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Realistic or Modern Troubled Youth








Year (In school)






"They are going to judge you no matter what you do, so you may as well do whatever the hell you want."

Why they must attend/What did/do they do?

As a kid, Ryder was happy-go-lucky. He ignored the fact that he lived in the scummiest neighborhood and that there were no other kids around, and he had a blast. At age 6, his mother hadn't come home from work that day, and he later found out she had gotten into an accident at the factory and passed away. His dad didn't react well at all, and before he knew it abusive tendencies begin to show within his father. After a few years of black eyes, bruises, and split lips, Ryder was taken away from his father by the state of California and placed into a foster home. This family was very wealthy, and had always wanted a son. Nevertheless, Ryder wasn't exactly the sweet boy they had hoped for. At age 14, he was smoking weed, cigarettes, blasting heavy metal from his room, getting suspended, etc. and was just about every parents worst nightmare. At 17, he was shipped off to and continues to cause as much trouble as possible.


Nicotine rushes, being high, smoking in general


- He is double jointed in 9/10 of his fingers.

- He is an extremely picky eater, unless he's high

-He does almost everything in the spur of the moment


Girls, drugs, longboarding, good music


Uptight people, waiting, not being high


Ryder is pretty blunt, sarcastic, and persistent. He is always one to get his way, no matter what rules he has to break to do so. He's very charming, though when it comes to love itself he is terrified by the subject. He's a dare devil, a party boy, and is up to make trouble at any time of the day. He's very charming, and his demeanor radiates confidence, but in reality he's pretty down on himself. In rebellion of his father, he has several tattoos, and a very questionable piercing he had been dared to get at a keg party. Ryder also has a bit of an anger problem, and saying one wrong thing can make him blow up like a grenade. He is very protective of the people he cares about. Say one bad thing about his sister when he's within an earshot, and you won't hear the end of it for days.








Year (In school)






"If you can't say nuffin nice, then don't say nuffin at all!" -Thumper

Why they must attend/What did/do they do?

After Eli and her brother were put into foster care, Eli began to lash out by tagging various buildings, signs, sidewalks, or anything with surface to spray paint, with a symbol of her initials with a crown over the top. She began vaping (water vapor, no nicotine) within the last year, and has only smoked weed a couple times with a few close friends, though when she was drug tested, she didn't pass. So, she was shipped off along with her brother.


Doing smoke tricks with her vape, and spraypainting stuff


-She has seen the movie Bambie over a hundred times.

-She loves lima beans

-She still sleeps with her childhood blanket

-Her knee dislocates when she moves it wrong, causing her a lot of pain until she can manage to pop it back in


Animals, vaping, doing her makeup


Boys who don't take care of themselves, bad hair days, drama


Eli is much like her older brother, however she cares greatly about her education (she wants to be a vet). Nothing is more important to her than school, but she does love to have fun. She loves the beach, and adores parties. She cares a lot about her brother, despite their odd relationship. She tends to protect him from things more than he does her, to be totally honest. Eli is easy going, and makes friends with everyone she meets. She can get quite personal when you piss her off, or mess with her friends or brother, despite her kind heart. She's a huge flirt, and is really into herself -- she's pretty, and she knows it.

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okaykarlee said:








Year (In school)






"They are going to judge you no matter what you do, so you may as well do whatever the hell you want."

Why they must attend/What did/do they do?

As a kid, Ryder was happy-go-lucky. He ignored the fact that he lived in the scummiest neighborhood and that there were no other kids around, and he had a blast. At age 6, his mother hadn't come home from work that day, and he later found out she had gotten into an accident at the factory and passed away. His dad didn't react well at all, and before he knew it abusive tendencies begin to show within his father. After a few years of black eyes, bruises, and split lips, Ryder was taken away from his father by the state of California and placed into a foster home. This family was very wealthy, and had always wanted a son. Nevertheless, Ryder wasn't exactly the sweet boy they had hoped for. At age 14, he was smoking weed, cigarettes, blasting heavy metal from his room, getting suspended, etc. and was just about every parents worst nightmare. At 17, he was shipped off to and continues to cause as much trouble as possible.


Nicotine rushes, being high, smoking in general


- He is double jointed in 9/10 of his fingers.

