Trapped RP SU


Two Thousand Club This link will lead you to information about the RP. If you have any questions or ideas for the RP please PM me.


  • Please keep your posts at least three sentences. I know this can be a stretch sometimes, especially if your muse has decided to dump you but please try.
  • Correct grammer is important, I don't care as much about spelling but don't use text talk. I can barely understand it when I am texting.
  • No Godmodding
  • When creating your characters make them unique. I don't want a million shapeshifters who only shape shift into wolves. I also don't want a ton of people with cat ears and tails. BE UNIQUE!!!!!
  • Keep it PG-13. I want this Rp to have some romance but keep in mind your characters would not want their children to grow up in a lab so choosing to get preggo is not the best idea. Also fighting is acceptable but please don't make it drag on for pages and pages.
  • No one has escaped from the lab....yet.
  • I can't get on the computer a lot during the week and I ask that you please do not leave me behind because that would kind of stink.

Charrie Form


Age: +13


Mutation: (shapeshifter or human with animal features)


Trapped or in the Field

Looks: Description required images are allowed



Name: Rose

Age: 20

Gender: female

Mutation: human with animal features

Number: 44690


Looks: Rose's skin is covered in very short, sleek fur that, from the front, looks exactly like normal skin. Her fur is a very soft brown but running down the center of her back runs a long strip of mocha brown fur. The fur is not any longer it is just a few shades darker than the rest of her body. Rose's hair falls in long brunette waves that frame her slim face. Her eyes are similiar to those of a dogs, meaning her crystal blue iris takes up most of her eye and you hardly ever see the whites of her eyes. Rose's nails are white and can be retracted fully.

The scientists combined her DNA with that of a cheetahs and a husky. They were excited to see how it affected her body. Rose's spine is ridiculously flexible and her legs are long and muscled. This causes her gait to be very swingy and resembles that of a cheetah running. Her lungs and heart are twice the size of any human heart. They wanted to make sure she had more stamina than a cheetah and that is were the husky comes in. They also wanted her to have a willing attitude towards work. However the huskies tempermant was also past on to Rose so she is kind and has a good heart.

Abilities and weaknesses: She is very fast and her stamina is okay. Rose will work herself into the ground and she needs large amounts of food to keep her going, preferably meat.

Personality: Rose has a kind quiet heart that reaches out to the young. She at one time could have been a strong leader but she had pretty much given up on escape. Occasionally she will dream of escape but she promptly pushes those dreams away.

History: Rose is a test tube baby like most other people in PTS. She has endured multiple surgeries to examine her heart and lung capacity and bears many of the scares running down the center of her chest. They test her on daily basis by running her on a treadmill for hours on end. They only time she has ever gotten relief was when she carried her child. A flacon shapeshifter had been showing great results in the field but his heart and lung capacity was weak and he was considered lazy. The scientists began to chart her activities more closely than one day they took Rose in for surgery. She assumed they wanted to look at her heart again but she was wrong. When Rose woke up she was suprised to see that her chest was not wrapped in bandages and nothing seemed to be different. As the weeks past she began to notice changes in her body and they stopped running her. The scientists started adding things to her food and paid serious attention to her. Rose finally figured out that she was pregnant. She slipped into a depression miserable for her child's fate. The scientists began to inject her with special vitamins to prompt the babies birth. When Rose reached her ninth month she had a beautiful baby boy. His skin was a soft mocha brown with deeper brown spots. On his back there were two beautiful wings. One eye was a deep emerald green and was similiar to one of a human while the other was more like his mother's. Rose named him Joseph. Joseph and Rose lived together until he was three and than the scientists came and took away her only son. This happened four days ago.

