Title: One Man’s Trash...
Game: Trashkin
Player Count: 3-6
Character Creation: Characters will be created collectively after players have been selected.
House Rules/Game Style: this will not be a serious game. It is a one-page RPG with simple rules. I see this game as being in a similar vein as Adventure Time. This will be a short game, maybe about the length of a Blades quest. The system is from the same designer that made Honey Heist.
Game: Trashkin
Player Count: 3-6
- Squid
- Hermit
- electric gRAYce
- Rob (tentative)
- Ash (tentative)
Character Creation: Characters will be created collectively after players have been selected.
House Rules/Game Style: this will not be a serious game. It is a one-page RPG with simple rules. I see this game as being in a similar vein as Adventure Time. This will be a short game, maybe about the length of a Blades quest. The system is from the same designer that made Honey Heist.
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