- He is an extremely picky eater, unless he's high

-He does almost everything in the spur of the moment


Girls, drugs, longboarding, good music


Uptight people, waiting, not being high


Ryder is pretty blunt, sarcastic, and persistent. He is always one to get his way, no matter what rules he has to break to do so. He's very charming, though when it comes to love itself he is terrified by the subject. He's a dare devil, a party boy, and is up to make trouble at any time of the day. He's very charming, and his demeanor radiates confidence, but in reality he's pretty down on himself. In rebellion of his father, he has several tattoos, and a very questionable piercing he had been dared to get at a keg party. Ryder also has a bit of an anger problem, and saying one wrong thing can make him blow up like a grenade. He is very protective of the people he cares about. Say one bad thing about his sister when he's within an earshot, and you won't hear the end of it for days.








Year (In school)






"If you can't say nuffin nice, then don't say nuffin at all!" -Thumper

Why they must attend/What did/do they do?

After Eli and her brother were put into foster care, Eli began to lash out by tagging various buildings, signs, sidewalks, or anything with surface to spray paint, with a symbol of her initials with a crown over the top. She began vaping (water vapor, no nicotine) within the last year, and has only smoked weed a couple times with a few close friends, though when she was drug tested, she didn't pass. So, she was shipped off along with her brother.


Doing smoke tricks with her vape, and spraypainting stuff


-She has seen the movie Bambie over a hundred times.

-She loves lima beans

-She still sleeps with her childhood blanket

-Her knee dislocates when she moves it wrong, causing her a lot of pain until she can manage to pop it back in


Animals, vaping, doing her makeup


Boys who don't take care of themselves, bad hair days, drama


Eli is much like her older brother, however she cares greatly about her education (she wants to be a vet). Nothing is more important to her than school, but she does love to have fun. She loves the beach, and adores parties. She cares a lot about her brother, despite their odd relationship. She tends to protect him from things more than he does her, to be totally honest. Eli is easy going, and makes friends with everyone she meets. She can get quite personal when you piss her off, or mess with her friends or brother, despite her kind heart. She's a huge flirt, and is really into herself -- she's pretty, and she knows it.

both accepted! you can make your starter post, there's plenty of people with characters who need someone to interact with. :)
[QUOTE="Vices and Virtues]both accepted! you can make your starter post, there's plenty of people with characters who need someone to interact with. :)

Great! Thaanks x

Name: Jessica Weathers

Age: 17

Gender: female

Sexuality: Straight

Year (In school):11

Appearance: brown hair, pale, blue eyes

Quote: "50 words for murder and I'm every single one of them"

Why they must attend/What did/do they do? drugs, vandalism, drinking and getting high at school when she would attend

Addiction(s) coccaine, lsd, alchohol, xanax, oxy, molly, shrooms, stealing, sex, smoking

Quirks: Talks to self

Likes: animals, music, hanging out with her best friend (lillaisacat's charachter)

Dislikes: people, liars

Personality: cold and violent exterior but a reck and slowly dying inside


"You don't just put art behind a glass and call it a day."

Iain Faulkner



Pansexual (leans towards males)

12th grade

Dark brown hair, collarbone length, brown eyes, 5'8

"You have to make it mean something."

Iain was sent to Marqua's Home and School for Troubled Youth for repeat vandalism, graffiti, breaking and entering, trespassing and just about all the crimes you'd expect of a young artist looking to leave his imprint on the world. Iain was to be charged as an adult, but at the last minute was offered a second chance, to go to this school or face jail-time.

"Or else it'll never make any difference."


Quirks: Iain compulsively touches his hair when he's lying, was apart of a boy's choir for the majority of his childhood and preteen life (this boy can sing),

Likes: Cigarettes, boys with nice faces, anything pretty or colorful, peaches, people who smell nice

Dislikes: Rules, Art galleries, peanut butter, slugs, hospitals

Iain is a passionate individual who strives to leave a mark or impression where ever he goes. He nearly always smiles, loves to tell jokes and stories, and considers himself an entertainer. Though he is typically an easy-going guy, he has a bad temper and often uses his art as an outlet for violent impulses.

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no slide
Too Late
Name: Zuzu Rose Ester

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Grade: 11th (Senior)
To Say
Why They Must Attend: A while ago her best friend of hers left her. They began dating for about a few months until she made a mistake and the other left her. She decided the only option for herself was to have alcohol in order to wash away her sadness, though it still exists and keeps eating at her slowly.

