Trapped Underground [Inactive]


New Member
Thail264 submitted a new role play:

The Cloudburrow Land - What happens when humanity is enslaved by Girthans?

You wana hear a story little man? Well now? Heh, didnt expect you to listen..
Long long ago, before our people were enslaved by the Girthans, a race of lizards that hid underground while man built civilization, they built theirs underground, almost like a parallel to our world.

The Girthans race. They have pointed ears. They have small mouths. In their culture, story telling is a highly prized ability.. They worship a complex, matriarchial pantheon of gods and goddesses. The goddess of...
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The city was in ruins...chaos was brewing everywhere, fires were a common thing here in the underground city...due to the natural gases that was common in this mining part of the city, see the city was broken up into three sections, each ruled by three seperate people, one was the mining district, the other was the living district, the last one was the wealthy district, see each one was ruled by a corrupt man or lizard who were a pawn for the goverment... Far in the distance there was a plan brewing to escape..
A pair of eyes peeked out of an abandon building. Moon bit her lip as her stomach grumbled quitely. She hadn't eaten in three days now because she couldn't find any food. Her ears and tail were hidden from other's eyes at the moment but she wore torn and tattered clothing. Sighing, she closed the door silently. Changing into a wolf she padded over to a small dog bed and curled up.
Thail quietly sat in his cell, he actually got caught by the local police, the cell had slime and blood coated on all the walls.. he laid on his small iron bed that barely fit him... and pondered

Kolette sat, her mechanical mind spinning like crazy she couldn't fathom the way people were reacting to the Girthans, she never could. She stepped into a common house where the human slaves live. No one seemed to notice she wasn't human, so there she was working like all the rest, her stomach grumbled quietly, she ignored it for a moment, looking around.
She closed her eyes and tried to sleep. a sound outside made her eyes snap open. She froze. /oh no.../ she thought worriedly. had someone found her?
she looked for a friendly face, there were none. she took a screwdriver from her boot and tightened her arm screws... the cogs in her brain turned.
Thail looked at the bars...he suddenly noticed there was a hole where someone had escaped...he quickly made a dash for the hole and crawled in.

He escaped plesantly back to his "house" to find it was looted... he groaned and cussed! But he could hear cogs and metal turning.. 
he looked and saw a metalic person..and walked over to her..
Kolette looked up from her screws and put the tool away. She looked at the approaching man she put on a friendly expression and fixed her goggles over yellow eyes.
Thail waved and said " Hello metalic person" he walked over and held out his hand to shake, he was noticeablly nicer than most people in the city.
After a moment she got up and walked out of the building. She was gonna look for some food. She was starving.
"Whats your name miss?" he sighed knowing that atleast someone was friendly.. "What are you out here for? Shouldnt you be inside hiding or something?".

He poked at the metal "dont wana know why your part metal but no of the less, your atleast nice.."
She looked at him curiously "why would I be hiding?" She raised her eyebrow but it wasn't noticeable, her goggles covered them. "My name is Kolette, and my mechanical enhancements are a mystery to me as well..." she giggles quietly.
Angel snuck into a wealthy house. She grabbed a couple of clothes on the counter and got out before anyone knew she was there. She ran and ran till she reached her "house" in the mining district. Her house was just rocks, rock walls, rock ceiling, though there was no need for one. She didn't mind sleeping on a rock bed. She sat down on her bed. She grabbed the clothes and giggled. She had never had such pretty clothes before. She put on a shirt then some pants. She put on a cloak and pulled the hood over her head. She smiled and looked out into the city.
Moon could see in the distance a stash of food just perfectly waiting for someone.. no one was around it nor any suspisious activity
the pile suddenly vanished.. like a mirage.. and a loud piercing sniper shot was was actually closer than you expected.

the bullet ricoched off the pile and headed straight for you
Thankfully the bullet missed.. But sadly you noticed a strong rotting smell..

The sniper was no more, as he had fired his last shot.

But the food looked good!
The food didn't smell so bad ether.. But the smell of rotting corpses didn't help distinguish the smells

The area was dead quiet, say for a few distance screams and gunshots...

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