OTher: none
Name: Mary G. Sterling

Age: 14

Gender: ...guess. =_=

Mutation: Shape-Shifter (Bengal Tiger)

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Number: 666

Trapped or in the Field: In the Field

Looks: Mary is 5'3", incredibly thin and muscular. Her toned olive skin is contrasted by her fiery orange and black streaked hair. Eyes as black as coal, she is as manipulative as a snake and as fierce as a grizzly. Due to a deoxyribonucleic acid defect, her ears are tipped like that of a house-cat, rather than rounded like her true feline form. She is not just a pretty face, but worthy foe. Her nails are genetically black in hue, and extend at her will. Her canine teeth are sharp and white. She can growl and snarl at any given time, but usually only attacks when in her animal form.

Personality: Withdrawn from the others and compassionate to only animals, she tends to rebel against any orders that seem too inhumane. She will, however, carry out any assassination order given in a fraction of a second. She is an impeccable soldier when it comes to combat. When entrusted to do something, she is a top pick.

History: Mary was removed as a fetus from her mother's womb after a car accident, sent to the laboratories once in the custody of the state, and had began receiving injections before her body had even started to develop. She was to be the product of the most fearsome creatures, bred to obey and nothing else. She hardly ever spoke, since not a single one thought it necessary that she be able to think for herself. At the early age of three, her mind had developed at twice the rate of any other subject. She had the ability to use every iota instead of a measly 9 percent--which also made her incredibly dangerous. She has vivid memories of every single event up until the present, able to recall formulas and tactics she was taught in her rudimentary years as if being taught only moments ago. All the pain, trauma, and misery she had endured at the hands of the scientists remains with her, and she's too afraid to go against their wishes. She follows their orders, usually looking after others and restraining the failed 'test subjects' until they can be put down. She tries to push any self-conjured thoughts from her mind, for they run constant checks to monitor brain activity. The last time she had ever dared think on her own, she was severely punished, beaten by another mutant until she lost consciousness. She was seven. At the slightest hostile gesture from a human, she cringes, shutting down her thought-process figuring that it would be better not to remember. She is given roam of the facility, but when not on active duty she cowers in her cell, experimenting on her own to see how exactly her body functioned.

Other: Able to make calculations and full scientific hypotheses in a mere fraction of a second. In one of her multiple trials, she was able to beat a calculator in its functions. She sees the world as a systematic being, able to judge and measure her maneuvers until they surpass that of any other. She overly-scrutinizes all tasks, but due to her advanced brain activity, it takes her no longer to think something to its fullest extent than it takes a human to act on impulse. Classifies people based on signs of the Zodiac;
♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓
Name: "Medusa" as they've been nicknamed.

Age: 13

Gender: ?

Mutation: Human with animal features; the lower half of "their" body is that of a massive serpent.

Number: 56516134

Looks: Medusa is quite slender, with very pale skin and deep purplish red scales, and seems very short since they have no legs. Rather long red hair hangs in front of Medusa's face, covering brilliantly green eyes.

Personality: Very quiet, and quite a pushover.

History: Scientists aren't very sure which gender Medusa is since they haven't developed any defining sexual traits yet. Until such a time that they do, they are being kept in the labs, being the only serpentine experiment thus far, it would be unwise to allow any damage be done to it.

Other: Medusa can feel vibrations in the ground, and finds their way around by that, and their sense of smell over their vision.

Accepted but please add a gender and maybe a few more human features but still very cool
Before I make my character...Can my character he a hodge-podge of animal DNA (like,multiple animal DNA sets/splices?) A mutant among mutants...A freak among freaks.
Name: Although it's forgotten by him,the records state that his name is "Alexander Monroe" He responds only to his ID serial.

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Mutations: Animal features,and tendancies.