Addiction(s): Alcoholic

Quirks: Awkward as hell.

Likes: Alcohol, Music, Piano, Drawing

Dislikes: Isolation, Being abandoned, Anxiety

Personality: Zuzu seems to make mistakes easily. She's a rather sensitive person, and also often a pushover. Say she got in an argument, she would normally just end up letting the other person win. At first glance she seems to be quiet, but once deemed friendship she's rather loud and outgoing. She sometimes has little to no self control. She can get angered easily, and once she realizes the results of her actions she slowly begins to get sader. She thinks rather deeply about things, though she avoids sharing her thoughts with others. Some things are just left best hidden.

Quote: "Nothing kills a man faster than his own head"
Height: 5'2 1/2"

Weight: 107

Hair Color: Rich, Dark Brown.

Eye Color: Dark Brown

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Elizabeth Kassab
"Don't ask me to be your friend. I am not my own."



Age: 16

Gender: Demigirl, goes by they/she

Sexuality: Aromantic asexual

Ethnicity: Half-Iranian (technically only 3/8ths but she loves her mother infinitely more than her father), half-German

Year in school: Newly-enrolled junior

Reason for attending: Her "good doctor" of a father has enrolled her in Marqua's Home and School for Troubled Youth in a desperate bid to get her life back on track after one too many calls from the police about his daughter and the dawning realization that she will never be the same little girl if she doesn't get help soon.

Addiction: A kleptomaniac with a violent temper and an itch to destroy whenever possible. She also has mild alcoholism and pops pain killers and sleeping pills whenever the pounding in her head gets too much, so much so she's developed a mild resistance to the over-the-counter type and has taken to stealing them in more potent doses from her father's hospital.
Height: 5' 11'' and still growing

Weight: 167 pounds

Eye color: Green

Hair color and style: Brown with loose curls that go down to her chest when she lets it all down. Usually, however, it is swpet up in a ponytail or bun.

Clothing style: Elizabeth prefers to wear dark clothing that hides all of her skin when she is out and about. She wears faux leather and black jeans and combat boots as her default, no matter how warm it is. When on her own, she wears baggy shirts of neutral colors and plain designs and tank tops. She refuses to wear heels, dresses, or skirts as they tend to slow her running speed down and are less predictable than her regular jacket and jeans. Elizabeth keeps a red handkerchief-sized cloth on herself at all times, the remnants of a scarf her cousin once gave her.

Body type: Rather androgynous in appearance, Elizabeth has no noticeable curves and any slight ones she has are covered by the layers she wears of the baggy clothes she throws on. Her skin is darker than the European side of her family and is closer to the shade of her Iranian mother. Her limbs are neither bulky nor thin and one can see the ropes of muscle that she has built up over the years when she is near.

Distinct features: She has several scars from her various endeavors. One of the most prominent ones is on her right collarbone, a three inch gash caused by glass when she was making one of her escapes. She also has one starting from her left hip and stretching all the way to her right breast from an incident with a particularly difficult mugger. On the back of her right leg is a scar starting from about three inches above her ankle to two inches beneath her knee.

General: Once in her life, Elizabeth was any other child; happy, gurgling, and more than willing to please those she held dear. Now, her eyes are darker and her lips hardly curl into anything but a snarl. Her fists are more often bloody than not from fights and her tongue sharp to deliver barbs, undeserved or not. She does not take orders from anyone and is out for her own skin and revenge. She is cruel these days and hides any secrets or feelings of her own beneath a blanket of hatred for herself and the world that has wronged her too many times.



Her mother and grandfather

The calm ocean

Wet rainy days

Food that is heavily spiced

Crowded city streets


To get revenge and justice for those she has lost

To free her mother from jail

To make her father taste what she has had to for years on end

To find a true home

Moral grey areas

Her father and older sister

The bitter taste of failure and blood

Overly sour, sweet, or bland foods

Foggy days

The smell of hospitals


That death will come for her before she is finished or ready

Being trapped somewhere forever

Being wrong about something that has motivated her

Loosing anyone else


Plays with her hair whenever she is bored

Will always raise her left eyebrow first
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Name: Kiara Vox

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Year: Senior

Quote: "Throw me into the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack"

Why they must attend: got arrested a few times and her parents found weed, whiskey, and mysterious drugs in her room.

