Tribal Feud (Pokemon Gijinka) [REBOOT]

KiKi Kitsune

The Fire Panda Fairy
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

The world of Pokemon is a vast one. All of the pokemon have been discovered by now. Thanks to humans being able to learn so much from and about all the different pokemon, life has been improved for all. Science and technology have been advanced immensely. Agriculture is more efficient. Cuisine is more nutritious. Art is more vibrant. However, there is an island which humans remain oblivious to. It is not on any maps. Its inhabitants are believed to be a myth by the few humans who have ever heard of them. The island of Henshu contains your average variety of pokemon along with a species that isn't human and isn't pokemon, but a strange hybrid of the two. A mutant of sorts. Gijinkas are usually more human creatures with pokemon traits. Some have so few physical pokemon attributes that they can pass for humans. The main difference comes in where gijinkas are able to breath fire, ice, water, etc. Street-side magicians don't hold a candle to a gijinka. These gijinka have been living on Henshu for several generations. As of now, their are two tribes: Kiba and Azoth. The tribes have been warring for many years. Only with the newest generation have the two settled enough that they only have small scuffles from time to time. All this is thanks to a difference in philosophy. Azoth believes that they should give humans a second chance and try to integrate into their society. Kiba still remembers their history and wishes to prevent it from happening again.

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Jayus + KiKi Collab

Drystan tapped his foot impatiently waiting for the ship to arrive. Gazing over the shore he squinted, trying to get a better idea of the blinding view and what was supposed to lay on it. He rolled his eyes over to his partner for today, who was looking far more patient under the circumstances than he was.

“Are you sure they’re arriving soon, May? It’s been half an hour and I have better things to do with my time.”

May sat at the sea’s edge, skipping stones over the surprisingly calm water while she waited. She smirked, knowing how impatient the general got.

“Half an hour isn’t long. They will be here. The seas around here make travel by boat difficult.” She leaned back, tilting her head to look at him. “But I’m sure you already know that.”

Drystan scoffed at this and kicked the sand underneath his feet. The wind was quite mild today, barely a breeze, but strong enough that the need to smooth down his crimson hair was becoming slowly an annoyance.

“You should probably stand up, May. Last thing we want is to look unprofessional. I hope they don’t take much longer. As much as I do trust Icarus I myself would rather be looking out for Kiba. They wouldn’t take the news too kindly.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll see them before they see us.” While she said that, she complied with Drystan’s request. The meinshao squinted when she saw a ripple in the water several meters away. Bubbles started erupting and soon a wave of water was created as a trail for whatever was heading right towards the duo.

“I wonder who that is.” Clearly not at all worried, May looked to Drystan to see if he had a guess.

Drystan looked up from the sand to see the bubbles slowly rising from the water. It started off small, but soon began erupting into a frothing cloud of shimmering silvers. He tried to make out the head of hair amongst the waves and vaguely caught the tail of a white plait.

“I’ve seen her around. She’s that fisherman I think? Can’t remember her name. You should know May, you know everyone.”

As the body got closer and gained speed, May could make out small flashes of details. “Fisherman? Oh! That must be Mala th-”

“MAAAAAYYYY~!” A person burst out of the water, propelled towards the two from momentum. It was indeed the swampert. “May! I just saw a boat with humans on it! Are they our humans?” The girl asked between gasps as she scampered towards the older woman.

Drystan just managed to dodge the Water Gijinka, a surge of water following her as she hastily ran out the sea and towards May. Seeing her face he finally managed to peg a name to the girl. Mala, he believed. Her words reached him not soon after.

“Humans?” He looked across the sea, gingerly holding a hand over the hilt of his sword attached to his back in case they weren’t their humans.

“Are those ours, May?” He asked and bowed his head in a quick, curt nod to greet Mala.

May also got into a defensive stance. Her eyes were pinned on the horizon where a shape had begun to form. “Mala, did you catch the name of the ship?”

The swampert nodded and told the alpha’s aid. May relaxed and gave both the others a smile. “They’re our humans.”

Drystan released the grip on his sword and stretched his arms in front of him before folding them behind his head, visibly more relaxed than he has been in the past hour or so. He breathed out a tired sigh and turned to the two girls.

“Mala, we were tasked with escorting the humans. You may stay if you want, but if you want to go inform Anaika and Suvinay you can do that too. May trusts you so I don’t see any reason not to.”

Mala snapped to attention. “I will go tell the alphas!” She gave a quick bow before dashing off in the direction of the village. May shook her head with a slight smile. “She’s quite a sweet girl.” She noted before turning back to the approaching boat. “But we have guests to welcome!”

Drystan looked back, watching her run off further into the distance, a leap to her stride that seemed oddly energetic.

“She seems like a character.”

Drystan looked ahead at the oncoming ship and let out a small groan. He had no idea what he was doing here.

“Was a female and male escort really required? I make children cry just by staring.”

“Your stare is a glare, which is why.”

He scoffed.

“Even more of a reason why I am the least qualified person for this task. Icarus should’ve taken this job.”

“How about you try to smile? People are less scary when they smile… for the most part, at least.” May smoothed out her clothes as the boat docked and some humans stepped off.

Drystan shook his head and tapped the scar that grazed down the right half of his face. It was faded and more of a darkened scab after all this time.

“They’re more scared of the scar, but I don’t blame them about the smile thing either.”

May could see by how the humans walked what they thought of Henshu. She stepped towards them with a friendly smile on her face. “This is Henshu. We extend our warmest welcomes to you.”

Drystan looked down at the humans, a little struck by how ordinary they seemed to look. He decided to leave the talking to the most part for May. If she needed him to speak up she would simply have to gesture for him. He toyed with the idea of smiling, but decided against it. Instead he lowered his folded hands to rest on either side of his hips hoping the more casual look would make them less nervous.

“It is a pleasure to meet you. We are very grateful that you took the trip here. If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to the village.” Once she made sure everyone was indeed following, she headed towards the forest that housed their home. She shot Drystan a look that told him she needed to say something. When he got close enough, her voice dropped to barely a whisper. “Make sure none of them stray.”

“So I have to play Shepherd now is what you’re saying?” He joked. Looking over the group of heads he noticed a girl lagging behind. She was taking in everything with an awestruck expression, curiousity seemingly taking the best of her. Seeing her falling further away he decided to take action. Walking through the crowd of people easily enough he found his way to the teenager’s side.

