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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Travelers of Eucla

Throne Trinity

The Color Fiend


Appearance Image:

Extra appearance
(Short written description):



(Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Orc etc.):

(Rogue, Knight, Paladin, Assassin, Ranger, Gunslinger, Mage etc.):

(3-4 sentence minimum):

(3 paragraph minimum):

Personal belongings and various items:


Abilities and Powers
(if applicable):

Likes and Dislikes:

Personal Strengths:

Personal Weaknesses:

Reason for Joining the Travelers:





@Throne Trinity -Gregor Hartway

@Throne Trinity -Feevi Hadish

@Ensig -Eldrich Morrow

@Ensig -Mira Fanghearth

@Kenji Jensai - Alcide "Gil" Ermenegildo De Gasperi

@Void Elemental -Erin

@Anaxileah -Ayola Eutemia

@Elizabeth Yuki -Maxine Von Baudelaire

@KageYuuki -Falin Nightlake, Huntress of Y'ffre
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Gregor Hartway

Paladin of Zynjala

Bringer of Justice and Thunder


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-1_10-51-20.png.76c415ad316dd9c50bf6c9081970c298.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-1_10-51-20.png.76c415ad316dd9c50bf6c9081970c298.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Age:


    Extra appearance:

    Gregor has long brown hair kept into a ponytail. He also has dark hazel eyes which compliment his tan skin. He's got a fairly muscular build and a pleasant smile.


    6' 1"

    180 Lbs









  • upload_2016-6-1_10-51-20.png
    204.5 KB · Views: 178
  • glaive.PNG
    23.7 KB · Views: 176
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Name: Eldrich Morrow


Appearance Image:


Extra appearance:
Previously 6'2" with a bulky build, neatly cut, short white hair, and scars across his body. Now he has no physical form beyond Armor (see Past)

8'6", 630lbs

Previously Straight, now mainly Asexual (given his Past)

Previously Human, now Living Armor

Templar / Tower Knight


Eldrich has a hearty personality, one that usually results in booming laughter resounding from his armor; matching his age, however, he's quite wise. As he has had training as a Knight he can become quite serious when the situation calls for it, but more often than not he has a well-humored personality that sometimes belies his years. He's forgiving, but not naïve, and will usually try to prevent conflicts whenever he can.


More than 50 years ago, Eldrich served as one of the Templars within the Temple of Higher Light, guarding the sacred area from intruders and heretics who desired destruction of their order. During one such attack, however, Eldrich and several other Templars were captured by the enemy, and were experimented upon in secret.

The result of their experiments were "Humanoid Golems" -- essentially constructs of metals, stones, or whatever else their captors decided to shove their souls into which retained the abilities of the souls, but were completely devoted to their creators. Eldrich was placed within a suit of armor -- one much larger than what he was used to before.

Stripped of his willpower, he and his brethren were made to guard their captors' base of operation... Until the group was disposed of by a retaliation from the Temple. Unfortunately, due to their wills not being their own, the "Golems" were also exterminated, including Eldrich. It would only be several years later that he would find himself conscious once again, still within the cold shell of living armor. Due to the deaths of his creators, however, he now had a will of his own. Regarding the reason for his revival, he isn't sure, given the fact that when he awoke there was no one nearby.

Since then, Eldrich has wandered the land unable to return to the Temple due to his very existence being considered heresy. As he traveled across the land, he met many people and faced many dangers before settling near Invarion (which was peaceful enough to retain a slightly-stable life while being far enough from the Temple of Higher Light to assure the more zealous heretic-hunters didn't come after his now-hollowed head). He takes on odd jobs issued by the local militia for the surrounding areas, and has a passive agreement with the guards to defend those in trouble in return for free passage through the city whenever he needs to.

Personal belongings and various items:

- Bag of Holding (large)

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)


Uses the Tower Shield & Lance from this:


Abilities and Powers (if applicable):

- Living Armor:

Eldrich is heavily resistant to Physical attacks, while remaining just as resistant to Magic as he was when he was alive. He's also resistant to things like Bleeding and being Poisoned (if that wasn't obvious), and will never tire. In return, he's less resistant to Fire and Corrosion, and requires Repair Kits instead of common restoratives.


Auto Repair:

Like most Golems, Eldrich can repair himself using the surrounding Mana, but the process takes time and concentration (which is why he brings Repair Kits for when such things aren't available). Repairing from almost-destroyed to brand-new takes ~24 hours, but scratches and dents can be repaired in a matter of minutes.

Likes and Dislikes:

++ People who value Honor

++ People who value Order

+ People who don't discriminate against him based off of his appearance

+ Blacksmiths

+ Honorable combat

+ Fair duels

- People who abuse others

- People who use others

- People who prey on the poor

- Senseless violence

- Religious zealots (only those zealous to the point of questioning their sanity)

Personal Strengths:

- Strong moral values

- An open mind

- A great deal of experience on the battlefield

- Physical and Mental fortitude

- Limitless stamina (so long as his body doesn't become scrap metal)

Personal Weaknesses:

Sometimes reclusive, due to technically being a "Monster"

- Doesn't learn new things very easily

- Can't fit in a lot of social areas due to his size

Reason for Joining the Travelers:

He figured now was as good a time as any to start adventuring once again.


Becoming Human again.

Meeting his family again.


Losing his Willpower again.

Outliving everyone in his surroundings.


- Since his voice originates within his helmet, it often sounds as though it's reflected off metal.

- His combat style revolves around using his tireless, heavy, and highly damage-resistant body to ward off his opponents and/or tire them out while others deal damage. In the case that he's fighting alone, he'll attack mainly using counters and exploiting openings (which he can forcefully make by shoving his opponents with the force of a battering ram).

【Two Steps from Hell】

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Ensig said:
Name: Eldrich Morrow


Appearance Image:


Extra appearance:
Previously 6'2" with a bulky build, neatly cut, short white hair, and scars across his body. Now he has no physical form beyond Armor (see Past)

8'6", 630lbs

Previously Straight, now mainly Asexual (given his Past)

Previously Human, now Living Armor

Templar / Tower Knight


Eldrich has a hearty personality, one that usually results in booming laughter resounding from his armor, and matching his age, he's quite wise. As he was raised as a Knight, he can become quite serious when the situation calls for it, but more often than not, he has a well-humored personality that sometimes belies his years. He's forgiving, but not naïve, and will usually try to prevent conflicts whenever he can.