Addiction: Alcohol, weed, Xanax, sex, Cocaine, prescription pills

Quirks: swearing, procrastinating

Likes: smoking, sleep, parties, hip hop, R&B,

Dislikes: staying in one place, being told what to do, fake people, being quiet

  1. Personality: Kiara has been called many things, a druggie,slut, whore, pot head, but she doesn't care. Kiara takes no bull from anyone. She is a fighter. If she disagrees with something she'd tell it straight to your face. Kiara is very flirty. She is hot headed too.


Name: Patricia Abigail Warren

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual Panromantic (leans towards girls)

Year: Senior

Quote: "If you don't like Led Zeppelin or Queen, your opinion is wrong."

Why they must attend/What did/do they do?: Multiple DUIs, theft, sneaking out, smoking pot.

Addiction(s): Sex, alcohol, some drugs.

Quirks: Patty is OBSESSED with classic rock, and her favorite band is Led Zeppelin, she hiccups whenever she laughs, and she falls in love easily.

Likes: Led Zeppelin, painting, creamsicles, sex.

Dislikes: Bigots, bad trips, death, school.

Personality: Patty has Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, leading to her everchanging moods. At some times, she is very kind and social, and during her manic phases, she is miserable and taken over by insomnia and suicidal feelings. Although, she feels like a coward, and would never do anything to herself. She tries not to involve others in her personal life. Patty does this because she's a genuinely kind person. That is, if you like Led Zeppelin...

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Jayden Lee Ray

''The past is waiting to just fuck you up''

Age: Seventeen, he is coming 18 soon.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Why they must attend here?: He is having trouble at school with fights, ditching class and smoking. His English teacher has a bright future planned out for him, noticing his intelligence and she suggested to his care worker that he goes here.

Addictions: Smoking and drinking.

Quirks: He clicks his fingers when he is anger and trying to calm himself down. He has a habit of looking away whenever he is smiling.

Likes: He actually enjoys learning. He doesn't show it though. He likes outdoors too.

Dislikes: He dislikes opening up to people

Personality: Jayden likes to keep himself to himself. He doesn't like being nice to others or opening up. But deep down, he is actually a sweetheart. He actually is quite smart, but he would never show it. He has a lot of potential. He tends to be quite sarcastic. He has a short temper though which is easily set off. He doesn't like being told what to do either.

Bio: Jayden was born into a household with an alcoholic father and he was abusive. The family were barely able to afford having a baby with any money they had being spend on drink. He used to abuse his mother. When Jayden was a baby, his mother did have intentions of leaving the house and starting a fresh life with him. But, one night when Jayden was two. His father bought a gun, which his mother wasn't happy about, he left it at the table before abusing his mother. Jayden, only being two at the time, reached for the gun and ended up firing it at his mother. Even though he was young, he didn't realise what he had done. The police were called. Jayden was taken into the care of his grandmother, with only a visit a month from his father.He feels a lot of regret for what happened. He never really remembers his mother, but he feels like he has to pay for what he did to her. He got himself in a lot of bother as he got older. He turned to drink, ditched school, got himself in a lot of fights.


Jasmine Courtney Kingsley

''Fuck your feelings''

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Why they must attend here?: Fighting at school.

Addictions: Partying and drinking.

Quirks: She has dimples when she smiles, but it is rare you'll see her smiling.

Likes: She likes to be powerful. She likes to be respected, even if she isn't giving that respect back. She likes to party.

Dislikes: She doesn't like being weak. She hates people being rude to her.

Personality: Jasmine is a hardcore bitch. She honestly isn't afraid of nobody. She is determined to get what she wants, she doesn't care what she has to do to do it. She comes across as cocky, but she is really insecure. She likes to make herself out to be better than she is so people don't play with her. She knows how to manipulate people. She is a massive flirt. She doesn't like being disrespected. Very aggressive when shes angry too.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Gray.jpg.d7703d538b2f8e5228b67eeabacb6f73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Gray.jpg.d7703d538b2f8e5228b67eeabacb6f73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Quentin Silas







Year (In school):



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/grey.jpg.8f05b98ce0d03b72eeb21618caf951f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/grey.jpg.8f05b98ce0d03b72eeb21618caf951f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Quentin is about 6'2, lean with a generous amount of muscle. His eyes are a chocolatey almond color and his hair is an almost black, brown. He has a strong angular jaw, peppered with slight stubble. His looks are rather intimidating when he isn't smiling or laughing.