Number: ST5399 (Sierra-Tango-Fiver-Tree-Niner-Niner)


Appearance: Very little human appearance remains. On the genetic level,he's still 70% human. He possesses large bat-like ears,with the associated hearing. Left arm resembles a gorilla's,ending in a grizzly's paw. The right arm is human (thankfully),as well as the torso,which is covered in gorilla fur. From the waist down is something resembling a komodo dragon,with the tail,and digitigrade lizard-like legs. Face is flat,with large nostrils,with the associated heightened sense of smell. Mouth full of incisors,continualy regenerating. Shaved head,with a barcode on the back of the head,which has a copy of his serial ID. Splices: Human base. Komodo Dragon,Vampire Bat,Great White Shark,Silverback Gorilla,North American Grizzly Bear,Modified Lizard DNA (Parent animal: Frilled Lizard)

Due to the extensive genetic engineering done to Alexander,his genetic memory has been partially overwritten by the huge amount of predator DNA in his system. He is aggressive,unforgiving,and vicious. However,he's still human,and knows when to be friendly...But that doesn't mean he'll be nice. He believes only the strongest survive,and so,he hunts given the opprotunity. He resents the scientific community,and drew a conclusion betwen himself and his existance: He was made to be a weapon. As such,he also resents the military.

Other: Alexander is a very effective predator. His hearing is equivalent to a bat's,so it can function as sonar. His sense of smell is incredibly powerful,allowing him to track his prey,especially after giving them a bite that induces gangrene in minutes. He's also extremely strong and fast. However,all of these can be used against him to easily deafen him,overload his nose,or make him charge recklessly into a trap.
Name: Chastity

Age: +13 18

Gender: female

Mutation: (shapeshifter or human with animal features) shapeshifter (wolf)

Number: 335

Trapped or in the Field trapped and is not happy about it

Looks: Description required images are allowed Chastity has curly light brown hair and icy blue eyes, with fare skin.

Personality: Chastity is a very outspoken person/bear. She can be a little bit of a loner, but if you can get to now her you will see that she is as sweet as a bear can be.

History: Does not remember

OTher: none
Name: Marco Keeler - "Half" is his nickname

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Mutation: shapeshifter, finds it hard to maintain either Human or animal form, so he usually stays in a state in between


Trapped or in the Field: Trapped

Looks: in-between form Human form guy/Rocker3604/Emo Anime/-anime-guy2.jpg

Personality: a Kind guy considering his life, he enjoys eating a lot, it puts him at ease, it makes him forget about the horrors of the experiments when there is food in his mouth.. yet he never gets fat. he has been known to freeze up when its his time to be experimented on.

History: of course he doesn't know his history, but in the labs, he is known to be quite receptive to injections and new "medications" but he tends to freak out when it comes to operations. he has been shown to be a capeable breeder with a variety of femaleswith different "traits" so to speak.

he also conforts the others when they may have mental breakdowns or when they cant take it anymore, like when a new injection makes them hurt or something else..

OTher: is known to ravage anyone who steals his food, including scientists, and once killed a scientist and 2 guards... he would have been killed outright if he didnt produce such great results, and if he wasn't one of the facility's top breeders.
Accepcted but please put a description along with the images thanks :)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Matt Hange

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Mutation: Shapeshifter

Number: 89000

In the Field

Looks: Matthas golden brown hair that if it were up to him would hang in a shaggy mop but it is buzzed short. His rich mocha brown eyes are similiar to those of a cats and can go from being soft and beautiful to cold and endless. The canines fron his lion DNA shrink but they are still there and give him s threatening appearance. He is very muscular and has a very wide chest and body. He is a six foot two tall muslce. Due to his lion DNA he can reach speeds of twenty five miles per hour on foot.

In his lion form he is eight feet tall when he rears onto his back legs. He weighs around four hundred pounds of pure muscle. He can reach speeds of fifty miles an hour but they cannot maintan this speed for very long due to the size of his heart.

Abilities and weaknesses: Matt is very fast but he cannot maintain his top speed for more than two miles. He also has amazing strength but he needs huge amounts of food to stay in top condtion. Matt can also become possesive and protective of woman since it is a lion behavior.

Personality: Matt has a very kind heart but this is shadowed by his strong military training.

History: Matt barely remembers his mother since he was taken from her at the age of two. He was stuck into military training and perfected his skilles until he was sixteen. He was then sent out to work in the military working secret missions. He does not know this but they are going to be using him soon to create more lion shapeshifters but they want to make a few improvements.


