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Fandom Transgressions: Flight to Utopia [NOT ACCEPTING]

DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Keira's room.
From their hiding spot,Giyu and Shinobu could hear the conversation.This Phillipa was indeed a mad woman. What did she mean for "what is to come"? It didn't sound good at all. They continued to watchand hear the xinversation quietly.
Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria gardens,not too far from Margarita's quarters.
"This is the place!" A young messy blond haired and freckle faced young Kingsglaive said to himself. He had his trusty canera in hand.
" The place is beautiful! It's perfect for a selfie!" Prompto Argentum said to himself.
He found a spot near one of the quarters of the mansion and proceeds in making a selfie in front of the nearby wisteria trees. After making a selfie,something caught his attention. He heard three female voices coming from the nearby room. He listened to the conversation quietly.
Megascope Conversation
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Needless to say, Rita, I must also ask you to leave at once. For the rest of the night, stay as far away from those wisteria trees as you possibly can. And once this connection is severed, each of you is to have no contact whatsoever with me or with each other for at least two weeks, unless it is absolutely unavoidable." Philippa ordered. But then a short moment of silence passed as Philippa seemed to study Margarita.

"One last question before you go." Philippa said, the glow of her blindfold continuing to face both Keira and Margarita. "Would this esteemed Master of the Corps happen to have any promising young heirs?"

"What are you saying?" Margarita asked, keeping as calm as possible.

"I'm merely concerned for the Corps' future, Rita." Philippa said casually. "They're demon slayers, not politicians; you said so yourself."

"Phil," Keira quickly cut in, "I really hate to dredge up bad memories, but are you seriously considering creating another Radovid?"

That name alone increased the tension among the three exponentially. Margarita went completely pale, while Philippa clenched her teeth behind pursed lips.

"I admit I miscalculated with Radovid. I taught him too well." Philippa said tensely. "I will NEVER make that mistake again."

Before anything else could be said, there was a flash of light in the wisteria gardens that startled Margarita.

"Someone's here." Margarita whispered.

"Again?!" Keira groaned in frustration.

"Go now, Rita. Leave while you still can." Philippa ordered. "We will talk again when the time is right."

With that, all three sorceresses ended the conversation, their holographic images vanishing into the ether.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Herbalist Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The lush greenhouses and open-air gardens reserved for herbalism classes provided ample shade at night. Within this shade, a young redheaded girl looked up at the dormitories just up ahead.

The air was thick with chakra, or something that felt very similar. Was this supposed to be what magic felt like? It was starting to make Tayuya feel lightheaded, and that in turn was really starting to annoy her. The Sound Five’s new little helper had better show up soon.

Lifting her flute to her lips, Tayuya played the slow, soft lullaby she’d heard from that witch, barely loud enough for the students in the dorms to hear a hint of it. That was the signal they had agreed on with the witches. Now all Tayuya had to do was keep playing until someone responded with the correct lyrics, and then the real fun could begin.
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Underground maze
Zenitsu followed the group quietly. He waa scared now that the spot they had secured was compromised.
Seifer heard the music coming from nearby. He searched for the source until he found a red haired girl playing the flute. He looks at the piece of paper in his hand and starts to sing the lyrics he was given. He had every word right.
Demon Slayer HQ
Near Rita's quarters.
Whoever was in this room seemed to be worried about something. Prompto wanted to make sure that the people in the room were okay. He could ask them where Marcus was at the same time. The young man knocks on the door.

"That's where you were Zell?" spat Squall as he got out of his quarters ro head to Rita's next door,only to notice Prompto. " That's not Zell!" Rinoa replied as she and Jill were the bext ones to get out. " I see you met young Prompto Argentum. He's a friend of the king." Gentiana replied.
" Wait! Gentiana?! You're here too?!" Prompto shouts in surprise. " I'm a teacher at the academy of magic." Gentiana replied.
Keira's room.
Giyu and Shinobu got out of their hiding spot after the conversation ended. " I guess we heard enough." Giyu replied. " Miss Eilhart has shown her true colors." Shinobu added.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Not wasting any time, the group stepped out of the room. Now in the hall they were in the open, and thus in a vulnerable position. Sung wasted no time summoning a couple of his shadow knights to guard one side of the group. He would guard the front.

“Sorry I didn’t answer earlier, but there is one more soul that is trapped down here that we were able to find. Beru is making sure that he comes to us. So, for now we just need to find a safe place and meet with the man.” Sung said as he began to lead the way down the hall. He had left a shadow behind to guide Clive to them once he defeated the man with Silver Hair.

It didn't take long for the small group to be intercepted by a young man dressed in black. He had black hair, and red eyes. Stopping the group, Sung shook his head.

“Good work Beru.” Was all he said as the shadow returned to him.

The young man pulled his sword at the small group. They weren't monsters, but you could never be too sure. Yet before he could say or do anything the man who was in the lead spoke. Thanking someone that wasn't there.

