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Realistic or Modern Troubled Youngsters

Hope Youngblood

New Member
[Picture of your charcter]

{General information}


Nickname: (optional)






Body type: Thin, muscled, chubby etc.



Hair colour:

Eye colour:

Clothing style:


Positive traits: (must have 2)

Negative traits: (must have 2)





{Other things}

Reason you're here:


Other things you want to say:
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Name: Hope Youngblood

Nickname: -

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Accent/Nationality: Irish/Ireland

Body type: Small for her age, slender

Height: 5'5

Weight: 130 pounds

Hair colour: Strawberry blonde with lighter blonde streaks in it

Eye colour: A mixture between green and blue

Clothing style: She wears sweaters most of the time or plain t-shirts when it's too hot to wear hoodies, and black jeans with black Converse.

Positive traits: Smart, helpful and kind

Negative traits: Shy, quiet and insecure

Likes: Being alone and listening to music

Dislikes: Big crowds, having to talk to unknown people

Hobbies: Listening to music, reading, writing, drawing

Talents: Singing

Reason you're here: She claims she can see ghosts and hear voices inside her head. Her parents thought she was crazy and were afraid of her so they sent her here.

Past: Her father left the family when she was only young and her mother stattec drinking because of that. She had to take care of her younger brother when she was only 11. Those occasions made her very sensitive and fragile and there was a moment when she was diagnosed with depression. As if it was a miracle, she found her father back and they became a real family again. But, when she thought it was all fine again, she started hearing these voices, telling her to kill people, to kill herself. And that wasn't even the worst, she started to see these ghostly figures, wandering around, not leaving her alone. One day, she told her parents and they got so afraid of her that they didn't want to be with her anymore, so they sent her here.

Other things you want to say: She suffers from a bad case of social anxiety.

Name:Chris Slaylee




Sexuality: Straight

Accent: British

Body Type: Skinny And Tall

Height: 6'3

Weight: 145 Pounds

Hair Colour: A Dark-ish Brown

Eye Colour: Hazel

Clothing type: Usually Wearing His Glasses, White T-Shirt , And Faded Jeans (And Maybe A Light Jacket)

Positive Traits: Funny, Brave, Protective

Negative Traits: Not Sneaky,impatient

Like: Music,Family,People He Cares About

Dislikes: Being Alone, Quietness

Hobbies: Drawing

Talents: Acting, Singing

Reason You're Here: Kept Saying He Had A Life Before His

Past:Chris Live With His 2 Brothers,1 Sister And A Single Mother (His Father Died When He Was Young). His Mom Was Never Home That Much So He Took Care Of His Brothers And Sister. When His Mom Was Home She Abused Him And His Sister Because 'They Weren't Good enough'. When Chris Was 13 He Got Shot In His Arm By His Mom, He Still Can't Use His Arm That Good. At That Time He Started To Talk About His second Life
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Name: Jason Withmore

Nickname: Jace

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Accent/Nationality: American

Body type: Skinny but muscular

Height: 6'1

Weight: 140 pounds

Hair colour: Light blonde

Eye colour: Bright blue

Clothing style: Kinda like a jock. He wears t-shirts most of the time with ripped jeans and sneakers.

Positive traits: Social, funny, outgoing

Negative traits: Arrogant, ignorant, sometimes rude

Likes: Sports and playing guitar

Dislikes: School and having to do something against his will

Hobbies: Training, gaming

Talents: Playing basketball and guitar

Reason you're here: He has anger management issues and nearly killed a guy from his old school

Past: His childhood was quite normal but he has ADHD and trouble with controlling his emotions. He always played at the school basketball team. When he lost a game, he already found it hard to stay calm. Then, a guy accidentally pushed him on the ground and he lost his sanity. He started hitting the guy so many times that he has permanent brain damage. His parents said that he couldn't stay at a normal place and sent him here, to protect him and people around him.

Name: Ashton Kiall

Nickname: Ash

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Accent/Nationality: Australian/Australia

Body type: Thin but does has some muscles

Height: 5'8

Weight: 180 lbs.

Hair colour: Dark dyed black, Without dyed: Dark brown

Eye colour: Light greyish blue

Clothing style: Dark, piercings, beanies and sometimes snapbacks. Hoodies and Jackets. Sneakers and jeans.