Name: Lucas

Age: 18

Gender: male

Mutation: Shapeshifter

Number: 117

Trapped or in the Field: Trapped

Green eyes and reddish hair. He is skinny but lean and muscled, his frame like that of a cougar. He is tall and swift, and has long legs; better for running

Personality: Vicous as his cougar alter-ego. He is a fiery creature with fire in his belly. He hates this place, and will do anything to get out - even live as the animal they made him. Luke can be ferocious, but he really just needs something better, a taste of a good life. If anyone shows him any kindness, he'll be quick to trust. Hurt him, and you made a big mistake - you made a powerful enemy.

History: Born here, a test-tube baby like most others. He hates it, but knows no other way other then painful tests and foul-smelling, nutrient rich food with no flavor. Dreams of something better.

I will accept the form after you give a written description of Your character and maybe a little more detail in the history.
Nero ♂

Years Old


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Serial Number is 767676


Dark brown hair that falls mid-brow and is swept gently to the left. Deep charcoal grey oculars and a well-sculpted face with high cheekbones and a well-kept air about him. He often wears light-grey sweatpants and varsity jackets along with moccasins. His pupils are small and devoid of any glint. His visage is usually blank, but when humored he shows his gratitude with a small almost invisible smirk that tugs at his thin peach lips. For some peculiar reason, his hair grows back exceptionally fast. He is incredibly muscular and toned, and even when not in his animal form he exerts all the brute strength of a bear on his own. Due to infusions of his DNA, he can sprint at a rate of 43 MPH for a total of 96 minutes.

He is rather frank and robbed of emotion. He is a nice guy, but finds it hard to express that. Afraid of being weak in front of others, he bottles up his thoughts and feelings, pondering them in silence. If he is on your side, he'll stand beside you until his dying breath, purpose solely devoted to protecting that ideal or person.

Being an orphan at the age of 7, after his parents mysteriously died in a car accident, Nero was sent from foster home to foster home, constantly acting up and demanding to see his mother. One day, he surrogate just couldn't stand him anymore. While the 8 year old boy bounced on the bed, hollering to the lord above so loud that the neighbor's dog was howling along, his foster mom barged it, threw him to the floor, and stabbed him with a knife 32 times in the chest. By the time the paramedics arrived, he was near death, lapsing into a coma. Once at the hospital, there was no way to save him... however, the practicing doctor that night had an idea. He was injected with vaccine x767675. Immediately he began to recover. His body cells began to duplicate at a rate so extraordinary that in a matter of weeks he was outside running a 10 mile distance in 20 minutes. As soon as this was seen, the "special doctor" came to examine him. Shortly after the examination, he was taken to the facility for the most brutal training possibly imaginable. Infiltration tactics, hand-to-hand combat, and weapons specialization were all a daily curriculum for him at the young age of 11, not to mention the constant blood tests and physical assessments. Run ragged, he was far too tired to notice his demeanor and statistics change. Growing more secluded by the day, he no longer felt the need to socialize regularly. He became ripped, and one day his world spiraled to a new depths of eccentricity. He was strapped to a gurney and carted down a white hall, steroids and other X factors being pumped into his IV. Then came the truly traumatic thing. He felt his heart rate steadily climb, blood pulsing violently in his ears and mind becoming clouded. He couldn't think, he couldn't breathe, and he began to panic. Body lurching hostilely in his restraints, he felt a searing pain consume his body. His pigment was gradually changing to deep russet... then brown... and then the strangest thing happened. He could have sworn he saw fur sprouting up from his arm... But then the sedative was admisitered, and he watched in horror as his body transformed agonizingly and faded ultimately to black. The next morning, he woke up to the reality that... he was a bear?

Likes to sing and play bass guitar and drums. Can often be heard humming or tapping away on solid objects around the structure. Amazing artist. Natural leader.


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