More than 50 years ago, Eldrich served as one of the Templars within the Temple of Higher Light, guarding the sacred area from intruders and heretics who desired destruction of their order. During one such attack, however, Eldrich among several other Templars were captured by the enemy, and experimented upon in secret. The result were "Humanoid Golems" -- essentially constructs of metals, stones, or whatever else their captors decided to shove their souls into. Eldrich was placed within a suit of armor -- one much larger than what he was used to before.

Stripped of his willpower, he and his brethren were made to guard their captors base of operation... Until the group was disposed of by a retaliation from the Temple. Unfortunately, due to their wills not being their own, the "Golems" were also exterminated, including Eldrich. It would only be several years later that he would find himself becoming conscious of his surroundings once again, still within the cold shell of living armor. To this day, Eldrich wandered the land unable to return to the Temple due to his very existence being considered heresy. Regarding the reason for his revival, he isn't sure, given the fact that when he awoke there was no one nearby.

As he traveled across the land, he met many people, and faced many dangers before settling near Invarion, which was peaceful enough to retain a slightly-stable life, while being far enough from the Temple of Higher Light to assure the more zealous heretic-hunters didn't come after his now-hollowed head. He takes on odd jobs issued by the local militia, and has a passive agreement with the guards to defend those in trouble in return for free passage through the city.

Personal belongings and various items:

  • Bag of Holding (large)
  • Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)
  • Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)
  • Whetstones (x15)


Uses the Tower Shield & Spear from this:


Abilities and Powers (if applicable):

- Living Armor:

Eldrich is heavily resistant to Physical attacks, while remaining just as resistant to Magic as he was when he was alive. He's also resistant to things like Bleeding and being Poisoned (if that wasn't obvious). In return, he's less resistant to Fire and Corrosion, and requires Repair Kits instead of common restoratives.


Auto Repair:

Like most Golems, Eldrich can repair himself using the surrounding Mana, but the process takes time and concentration (which is why he brings Repair Kits for when such things aren't available). Repairing from almost-destroyed to brand-new takes ~24 hours, so scratches and dents can be repaired in a matter of minutes.

Likes and Dislikes:

+ People who value Honor

+ People who value Order

+ People who don't discriminate against him based off of his appearance

+ Blacksmiths

+ Honorable combat

+ Fair duels

- People who abuse others

- People who use others

- People who prey on the poor

- Senseless violence

- Religious zealots (only those zealous to the point of questioning their sanity)

Personal Strengths:

- Strong moral values

- An open mind

- A great deal of experience on the battlefield

- Physical and Mental fortitude

Personal Weaknesses:

Sometimes reclusive, due to technically being a "Monster"

- Doesn't learn new things very easily

- Can't fit in a lot of social areas due to his size

Reason for Joining the Travelers:

He figured now was as good a time as any to start adventuring once again.


Becoming Human again.

Meeting his family again.


Losing his Willpower again.

Outliving everyone in his surroundings.


- Since his voice originates within his helmet, it often sounds as though it's reflected off metal.

【Two Steps from Hell】


Name: Alcide "Gil" Ermenegildo De Gasperi

Age: 342 Looks 37

Gender: Male

Alias: The Vatican's Dog

Height: 5’7”

Height: 165 lbs

Race: Nephilim(Mix Between Human Female and a Male Angel)


Hair Color: Silver with black tones

Eye Color: Crimson

Physique: Lean and Muscular

Defining Features: Unlike paladins Gil prefers to wear his robes rather than the armor other paladins wear which makes him stand out in a crowd. Another feature is the the halo which he hides most of the time, His body is a map of old battle scars, burns and gouges. One impressive scar starts in the dip between his shoulder and neck on the left side and runs vertically down to his waist. A birth mark lays above his left hip on his side. A faint golden aura can be seen surrounding his robes. It has the ability to relax whoever looks at him.


Class: ArchPriest

Weapon of Choice: A katana made of holy steel which is extremely dangerous to daemons and the like. An ancient blade that was once an heirloom to his family - now, he wields it as it was originally intended to be used.

Alternate Weapons: The wakizashi that completes the daishō pairing with his katana. While the katana has not been altered since its completion many centuries ago, the wakizashi was reforged by the Vatican. Special grooves along the blade connect to a hollow compartment at the base of the hilt; vials of holy water, oil or blood can be inserted into this compartment. A tiny mechanism is triggered when a point on the hilt is pressed, which breaks the vials and thus coats the blade with a continuous drip of blessed material.Gil has a collection of small fighting blades which he switches out regularly. He is capable of fighting Mages though he finds it troubling as he can only heal.

Power: Thermal Manipulation:User can create, shape and manipulate temperature, a form of kinetic energy between particles at the atomic or molecular level: the greater the movement of these particles, the greater the thermal energy and reversed,some say he was blessed with this ability he truly doesn't know.

Combat Style: It is said that Gil's strongest fighting style is when he uses both blades simultaneously. It is ALSO said that if he reaches for the wakizashi, it's best to keep out of striking range... better yet, just leave to watch from somewhere far away. Because of his age he is extremely skilled in combat and even managed to go toe to toe with a King of Hell (though he didn't WIN) for a long period of time. He is the church's ultimate weapon, this also earned him the alias- The Vatican's Dog.

Reason for joining the Travelers: Why to spread the word of God of course.

Other Equipment: Stock of blessed/holy items (vials, a single rosary string, herbs, a copy of the Bible, small candles), matches, a rather selective first aid kit, a short knife-saw and a small pack of dried food.


Ephesians 6:10


"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."

Gil's insuppressible strength is of both body and will; he fights with unnatural strength as though possessed by God's own strength.

Joshua 1:9


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Even unintentionally, Gil manages to inspire those fighting alongside him. His unwavering belief in Good overcoming Evil can stir even the faintest of hearts.

Matthew 14:29


"He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus."

Gil is a servant of the Lord, and thus a servant of the Vatican. His admirable loyalty and efforts have helped him raise in rank (in some eyes, prematurely), but his work ethic is far beyond standard.

Ecclesiastes 9:7


"Go then, eat your bread in happiness and drink your wine with a cheerful heart; for God has already approved your works."

A man of his energy, vitality and strength requires a great deal food. And he will not turn away a decent glass of wine or brew.

Lamentations 4:19:

"Our pursuers were swifter Than the eagles of the sky; They chased us on the mountains, They waited in ambush for us in the wilderness".

Gil's speed is on appears to be on superhuman level but its a result of his training as a paladin and his pure instinct.


On duty and off duty: Alcide is a man whom separates work from play. In battle, he's been able to stash away the parts of him which make him a decent man, The battleground does not require sympathy for the wicked and it is well known that Gil's fighting competence is nay on par with the best. An unspoken vendetta lives within Gil. He harbors great hatred for all daemon and eradicates them with something akin to vicious glee at any opportunity. The fire of a warrior burns brightly in him; likewise, Gil's been ruthlessly molded to the church's will. He obeys his orders without question, gives no qualms if his life is put at stake and makes no fuss if a task is menial/below his station.