Positive traits: Protective, Calm, Smart, Possessive

Negative traits: Shy, sometimes she ignores people, pushes people away, when she gets really mad, she will blackout and hurt someone really bad

Likes: Music, and reading and cooking

Dislikes: Bullies, people touching her stuff, rude people

Hobbies: Making/Playing Music. Street fighting

Talents: Can sing and play music really well, good fighter.

Reason you're here: Ash keeps getting into fights and won't talk at all. She hasn't talked for two years.

Past: Ashton was born in Australia but moved to America when she was 7. Her parents were doctors and was out in the hospital most of her childhood. She has an little sister named Ashley. She named her when she was born which was when Ash was 5. Ashley has autism and Ash took care of her and grew very close to her sister. When Ashley started school. People started to bully her. Ash kept protecting her and keeping her safe. She fought all the bullies. Her parents didn't even ask why she was fighting. They didn't want her to ruin their image. She stopped talking to everyone but Ashley. She hated that her parents wouldn't listen to her so she just stopped talking. They sent her here to get fixed. Ash told her sister who is 13 now to stay strong and she will be back soon.

Other things you want to say: Ash hates being touch
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Name: Roary Evans

Nickname: Roars

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Accent/Nationality: Scottish

Body type: thin and agile

Height: 4'9"

Weight: 90 pounds

Hair color: Red orange

Eye color: silver/grey

Clothing style: Mostly skirts or shorts with a loose top and no shoes.

Positive traits: outgoing, thoughtful

Negative traits: pitiful, rejected

Likes: candy, ice cream, toys, fire

Dislikes: her family, most people, hateful comments toward her

Hobbies: playing with fire, gymnastics

Talents: abnormally flexible, singing

Reason you're here: Roary once lit her sisters hair on fire and almost blew up the house.

Past: Sad past, not much is known about her except that she likes to play with fire and loves to do gymnastics. It is also said that she killed her mothers newborn child by placing it in the oven.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/alpha-couples-1-mercy-adam.jpg.9c22fb8342d944179e8cd1ebb59cb2b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/alpha-couples-1-mercy-adam.jpg.9c22fb8342d944179e8cd1ebb59cb2b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{General information}

Name: Mercedes Thompson

Nickname: Mercy

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Accent/Nationality: American Indian/White


Body type: Not too slender but Muscled

Height: 5, 6

Weight: 163lbs

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Dark brown but can change to gold hazel

Clothing style: Comfy style of tank tops or print t-shirts and fitted jeans, sneaker or steel toed boots


Positive traits: Loyal, trustworthy, witty, fun, nonjudgmental

Negative traits: talkative when nervous, kinda clumsy, sarcastic, quick tempered

Likes: reading, history, music, mechanics. technology, children, comics, nicktoons, animals

Dislikes: fake people, getting into trouble, being scolded, judgmental people,

Hobbies: researching history, reading, listening to music, baking

Talents: fighting, fixing cars, strategy, baking

{Other things}

Reason you're here: Her quick temper gets her into too many conflicts with the wrong people, they think there is something wrong causing her to act out physically and psychologically

Past: She was an unexpected baby, Her mother had her at the age of sixteen and there fore she thought she wasn't mature enough to care of her herself. Causing her to give Mercedes up to her great uncles friend who in turn gave her to another friend who couldn't have children. The environment she grew up in was in ways good for her but in other ways bad. the children in school hated her and picked on her nonstop, some of the adult females also didn't care for her. The men around her were short tempered and aggressive an extremely prone to fighting, considering they all lived in the cold wilds of Montana where technology was scarce she didn't have much to do by herself as she grew up but get into trouble. Then her foster mother died in a hunting accident causing her foster father to become extremely depressed and later on he committed suicide by drowning himself. From there she knew she was by herself. at the age of 16 she went and moved out of Montana to live with her birth mother, she tried it for a year but found she couldn't fit in with her mother's new perfect life and left without a trace after numerous street incidents resulting in her pummeling others she was sent here.

Other things you want to say: She also has another tattoo of a paw print on her stomach right under her navel. She has two younger step sisters that she loves to pieces but barely talks to. She had once attempted to run away from Montana when she was sixteen with a an named samuel who was way way too old which is the reason she was sent to her mother in the first place.