“Oi.” He began trying to grab her attention.”You can explore this area later. Keep up with May.”

The girl looked up at him and stared at his face for a while. Her eyes flicked back and forth, clearly trying to take in the details. After a few more moments, she gave a mumbled apology before jogging to catch up with the small crowd.

May raised a brow at how Drystan handled the matter, but said nothing. She had to concentrate on taking the easiest path for the humans. The tribe members were trained to go the more complex routes in case they were being tailed by Kiba members.

Noticing the look she shot him he opened his palms and shrugged his shoulders in an effort to say he tried to be friendly. Following behind the pack he had to occasionally shoo them closer onto the path May had chosen, but eventually they seemed to have the idea. He looked up to May to see if he was being kind enough, but she never seemed to completely approve of his actions.

After a few minutes of travel, they arrived at the village gates. “This is the boundary line of the village. The alphas will explain where you are allowed to go freely. I believe that outside the gates you will need an escort for safety reasons.” May led the group further, waving to Isaac with a warm smile as she passed. Almost immediately, the outer-most buildings began popping up.

Drystan too waved at the small child with a gingerly salute. The wild vegetation they had just stepped through immediately vanished into a more tamed landscape with occasional large trees scattering across the land, the wildlife replaced with huts in every corner. A few gijinkas who were busy with their daily tasks greeted the humans with wide eyes and warm smiles. Drystan still tailed at the back of the group, quite comfortable with his pace and May’s directions. He signalled to May if she wanted him to walk with her or if she was okay by herself.

May gave a small smile in response. She was content enough. Drystan sent her a thumb’s up and too decided to look around at what the humans could possibly find entertaining enough. They seemed to be too awestruck to ask questions yet. The group headed towards the central part of the village where the alphas’ hut was. Gijinkas began crowding at the entrance of roads. All who were on the main road hastily moved out of the way. The entire village seemed to murmur as the humans walked through.

Eventually he decided it was best for him to lead now. Walking around the humans he tapped May on the shoulder.

“I can handle it from here.” He whispered and continued on the road to where his brother and Anaika were waiting. The trip wasn’t much longer and soon enough the hut came insight. He looked to May over his shoulder.

“If you have anything more to say to them I think it’s best you should do it now. Otherwise Anaika will cover the rest.”

May nodded and fell back slightly. She told those near the front to just follow Drystan while pointing to him. Humans were quite flock like. She supposed that gijinka were most likely the same. Once all the humans were happily following after the general, May went to go work on her preparations for the evening. Banquets weren’t easy to put together.

Drystan turned around every now and then to make sure they didn’t stray too far. Soon enough he stopped moving and turned to face them. Hands firmly on his sides.

“Okay then.” He pointed to the entrance of a significantly larger hut. Fauna of varying colours sprouting up and clinging around the sides of the large home.

“In case you all aren’t aware this is the Alpha’s hut. I should hope that you will all show enough respect that you have shown May and I thus far, if not more so. If any of you have any questions they should be answered in a moment. All good? Good. Follow me.”

Opening the door to the hut they were met by a bright golden glow. Candles of varying shapes and sizes lines the walls at different heights. In the far end of the room two gijinkas were seemingly in a rather pleasant conversation with Mala. Whistling to grab their attention Drystan gestured to the crowd, currently standing a bit too close for his liking, behind him.

Mala turned when she heard the sound of the opening door. Seeing Drystan with a group of humans behind him, she made a hasty, somewhat clumsy bow to the alphas before rushing out of the hut.

Once more dodging Mala, Drystan escorted the crowd to the middle of the room before taking to his brother’s side.

The female alpha rose up from her cushioned seat and bowed good-heartedly to the new humans, her golden locks falling effortlessly down her shoulders.

“Welcome brave humans. My name is Anaika, I am of Persian descent and I am the Alpha of Azoth. I trust you all had a pleasant escort? In any case, as you can see next to me is my fellow alpha and beloved mate, Suvinay.”

The quieter of the two simply nodded his head to the crowd. His green eyes looking over them in good nature, a small smile playing on his face.

“And of course you met our General, Drystan.”

Drystan looked up for a moment, glaring a little too much and saluted them with a rather off-handed gesture, and once more fixated his gaze on something off in the distance.

“Now I suppose you all are wondering why I have brought you here. It’s quite simple. For years now we as gijinka have been in the myths and fables of your lands just as much as you have been in ours. We wish to join our two seperate cultures together and hopefully live amongst you in good faith and trust, as much as you trust your own companions and Pokemon. I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible so to end off we have one very strong rule you must not break; do not venture away from the borders of our territory. It is strictly forbidden and can result in immense danger and more than likely death. Rather stick to inside the walls or wherever I or Suvinay deem safe. Now don’t let this scare you from exploring. You may search around Azoth to your heart’s content and if you wish to ask any gijinka’s questions, Azoth has been informed to answer them to the best of your ability? Any questions?”

Her lips arose into a loving smile, full of warmth and excitement at her guests. It wasn’t everyday she had the honour of hosting new people and the sheer thought of it left her feeling giddy. It was becoming harder to maintain her professional aura.

The humans mumbled between themselves for a moment before coming to a general consensus that there were no questions for that moment in time.

“None at all? Great!” She clasped her hands together and her smile grew even brighter, beaming from ear to ear.

“Then you may now explore for as long as you wish til this evening where we’ll be hosting a banquet in your honour. Until then please enjoy your time.”

The humans shuffled easily enough through the door. A single human stood, still looking around the room and finally her gaze landed on the three gijinkas. Anaika gave a small wave and the girl, with a grin, left the room. Anaika let out a loud sigh and whipped her head around to Suvinay like an excited child. Picking up her dress and holding it to her roughly her knees she ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck, gripping him in a tight embrace.

“Did you see that? The humans are adorable! Did I do okay? They didn’t seem too frightened did they?”

“You did amazing.” Suvinay said, trying his best to match her enthusiastic grin although it was quite a feat. Anaika’s gaze shot to Drystan and with a playful bat, she hit his shoulder.

“You didn’t do so bad yourself, Drys. I didn’t see one person with tear-stained cheeks.”

Drystan rubbed his arm, unsure if it was mere instinct or because she really could pack a punch. He mumbled a retort, but it fell on deaf ears. Anaika now occupied on another less-welcomed idea.