Luckily, he is not a mindless brute. His sizzling intellect devours manuscripts and books as though they're a means to calm restless, energetic spirit. However, he detests typical teachings (or the methods used to teach them, maybe) and is barely educated past middle school level in basic math and science. Demonology, history or literature? He's all over it. The former is a particularly strong interest of his, not unusual given his past and capabilities. He has a mind for tactics and economics, but prefers to let others work out the finer details unless he's mid-battle.

Gil looks after those around him like a Shepherd would his flock. Fair, protective and even genteel, there's no doubt that Gil enjoys company but finds it difficult to connect beyond basic acquaintanceship. His rapid rise in ranks has left him somewhat awkward at social functions, for all that his master tried to smack sense into him. Blame his obsession with training and fighting; his high rank and relative youth puts him oddly between the stage of teacher and student. Not that he's a total loss: he can dance, carry on small conversation and recite old, funny stories like most. Sometimes, he'll even give in and play an instrument when begged long enough. He'll open up over a good ale or vintage. More so when bribed with some of his favorite foods. His appetite is as tremendous as his fighting prowess - he'll eat five meals a day if he can.

Gil is especially gentle and kind around children, whom may crawl all over him without worry of reprimand. They remind him of a past he can only see in glimpses now. He yearns to overcome a growing demon living inside him, something born of fear, hate and sheer loneliness. He seeks peace and solitude when his duties are fulfilled; meditation has grounded him in recent years.




Cute Animals

A Good Joke



A kindhearted woman



Bad Ale

Enemies of the Church

Evil Doers

People who prey on the weakness of others


High Intelligence



Cool Headed


Tries to make everyone a follower of Gods

Nice enough to let a disarmed enemy pick up their weapon'


Learning to live with the Demon growing inside him.


Abandoning other people like he himself was abandoned


- 526 AR ;


Panic and pitfall have befallen us

Devastation and destruction


Perhaps it wasn't the significant clustering of Umbra and the continuous certainty of a Demon Beast outbreak that doomed Cirio Mendi, but the preparation for its destruction. The Vatican had been monitoring the seaside village for years. Twelve years passed and nothing out of the ordinary occurred - the village was peaceful between the occasional sighting of lesser daemons. Those dispatched by the Church all reported that while Umbra presence was very high, little changed from year to year. So, the watch lessened, the vice grip of fear loosened and the villagers felt relief. They were all refugees, those of Cirio Mendi. Brought together over the past century after their homes were forced out or devastated by daemons. This place, they thought, would be safe despite the Vatican's wariness.

And for a lack of better description, on a dim and foggy winter morning, all Hell broke loose.

Sacerdos Millius Mark Alcrombe III, first son of the esteemed Viscount Alcrombe II and one of the greatest fighters of the time, was the first to reach Cirio Mendi after the word of an attack was heard. He arrived in time to watch red flames touch the sky and black smoke spread across the horizon: the village was all but razed to the ground. Reinforcements arrived, but there was no hope of saving the village. It was gone. Man, woman, child - all presumed to have perished by the hands of a single, but brutal daemon. A Greater Daemon, possibly Level C, but even now the Vatican won't say whether it appeared on its own or not. When Alcrombe emerged from the battle, he was short a hand... but he was carrying a limp, nearly-dead child. The child, scarcely six years old, clung to a long parcel wrapped in burnt silk. He didn't wake until eight days afterward, surprising everyone but Alcrombe, whom had stayed at the boy's side each day for several hours. Many had believed smoke inhalation or his injuries would send him to join the rest of Cirio Mendi in heaven. Lo and behold, he woke and Alcrombe soberly relayed the news of Cirio Mendi's destruction to the child.

The boy spoke only once before falling unconscious again. After, Alcrombe reportedly sent a notice to the Vatican. He would be returning to headquarters, but he wouldn't be returning alone.


A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up.



Because of his Angel heritage he continues to age forever.

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Name: Alcide "Gil" Ermenegildo De Gasperi

Age: 342 Looks 37

Gender: Male

Alias: The Vatican's Dog

Height: 5’7”

Height: 165 lbs

Race: Nephilim(Mix Between Human Female and a Male Angel)


Hair Color: Silver with black tones

Eye Color: Crimson

Physique: Lean and Muscular

Defining Features: Unlike other paladins Gil prefers to wear his robes rather than the armor other paladins wear which makes him stand out in a crowd. Another feature is the the halo which he hides most of the time, His body is a map of old battle scars, burns and gouges. One impressive scar starts in the dip between his shoulder and neck on the left side and runs vertically down to his waist. A birth mark lays above his left hip on his side. A faint golden aura can be seen surrounding his robes. It has the ability to relax whoever looks at him.


Class: ArchPriest

Weapon of Choice: A katana made of holy steel which is extremely dangerous to daemons and the like. An ancient blade that was once an heirloom to his family - now, he wields it as it was originally intended to be used.

Alternate Weapons: The wakizashi that completes the daishō pairing with his katana. While the katana has not been altered since its completion many centuries ago, the wakizashi was reforged by the Vatican. Special grooves along the blade connect to a hollow compartment at the base of the hilt; vials of holy water, oil or blood can be inserted into this compartment. A tiny mechanism is triggered when a point on the hilt is pressed, which breaks the vials and thus coats the blade with a continuous drip of blessed material.Gil has a collection of small fighting blades which he switches out regularly. He is capable of fighting Mages though he finds it troubling as he can only heal.

Power: Thermal Manipulation:User can create, shape and manipulate temperature, a form of kinetic energy between particles at the atomic or molecular level: the greater the movement of these particles, the greater the thermal energy and reversed,some say he was blessed with this ability he truly doesn't know.

Combat Style: It is said that Gil's strongest fighting style is when he uses both blades simultaneously. It is ALSO said that if he reaches for the wakizashi, it's best to keep out of striking range... better yet, just leave to watch from somewhere far away. Because of his age he is extremely skilled in combat and even managed to go toe to toe with a King of Hell (though he didn't WIN) for a long period of time. He is the church's ultimate weapon, this also earned him the alias- The Vatican's Dog.

Reason for joining the Travelers: Why to spread the word of God of course.

Other Equipment: Stock of blessed/holy items (vials, a single rosary string, herbs, a copy of the Bible, small candles), matches, a rather selective first aid kit, a short knife-saw and a small pack of dried food.