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{General information}

Name: Kimberly Jones

Nickname: Kim or Kimmy

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Accent/Nationality: Russian


Body type: Abit cubby but seriously wounded

Height: 5'3

Weight: 139 pounds

Hair colour: Ginger

Eye colour: Chocolate brown

Clothing style: Loose clothes with long sleeves with animals printed in it and skinny jeans with boots


Positive traits: Great Listener, Patient and Humble

Negative traits: Often Alone, Mute and Insensitive

Likes: Calm Music, Cats, Origami and Ice cream

Dislikes: Thunder, Shouting and lemons

Hobbies: Origami, Drawing , Reading and watching rain fall

Talents: Hands signs((As a form of speaking)), drawing, playing flute and good in hiding

{Other things}

Reason you're here: She is here because of a serious case of depression and mute her parents died from murder. Mentions of physic powers but unclear. .


She was nothing more but an innocent flower when things stared getting worse by the day she accidentaly pushed someone off the stairs. She then got bullied after that as a form of revenge but unfortunatelly did not stop until now. Everyday she would get wounds and bruises whenever she gets home but that also became a huge problem when her parents argured with each other everyday. One day her father took her and beat her up inside the kitchen until her mother came to rescue. Unfortunately she was shot in the stomach by her father. She would then have a little brother if he didn't shot her. Her father pointed the gun at her and shot her by the leg when she tried to escape. Struggling, she saw a knife and attacked, killing her own father in the end.

When her aunt came to visit, she was shocked and saw the horrified face of the child and decided to call 911 to take her away.

Other things you want to say:

-Kimberly is a very hard girl to get along with. It requires patience to warm up to you. But there are times where you can interact with her whenever she's playing music.

-A very secretive child as she tends keep everything to herself

-She is born mute so she can't actually speak or scream. . . . Which is very dangerous
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(Character looks like Avatar)

{General information}

Name: Dean Maribrose

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Accent/Nationality: Irish


Body type: Tall and Muscular

Height: 6'

Weight: 205

Hair color: Brownish/Black

Eye color: Hazel

Clothing style: Hoodie/Jeans


Positive traits: Nice, Funny, Sarcastic(But serious when need be)

Negative traits: VERY Aggressive when provoked, Very defensive.

Likes: Smoking Marijuana, Cocaine, and Assorted Pills. Working Out

Dislikes: Police, Drug tests, CHILDREN.

Hobbies: Drugs and Basketball

Talents: Throwing parties, Basketball.

{Other things}

Reason you're here: Dean has had many run-ins with the police due to his constant Drug problem.

He had to go to this troubled school because one time, he took an unknown pill, causing him to get high beyond belief. And he burnt down his local church.

Past: Dean was an only child growing up, so he had many privileges. Until his mom died when he was 12. He went through years of mental and physical abuse. But Dean got what his father was going through, so he didn't tell anyone.

At the age of 15, he had taken up Smoking Weed, because one of his classmates told him it would make his troubles go away. And he smoked, it did exactly as advertised. And he hasn't stopped since.

Other things you want to say: I don't know what else to say xD

Name: Maxwell James

Nickname: Max

Age: 12


Sexuality: Gay


Body type: Thin

Height: 4'9"

Weight: 80

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Green

Clothing style:t-shirt,beanie,Skinny jeans, and fedora all of varying colors and designs

Positive traits: gifted musician, Patient, Nice

Negative traits:Shy, severe anxiety,violent when upset

Likes:Music, being alone, dancing, Math/numbers

Dislikes:Crowds, Bigots, hypocrites, cursing

Hobbies:singing, dancing, Math/numbers

singing, dancing, Math/numbers

{Other things}

Reason you're here: Parents couldn't handle his depression and anxiety (max is convinced they just didn't want him anymore

Past: Growing up max didn't have the easiest life because of his anxiety and depression it never helped that his parents didn't believe he had any issues when he was younger mostly because they didn't want to believe it so they forced him to do things he wasn't Ok with and did things that aren't abusive but to him they might as well be like touching him at all if he is not ok with it or doesn't know, things like this that his parents did over and over because it was just their kid being a brat. When he was five the doctors informed his parent's he had severe social anxiety and that these fits and mood swings were not him acting out but rather a way to inform that he was not ok with what was happening and in fact very scared of it. They didn't take it serious until Max got so depressed from being in his eyes abused that he attempted suicide at that point they took his issues seriously but the damage was already done. He was never able to fully recover, Just when you thought he might be getting better something would happen and hit the reset button. About two years later his parents were done they couldn't do it anymore so they sent him here