Drystan and Suvinay could sense her concern and where her train of thought was heading with the start of her sentence.

“Don’t worry. As long as the humans listen and Kiba doesn’t show any surprise visits everything will go according to plan.” Suvinay reasoned. Drystan agreed. Seeing the two brothers so confident the spark she had momentarily lost returned in a bright glimmer.

“Yeah… Of course! Everything is going to be just fine.”

@Jayus @Kiroshiven @minismurf @The J @TerraBooma
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"Dude, this is so cool!" Nate gushed as they ventured the village, eyes going wide at the various Gijinka. "These guys are people and pokemon at the same time! I heard the stories from grandpa, but I didn't think they were true!"

"Yeah!" Tanner agreed. "These Gijinos sure are awesome!"

"Uh, tanner?" Nate said, turning to his companion. "It's Gijinkas."

"That's what I said." Tanner replied. "Gijingolos."

"No." Nate facepalmed. "Gi. Jin. Kas." He watched as tanner tilted his head. Sensing this would just continue forever, he just changed the subject with excitement. "Wait till everyone at home hears about this! I have so many questions to ask!"

Tanner grinned and patted his stomach. "Like when the food is ready?" Nate rolled his eyes with a smile.

"That." Nate said before his smile dissolved into a frown and stared out the gate. "And maybe why they don't want us out there."

Tanner felt his friend's discomfort, which caused him to don a teasing grin before slowly tiptoeing up to Nate and shaking his shoulders, causing the boy to jump and look at his friend with a questioning glare.

"Maybe there's some kind of crazy tribe next door that kidnaps little kids... just. like. us."

The boys stared blankly at each other before laughing and continuing their exploration, proud that their journey had brought them this far.
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  • Tidus was running around the perimeter of the village, wrapping up his left arm as he needed to tend to it every morning. He was nearly finishing up his run when he caught sight of Mala running into the village and a few minutes later, a large group of humans. "Well, ain't this just a sight to behold." He chuckled as he followed along side them. He caught sight of a few young humans that were rather excitable and some older ones that seemed to be taking down notes. It was an interesting spectacle. He finished up the bandages and even made some small talk with a human or two. The primary question being what kind of gijinka he was and how his moves worked. It was a shallow conversation that one would have with any stranger in the situation. He waved as the humans clambered into the alpha's hut before he started making his way to the training grounds to spar with some of the other soldiers.

    However, her bumped into a certain energetic gijinka. "Oi, Mala, you seem really wound up today." He chuckled as he looked down at the swampert girl. Mala was excitable and a good influence on people. She put her best into things and that's what really mattered. "You that excited about the humans being here? I mean, it's humans, sure, but no need to lose yourself in the thrill of it all." He chuckled as he looked at the girl. "Have you seen Sona today? I'm trying to avoid her. She always ties the bandages too tight." He said with a rarely seen glum expression. However it left and quickly turned into a smile. "I'm heading over to the training grounds to spar. You want to tag along or are you going to try and chill with the humans when the alpha's let em go?" Tidus liked fighting Mala. She was strong and could really help someone get better. "The humans seemed interested in how I fought, so we COULD always gather a few around to watch the match. What are we at 86-85?" He smirked as he always counted the one fight that he surprised her with extreme speed. Since then they'd always gone back and forth.


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Tanner waved to the man before returning his attention to his still talking friend, already forgetting to tell his fangirling pal that there was an actual ginamabobit that seemed to have the time to talk to them. He frowned as Nate stopped and shivered. "Dude? What's wrong?"

Nate shrugged. "...I just had a feeling."

Tanner sighed. "Is this one of those 'I'm gonna screw up' feelings you get when you're actually just really nervous?" Tanner asked, tilting his head with both fists on his hips. Nate wanted to retort, but sighed as he realized that what nate said was completley true.

"I just feel like things are going to go wrong." Nate replied. "What if I accidentally make them angry or weird them out? What if I mess up one of their customs and get us kicked out?! What if I DO wander out the gates and ruin it for all of us! What if-" Nate stopped as tanner casually slapped him, causing the boy cough and give his friend an apolegetic smile. "Thanks."

"No problem!" Tanner replied happily before puttting his arm around nate's shoulder. "Look, it's obvious all this chance of death junk is making you all stiff, so it looks like we're gonna have to loosen you up a little!"

"...Yeah. Th-That could help." Nate smiled. "But we don't exactly know the village inside and out yet. What's there to do around here besides wander around?"

"Hm..." Tanner scratched his head before his eyes widened. "Dude. Think about it. What else would people like us do when we have nothing else to do?"

Nate blinked at tanner. Tanner Blinked at nate. With a growing smirk, tanner slowly held up his pokeball, causing nate to do the exact same with his own smirk.

"Where to?"

"Follow me." Tanner replied, eyes wandering to where the man with the water tail had came from.
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Harry was, needless to say, quite impressed with the whole thing, he wasn't sure why he had been invited in the first place, but Harry was amazed at what had unfurled in front of him. The Azoth tribe and buildings were amazing to look at, and all the people, for lack of a better word, were amazing. He hadn't known people like this could exist, cross breeds of pokemon and people, he breifly wondered what Gunther or Shelly would think of it, but now wouldn't be the time for that was later. The fact that their exploration of the island was...concerning, did worry him somewhat, whatever lied there to be so dangerous must be terrifying if the able bodies tribe of Gijinka couldn't handle it.

But...where to go? Harry didn't feel much like leaving the camp, especially after the warning, he didn't have the courage to leave mere minutes after getting here anyway, there was enough to explore just in the tribe's main camp. Picking a hut at random, Harry unwittingly stepped into the healer's hut, the smell of herbs and disinfectant reaching him and the bittersweet tang of herbs was heavy in the air.

"Hello? May I come in? Is anyone here?"

@Jayus @Kiroshiven


Specks had been out for a few days on one of his many flights, lazily gliding across the ocean using currents, and was heading back to camp. The Fearow Gijinka lazily flew around, letting the currents push him around before gliding back down only to rise yet again. From his perch in the sky, Specks was one of the few Gijinka who had the chance to spy a certain Kiba member flittering through the forest, darting from Azoth towards Kiba territory. Specks frowned. "That's odd..." Turning into a dive, Specks moved to intercept, the sound of rushing wind as he landed a few meters in front of Akane, dirt kicked up with a thump as he landed on the ground. "Hey! What're you doing? You know your way out of your borders right? What are you even doing here?"