He has an eyebrow piercing and lip piercing. (His lip piercing is on HIS left and the brow piercing is on HIS right)


"Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions speak louder than your words."

Why they must attend/What did/do they do?:

Fighting, sneaking out, smoking pot, DUIs.


Boxing, smoking, drinking, fighting.


Messes with his hair,

bites his lip,

winks without realizing it,

smokes third cigarette to the right in a fresh pack first,

cannot drink anything with ice in it,

brushes teeth before sex,

taps pen if in hand and not writing,

must sit in a window seat on cars/trains/airplanes,




+Being Active






+ Girls







-Mobile Games

-Mac N' Cheese



-Whiny Losers



Quentin is aggressive, dominant, manipulative and charming. He is that guy who fucks for virginity, (he has 7 under his belt now) and isn't into a committed relationship. He enjoys cooking, and good food. Quentin is competitive and confident. Active and spontaneous. He doesn't like people who aren't interested in what he is interested in. He is very sarcastic, and passionate in what he loves.​



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okaykarlee said:








Year (In school)






"They are going to judge you no matter what you do, so you may as well do whatever the hell you want."

Why they must attend/What did/do they do?

As a kid, Ryder was happy-go-lucky. He ignored the fact that he lived in the scummiest neighborhood and that there were no other kids around, and he had a blast. At age 6, his mother hadn't come home from work that day, and he later found out she had gotten into an accident at the factory and passed away. His dad didn't react well at all, and before he knew it abusive tendencies begin to show within his father. After a few years of black eyes, bruises, and split lips, Ryder was taken away from his father by the state of California and placed into a foster home. This family was very wealthy, and had always wanted a son. Nevertheless, Ryder wasn't exactly the sweet boy they had hoped for. At age 14, he was smoking weed, cigarettes, blasting heavy metal from his room, getting suspended, etc. and was just about every parents worst nightmare. At 17, he was shipped off to and continues to cause as much trouble as possible.


Nicotine rushes, being high, smoking in general


- He is double jointed in 9/10 of his fingers.

- He is an extremely picky eater, unless he's high

-He does almost everything in the spur of the moment


Girls, drugs, longboarding, good music


Uptight people, waiting, not being high


Ryder is pretty blunt, sarcastic, and persistent. He is always one to get his way, no matter what rules he has to break to do so. He's very charming, though when it comes to love itself he is terrified by the subject. He's a dare devil, a party boy, and is up to make trouble at any time of the day. He's very charming, and his demeanor radiates confidence, but in reality he's pretty down on himself. In rebellion of his father, he has several tattoos, and a very questionable piercing he had been dared to get at a keg party. Ryder also has a bit of an anger problem, and saying one wrong thing can make him blow up like a grenade. He is very protective of the people he cares about. Say one bad thing about his sister when he's within an earshot, and you won't hear the end of it for days.








Year (In school)






"If you can't say nuffin nice, then don't say nuffin at all!" -Thumper

Why they must attend/What did/do they do?

After Eli and her brother were put into foster care, Eli began to lash out by tagging various buildings, signs, sidewalks, or anything with surface to spray paint, with a symbol of her initials with a crown over the top. She began vaping (water vapor, no nicotine) within the last year, and has only smoked weed a couple times with a few close friends, though when she was drug tested, she didn't pass. So, she was shipped off along with her brother.


Doing smoke tricks with her vape, and spraypainting stuff


-She has seen the movie Bambie over a hundred times.

-She loves lima beans

-She still sleeps with her childhood blanket

-Her knee dislocates when she moves it wrong, causing her a lot of pain until she can manage to pop it back in


Animals, vaping, doing her makeup


Boys who don't take care of themselves, bad hair days, drama


Eli is much like her older brother, however she cares greatly about her education (she wants to be a vet). Nothing is more important to her than school, but she does love to have fun. She loves the beach, and adores parties. She cares a lot about her brother, despite their odd relationship. She tends to protect him from things more than he does her, to be totally honest. Eli is easy going, and makes friends with everyone she meets. She can get quite personal when you piss her off, or mess with her friends or brother, despite her kind heart. She's a huge flirt, and is really into herself -- she's pretty, and she knows it.

Hey I would like to join, but before I do, would you be able to say yes to my question? Could my character be the twin of Elianna? and the little brother of your other character?) Just to ask before I join and make a form.

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