{General information)

Name: Mason Oliver Thompson

Nickname: Mase

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Taken by: Dash <3

Accent/Nationality: Italian


Body type: thin somewhat muscular

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 125 lbs

Hair colour: blonde

Eye colour: blue

Clothing style: white shirt and jeans


Positive traits: social and outgoing

Negative traits: aggressive if provoked and somewhat vain

Likes: music, drawing, driving, smoking and drinking.

Dislikes: his parents, his siblings, living here, crowds, being judged and being left alone.

Hobbies: drawing and singing.

Talents: ^

{Other things}

Reason you're here: Mason claims he is able to see the future but not like what you think. He can only tell when people are coming to the building and when the phone is going to ring. He also began experimenting with drugs and alcohol at a young age which his parents did not like.

Past: Mason's life started off pretty good. Everything with his family was fine until he started claiming he could see the future, when he parents would reject him and start ignoring him when he would tell them things, he decided to experiment with drugs and alcohol. One day when driving home from the bar he got into a fatal car accident killing his passenger as well as the members in the car he hit. When this happened his parents decided against sending him to juvy but instead sent him here.

Other things you want to say: Mason is dyslexic
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[Picture of your charcter]

{General information}

Name: Dash Nelson

Nickname: None

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Taken by: Mason <3

Accent/Nationality: American


Body type: thin but not too thin, somewhat muscular

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 130

Hair colour: platinum blonde

Eye colour: blue

Clothing style: button down shirts, plaid, skinny jeans and Vans


Positive traits: friendly and optimistic

Negative traits: impulsive and sneaky

Likes: animals, playing guitar, singing, drugs, fighting and video games

Dislikes: arrogant people, his dad, talking to people he doesn't know

Hobbies: making music and singing

Talents: ^

{Other things}

Reason you're here: Dash always experimented with drugs. Which he didn't think was a problem but apparently his parents thought it was. He continued on using drugs despite what his parents were saying. He didn't care honestly. He thought his parents where just bluffing when they said they were gonna send him away. Aside from drugs he also likes to get into fights, often fighting with his dad. At some point his parents had enough with him and decided to send him away.

Past: Dash was always nice to people he knew outside of his family. His mom was a sweet lady, but his dad was a different story. The first time he got kicked out of the house, he was sent to live with his aunt. His aunt was a little nutty so child services were called and he was sent back home. His mother died of cancer shortly after he came back. His father didn't take it too well and abused Dash constantly telling him it was his fault. He couldn't take it anymore and decided to destroy his dad's precious Porsche. They was when the police were called and he ended up here.

Other things you want to say: Dash has anxiety and panic attacks
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{General information}

Name: Elizabeth Cavalier

Nickname: Liza

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Accent/Nationality: Polish


Body type: Thin, petite

Height: 5'5

Weight: 115

Hair colour: Light Brown

Eye colour: Light Green

Clothing style: mostly tights and tank tops. Jeans often.


Positive traits: (must have 2)- Trustworthy, Honest, Musically gifted, Funny

Negative traits: (must have 2) - Shy, Anxious, easily angry.

Likes: Piano, Reading, Poetry, Dogs,

Dislikes: Insects, cold weather

Hobbies: Liza enjoys sitting outside with her dogs, reading a romance novel. Or maybe you'll catch her with a sketch pad, drawing.

Talents:Very talented Piano player, Liza likes to make people smile.

{Other things}

Reason you're here: On the night of her 17th birthday party, her and her bestfriend went for a drunken joy ride and ended up hitting an SUV, killing the driver and passenger. Her father sent her away because of the severe depression that followed the crash.

Past: At the age of 3 her mother left. Being an only child, Liza had to grow up quickly, take care of her drunken father and make sure the house is taken care of. Always having to be the responsible one, that has taken a tole on her life. On her 17th birthday she was going to let loose. She was going to have the fun she should have been having years before. The night after the crash Liza made a vow to herself. Never again was she going to let her guard down. Never again was she going to be out of control.
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