Ephesians 6:10


"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."

Gil's insuppressible strength is of both body and will; he fights with unnatural strength as though possessed by God's own strength.

Joshua 1:9


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Even unintentionally, Gil manages to inspire those fighting alongside him. His unwavering belief in Good overcoming Evil can stir even the faintest of hearts.

Matthew 14:29


"He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus."

Gil is a servant of the Lord, and thus a servant of the Vatican. His admirable loyalty and efforts have helped him raise in rank (in some eyes, prematurely), but his work ethic is far beyond standard.

Ecclesiastes 9:7


"Go then, eat your bread in happiness and drink your wine with a cheerful heart; for God has already approved your works."

A man of his energy, vitality and strength requires a great deal food. And he will not turn away a decent glass of wine or brew.

Lamentations 4:19:

"Our pursuers were swifter Than the eagles of the sky; They chased us on the mountains, They waited in ambush for us in the wilderness".

Gil's speed is on appears to be on superhuman level but its a result of his training as a paladin and his pure instinct.


On duty and off duty: Alcide is a man whom separates work from play. In battle, he's been able to stash away the parts of him which make him a decent man, The battleground does not require sympathy for the wicked and it is well known that Gil's fighting competence is nay on par with the best. An unspoken vendetta lives within Gil. He harbors great hatred for all daemon and eradicates them with something akin to vicious glee at any opportunity. The fire of a warrior burns brightly in him; likewise, Gil's been ruthlessly molded to the church's will. He obeys his orders without question, gives no qualms if his life is put at stake and makes no fuss if a task is menial/below his station.

Luckily, he is not a mindless brute. His sizzling intellect devours manuscripts and books as though they're a means to calm restless, energetic spirit. However, he detests typical teachings (or the methods used to teach them, maybe) and is barely educated past middle school level in basic math and science. Demonology, history or literature? He's all over it. The former is a particularly strong interest of his, not unusual given his past and capabilities. He has a mind for tactics and economics, but prefers to let others work out the finer details unless he's mid-battle.

Gil looks after those around him like a Shepherd would his flock. Fair, protective and even genteel, there's no doubt that Gil enjoys company but finds it difficult to connect beyond basic acquaintanceship. His rapid rise in ranks has left him somewhat awkward at social functions, for all that his master tried to smack sense into him. Blame his obsession with training and fighting; his high rank and relative youth puts him oddly between the stage of teacher and student. Not that he's a total loss: he can dance, carry on small conversation and recite old, funny stories like most. Sometimes, he'll even give in and play an instrument when begged long enough. He'll open up over a good ale or vintage. More so when bribed with some of his favorite foods. His appetite is as tremendous as his fighting prowess - he'll eat five meals a day if he can.

Gil is especially gentle and kind around children, whom may crawl all over him without worry of reprimand. They remind him of a past he can only see in glimpses now. He yearns to overcome a growing demon living inside him, something born of fear, hate and sheer loneliness. He seeks peace and solitude when his duties are fulfilled; meditation has grounded him in recent years.




Cute Animals

A Good Joke



A kindhearted woman



Bad Ale

Enemies of the Church

Evil Doers

People who prey on the weakness of others


High Intelligence



Cool Headed


Tries to make everyone a follower of Gods

Nice enough to let a disarmed enemy pick up their weapon'


Learning to live with the Demon growing inside him.


Abandoning other people like he himself was abandoned


- 526 AR ;


Panic and pitfall have befallen us

Devastation and destruction


Perhaps it wasn't the significant clustering of Umbra and the continuous certainty of a Demon Beast outbreak that doomed Cirio Mendi, but the preparation for its destruction. The Vatican had been monitoring the seaside village for years. Twelve years passed and nothing out of the ordinary occurred - the village was peaceful between the occasional sighting of lesser daemons. Those dispatched by the Church all reported that while Umbra presence was very high, little changed from year to year. So, the watch lessened, the vice grip of fear loosened and the villagers felt relief. They were all refugees, those of Cirio Mendi. Brought together over the past century after their homes were forced out or devastated by daemons. This place, they thought, would be safe despite the Vatican's wariness.

And for a lack of better description, on a dim and foggy winter morning, all Hell broke loose.

Sacerdos Millius Mark Alcrombe III, first son of the esteemed Viscount Alcrombe II and one of the greatest fighters of the time, was the first to reach Cirio Mendi after the word of an attack was heard. He arrived in time to watch red flames touch the sky and black smoke spread across the horizon: the village was all but razed to the ground. Reinforcements arrived, but there was no hope of saving the village. It was gone. Man, woman, child - all presumed to have perished by the hands of a single, but brutal daemon. A Greater Daemon, possibly Level C, but even now the Vatican won't say whether it appeared on its own or not. When Alcrombe emerged from the battle, he was short a hand... but he was carrying a limp, nearly-dead child. The child, scarcely six years old, clung to a long parcel wrapped in burnt silk. He didn't wake until eight days afterward, surprising everyone but Alcrombe, whom had stayed at the boy's side each day for several hours. Many had believed smoke inhalation or his injuries would send him to join the rest of Cirio Mendi in heaven. Lo and behold, he woke and Alcrombe soberly relayed the news of Cirio Mendi's destruction to the child.

The boy spoke only once before falling unconscious again. After, Alcrombe reportedly sent a notice to the Vatican. He would be returning to headquarters, but he wouldn't be returning alone.


A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up.



Because of his Angel heritage he continues to age forever.


Name: Mira Fanghearth

Age: 19

Appearance Image:

The Female version of this:


(Just imagine the body proportions from this while retaining essentially everything else in the above image)

Extra appearance:

With a slightly-large chest covered up with leather bandages and an overall rugged appearance, Mira is a Lycanthrope with her beast form bound by the shackles around her wrists, ankles, and neck. Her eyes are thin with a slight upward curve, giving her a natural "glare" even if she doesn't mean to. Her eyes are an icy blue, furthering the intimidation factor.

Due to her Past, Mira is well-toned (especially for a female), and has the occasional scar along her body and face, showing that she's no stranger to the dangers of the world.

Despite being a Lycanthrope, Her Humanoid form lacks animal ears and an animal tail, having pointed humanoid ears instead (see above image).

Her bestial form is white furred, mimicking her disheveled, short white hair in humanoid form, and cold blue eyes.

Height/Weight: 5'4 / 103lbs


Lycanthrope (Bound in Human Form)

Class: Thief


Crude and naturally incompassionate, Mira is cold towards those who she doesn't know, and straight-up icy to those she dislikes. Even for those whom she's acquainted with, she's usually eerily silent, and given her facial features, is often mistaken as "glaring" at everyone she meets. That being said, she doesn't hate social interaction, she just hates talking about things that aren't necessary, viewing such things as a waste of time. Overall, she's cool-headed at all times, and isn't easily distracted from any objectives she might have.