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  • The aroma of plants, medicine and cooking. Sona wiped some of the sweat from her brow as she continued working on her latest concoction. She was trying to create a solution that would help both Tidus and Drystan with the physical damage to their bodies. For Tidus, she had an easy time testing her remedies. Any time he needed a new set of bandages she'd wash the wound with her new compound and hope that it would work. It never did, but she still hoped. "Mallory, be a dear and bring me that new fern we found the other day. I'm going to try and produce more of it here, but I need a few leaves as samples for testing." Sona sighed as she thought about all the problems. She had countless medicines ready should Kiba try something, but was praying to Arceus that it wouldn't.

    Then someone seemed to stumble into her hut. As she turned, Sona caught sight of a human. She nearly freaked, but kept herself calm. She walked around from behind a shelf of plants to meet the male. "Oh, you must be one of our visitors. I'm Sona, the healer of the Azoth tribe." She straightened up her disheveled and unkempt. As she tilted her head, the sound of a bell rung out in the hut. Sona had grown immune to most annoying sounds due that bell and she was thankful for it. As Mallory finally approached, Sona cleared her throat. "And this here is my aide, Mallory. Welcome to our tribe. Are you feeling unwell?" Sona immediately walked over and pressed her hand against the male's forehead and started examining him. "Nope. No fever and you look well enough. Did you happen to just wander in? Would you like some tea?" Sona wasn't used to visitors, just patients and thus tended to act motherly towards anyone that came in. It was just her nature.

    @TerraBooma @Jayus

"Ok, Nate! This time, things are gonna be different!"

"Yes. It's finally time to end our never-ending tie streak once and for all!"

The boys stared at each other with determined looks, silence overtaking the training grounds.

"Piplup, do your thing!"

"Turtwig, now's your chance!"

Each of the boys' starters popped out of their pokeballs with both its respective cries.

"Turtwig, use tackle!" Nate exclaimed, causing his turtle-like companion to charge at the piplup.

"Piplup, counter it with pound!" The piplup yipped her confirmation and cocked her flipper back before managing to impact the tackle head on with a hard swing, causing an explosion of dust to envelop them both.

"...They didn't do the thing, did they?" Nate asked, causing tanner to smirk.

"No way!" Tanner replied, although a bit nervous. "We've been practicing a lot! There's no way it could have happened!"

As the dust cleared, it revealed that both of their pokemon fainted. Turtwig due to his immense headache that came from pound and piplup from the immense pain in her flipper from tackle. The boys sweatdropped.

"Is our pokemon too weak or too strong?" Nate muttered more to himself than tanner, who appeared to be monumentally creeped out by the battle.

"Th-This is impossible!" Tanner exclaimed. "How can we possible end 20 ties in a row?! How?!"

The boys returned their pokemon in their pokeballs and met each other in the middle before shaking each other's hand.

"Good fight." They half-heartedly muttered before falling on their backs and observing the sky, contemplating on life.

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    Mala was having a fairly relaxed conversation with the alphas before the humans came in. She had no clue how she was meant to interact with them, so she decided it was best to leave. Quickly. She tripped on her way out, causing her face to flush bright red. Oh dear, the humiliation. She held her face in her hands as she walked, not allowing her to see when Tidus came up to greet her, thus literally bumping into him. "Oh, sorry Tidus." she apologised when she noticed who it was. "I'm not the only one. I've only seen humans a handful of times and that was always from a distance. Having them up close and in our village?" A huge smile spread across her face. "It's amazing!"

    She smirked at his comment. "Don't be such a downer, you just need to warm up to them a little." She chuckled at her own joke a little.

    The swampert cracked her knuckles. "87-86 with me in the lead. I'm ready to get my two point lead." She looked over to the two human youngsters. "Are you sure you want to avoid Sona? You might need her help." Mala said somewhat menacingly, but the large grin on her face negated any chance of it being considered a threat. She enjoyed sparring with Tidus. Despite having a type advantage over him, he was skilled enough to keep her on her toes. She waved to the human boys who were holding strange red and white orbs, a pair of pokemon sleeping nearby. "Hey guys, we're going to have a spar. Wanna come watch?" That sounded alright, right? Maybe that was rude to humans.

    An older looking human girl waved to them. "Can I come too?" Mala noticed that more of the strange orb things hung by the girl's hip. She would have to ask about those later.


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  • tumblr_n8ofx27mDv1r6hlgio1_1280.png
    Isaac was sitting on top of the wall, staring up into the sky, when May arrived with the humans to the gate. Sometimes he enjoyed using Magic Room on himself to seclude himself even further from everyone. However today the sky was very pretty, nearly not a single cloud and he could easily see up through the jungle shrubbery into the blue slate that covered their world.

    When he noticed May and her small caravan of humans, and Drystan, he swiftly jumped down the back side of the wall and hid himself on the wooden platform with a staircase leading down to the ground. Isaac didn't have any problem with May and he'd loved to respond to her wave, however the humans made him feel uneasy, everyday he kept track on who entered and exited the gate and he'd learnt to know most of the faces, so now that there came an entire group of new people, who weren't even gijinkas, he was very flustered. He also found Drystan to be quite intimidating, he knew how aggresive he could become and his short temper, Isaac remembered one time where he'd been called to restrain Drystan because of a specifically aggresive outbreak of his. It wasn't completely clear what had caused Drystan to break, but there was speculations of that he was interogating a Kiban mole and they'd gotten cocky and provoked Drystan and talked bad about Azoth. The Alphas had been away to make negotiations about the humans arriving at the time it had happened and May had gone with them. Drystan didn't seem to want to hurt Isaac, however the chaos he'd caused was enough to leave a scar in Isaac's mind.

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  • Luvien was having a reasonably good day. He'd slept well, it was a pleasantly cool morning, and the sun shone brightly into the cave, reflecting off of the many-faceted crystals that coated the cavern walls.

    He walked along, his expression as blank as ever. His cannons were left in his quarters nearby. He didn't have any particular duties to see to, so he was walking his way around the caverns, and was passing by the alpha's living area when he suddenly saw Akane, the scout, dash past him before stopping and knocking at the door.

