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Trials of Friendship (Twi and Paint)

Juan kissed her hand and stroked it as she slept.

Ivy handed Ian to Jason and held Amber. "My little princess." she said and kissed the top of her head.
He held her and got in the truck. "Ivy and Jason are going to move."

Amber cuddled with Ian.

Ivy went upstairs and laid down, hot tears rolling down her cheeks.
Jason said"I'll give you your space love."kissing her forehead and sighed softly walking downstairs beginning to pack.

Nichole said"I should've shot him..."
Nichole said"I hate guys who hurt ivy....thats why I will kill them....I fucking hate hospitals. "

Jason finished packing their other stuff and petted the dogs.
Juan put his hand on her shoulder. "No. Nikki no, he will do it to you too! He will hurt you and beat you down and I won't let it happen to you!"

Vi curled up around her pups.
Nichole said"why do you think I carry a gun? I'll be fine."looking away. She didn't like being thought of as helpless.

Jason ruffled Cooper's fur and laid on the couch.

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