 15
Gender: Masc Genderfluid
Blood type: O
Birthday: April 4th
Sexuality: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Height: 4'11
Side: Evil, but like, only if he had to pick
Why are they going to this school?: He's been kicked out of most other schools
Course: "Hero"
Class: 1-A
"Hero" Outfit:
Personality: Masami is lackadaisical in nature, very rarely showing any signs of interest or passion in anything.
Quirk Description:
Quirk Drawbacks:
Name meaning:
Alias: Patchy
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Blood type: O-
Birthday: December 25th
Height: 5’3
Side: Evil
Why are they going to this school?:
Course: Villain
Personality: is
Quirk: Overheal
Quirk Description:
Quirk Drawbacks:
"Hero" Outfit:
Yume Kowareta
Name meaning:
Hidden enemy
Body Bag
Non-binary but male identifying
Blood type:
16th of March
Variable, but his chosen form stands at 6”4’
Why are they going to this school?:
To strengthen his power and reform the fabric of society
Chosen Form/Appearance:
Yume chooses to represent himself as unhealthily thin with little muscle. He also has platinum blonde hair, styled into a wavy fringe and slightly darker eyebrows that are thick and defined. Yume's skin is sickly pale, his face gaunt and eye bags always present. Yume always keeps one part of his body shifted into a disgusting collection of twisted flesh and various human parts, like eyes, mouths, noses, or fingers.
Yume's movement are also slightly incorrect, just enough for it to feel uncomfortable to watch. He is extremely fluid, as if he were just a bag of skin and blood.
He generally wears baggy street clothing, preferring to wear some of the higher end brands when he can.

Yume is extremely outgoing and personable, so much so that a walk to the convenience store for a can of cola can take him 30 minutes because he'll get so involved in a conversation with the cashier. He tends to be overly complimentary of people, a method he learnt to dissuade the discomfort some may have from looking at him. This can come off as unsettling in some cases as he grasps for things to comment on (e.g. "Your skin is very tight today." or "Your fingernails are looking nice and healthy!"). He also is unable to read social queues in a lot of cases, causing embarrassment more often than not. An all too generous amount of trust is also given to most people by Yume.
He carries a strong sense of justice and respect for the common person, but deep disrespect for any hero, politician, or public servant.

Yume's quirk manifested at birth, and what a horrid birth it was. Doctors were reported to have needed periodic breaks to vomit due to the sight of Yume. But he eventually was delivered and recorded to have been a small ball of wet red flesh with nine eye balls, three toothless mouths, and an indeterminate amount of appendages. Yume remained in this state until 2 years old, when he finally began to show conscious control of his quirk.
His child hood was similar to that of any average person. He grew up the only child of two police officers and always wanted to be one himself someday. Yume brought this love for justice everywhere, acting as 'Honorary Policeman' at his school. This position let him carry a plastic policeman badge with him and a book of school rules and their consequences, which Yume would use to write out infringement slips to other students.
This passion and love for the rules inevitably created a lot of enemies for him as he grew older. But despite physical and verbal abuse thrown at him by troublemakers, Yume stood strong.
His quirk only added to troubles, as many adults as well as children would be visibly uncomfortable around him and some kids going so far as to bully him and label him a future villain.

But during his last year in middle school, Yume slowly befriended a group of delinquents, often sharing lunch with them and hanging out with them after school. Yume still wrote them infringements when needed of course and forced them to be law abiding in his presence (which in the beginning was met with annoyance and anger but eventually turned into silent acceptance.) Growing close to them he learnt that each of them came from some kind of broken home. At least 2 in the group lived in near poverty and constantly struggled to make ends meet.
But as the year drew on, person by person each of them were arrested or killed.
Yuki was arrested for stealing from an ATM, Hanma for selling drugs, Yujiro for murdering his abusive step-father. Sota and Mei died in a firefight with police trying to protect Yakuza property that was keeping them afloat financially.
Each friend gone, each friend busted by Pro-Heroes and lost in the judicial system chipped away at Yume's psyche.
Every one of them were good people and only forced to commit crime because of their disadvantages. But meanwhile they have their entire lives ruined because of something beyond their control, those that ruined them are praised and showered with love and respect.
This wasn't justice.

Undoubtedly millions of dollars are invested into the development and market surrounding Pro Heroes. From merchandise, sporting events, damages, and commercials, Pro Heroes eat up a huge amount of the countries capital. Capital that could be spent on actually helping people in meaningful ways, stopping them from needing to be criminals instead of only becoming involved when their hand is forced.
This sudden shift in attitude displeased his parents of course, but Yume couldn't care less. He lived in a world where paragons of strength and virtue were paraded around like living gods, smiting the weak and unworthy, while those meek few forced to commit sin to survive are branded villains, called evil, and locked up.
Nobody batted an eye at this, EXCEPT for villains. And he'd been called a villain for years now, so why not cross that line?

And so Yume ignored his parents pleads to follow his previous dream and enrolled in Willow Creeks Academy, infamous for its association with villainy.
The only way to change a society ruled by the powerful is to remove them. And what better way to do it then with others just as powerful. And if remove meant kill, then so be it. It's worth it for a just world.

  • Politics
  • Making & listening to music
  • Fighting games
  • Popular fashion

  • Politics
  • Heroes
  • Most types of food besides Italian
  • Fire

Warping Flesh

Quirk Description:
This quirk gives Yume shape-shifting abilities, allowing him to change his biology into any organism he has obtained a reasonable amount of DNA from. The quirk also allows Yume to reconstitute himself after immense amounts of damage and make him invulnerable to most forms of conventional damage. However Yume is vulnerable to fire and molecular acid since they both destroy him at a cellular level. This is important as each cell operates individually, which means each cell has the same capability to rebuild and shape shift. When changing form, Yume bursts open and allows a variety of strange and terrifying forms and bits of previously assimilated anatomy to form, such as: tentacles, insect-like limbs, eyes, teeth, claws, even faces, eventually re-arranging his cellular structure to mimic its desired shape. Though Yume is unable to see, smell, hear, or touch if his shape at the time lacks the necessary biology.

Quirk Drawbacks:
It takes a huge amount of energy to shape-shift, and so Yume needs to ingest a high amount of calories in a day lest he feel fatigued. If properly nourished, he can under go 3 total shape changes (shape-shifting the entire body) before passing out, or 5 minor shape changes (shape-shifting a part of the body) before passing out.

"Hero" Outfit:
Due to the nature of Yume's quirk, traditional clothing is unsuitable as it would be torn to shreds in the shape-shifting process. Instead, Yume has a large cylindrical metallic container that holds spare clothes (to wear after shifting), high caloric food rations (to prevent fatigue and facilitate the high energy required to shift), and a cell phone/communicator. Additionally, the outside of the container holds 10 spherical capsules of water which burst open when the temperature surrounding them rises above 2012 degrees Fahrenheit or 800 degrees Celsius. This is to combat Yume's weakness to flame and extinguish possible fire engulfing him.

  • Extremely personable and friendly
  • Shows an aptitude in leadership positions
  • Quick thinker
  • Fire
  • Unskilled in combat
  • Easily deceived
  • Being wrong
  • Seeing his parents
  • Showing his true form
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