    "Scout? What's happened?" He said to her from behind, moving to stand next to her by the door. He would wait either for her to respond, or for the alphas to let them in, as he would go straight in to let Akane tell them all what had come to pass.

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  • UYLkFme.jpg

    During her time on the mainland, May had picked up on a few human phrases. One in particular came to mind now as she tried to organise something that should have been sorted out a week prior. She really was running around like a blue-arsed fly. There were far too many things to do in the time allocated. She also wanted to keep an eye on the humans for multiple reasons. She needed to make sure that they weren't getting into mischief while they were still comfortable and enjoying themselves. Not to mention she needed to try find Specks. The scout was meant to be back a full day ago.

    May had to force herself to skid to a stop. She stood with her arms full of various decorations in her arms, taking a few deep breaths. The stress from the past few weeks was really taking its toll on her. She didn't want to pester Anaika or the brothers about it either. They had enough on their plates without her troubles to add on top of it. With a huff, she carried on. There wasn't anyone to complain to, so what good would complaining do? She felt a pang of anger but shook her head, trying her best to focus on the task at hand instead.

    "If anyone sees Specks, tell him to come find me!" She yelled out to a group of gijinkas that she passed as she jogged towards her destination. "Daniel, get of your damned arse and get the vases!" She snapped some other orders to those she saw, addressing each by name. They saw the state she was in and hurried to do as told. While she was a pacifist for the most part, her strength was well known.

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  • Bowing her head, she dismissed herself from the room and disappeared into the back of the hut. Large pots of various plants adorned the walls and hung from the ceiling, an overpowering perfume of nature that was pleasant enough for the grass type. Finding the fern Sona had asked for she opened the door only to find Sona interacting with a teenager. Perhaps he was hurt?

    Quietly approaching the two, not wishing to get in their way, Sona readily introduced Mallory to what appeared to be a human. Aware that the gijinkas were asked to leave a good impression she forced a small smile on her facing, hoping it passed off well enough to be the genuine deal.

    "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Traveller. If tea is not what you would like we may answer any questions you wish to ask." she said in a soft-spoken tone, gently handing the fern over to Sona. She waited patiently for the human to introduce himself. Hearing that Sona had wished to brew tea, Mallory waited until she was excused from the room or if the human had no more questions before leaving to make a cup for them.

    @Kiroshiven @TerraBooma

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Nate quickly perked up, eyes widening as he heard the offer. "Of course we'll watch!" Nate crouched down and shook tanner. "Tanner, stop naping! This our chance to observe!"

"I don't like jam on bread, Mr.toaster."

Nate blushed and chuckled nervously before dragging his friend to the side. "We'll just get out of your way."

@KiKi Kitsune
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  • Xander sat on one of the highest branches of a tree just on the edge of the Azoth village. This tree was nearly impossible to get to, but thanks to his time exploring with May he and she were the only ones who could. It gave you perfect sight of the village and a bit of vision beyond that. He even could make out Excuarve snooping despite being well hidden. He's pretty good, but he needs to get better. So does Akane. I could see her running away no doubt specks did too. Xander sighed as he returned to watching his former home. He'd made it a habit of his to wander out of Kiba territory to just admire his home. He didn't want to leave, but he refused to back down when it came to his stand on humans. They were terrible. The two kids had just made their pokemon hit each other until they were unconscious. It was no better than his former "master." Xander wanted to just throw the kids into the wall, but merely sighed.

    His eyes eventually drifted to the reason he kept coming over and risking being caught. It was May. The girl who he'd spent his childhood since the age of ten with. She was his best friend and the one that gave him his most prized possession. Xander clung to the locket dangling in front of his chest. He held back the tear as he remembered how he must have hurt her all those months ago. He slipped away in the dead of night without saying a word to anyone, even Specks. Of course, the damn bird couldn't keep a secret so there was no reason to tell him. Xander watched as she struggled to get things done and couldn't help but chuckle. She had always worked herself to death and without him there to make her relax she probably was doing it again. He looked around to make sure nobody would notice and as she motioned for some gijinka to move vases he reached out with his mind. Psychic was a really easy ability for him to use even at the distance and thus the vases managed to move themselves to where they needed to be. He chuckled quietly as he saw Daniel and the others look panicked and confused before shrugging it off. They didn't like work much like Specks. "
    What would you do without me May?" Xander mumbled to himself before continuing his mindless observation of Azoth.

    @KiKi Kitsune


Specks coughed and darted back as the smoke bomb blinded him, forcing the Fearow into the sky again as he flapped his wings to clear the air of smoke. He managed to spy Akane darting off towards Kiba terrotory, and although he could give probably wasn't worth the effort. Whatever the hell she was running from...Specks doubted that the rival scout was telling the truth...still, he'd keep his guard up around camp, just in case. A defected mole was still a mole...although Akane seemed to have made it clear whoever it was had been feeding her false information. Specks was skeptical, but he knew the right people needed to be informed. He made way to the Azoth camp, flying high in the sky as he did so to see what was going on. Normally he'd take the time to go through the gate out of respect for Isaac, but he was in a hurry today, gliding down into the center of camp, eyes scanning for a certain friend of his. He knew the Alphas needed to know...but May would fill him in on whatever the heck he missed while he was gone.

Eventually, he tracked her down.

"Hey May." He said, yawning somewhat. "We got a bit of a problem." Specks sighed. "There was a Scout from Kiba high tailing it out of here, you know what would have them in such a hurry like that?" Specks paused, then let out a long sigh.

"I missed something big again didn't I?"

@KiKi Kitsune


"O-Oh! Tea is fine." Harry smiled to both Sona and Mallory. "I was just coming in to chat is all, I'm fine, honestly." Harry smiled and looked between the two. "I'm just trying to meet some people, figure that's what I'm here for after all. So uh...I guess I should ask some questions huh?" Harry paused, trying to think of what to do next. "So two are the tribe healers? What's a day like for you guys?"

It might be cliched, but it wasn't exactly a terrible conversational starter? Harry had always been kinda hopeless at this sorta thing, but he did mean well. "Oh! And what kind of tea do you have? If you don't mind me asking."

