Trapped RP Idea


Two Thousand Club
So a long time ago on a different website somebody had this Shapeshifter RP that I really liked. I want to recreate it but I need a little help. I will post what I have and than some questions. Anybody who wants to help please PM me. Also if you don't like the idea please tell me what is wrong but make sure it is constructive or else I will be sad :(

The basic idea is that the government has been messing up DNA and trying to combine human and animal DNA. These scientists call themselves PTS Protection through Scienc. The results have varied from people with animal features to shape shifters who can go from being a human to another animal. They are trying to create the ultimate army and harness these powers. Some of these prototypes are being used but they can't remember what happened to them. Occasionally they will have flashbacks but that results in a raging electrically current rushing through their body. Other prototypes are stuck in holding area where they are being tested and bred. These scientists prefer to keep their army mostly male and use the females for testing and breeding purposes. If they have a very succesful prototype they will try to make more any way they can.

Life for the entrapped: If your character is used in the PTS program and not out in the field, they suffer from testing and harsh treatment. Women are given a knee length white t-shirt like dress, while men are given a white shirt and white pants. Every person has number burned into their shoulder. They also have a shock and tracking collar on at all times. They want their test subjects clean and well nourished so that they can properly test them. However when they are doing experiments they are ruthless and any technigue they need to get the results they want.

Life for those in the Field: The people in the field train daily and are kept in tip top condition. They do not own weapons but they do wear protective army (bulletproof vest, helmets, etc.). Men and occasionally women wear camoflauged clothing fit to their needs as a fighter (holes for wings and regenerative clothing for shapeshifters etc.). They do not have shock collars but instead a small chip is inserted into their brain that sends electrically currents into their brain if they think about their past. This chip is also a tracking device. Their home base is in the same building as the trapped but they never see the trapped. However the trapped will occasionally see them.

Lead Scientist: This man is in charge of all research and training. He checks on his subjects occasionally but it is never a good thing. His name is Smithe Fredericks.


Plot line boost

Once the Rp is in full swing one of my characters will form a plan to escape. Only a few will escape and spread the news as to what was going on. At this point PTS will come up with a cover up story and turn their experimentation into something entertaining to the public by creating a "Zoo" to showcase their creatures.

What I need help with

I think I might need more description for both life styles but that is why I was wanting help. As more questions appear I will try and answer them. :)

....This... is.... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD DEFINITELY DO THIS! If you need help with subspecies and writing narratives and expositories and crap I'd love to help. Just give me the primary things and I can expand on it. O_O'' <3!!!
This idea sounds like it could fly pretty nicely from my viewpoint. I'd love to get in on this rp.

May I suggest though that we start out unknown, and after a semi-successful escape attempt the general public discover the "experiments", then the scientist's backers start turning it into something of a zoo?
Thanks I was wondering how we would jump from being unknown to known. I will change it right now :)

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