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Fantasy Trapped


No Longer An Active Account

Character Sheet



Race:(vampire, neko, werewolf, etc.)

Appearance:(human and non-human form if nessecary)


Short Bio:


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Amalia Taino


Amalia Taino










She has a very finicky personality. She is easily annoyed, and just as easily calmed. When she is in her cat form, she can be very feisty, and prefers to be left alone, with the exception of being petted. When in her dog form, she is very playful and loves being paid attention to.

Short Bio:

She does not tell anyone her history, as it is very painful for her to discuss.


+Running, Butterflies, Reading, Music

-Lazy people, Writing, Mistreated animals, Thunderstorms


Name: Alias: Ava Roux ((Ay-va Ro-u) (Ava chooses not to disclose her original name.)

Age: (Appears around 17) Actual age is 20

Race: Vampire


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/dark_anime_girl_render_by_eclair_21-d4zynh1_large.png.3385e53ba155a2829c28d42794f4e5ef.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/dark_anime_girl_render_by_eclair_21-d4zynh1_large.png.3385e53ba155a2829c28d42794f4e5ef.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ava usually wears dark coloured clothing, and during the day time she wears things that cover her arms and her legs completely, and also carries with her a black parasol. She always wears black leather gloves.

When she has been deprived of blood for a period of time, her eyes will begin turning red.

Her skin is very pale, and cool to the touch.

Personality: Ava spends a lot of time thinking, she is generally soft-spoken and kind, but she enjoys spending time with others. She seems quite guarded, and doesn't express strong emotion. She has a quiet kind of sadness to her.

Short Bio: Ava was born an ordinary human and was above average in school, but didn't excel at anything. She became romantically involved with a boy, who soon revealed he was a vampire. She agreed to allow him to drink her blood and this continued until just after she turned 17, when he once became careless and accidentally turned her into a vampire. He then left her, having just been using her as a source of blood, and disappeared completely from her life. After a few months she met a woman who was also a vampire, who taught her how to best conceal her affliction. Here she took on the name 'Ava Roux', but after two years she left to travel. After a year of travelling she was found and sent to the island.


+ Flowers/gardening, warm rooms, raw meat, singing, human blood, animals (cats), cloudy/rainy days

- Rats, liars, snow, food, sunny days, loneliness,

Other: Ava is not totally dependent on blood, and can be sustained for long periods of time with normal food, although she finds anything other than meat foul-tasting. However, she will become weaker, shaky, and generally more nervous and on edge the longer she goes without blood. Animal blood will suffice, but she craves human(oid) blood.

Direct sunlight is very uncomfortable for her, and extended exposure is dangerous. While shaded, she can venture safely during the day.

Her vision is very good, especially during the night.

She is faster, stronger, and has better reflexes than the average human. Her abilities increase if she drinks more blood.



  • dark_anime_girl_render_by_eclair_21-d4zynh1_large.png
    363.7 KB · Views: 47
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Mesh said:
Name: Alias: Ava Roux ((Ay-va Ro-u) (Ava chooses not to disclose her original name.)
Age: (Appears around 17) Actual age is 20

Race: Vampire


View attachment 150984

Ava usually wears dark coloured clothing, and during the day time she wears things that cover her arms and her legs completely, and also carries with her a black parasol. She always wears black leather gloves.

When she has been deprived of blood for a period of time, her eyes will begin turning red.

Her skin is very pale, and cool to the touch.

Personality: Ava spends a lot of time thinking

Short Bio: Ava was born an ordinary human and was above average in school, but didn't excel at anything. She became romantically involved with a boy, who soon revealed he was a vampire. She agreed to allow him to drink her blood and this continued until just after she turned 17, when he once became careless and accidentally turned her into a vampire. He then left her, having just been using her for a source of blood, and disappeared completely from her life. After a few months year she met a woman who was also a vampire, who taught her how to best conceal her affliction. Here she took on the name 'Ava Roux', but after two years she left to travel.


+ Flowers/gardening, warm rooms, raw meat, singing, human blood, animals (cats), cloudy/rainy days

- Rats, liars, snow, food, sunny days, loneliness,

Other: Ava is not totally dependent on blood, and can be sustained for long periods of time with normal food, although she finds anything other than meat foul-tasting. However, she will become weaker, shaky, and generally more nervous and on edge the longer she goes without blood. Animal blood will suffice, but she craves human(oid) blood.

Direct sunlight is very uncomfortable for her, and extended exposure is dangerous. While shaded, she can venture safely during the day.

Her vision is very good, especially during the night.

She is faster, stronger, and has better reflexes than the average human. Her abilities increase if she drinks more blood.


Name~ Vladimir Brillams.


Age~ Over a hundred, at least.


Race~ Demon, but most would consider him some sort of dragon.



^Human Form^


^Monster Form^









Short Bio~ Vladmir's past is unknown. All he can recall is that he was spawned on Earth to kill and devour human flesh. But, it didn't take long before he was captured and sent to the island.