@Jayus @Kiroshiven

  • proxy.php
    Once May and Drystan had walked through the gate and Isaac had closed it behind them, he decided to wait until they were a bit further away before he sealed it with the many locks and chains he summoned with Fairy Lock. Once the gate was completely locked Isaac returned to staring into the sky. Before long though, Isaac spotted Specks diving down into the village, usually the scouts would use the gate, just like everyone else, to enter the village, it must be something urgent for him to go straight to the alphas without telling Isaac. Since he was the Gatekeeper it was very important for him to know if there was an oncoming attack, and even though he certainly trusted that he would be informed, he'd prefer sooner rather than later. He ran through the village, the clangs sounding from his keys hitting the metal ring that was part of his body. Sometimes he felt like the keys and ring made him more bulky than he was, like it slowed him down. However both Sona and May had told him multiple times that it wasn't possible to remove it in any way, it was part of his body and he'd be forced to live with it, it was just simply what made him what he was, a Klefki.

    Before he knew it he'd arrived at where he'd seen Specks land, he was talking to May and Isaac stopped next to them, he was sure that they'd heard him coming, it was pretty hard not to with the keys. "Wh-what's happened?" He was still a bit out of breath, since he sort of lived on top of the wall, next to the gate, he didn't run very often and the keychain didn't really help, even though they were part of his body it was still difficult to adapt to the weight. "I-Is someone coming to hurt us?"

    @TerraBooma @KiKi Kitsune


  • UYLkFme.jpg

    As she hurried into the area where the main feast would take place, May carried a tower of items that tilted precariously as she ran. Others rushed to take some of the burden off her arms. Each received a grateful nod as the mienshao continued. Her eyes widened as she looked around. "The table decorations are finished already?" Her eyes scanned each of the long tables. "That's a great job guys, well done. It looks amazing." She praised them with a large smile. Daniel opened his mouth to say something, but someone elbowed him in the ribs and shook their head. If they mentioned a weird occurrence like what had happened, May would just get more stressed.

    The woman froze as a shadow fell over her. She looked up in time to catch the tail end of Specks' decent. "Specks! Where in the sweet name of Arceus have-" The fearow broke her off before she could go off at him any more. Her expression became serious. She knew that - despite being lazy - Specks took pride in his job. At the news of a Kiba sighting, her crimson eyes widened.

    In moments, she was pacing back and forth while chewing on the nail of her thumb. It was her sign of major stress before she broke down. She cursed under her breath but was able to catch herself when she heard Isaac approaching. May gave the young child a smile. She debated between telling the youngster the truth or allowing him to remain blissfully ignorant. Due to his job, May knew she couldn't afford to keep information from Isaac, even if she felt bad about possibly worrying the child. She really was just a mother at heart.

    "It seems there has been a Kiba member spotted who was running back to their territory. Specks, I need a full account of what happened. The alphas must be informed too. Make sure the humans don't hear of this; we don't need them panicking and spreading a bad word about us. Isaac, it's extra important that none of the humans leave the village now." She said to the duo she stood by. When she looked around, she had to take a deep breath. "Why aren't the bead trails finished!" She yelled to the dozen or so gijinka who were milling around. "And the covers were meant to be up an hour ago!" Her body quivered with a mixture of irritation and stress.

    @TerraBooma @minismurf @Kiroshiven

  • Passing over the training grounds Drystan noticed some excitement coming from a particular area. Catching the white plait out of the corner of his eye he figured it out to be the swampert he had officially met earlier; Mala. She was with another gijinka, who he recognized from occasionally coming early to sparring practice with Suvinay, and believed his name was Tidus if he wasn't mistaken. Realizing Mala might have ran into May he decided it wouldn't hurt to ask. Finding May was a good alternative if he couldn't find Specks. Walking over, he excused himself for the intrusion and looked to the two of them hoping one would know and information.

    "You wouldn't by any chance have seen May have you or Specks if you know him?"

    As if on cue, Specks flew overhead, at a pace a bit too fast for the usually relaxed guy. Once more excusing himself, he mumbled a quick sorry for the interruption and was about to head off when he noticed two human children. They were a bit too close to the arena and the risk of them getting hurt was a far too probable for his liking.

    Trying not to look as intimidating as he usually did, he strode over to them and drew a line in the dirt with his foot a few metres behind the two boys.

    "You two shouldn't sit passed this line. While Gijinka spars are entertaining to watch they need a lot of space to move. And you two!" he yelled over to Mala and Tidus.

    "Take the action down a notch, okay? We don't want to scar the humans." With that being said he said a curt goodbye to the children and followed the direction he saw Specks head to. After a while he finally recognized the part of the vilage that May and Anaika had selected for the banquet. Taking a calculated risk he headed off to where May would be. Not only was the Mienshao Gijinka there, but Specks and Isaac as well. He winced. He had tried his best to make it up to his brother and Anaika's student or adopted son, he could never quite tell, but he feared he had already gained an impression with the boy. Rapping his knuckles on a nearby wall he got their attention.

    "Yo." He greeted and walked the short distance over to them. He did his best to manage a smile for Isaac's sake, but eventually felt he was scaring himself as well and immediately stopped. He looked around the room and was surprised with how much May had managed to accomplish in such a short amount of time.

    "Why so stressed, May? I thought the furniture would still have to be moved in."

    On the beach she had made it seem that it was not nearly this completed. The compliment never passed his thoughts however, noticing the serious expressions of his friends. Understanding the banter could wait until later, Drystan's tone became more tense.

    "What's going on?"

    @SpicyLickiTounge @KiKi Kitsune @minismurf @TerraBooma

"O-Ok, sir!" Nate replied, momentarily letting go of tanner to give him a wave of goodbye. Two gijinkas actually talked to him today! This was the best day ever! With a sigh, he glared down at his still napping friend and dragged him behind the dirt line. Quickly sitting next to the still snoring boy, nate hugged his knees to his chest and stared eagerly, ready to see them spar.

"*Yawn* Dude, what happened?" Tanner asked, eyes opening as he stared at nate. He then looked down at his clothes, his shirt having a few dirt stains. "And why is my shirt all dirty?" He then looked to see two of those gijinguys. "Wait, are they gonna fight?" He looked down at the dirt line. "And why are we behind this line?" Scared, he gave nate a look. "What Did You Do To Me?!"
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Kiki and Kiroshiven Collab

Tidus nodded to the humans as they seemed worked up over the excitement of getting to see gijinka doing the thing that their pokemon did best, battling. He cracked his knuckles and readied himself for a fight when Drystan showed up and reminded the humans to stay behind the safetly line. Tidus had nearly forgotten that. "Thanks Drystan. And yeah, we'll try not to do too much damage."

