Trying to think of a title besides "Hello"


is Missing His Link
Because that's pretty much all of the other titles I see in "Introductions"!

Hi, I'm Gnar! Yes, that Gnar. The Gnar you enter into google and is the first few hundred page/image entries you get. That Gnar.

Let's see. I had used google to find some convenient way to roleplay. I've searched some time and tried out a few sites. I'm ready to try out RpNation, haha.

So, interests? Of course I play League of Legends, although I'm more into DOTA at the moment. I also watch anime, play games, and write in my free time. I don't consider myself a good writer at the moment but maybe that will change here.

I'm sure I can go into more detail, but I'm not sure if anyone is interested.

Nice to be here,

Hello @Gnar,

Welcome to RpN!

You’ll find a lot of great members to roleplay with here. Before you jump in, make sure you’ve read and understood the Official Site Rules. After you have done that, you can head over to the Roleplays board for all of your roleplaying needs. You can create new roleplays for one on one or group settings, propose your own ideas, and join other roleplays!

We’re all friendly here, so if you ever want to chat, you can jump into the Shoutbox! Once you have made at least 10 posts, you’ll be able to access more of the site’s awesome features and send private messages!

If you ever find that you’re stuck, you can always refer to News & Updates or Questions & Information. I am always willing to answer any questions you may have. :)

Happy roleplaying!
... Ah... Of course there would be preedited copy-paste messages. Why didn't I think of it? Oh man. Thanks for the links though.

How do you do that "tagging" thing by the way?
What do you have to do to make the tag?

Also, my main question. How do roleplays work exactly here? I've been looking around for a bit and I don't see much of this which I see in a lot of other places;

Gnar: *asks you a question* So?

And sometimes it's in like a chat or something. But the roleplaying looks like it belongs in forums.

What's the difference between "Forum Roleplays" and all the other genres that are on the forum list?

I'm exploring a little myself but I'm not completely sure about all of this stuff.

Most roleplays are something like this:

Jon was standing over a hill, short brown hair swaying slightly with the wind, dressed in a black T-shirt and Jeans. He felt the heat of the fire, saw the orange and red flames eagerly lick at the house's wooden supports. His home was on it's last legs, and with a crack and giant flames he saw it collapse. Tears streaked his face as he turned away, thoughts brought unto the possible future he may have, or lack thereof. How could he live without that home? The memories of his parents burnt away and smoke sending them far away from him?

At varying levels of skill and length.

A tag is just the @ sign and username.

And the difference between a forum roleplay is in the scale. Forum roleplays are for ones that need more resources, like tons of threads, lots of arcs that need to be clearly defined, that kind of thing. A regular roleplay is like if you were just going to make one for fun. The actual kinds of Rps depends on who made it originally.
Welcome to RpN, Gnar.

Gnar said:
How do you do that "tagging" thing by the way?
Start with the @ symbol. Then start typing the name of the user. The system will show a list. Or just type the username fully and it will work when you post.

Gnar said:
Also, my main question. How do roleplays work exactly here? I've been looking around for a bit and I don't see much of this which I see in a lot of other places;
Gnar: *asks you a question* So?

And sometimes it's in like a chat or something. But the roleplaying looks like it belongs in forums.

What's the difference between "Forum Roleplays" and all the other genres that are on the forum list?
Roleplay is done in the forums or over private messages. There are literally hundreds of roleplays on the site. The shoutbox/chat is where users hang out - but not in character. There is no roleplaying there. Some people use our TeamSpeak server for scheduled games (especially tabletop games).

"Forum" games are older games on the site with a system that is no longer available - essentially they have their own subforum. The vast majority of games on here will be "thread" roleplays (or just "roleplays"), where areas of the roleplay (overview, rules, IC RPing, characters, OOC chat, etc.) are divided into linked threads.

The recruitment areas are divided into roleplay recruitment (for group games with more than two players) and 1x1 RP recruitment. Forum and non-forum games can be listed there side-by-side when looking for players. The (group) roleplay recruitment area also has a subforum for dice-based games.

I recommend starting with the Welcome message and feeling your way around the site. You'll get the hang of it in no time.

Welcome again!
Oh. Let me try this

@SaphireTsuki @Erica

So, what I took from all of that by reading that several times...

Forum roleplays have multiple threads for the roleplay and that other [thread?] one is just "linked threads"? Ain't that the same thing?

I might just go with Erica's explanation for this.

How come Forum games aren't available?
The system for it broke down due to something or other that I don't remember.If you want to know more I suggest looking at the updates and news threads created by the user "The Staff"... which is just a collective username used by the staff to inform us of stuff.
Thread RPs have almost all the same functionality as Forum RPs. There was a problem with the code behind the Forum RPs, so new ones are using the other functionality.

I suggest looking at examples of each. It will become clear. :)

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