Born in the forest at the base of The Arid Tips, Mira was raised by her parents in a small village consisting of Lycanthropes like herself. Their breed was naturally cold-resistant, hardy, strong, and dexterous, allowing them to live and hunt with relative ease despite their seemingly-food-desolate location. With her Mother as a Hunter and her Father as a gatherer, the young Mira was taught of survival early on... Little did she know she would need to use such lessons at such a young age.

A small time past the age of 4, Mira's village was attacked by a group of Slave Traders. While her village consisted of individuals leagues above their forces in combat prowess, they had a seemingly-limitless supply of Slaves to do their bidding, commanding them to swarm the village like disposable tissues. Soon enough, with corpses of Slaves littering the grounds, the entire village (Mira included) were too exhausted to fight back against the well-trained Slaves and Bodyguards the traders sent out next, resulting in the capture of her entire village. Barring their abilities using arcane bindings, they were sold at high prices as mercenaries, fighters, or even tools for nefarious individuals who weren't above sating themselves on their slaves.

Mira, too young to be put into the first two categories, was naturally bought by a Human of the third kind, ravaged, beaten, tortured and broken, Mira was held captive for two years until the man felt that she was 'no longer any fun'. She was then transported away as to mask any no connection between her and him, and ended up dumped on the streets of Jyncala.

But she refused to let it end just like that.

Trembling and holding herself up with the assistance of the cold stone walls at her side, she wandered past the empty eyes of others in the slums, and clawed her way through the darker sides of town, eventually coming to what could be called "The Thieves' Guild". Entering with eyes that would freeze even the mightiest of Frost Dragons, she approached a man riddled with scars and a brown bandanna on his forehead and spoke only two words. "Teach me."

Over time, she climbed the ranks of the less-than-legal Guild, granting her the moniker "White Shackles", nefarious for turning rich men with a hand in darker businesses to poor men hunted down by loan sharks, all while keeping their wealth as her own. Eventually, her teacher passed away, granting her his legacy and bandanna in the end. He also left a note revealing the supposed locations of the remaining Slaves, noting that this very guild was the one that had supplied Mercenaries to her village the day it was destroyed.

The Thieves Guild of Jyncala was destroyed overnight. It would be replaced later, but not by Mira, who handed herself in to the authorities, facing a life of imprisonment. The reason was simple: the locations of her kin was the village she once lived in, marked with the name: Wolves Graveyard, where the entire villages' names were crossed out in red.

She's now been forced into a contract with Amalthia, but not without the desire to live still very much present within her, visible when one looks into her cold blue eyes.

Personal belongings and various items:

- Brown Bandanna of the Master Thief: Causes movement to no longer release any noise.

- Bag of Holding

- Smoke Bombs (x5)

- Flash Bombs (x5)

- Paralysis Poison Med. (x5)

- Sleep Poison Med. (x5)

- Lock Picking Tools (Various types and amounts)

- Throwing Knives (x50)

- Throwing Knives (x10)


One for each hand:


Abilities and Powers:

- Night Vision:

Self explanatory. Racial Trait.

- Cold Resistance:

See above.

- Lycan Form:

See above. Currently bound and unusable.


increase strength, speed, and overall combat prowess when active, while only being usable during the nighttime.

- Lycanthrope's Physique:

Naturally high Strength and Dexterity. Increases further during the night. Racial Trait.

- Lunar Regeneration:

Racial Trait. Recovers wounds while the moon is up. Full recovery from near-death would take ~6 hours. Enhanced when

Lycan Form

is active. Its strength grows the more belief the user has to the God of the Moon and Stars: Lunaron.

- Laverna's Blessing:

Blessing from Laverna: The Goddess of Thieves and Robbers. Increases Thief-related things (Lockpicking, Stealth, Eavesdropping, etc.).

Likes and Dislikes:

+ Honesty

+ Silence

+ The cold

+ Meat from wild animals

+ Justice (even if the means of doing so isn't just either)

+ The Moon

+ The sound of things unlocking

+ Playing dirty

- Liars

- Loud places

- Hot & Dry climates

- Vegetables

- People who abuse their power

-- Slave Traders

-- People who own Slaves

Personal Strengths:

- Cool-headed

- Isn't easily led astray

- Perceptive

- Skilled with their hands

Personal Weaknesses:

- Doesn't trust others

- Doesn't ask for help

- Doesn't share her ideas with others

Reason for Joining the Travelers:

To find meaning.


Living without fear.




- Her hair is incredibly soft, even if she hasn't washed it for a while. She doesn't like other people touching it, however.

- Her village worshiped the God of the Moon and Stars: Lunaron, she continues to do so.

- Rather than "do anything it takes to win", Mira's combat style is more along the lines of "do anything it takes to run" -- but make no mistake, she's no coward. She was trained in pure thievery, that is: get in, steal, and get out undetected. Trap diffusion, unlocking, and remaining undetected were top priority while combat was only a last resort. In fact, most of the items Mira keeps on her are simply used for distractions and keeping opponents away in order to assist her escape.

That being said... Due to her race, she's still leagues above most individuals in combat.

(Still Two Steps from Hell)

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Ensig said:
Name: Mira Fanghearth
Age: 19

Appearance Image:

The Female version of this:


(Just imagine proportions from this)

Extra appearance:

With a slightly-large chest covered up with leather bandages and an overall rugged appearance, Mira is a Lycanthrope with her beast form bound by the shackles around her wrists, ankles, and neck. Her bestial form is white furred, mimicking her disheveled, short white hair in humanoid form, and cold blue eyes. Her Humanoid form lacks animal ears and an animal tail, having pointed humanoid ears instead (see above image).

Height/Weight: 5'4 / 103lbs


Lycanthrope (Bound in Human Form)

Class: Rogue


Crude and naturally incompassionate, Mira is cold towards those who she doesn't know, and straight-up icy to those she dislikes. Even for those whom she's acquainted with, she's usually eerily silent, and given her facial features, is often mistaken as "glaring" at everyone she meets. That being said, she doesn't hate social interaction, she just hates talking about things that aren't necessary, viewing such things as a waste of time. Overall, she's cool-headed at all times, and isn't easily distracted from any objectives she might have.