Mala rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. Drystan had scolded her the last time as well when she caused a little too much damage to the surrounding area. She gave the general a nod before turning to her sparring partner. "Alright then, let's get this show on the road."

"Alright Mala, because we have a real audience today, I'm not going to hold back." He smirked as he took a deep breath. The sound of his first move was like that of a cannon shot. Extreme Speed was a move that required a lot of physical strength to pull off but that's why he ran several laps around the village in the morning. In a blink he'd closed the distance between him and her. However, rather than his usual punch to the her chest, he placed his hand onto the ground and threw one leg towards her shoulder and had already started up the motion to follow up with a leg sweep.

Mala knew what was coming, but didn't have ebough time to do much to counter. The best she could do was prepare for the impact. Her legs were swept out from under her, but she was back on them in an instant. Her arm began to glow dimly. "Neither will I." She stated before aiming a Hammer Arm at Tidus.

"As expected." Tidus chuckled as the hammer arm came barreling at him. He took the hit but grabbed hold her shoulders as his teeth began to shimmer bright yellow. Electricity coursed through them as he went in with thunder fang, However, it turned into a grazing blow as the force of the hammer arm knocked him away. He felt a bit sore, but after over 150 matches with Mala, he'd gotten used to taking the hits from her. The first time though, Sona ripped both of them a new one. "Remember the first time you hit me with that Mala? That actually surprised me a little back then how much strength you had."

Mala cursed as she saw the Thunder Fang coming towards her. She didn't have enough time to use Protect like she usually did. Even with it barely hitting her, it caused a fair bit of damage. She shook out her hand and rolled her shoulder in the breif respite during their verbal exchange. "You thought I was a weak little water baby and I had to prove you wrong, just like I always do." She grinned. "You just never see it." Her stance widenened and her heels dug into the earth. In one swift movement, she slammed her hands into the ground in front of her, creating what looked like a wave of liquified earth. She hoped that Muddy Waters would lower his accruarcy somewhat to stop him from trying Extreme Speed again

"Shit." The cannon shot signalling his use of extreme speed went again. He managed to zip over to the two kids and smiled at them. "Enjoying the show?" He chuckled, but could already tell that the move was starting to hurt him badly. He was incredibly sore and his muscles screamed. The move tapped into the unused muscles to push the body to its limits. Every time he used it they tore a bit. He ran towards Mala without using the move this time. He'd need the last two uses later. That or he'd have to REALLY not hold back. His fangs shimmered with electric energy as he ran towards Mala. He may not have used the move, but he was still a fast gijinka.

Still trying to catch her breath from her move, Mala barely registered Tidus coming from her side. She raised her arms to protect her more vital areas. She clenched her teeth to stop from letting out any noise of pain. She really hated electricity. She used his tactic from before and grabbed onto his shoulders. While keeping him in place, she headbutted him. Not a move, just a good ol' noggin to noggin bash.

A headbutt. That was a good ol' fashioned tactic, it hurt too. However, holding him in place left her open. He turned his thoughts to his left arm. What the Kiba tribe had done to him and how he wanted vengeance. His rage boiled over and he let loose. Outrage wasn't exactly a move he was proud to know or use, but it was powerful and right now he needed powerful. He threw his weight and strength around. Punches and kicks flew in an endless assault. As his temper finally calmed down, Tidus looked around and the world was spinning. The downside to this move was its after effect. It left him vulnerable for a bit, but he should have done quite a bit of damage.

Mala's eyes widened. She had seen Tidus use Outrage a handful of times. Each ended pretty badly for whoever was on the receiving end. The first hit landed, but she forced herself to ignore the pain and use Protect. Her shield dropped more after every hit. All she could do was defend herself from the worst of the Outrage. Even so, she took a large amount of damage from it. She was forced backwards, but Tidus had finally calmed. Mala could feel the bruises already starting to form. Sona would not be pleased. The swampert dug her feet into the ground once again. This time, it was as an anchor. With a lot of effort on her part, she raised her arms together and aimed them at Tidus. After a few moments of concentration, she fired Hydro Pump.

Tidus was still collecting his thoughts when he heard a sound of roaring water. Oh fuck. Hydro pump. He knew what was coming but with his bearings all messed up, there was no way to avoid it. He felt the powerful blast of water and flew back several feet. He felt himself rolling across the ground but the good news was that the water had washed away his confusion. AS he stood up, he felt pain....a lot of pain. Water and earth moves sucked and no matter how much training he did, or how many times he sparred with Mala, it wouldn't hurt any less. He sighed as he refused ot accept defeat. He closed his eyes. "Sorry Mala, but like I said at the start. I'm not going to hold back." Tidus felt the warmth of the sun. It was amazing. He guessed that everyone was seeing him glow at this point. This was the first time he'd used this move since joining Azoth. He'd known it since birth, but hadn't ever felt the need to use it in the tribe. His aching muscles and bruised limbs started to heal and when he finished he was nearly as good as when they started. However, he knew he was going to have to eat a lot to restore the energy used. "Ready for round two babe?" He said with a smirk as he took up his stance.

Her breathing had become ragged from the move after move that she had pulled off. At least this one had hit. Hydro Pump was probably her most effective move against Tidus, but the bastard almost always dodged it. Not this time. This time, it should be enough so a few more hits would have him out cold. Mala prepared to rush the arcanine and punch him square in the face... Okay, maybe not the face. A punch to the gut would suffice. She was interrupted by Tidus speaking. She stepped back in surprise, her eyes wider than a stunfisk. Why was he glowing!? Mala had never seen it before from him. Her arm glowed when she used Hammer Arm. Similar moves did the same thing. But Tidus' entire body was glowing. It wasn't the usual white of powering up an attack. It was a warm ember, as if he was being caressed by a gentle flame. She couldn't let her guard down, no matter what it was he was doing.

His next words made her decision fly out the window. Her brain was scrambled completely. What the... why did he... Did he just flirt with me? I thought he had a thing for Mallory......WHAT DOES HE MEAN BY BABE?! She stood, mouth opening and closing but no noise coming out. Her red face helped her look even more like a magikarp who had been thrown out the water.