Likes~ The dark, alleyways, crevices, and trees.

Dislikes~ Humans, socialization, the sunlight, and being touched.


Other~ Vladmir, is incredibly small. Only 5"5" in human form, while his monster form is only the size and height of a medium dog. However, this makes him quick and stealthy, but lacks in strength and power.


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Name:Pierce Reaper

Age: 17(actually 1,700)


Reaper Form:


Human Form:


Personality: Active, Social, Violent, Sarcastic, Flirt

Short Bio: Pierce is the daughter of the Grim Reaper, and therefore wasn't raised the best way. Unlike most children Pierce was told to fight instead of talk her way out of her problems. She had a pet hamster once, but it got in a horrible accident and had to take it's life. That's the first time she learned how to reap. She later on was taken and sent to this island. So far she hasn't been very social.






+Violent Situations




-Taking Lives
DementedDestroyers said:


Name~ Vladimir Brillams.


Age~ Over a hundred, at least.


Race~ Demon, but most would consider him some sort of dragon.



^Human Form^


^Monster Form^









Short Bio~ Vladmir's past is unknown. All he can recall is that he was spawned on Earth to kill and devour human flesh. But, it didn't take long before he was captured and sent to the island.


Likes~ The dark, alleyways, crevices, and trees.

Dislikes~ Humans, socialization, the sunlight, and being touched.


Other~ Vladmir, is incredibly small. Only 5"5" in human form, while his monster form is only the size and height of a medium dog. However, this makes him quick and stealthy, but lacks in strength and power.


AkwardWriter said:
Name:Pierce Reaper

Age: 17(actually 1,700)


Reaper Form:


Human Form:


Personality: Active, Social, Violent, Sarcastic, Flirt

Short Bio: Pierce is the daughter of the Grim Reaper, and therefore wasn't raised the best way. Unlike most children Pierce was told to fight instead of talk her way out of her problems. She had a pet hamster once, but it got in a horrible accident and had to take it's life. That's the first time she learned how to reap. She later on was taken and sent to this island. So far she hasn't been very social.






+Violent Situations




-Taking Lives
Name: Malaya

Age: "I am as old as the trees. Vedui'"

Race: Wild elf

Personality: Malaya is quiet, observant, simplistic, but passionate. She moves with grace like the leaves on a tree when the wind blows. She is gentle and caring about the world around her. She has the ability to speak to animals, to trees, and she can project onto minds around her.

Short Bio: Malaya lived deep within the forest, protecting it from those who wished to kill it. As soon as the humans found her, she was taken and shipped off to this island. She hates humans with a passion, for she feels they know nothing about their world.


Likes: nature, animals, fruit, music, waterfalls

Dislikes: humans, weapons, and the smell of blood

Other: she stands at a massive 6 feet in height. She is thin and her skin looks delicate.

FlawlezFalcon said:
Name: Malaya
Age: "I am as old as the trees. Vedui'"

Race: Wild elf

Personality: Malaya is quiet, observant, simplistic, but passionate. She moves with grace like the leaves on a tree when the wind blows. She is gentle and caring about the world around her. She has the ability to speak to animals, to trees, and she can project onto minds around her.

Short Bio: Malaya lived deep within the forest, protecting it from those who wished to kill it. As soon as the humans found her, she was taken and shipped off to this island. She hates humans with a passion, for she feels they know nothing about their world.


Likes: nature, animals, fruit, music, waterfalls

Dislikes: humans, weapons, and the smell of blood

Other: she stands at a massive 6 feet in height. She is thin and her skin looks delicate.


Name: Husk 'Red' Collen

Age: 19

Race: Wizard

Personality: Very defensive and protective of his loved ones and friends,can be very childish especially when he's around children. Pretty laid back for just about anything,though when he's angry he'll take any and everything as a threat.

Short Bio: Red has lived alone with his younger brother since he was 15,His mother and father had left one day for work and didn't come back. Though having already learned plenty from his father and with the resources they had at their home he and his brother were about to learn and work on their magic,after a couple years of training they started to travel around looking for any clues on where their parents have gone. It wasn't too long after they left that they had been caught and taken to the island,getting seperated when they got there Red has been not in the best of moods.







-rude people

-people who mess with his brother

-busy areas

-being demanded

-Kinda other people in general....


Has a younger brother named Shanol 'Blak' Collen- http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss262/dolphinbear1/shanol_by_akreon-d6oh0wm_zps108f15e2.jpg

Has a ring on a chain around his neck which is very important to him,Blak also has a ring around his neck that iooks exactly the same.


wasn't sure if we were limited to one character or not,if not i'd like to make his brother. if so he'll just stay lost xD
Ember Bare][imageFloat=left] [URL="http://s582.photobucket.com/user/dolphinbear1/media/imagejpg1_zps585cb6d4.jpg.html said:
[/URL] [/imageFloat]
Name: Husk 'Red' Collen

Age: 19

Race: Wizard

Personality: Very defensive and protective of his loved ones and friends,can be very childish especially when he's around children. Pretty laid back for just about anything,though when he's angry he'll take any and everything as a threat.

