Trapped RP SU

Name: Atori Layrec

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Mutation: Human with animal features.

Number: 4057900

Trapped or in the Field: Trapped

Looks: Atori has long, golden, wavy hair that cascades down to her mid back. Her eyes are a medium teal, the right having a splash of yellow in it. When in water her skin becomes scales, her legs fuse to become a tail. She's the closest thing to a mythological mermaid. The water line determines how much of her is "fish" and how much looks human, but she will always have gill slits on her neck. Her scales are a iridescent teal. She hides fangs when in company, unless provoked. She will hiss and bite as a warning.

Personality: Atori is calm, usually kept in a huge pool full of sea water, she doesn't talk to other much. Although when she was first tested on, she was irritable, growling, scratching, and biting the scientists. After so many shocks, she learned to mello out.

History: Born like all the others, treated like the others, and stuck here like all the others. The scientists were attempting to make folklore real. Atori was almost successful except she lacked obedience and they had a hard time getting her to testing. For the times that they could they found out that she could not breath in chlorine water. It had to be natural or sea water for her to breath through her gills. In "pool" water, she could hold her breath up to thirty minutes. One other flaw was her torso wasn't always just human skin. Fully submerged, she looked like a woman with teal scales. However these scales paled to skin color around her face. Atori would watch them work and record data as she swam. Due to a side-effect of the testing, he couldn't speak human languages very well. She could only speak simply, but it didn't mean she was stupid. They gradually re-taught her language, and she now speaks fluently.

Other: Her tank is full of rocks. She often hides or naps in the caves they make. When she surfaces is the optimal time to talk to her, otherwise she'll be underwater for a long time.
Are you guys still active? Read through some things and was curious if newcomers were welcome. Apologies for length. I'm used to a very small community where posts under two paragraphs were considered foul play. xD

Name: Was once Nikita Oleg or Niki, but now goes by 'Dragon', a nickname bestowed on him by the guards.

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Mutation: Human with animalistic traits/tendencies. Black Mamba and Siberian Tiger

Number: 13697

Trapped or in the Field: Recently Fielded

Looks: The dragons body has truly become one with the DNA bestowed upon him. Though his strong jaw, aquiline nose and other facial features remain primarily untouched, his skin has a more grayish hue to it. His body has remained relatively human in nature, if one can manage to ignore the smooth spotting of steely, deep grey scales covering his shoulders, slithering down his back, over corded, feline muscle and the tops of his arms. They even peak through his hairline, forming around his features like dull jewels. After many attempts to keep his hair short around the larger, thick ridges that span from the crown of his forehead, down along his spine, the doctors gave up. As a consequence, the black strands fall around his features in disheveled lengths, grazing his shoulders. His nails have lengthened to sharp claws, a feline tail lashing behind him. Even his eyes, though still a piercing shade of pale blue, have become surrounded by blackness, pupils slitted like a great snake. When he smiles, or more likely snarls, his mouth is black as pitch, two rows of sharp teeth lined along his lower jaw, a thick row along the top crested by two large and ominous looking hallow fangs holding the venom safely in reserve for his prey.

Personality: In his former life, the dragon was a well educated and cultured man with a quick wit and charming demeanor. More importantly, he was a just and kind individual who detested violence and sought to find beauty and peace in a world gone mad. Though these traits remain, they are overshadowed by a more savage and dangerous aura. The damage to his body from experimentation, and the trauma that led him to fall into PTS's hands means the the dragons mood often shifts at the drop of a hat. One moment, he can be reciting poetry from a past he no longer remembers, shying away from a fight in favor of discussion and the next, he is more beast than man, vicious, unpredictable and sharp tongued. Though he has become aware of this 'beast' that awakens within him, he often cannot fully control his own temperamental outbursts.

History: Nikita Oleg was a young and dedicated professor, who moved to the states from Russia with his wife. They had it all. A small flat, a cat who was always under foot, a baby on the way, and a future together that seemed bright and promising. That was until Nikita came home late from the university one evening, stumbling across a group of young men beating another near death. Unable to stand by, he intervened. In the scuffle that ensued, he was struck in the head, falling over the rail of a pedestrian overpass. By the time he reached the hospital, it seemed unlikely that he would live to see the light of day. That is when PTS took over. On the books, Nikita Oleg died before his family was even able to arrive at his side. Despite protests form his young wife in regards to the withholding of his corpse as evidence and the lack of information she was given, the whole affair was so covertly executed, that no further investigation ever ensued. And Nikita began his journey in becoming the Dragon.

The infusion of his adult body with animal DNA was haphazard. He was not young as many of the other subjects were, and paired with the head injuries he sustained in his fall, it eventually led to the development of a severe and shifting personality disorder. The past few years, the dragon has been kept separated from many of the other subjects, his venom and volatile nature making it hard for the scientists at every turn. In fact is has resulted in many of their deaths and numerous injuries to staff who strayed to close. As such, he is kept muzzled under most circumstances. But all that is about to change. Curious to see the development of his emotional instabilities and natural instincts, the dragon is being released into a semi-natural enclosure, meeting other subjects for the first time.
I love your character and you write beautifully. One of the reasons I joined this site was to meet people at a higher writing level (which I have met tons of). You are definitely accepted
Name: Rachelle Marie Culins

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Mutation: Neko

Number: 18

Trapped or in the Field: Field


Rachelle has long blonde hair and short bangs. She has blackish brown eyes and long blonde eyelashes. Her ears and tails are chocolate brown with white stripes on the backs of her ears. Her skin is lightly tan.

View attachment 1114

Personality: Meet her

History: ...

OTher: Nope
Hey, is it too late to join?

Name: Charmeine (The name means Angel of Harmony)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Mutation: Eagle and Cat - Human with animal features

Number: 777


Looks: Charmeine is at first appearance seen as the definition of an Angel herself. She has long, wavy locks of white/blonde hair that elegantly falls to her waist and frames her slender, pale face. Stretching out from her back are huge, white wings and hidden behind her perfect hair are her human ears which point at the end; much like a cat. Her black almond shaped pupils resemble that of a cat whereas the bright blue colour of her eyes hold an element of kindness. She has long white nails that are the shape of cat's claws and can cause a horrible gash in someone's face when thrown into a fight, behind her perfect rouged lips are the fangs and canine sharp teeth of a cat which she sometimes uses to hiss at the scientists.

Personality: When around other mutants Charm is quiet and shy so she is seen as an easy target, but when attacked her instincts kick in and she becomes a very good fighter and ruthless with her speed and claws. Charm hates the scientists with a passion and wishes one day someone would step up and plan an escape, she would do it herself but she reckons herself to shy to be able to lead a rebellion, but she would willingly join one. She is very quiet and can almost be forgotten at times during a group conversation, but does speak up when she feels like and usually says something that can surprise others. Strangely, Charm doesn't hate the guards because she sees them as people who need to do this in order to feed their families, she believes the scientists are the evil ones because they are the ones who do all the tests, experiments and operations; the guards just blindly follow orders.

History: Charm was also a test-tube baby - born to another mutant and taken away after just a few days - and when she was young had more of an element of cat in her, hissing and scratching at the scientists whenever she was dragged into the 'test room' as she liked to call it. After some brutal beatings Charm became more subdued and is now seen as very shy and because of her tendency not to talk much, many mistake her as stupid; this is not the case.

Other: -------

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