Tidus tilted his head in confusion. Suddenly, Mala had dropped her guard. She was just standing there with her mouth open and a red face. He shook himself as he focused. This was still a match and he was going to win it. The sound that signaled extreme speed brought him in close in a flash. His whole left arm became engulfed in fire. "I win Mala." He threw all of his strength into the flare blitz straight to the stomach. It would end this match.

Mala was too distracted to even begin to defend herself. She flew backwards as the attack connected with her stomach. She tumbled over a few times, kicking up a cloud of dust in the process. Her body finally came to a stop. She quivered from the pain and instinfctavely curled into a ball.

"Mala?!" Tidus realized that he'd gone overboard and rushed over to her. He had gotten to caught up in the fight. He ran over and cradled her in his arms. "Show's over guys." He said to the boys with a playful smile as well as the girl. He didn't want them to know that he'd hurt her so bad in just a sparring match. He walked with her in his arms until he got out of sight. He rushed over to Sona's hut. He cringed as his left arm screamed at the agony of the burn damage.

@SpicyLickiTounge @Jayus @KiKi Kitsune
"That." Tanner began, blinking as the two had exited the arena. "Was. AWESOME!" Jumping up, he punched the air with vigor and spun around to nate. "That was WAY better than our pokemon battle!"

"Yeah!" Nate replied, sharing tanner's enthusiasm. "I couldn't even see half of that fight thanks to how fast that guy was going. And that finishing move was epic!"

"Don't forget the hammer arm that lady used!" Tanner exclaimed. "I wonder if piplup can do the same thing."

Nate shrugged. "I don't know, but I do know that what we just saw was the coolest thing ever!" Nate then frowned. "I just hope they're ok. All those moves looked like it hurt."

"Pfft." Tanner dismissed. "It was a show, nate. They're gijingagagas, remember?" Tanner didn't notice nate's eye twitch. "They probably do this all the time!"

Nate nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right..." He looked around. "So...what do we do now?"

Tanner opened his mouth, about to suggest something, but was surprised when nothing came out. After awhile of silence, they flopped back down and looked up in the sky, their tiny minds trying to find something to do once more.
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  • A spar?

    There was a lot of thing's that grabbed Anaika's attention. One of those being a spar. Having never been able allowed to engage in anything remotely dangerous as a teenager, Anaika enjoyed activities that could get her adrenalin pumping and if she couldn't do that then watching a good old practice fight was just as fascinating.

    Suvinay knew that, Drystan knew that and even Icarus knew that. The bother of having a guard was forgotten as Anaika beamed from ear to ear, her fanged smile hiding none of her thoughts.

    "Suvinay, we must go watch! I haven't seen a good spar in ages let alone been in one!"

    Though Suvinay did agree with her statement he ultimately had to shake his head.

    "Usually I would say yes, Annie, but we have a lot of work to finish. There's some paperwork I need to read through and proposals you need to work on."

    Her smile dropped in stages. She had completely forgotten the written duties of an Alpha as soon as the humans arrived and the reminder of it all was nowhere near as welcomed. Anaika let out a low growl and Suvinay offered her his sympathies. Sensing her extreme lack of enthusiansm, Suvinay made a small joke or two until she cracked a smile. Happy that she was happy and after she assured him she was more than capable of starting the work, the two returned to the large table off to the side of the room. Sitting on opposite ends they began working. Suvinay read through the projects that had already been started and what the gijinkas had to report on them. Anaika herself, with a rather serious look on her face, read the new proposals and jotted down a few points she would have to make with the meetings that were to follow.

    Anaika let out a prolonged sigh and looked to Icarus.

    "Icarus, sweetheart, if this is draining for me I can only imagine how bored you are. Why don't you go guard outside the hut or something? We won't take longer than an hour..." She looked to Suvinay to see if her assumptions were correct. Glad to see she was right she tilted her head up and down sharply, sending a few of the looser curls falling down the side of her face.

    "An hour. Then Suvinay and I can go for a walk and you can do whatever you like."

    Suvinay let out a snort. Anaika could be subtle about most things, but getting rid of guards like Icarus? Not her strongest point.


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  • Specks sighed at the drawing crowd, he should have seen this coming from a mile away, flying into the village like he did. Still, for now it was only Isaac and Drystan...both of which played important roles in the protection of the village. Repeating his story was still going to be a pain however, and Specks figured sooner was better than later. Giving a brief nod to Isaac, he spoke up. "What May said, keep everything locked down for a bit, did't' let the humans out...tell them to talk to the Alpha's if they complain or something." Specks shrugged helplessly, as if he didn't have much better advice to give. "To fill you in sunshine." He said, turning to Drystan. "Long story short..." Specks glanced around and checked to see if anyone was listening in. "Kiba knows."

    Specks himself still didn't understand the gravity of the situation...or how the humans had gotten here in the first place, but May was freaking out even more than usual, which was probably a big deal. "C'mon May, giving yourself a heart attack out of stress isn't helping anyone. Let's go talk to the Alphas, get this over with." Hands held over the back of his head, Specks started walking towards the Alpha hut, just as Icarus was leaving it. He smirked. "Icarus, I do believe you'll want to hear this."

    Pushing through, Specks entered the Alpha's hut.

    "Hey, bosses. We got a bit of a situation, you might want to hear this..." After waiting for May and Drystan to enter the hut too, he began to recount his tale, with on exception. He left out the "Mole feeding me false information" bit, that was something he'd pursue of his own much as a pain it would be to do so.

    "That in Arceus' name did Humans get on the island anyway?"

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  • Annie sat up on one of the houses as the two sparred. They never could hold back when people were watching. This time it seems they'd gone a bit too far. She watched as Tidus scooped up Mala and whisked her away with a fake smile on his face. He'd get an earful from Sona later and that would usually be entertaining, but what caught Annie's attention were two humans that had just had there own little battle. They looked to be around her age, which was a blessing. She decided that she'd at least introduce herself.

    She followed them from the rooftops when one of them asked what they were going to do. Annie took that as her cue to go in. She leapt down in front of the two boys and put on a warm smile that hinted at mischief. "Hey boys. Enjoying the island?" Annie stood looking at the boys wondering if they were going to be excited or just indifferent. After all, they'd already seen quite a few gijinka. "Do y'all feel like trying to get outside?" She smirked as she said the words that might trigger an intense amount of interest.



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