Short Bio: Red has lived alone with his younger brother since he was 15,His mother and father had left one day for work and didn't come back. Though having already learned plenty from his father and with the resources they had at their home he and his brother were about to learn and work on their magic,after a couple years of training they started to travel around looking for any clues on where their parents have gone. It wasn't too long after they left that they had been caught and taken to the island,getting seperated when they got there Red has been not in the best of moods.







-rude people

-people who mess with his brother

-busy areas

-being demanded

-Kinda other people in general....


Has a younger brother named Shanol 'Blak' Collen- http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss262/dolphinbear1/shanol_by_akreon-d6oh0wm_zps108f15e2.jpg

Has a ring on a chain around his neck which is very important to him,Blak also has a ring around his neck that iooks exactly the same.


wasn't sure if we were limited to one character or not,if not i'd like to make his brother. if so he'll just stay lost xD
Accepted and yes you may have more than 1 character only up to 2 please.
Name: Nathan Asada


Race: neko


Personality:Quiet, curious ,and friendly

Short Bio:Nathan's parents have always stayed close by him since they were sent to the island, Now since he's 12 he can rome the island by himself.

Likes:Yarn balls,exploring,and making new friends.

Dislikes:Mice,and not making friends.

Other:Nathan keeps a secret wepon in his sleeves.
[QUOTE="Rose Baker]Accepted and yes you may have more than 1 character only up to 2 please.

ah yay~ i'll make his brother then~
WoodenZebra said:
Name: Nathan Asada

Race: neko


Personality:Quiet, curious ,and friendly

Short Bio:Nathan's parents have always stayed close by him since they were sent to the island, Now since he's 12 he can rome the island by himself.

Likes:Yarn balls,exploring,and making new friends.

Dislikes:Mice,and not making friends.

Other:Nathan keeps a secret wepon in his sleeves.

We can now start the rp yay! :3
Here's his brother~~~

Name: Shanol 'Blak' Collen

Age: 17

Race: Wizard

Personality: when he's with Red,he wild and can be quite blunt and evil minded. he tends to cause trouble even though he doesn't mean to most of the time,but when his brother tells him to do something he may be a bit sarcastic and rude towards him but Blak will still do as he's told. When Red's not around he gets quiet and defensive,he'll still run around and act crazy but will stay away from others if he can.

Short Bio: Red has lived alone with his younger brother since he was 14, he hadn't learned much magic till Red started teaching him,he grew very interested in shadow magic along the way.A couple years of training with Red his brother started looking for where their parents have gone,and Shanol had followed along not wanting to be left all alone. It wasn't too long after they left that they had been caught and taken to the island,getting separated when they got there Blak has been wandering around seeming fine but inside wasn't liking being away from Red.


+his shadow pet

+the dark

+quiet places

+Red,his brother

-being alone

-bright lights or places

-too busy areas

-not fond of strangers when Red's not with him


Red is his older brother.

Has a ring on a chain around his neck which is very important to him,Red also has a ring around his neck that looks exactly the same.

Has a pet he created while practicing shadow magic.(in his picture)
Ember Bare]Here's his brother~~~ [imageFloat=left] [URL="http://s582.photobucket.com/user/dolphinbear1/media/shanol_by_akreon-d6oh0wm_zps108f15e2.jpg.html said:
[/URL] [/imageFloat]

Name: Shanol 'Blak' Collen

Age: 17

Race: Wizard

Personality: when he's with Red,he wild and can be quite blunt and evil minded. he tends to cause trouble even though he doesn't mean to most of the time,but when his brother tells him to do something he may be a bit sarcastic and rude towards him but Blak will still do as he's told. When Red's not around he gets quiet and defensive,he'll still run around and act crazy but will stay away from others if he can.

Short Bio: Red has lived alone with his younger brother since he was 14, he hadn't learned much magic till Red started teaching him,he grew very interested in shadow magic along the way.A couple years of training with Red his brother started looking for where their parents have gone,and Shanol had followed along not wanting to be left all alone. It wasn't too long after they left that they had been caught and taken to the island,getting separated when they got there Blak has been wandering around seeming fine but inside wasn't liking being away from Red.


+his shadow pet

+the dark

+quiet places

+Red,his brother

-being alone

-bright lights or places

-too busy areas

-not fond of strangers when Red's not with him


Red is his older brother.

Has a ring on a chain around his neck which is very important to him,Red also has a ring around his neck that looks exactly the same.

Has a pet he created while practicing shadow magic.(in his picture)
WoodenZebra said:
How do we start
Like you can start either as having been there for a few days or like just getting there for the first time. Anyways, there's a maximum of 4 lines per post, just because people need a chance to post and it's hard for me to read like 3 paragraphs.

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