Born in the forest at the base of The Arid Tips, Mira was raised by her parents in a small village consisting of Lycanthropes like herself. Their breed was naturally cold-resistant, hardy, strong, and dexterous, allowing them to live and hunt with relative ease despite their seemingly-food-desolate location. With her Mother as a Hunter and her Father as a gatherer, the young Mira was taught of survival early on... Little did she know she would need to use such lessons at such a young age.

A small time past the age of 4, Mira's village was attacked by a group of Slave Traders. While her village consisted of individuals leagues above their forces in combat prowess, they had a seemingly-limitless supply of Slaves to do their bidding, commanding them to swarm the village like disposable tissues. Soon enough, with corpses of Slaves littering the grounds, the entire village (Mira included) were too exhausted to fight back against the well-trained Slaves and Bodyguards the traders sent out next, resulting in the capture of her entire village. Barring their abilities using arcane bindings, they were sold at high prices as mercenaries, fighters, or even tools for nefarious individuals who weren't above sating themselves on their slaves.

Mira, too young to be put into the first two categories, was naturally bought by a Human of the third kind, ravaged, beaten, tortured and broken, Mira was held captive for two years until the man felt that she was 'no longer any fun'. She was then transported away as to mask any no connection between her and him, and ended up dumped on the streets of Jyncala.

But she refused to let it end just like that.

Trembling and holding herself up with the assistance of the cold stone walls at her side, she wandered past the empty eyes of others in the slums, and clawed her way through the darker sides of town, eventually coming to what could be called "The Thieves' Guild". Entering with eyes that would freeze even the mightiest of Frost Dragons, she approached a man riddled with scars and a brown bandanna on his forehead and spoke only two words. "Teach me."

Over time, she climbed the ranks of the less-than-legal Guild, granting her the moniker "White Shackles", nefarious for turning rich men with a hand in darker businesses to poor men hunted down by loan sharks, all while keeping their wealth as her own. Eventually, her teacher passed away, granting her his legacy and bandanna in the end. He also left a note revealing the supposed locations of the remaining Slaves, noting that this very guild was the one that had supplied Mercenaries to her village the day it was destroyed.

The Thieves Guild of Jyncala was destroyed overnight. It would be replaced later, but not by Mira, who handed herself in to the authorities, facing a life of imprisonment. The reason was simple: the locations of her kin was the village she once lived in, marked with the name: Wolves Graveyard, where the entire villages' names were crossed out in red.

She's now been forced into a contract with Amalthia, but not without the desire to live still very much alive, visible in her cold blue eyes.

Personal belongings and various items:

- Brown Bandanna of the Master Thief: Causes movement to no longer release any noise.

- Bag of Holding

- Smoke Bombs (x5)

- Paralysis Poison Med. (x5)

- Sleep Poison Med. (x5)

- Lock Picking Tools (Various)

- Throwing Knives (x50)

- Throwing Knives (x10)


One for each hand:


Abilities and Powers:

- Night Vision:

Self explanatory. Racial Trait.

- Cold Resistance:

See above.

- Lycanthrope's Physique:

Naturally high Strength and Dexterity. Increases further during the night. Racial Trait.

- Lycan Form:

See above. Currently bound and unusable.


increase strength, speed, and overall combat prowess when active, while only being usable during the nighttime.

- Lunar Regeneration:

Racial Trait. Recovers wounds while the moon is up. Full recovery from near-death would take ~6 hours. Enhanced when

Lycan Form

is active.

- Laverna's Blessing:

Blessing from Laverna: The Goddess of Thieves and Robbers. Increases Thief-related things (Lockpicking, Stealth, Eavesdropping, etc.).

Likes and Dislikes:

+ Honesty

+ Silence

+ The cold

+ Meat from wild animals

+ Justice (even if the means of doing so isn't just either)

+ The Moon

+ The sound of things unlocking

+ Playing dirty

- Liars

- Loud places

- Hot & Dry climates

- Vegetables

- People who abuse their power

-- Slave Traders

-- People who own Slaves

Personal Strengths:

- Cool-headed

- Isn't easily led astray

- Perceptive

- Skilled with their hands

Personal Weaknesses:

- Doesn't trust others

- Doesn't ask for help

- Doesn't share her ideas with others

Reason for Joining the Travelers:

To find meaning.


Living without fear.




Her hair is incredibly soft, even if she hasn't washed it for a while. She doesn't like other people touching it, however.

Her village worshiped the God of the Moon and Stars: Lunaron, she continues to do so.

(Still Two Steps from Hell)

Also accepted. By the way there is a place called Fort Mira on the map, just though that was a funny coincidence.
Ensig said:
Didn't even see that. Huhu. When she gets there, I wonder how she'll react...
It's named after a famous general who supposedly held of a duergar army all by her lonesome while her men escaped. Maybe she'll be flattered?
Name: Edwin Maxius

Age: 254, appears 11

Appearance Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/H1YRMVSJ.jpeg.04e903aedb697b73b2c2dd7f27adc942.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/H1YRMVSJ.jpeg.04e903aedb697b73b2c2dd7f27adc942.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra appearance: Edwin has all of the cute, kiddy charm. The smooth, rounded face, curly hair, and big eyes make him the least suspected target when it comes to crime.

Height/Weight: About 5 feet / 90 pounds

Sexuality: Asexual, just cause... it's weird

Race: Human Vampire

Class: Assassin

Personality: Edwin has been around. He has all of the wisdom of a typical 254-year-old, yet still retains that boyish appearance. He enjoys manipulating and tricking people, and after all his years in the trade he's a top assassin. However, he can still slip up from time to time due to his habit of underestimating people. While he claims he detests affection and people getting close to him, he secretly kind of wishes he could find a family he never had. He can act like a grumpy old man at times, and is constantly sarcastic.

Past: Edwin grew up on his own. He doesn't remember his parents anymore, and he doesn't really want to. The furthest back he can remember was when he was bitten by a vampire, two weeks after his eleventh birthday. He remembers panicking and a lot of tears, and then it all becomes a blur until he is taken in by a group of the things. He remembers being trained to fight and work people, and he remembers his final test of initiation.

Then it's all a mixture of contracts and sneaking and killing, until one day he returned to a destroyed hideout. Finding that his entire group had been slaughtered in his absence, he took to the road to find other ways of getting currency. It wasn't easy to get people to hire a (seemingly) 11-year-old, but eventually he managed to snag a job on a caravan. While he didn't appreciate being belittled like he was a child, he found it was easy to feed and then get out of town easily.

Eventually, he got careless, and was discovered while feeding. He was offered a chance at redemption to join the Travelers, and while he is technically free, he still tries to keep his distance from any authorities he encounters. While he doesn't remember everything from his past, he remembers the important things. After all, it's been a long 254 years.

Personal belongings and various items: Two extra vials of blood, one empty vial, journal

Weapons: Double wielding daggers, though he usually uses one to stealth kill

Abilities and Powers: Doesn't age/practically immortal in terms of aging, extremely lightfooted

Likes and Dislikes: +Books +Killing +Mice -Oblivious people -Sun -Large animals

Personal Strengths: Can fit into tight spaces, can go unnoticed/is extremely sneaky

Personal Weaknesses: Has to feed at least every three days, too small/weak to fight in combat

Reason for Joining the Travelers: Forced by authorities (lowkey for money)

Dreams: Kind of wants to die, mostly wants genuine relationships

Fears: Insects, fire

Extra: Owl City uwu



  • H1YRMVSJ.jpeg
    32 KB · Views: 161
TheFlyingWriter said:
Name: Edwin Maxius
Age: 254, appears 11

Appearance Image: View attachment 291587

Extra appearance:
Edwin has all of the cute, kiddy charm. The smooth, rounded face, curly hair, and big eyes make him the least suspected target when it comes to crime.

Height/Weight: About 5 feet / 90 pounds

Sexuality: Asexual, just cause... it's weird

Race: Human Vampire

Class: Assassin

Personality: Edwin has been around. He has all of the wisdom of a typical 254-year-old, yet still retains that boyish appearance. He enjoys manipulating and tricking people, and after all his years in the trade he's a top assassin. However, he can still slip up from time to time due to his habit of underestimating people. While he claims he detests affection and people getting close to him, he secretly kind of wishes he could find a family he never had. He can act like a grumpy old man at times, and is constantly sarcastic.

Past: Edwin grew up on his own. He doesn't remember his parents anymore, and he doesn't really want to. The furthest back he can remember was when he was bitten by a vampire, two weeks after his eleventh birthday. He remembers panicking and a lot of tears, and then it all becomes a blur until he is taken in by a group of the things. He remembers being trained to fight and work people, and he remembers his final test of initiation.

Then it's all a mixture of contracts and sneaking and killing, until one day he returned to a destroyed hideout. Finding that his entire group had been slaughtered in his absence, he took to the road to find other ways of getting currency. It wasn't easy to get people to hire a (seemingly) 11-year-old, but eventually he managed to snag a job on a caravan. While he didn't appreciate being belittled like he was a child, he found it was easy to feed and then get out of town easily.

Eventually, he got careless, and was discovered while feeding. He was offered a chance at redemption to join the Travelers, and while he is technically free, he still tries to keep his distance from any authorities he encounters. While he doesn't remember everything from his past, he remembers the important things. After all, it's been a long 254 years.

Personal belongings and various items: Two extra vials of blood, one empty vial, journal

Weapons: Double wielding daggers, though he usually uses one to stealth kill

Abilities and Powers: Doesn't age/practically immortal in terms of aging, extremely lightfooted

Likes and Dislikes: +Books +Killing +Mice -Oblivious people -Sun -Large animals

Personal Strengths: Can fit into tight spaces, can go unnoticed/is extremely sneaky

Personal Weaknesses: Has to feed at least every three days, too small/weak to fight in combat

Reason for Joining the Travelers: Forced by authorities (lowkey for money)

Dreams: Kind of wants to die, mostly wants genuine relationships

Fears: Insects, fire

Extra: Owl City uwu
[QUOTE="The Wizard of Odd]I thought Druids were female...

I think the only real gender-specific classes (that aren't made simply by a single DM's preferences, and are actually legit Gender Specific) are things like Oracles -- specifically Sibyls. And maybe Warlocks, but that might just be because the people who make Warlocks like old men with beards shooting lightning from on top of towers.

We should be having this conversation in OOC, though... Eh.
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Reserve a spot for me please, I am extremely interested, I just need to make a new OC
Salsacookies said:
Name: Rhond the Auctioneer
Age: 35

Appearance Image:

View attachment 291907

Extra appearance
(Short written description): Wears a black cloak that barely fits over his chest, with a hood that shadows over his eyes. The inside of his cloak and his pants are lined with pockets and rings, for carrying necessary things.

Height/Weight: 6'6"/280 lbs

Sexuality: "Every hand is the same, in the passage of coin."

(Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Orc etc.): Full-Blooded Orc

(Rogue, Knight, Paladin, Assassin, Ranger, Gunslinger, Mage etc.): Crossbow & Club Ranger


A jovial, crude, rambunctious giant, he finds his best times at the local tavern, accompanied by his friends, and a good keg of brew. He could be considered "nice", as long as you can handle some remarkably rude humor and his perfect ability to mock, praise, and disgust all at once. Rhond is, surprisingly, a religious man, the worshipper of the goddess of Light, no less. One of his quirks is his habit of dispensing somewhat cryptic wisdom, hidden under lines of whimsy and rhyme.


Personal belongings and various items:


Abilities and Powers
(if applicable):

Likes and Dislikes:

Personal Strengths:

Personal Weaknesses:

Reason for Joining the Travelers:




I'm assuming this is a work in progress?

Feevi Hadish

  • Age: 26

    Extra appearance:

    Feevi is half human half wind elemental, a Sylph in short. This pale, waifish woman, her hair swaying in a nonexistent breeze, looks as if she might fade away into mist at any moment. On her back, thin pale blue swirls coil around her back. What appears to be tattoos are actually just signs of her relation to the elemental species. Her eyes are a pale blue that seem smokey and elusive.


    5' 10"







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Name: Axel Lionheart

Age: 19


Extra appearance: Scar through his left eye, and a tattoo on his left shoulder. The symbolism that he was the adventurer's "pet".

Height/Weight: 6' 2" 150 Lbs.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Class: Assassin

Personality: He is a loner, he hides himself away at any chance he gets. He speaks rarely and does not feel nor understand the feelings of others.

Past: Axel was raised unlike other children his age. He was taught how to fight, and how to steal, as he and his sister were raised by thieves. Always moving in attempt not to get caught, Axel's parents taught him not to hold on to much, and to numb himself. But they made due with what they had, it wasnt always easy and at times Axel had to help. But he was happy with his family. His sister was the most special to himk though. She was a year younger than him, but because of the books she read she knew much more about love and adventure than her brother Axel. Each day he and his family came back from their day she would tell him another of the books she had finished, and the next day Axel would steal her another. They were very close.

Until one day, Axel's parents stole something they should not of, a rare gem from a group of adventurers. These adventurers were not happy and after Axel's parent refused to return what they stole the adventurers kidnapped both of their children. They threatened Axel and they said they would kill Axel's sister, if he did not kill his parents and retrieve the item which they had lost. His sister being the only thing in the world he could not stand to be without, did as they wished, and killed his own parents. They saw promise in him, and took them with them as they abandoned his sister somewhere along the way. Through the years they taught Axel how to kill without remorse and feel no pain. They were turning him into a killing machine, until one day he killed off the people that had held him captive for so long. He felt nothing as he sliced through their bodies with the same Katana he used to kill his family years before. What they had taught Axel, was what killed them.

Years went on as Axel looked for his lost sister. But after years of searching and nothing to show, he lost hope. At the age of 17, Axel made profit from being an assassin for hire. He would kill whatever target for any price. He was known especially for his ruthlessness, killing anyone without reason or remorse. This was the only way he knew how to live after all. It was all he was taught and it was all he knew. He had all but forgotten the stories of love that his sister once told him. But one day, he woke up in a strange place. A voice telling him that he must repent for the sins and pain he has caused others. He will be forced to travel on a great journey with others like him. Others that must repent. And thus, is how he came to join the Travelers.

Personal belongings and various items: Nothing but the clothes on his back and his weapon at his side.

Weapons: A single Katana.

Abilities and Powers: Years of continuous training and fighting, no special abilities or powers.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes silence and darkness. Dislikes people and the noise that comes with them.

Personal Strengths: Little to no emotional attachment towards anything.

Personal Weaknesses: Has a hard time trusting in others. His Sister.

Reason for Joining the Travelers: Forced into redemption for the murder of his family and many other family's alike.

Dreams: That he will one day he and his sister will be reunited once again.

Fears: Axel fears that he may never find his sister again.

Favorite Band: Panic! At the Disco.
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DarkHawk267 said:
Name: Axel Lionheart
Age: 19


Extra appearance: Scar through his left eye, and a tattoo on his left shoulder. The symbolism that he was the adventurer's "pet".

Height/Weight: 6' 2"

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Class: Assassin

Personality: He is a loner, he hides himself away at any chance he gets. He speaks rarely and does not feel nor understand the feelings of others.

Past: Axel was raised unlike other children his age. He was taught how to fight, and how to steal, as he and his sister were raised by thieves. Always moving in attempt not to get caught, Axel's parents taught him not to hold on to much, and to numb himself. But one day, Axel's parents stole something they should not of, a rare gem from a group of adventurers. These adventurers kidnapped both Axel and his sister. They said that they would kill Axel's sister, if he did not kill his parents and retrieve the item which they had lost. His sister being the only thing in the world he could not stand to be without, did as they wished, and killed his own parents. They saw promise in him, and took them with them as they abandoned his sister somewhere along the way. Through the years they taught Axel how to kill without remorse and feel no pain. They were turning him into a killing machine, until one day he killed off the people that had held him captive for so long. He felt nothing as he sliced through their bodies with the same Katana he used to kill his family years before. What they had taught Axel, was what killed them.

Personal belongings and various items: Nothing but the clothes on his back and his weapon at his side.

Weapons: A single Katana.

Abilities and Powers: Years of continuous training and fighting, no special abilities or powers.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes silence and darkness. Dislikes people and the noise that comes with them.

Personal Strengths: Little to no emotional attachment towards anything.

Personal Weaknesses: Has a hard time trusting in others. His Sister.

Reason for Joining the Travelers: Forced into redemption for the murder of his family and many other family's alike.

Dreams: That he will one day he and his sister will be reunited once again.

Fears: Axel fears that he may never find his sister again.
You need to add at least two more paragraphs to his past and read the rules before I accept this.
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]You need to add at least two more paragraphs to his past and read the rules before I accept this.

Alright, thanks for the feedback.
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]You need to add at least two more paragraphs to his past and read the rules before I accept this.

Alright, updated. Let me know if there is anything I should change or add on to.
DarkHawk267 said:
Name: Axel Lionheart
Age: 19


Extra appearance: Scar through his left eye, and a tattoo on his left shoulder. The symbolism that he was the adventurer's "pet".

Height/Weight: 6' 2"

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Class: Assassin

Personality: He is a loner, he hides himself away at any chance he gets. He speaks rarely and does not feel nor understand the feelings of others.

Past: Axel was raised unlike other children his age. He was taught how to fight, and how to steal, as he and his sister were raised by thieves. Always moving in attempt not to get caught, Axel's parents taught him not to hold on to much, and to numb himself. But they made due with what they had, it wasnt always easy and at times Axel had to help. But he was happy with his family. His sister was the most special to himk though. She was a year younger than him, but because of the books she read she knew much more about love and adventure than her brother Axel. Each day he and his family came back from their day she would tell him another of the books she had finished, and the next day Axel would steal her another. They were very close.

Until one day, Axel's parents stole something they should not of, a rare gem from a group of adventurers. These adventurers were not happy and after Axel's parent refused to return what they stole the adventurers kidnapped both of their children. They threatened Axel and they said they would kill Axel's sister, if he did not kill his parents and retrieve the item which they had lost. His sister being the only thing in the world he could not stand to be without, did as they wished, and killed his own parents. They saw promise in him, and took them with them as they abandoned his sister somewhere along the way. Through the years they taught Axel how to kill without remorse and feel no pain. They were turning him into a killing machine, until one day he killed off the people that had held him captive for so long. He felt nothing as he sliced through their bodies with the same Katana he used to kill his family years before. What they had taught Axel, was what killed them.

Years went on as Axel looked for his lost sister. But after years of searching and nothing to show, he lost hope. At the age of 17, Axel made profit from being an assassin for hire. He would kill whatever target for any price. He was known especially for his ruthlessness, killing anyone without reason or remorse. This was the only way he knew how to live after all. It was all he was taught and it was all he knew. He had all but forgotten the stories of love that his sister once told him. But one day, he woke up in a strange place. A voice telling him that he must repent for the sins and pain he has caused others. He will be forced to travel on a great journey with others like him. Others that must repent. And thus, is how he came to join the Travelers.

Personal belongings and various items: Nothing but the clothes on his back and his weapon at his side.

Weapons: A single Katana.

Abilities and Powers: Years of continuous training and fighting, no special abilities or powers.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes silence and darkness. Dislikes people and the noise that comes with them.

Personal Strengths: Little to no emotional attachment towards anything.

Personal Weaknesses: Has a hard time trusting in others. His Sister.

Reason for Joining the Travelers: Forced into redemption for the murder of his family and many other family's alike.

Dreams: That he will one day he and his sister will be reunited once again.

Fears: Axel fears that he may never find his sister again.

Favorite Band: Panic! At the Disco.

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