“We are not your enemy.” Sung said as he approached the young man. His hands stayed in plain view, and he didn't make any sudden movements. “My name is Sung Jinwoo. We are prisoners in this place as well.”

Fate lowered his blade but didn't lower his defenses. He wasn't going to be caught off guard again. “The name is Fate. So, why in the hell are we in this place?” He asked not sure if they were enemies or not.

Sephiroth jumped up and used the strength of the summons to help him jump back from the flames that were summoned. The creature didn't respond to his taunt. Was it that it didn't understand, or like all summons from his world it was unable to speak? Landing on the ground lightly he just looked at the creature.

He could dispatch it without breaking a sweat; however, that was not what he wanted. At least at the moment. He wanted the creature to suffer. He wrapped wind around the edge of his sword then in quick concession he slashed at Ifrit seven times. Sending seven blades of wind in the creature direction.

Ubuyashiki residence

Pyo didn't interfere with the conversation the two were having. It was of little consequence to him on what they were speaking about. However, when the conversation switched to the fact that there was going to be an attack on this facility this did catch his attention.

Was the Taskforce so desperate to get Utopia under their control. That they would risk attacking one of the military forces that Utopia had? Or was there another person pulling the strings for another reason? Both of these scenarios were possible, but which one was right was not something he had the answer to.

“Do you have any idea what the purpose of their attack is?” Pyo asked as AU Zenitsu left the room. It didn't take long for him to return in his demon hunter garments. He looked ready for a fight.

“Finding your answer so quickly is a good thing. Don't let your pride die.”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Underground maze
Zenitsu jumped in surprise as he saw the nwecomer pointing a sword toward them. "P...Please don't hurt us!!!!" He cried,hiding behind Nezuko.

Clive cursed mentally as the silver haired man dodged his flames. Before he had Ifrit attack again. The man slashed him multiple times. Ifrit roars in pain.
"Just...what...are you?!" Clive's mental voice was heard voming from Ifrit's being. "No are no dominant..."

Ubuyashiki residence
Pyo's room.
"Thanks." AU Zenitsu replied to Pyo.
" Appenrently,one of the Taskforce's main bosses, named Phillippa Eilhart is plotting against the Corps." Uzui replied. "The king of demon and prime enemy of the Corps,Muzan Kibutsuji and his Demon Moons are siding with her."
"Not good at all. " AU Zenitsu replied." This Eilhart is affraid of the Corps,much like Muzan is. No wonder they are joining forces." he said sadly.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“I cannot be sure about you specifically…” Edgeworth held out his hands as well, slowly moving past Zenitsu and Nezuko as Fate lowered his weapon.

“But I was sent here during a diplomatic meeting between Utopia and the Taskforce. I mentioned something inconvenient to the latter, and was instantly sent here. Evidently this is where the Taskforce sends their more troublesome prisoners.”

Keira’s Room
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“And now we’ve no idea where, when, or how the Lodge’s plans will unfold.” Keira said plainly, though her eyes never left the megascope. “But I’ll admit, I never thought I’d see the day when the Lodge would tolerate the existence of the Taskforce.”

Finally looking away from the megascope, she turned back toward Giyu and Shinobu.

“We should go. The king will want a full report.”

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Margarita emerged with a spell at the ready, but relaxed and let it drop when Gentiana explained that he was a friend of the king.

“What now?” Geralt asked Margarita, who could only shake her head. Philippa had been careful to disclose no meaningful information about the arrangements she’d made. Without that information, they could do nothing more to prevent the tragedy that was soon to follow. Not even going to the Corps directly would do any good; they would never trust Margarita, given her own ties to the Lodge.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Herbalist Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Tayuya stopped playing and studied Seifer for a moment, then smirked a bit as she started turning to leave.

“Follow me.”

She raced out of the Herbalist Gardens and stopped right at the Academy’s gates, where four other people in similar uniforms stood waiting.

“Alright boys,” Tayuya said to the others, “time to take out the trash.”

“Finally; I’m starving!” Said a heavyset redheaded young man.

“Just don’t go making side trips on us, fatso.” Tayuya snapped at him.

“Where are your manners, you two? We mustn’t ignore our guest.” A green-eyed man with long white hair cut in, prompting Tayuya to bow her head in deference. With that settled, the white haired man signaled them all to move, giving a quick introduction to each member on the way out.

“My name is Kimimaro, and you’ve already met Tayuya and Jirobo.” Kimimaro motioned to each of them. “The conjoined twins are Sakon and Ukon, and the six-armed fellow is Kidomaru.”

“Just remember to leave the real fighting to us.” Either Sakon or Ukon said next. “Your job is to get in, get the samples for your witch, and get out. And whatever you do, don’t let these demon slayers see that pretty face of yours.”

“And one more thing.” Kidomaru added. “Do whatever you want with the others, but Snake Boy is our payment for this mission, so leave him alive. In fact, avoid messing him up at all if you can help it.”
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Keira's room.
"Understood. Let's get going." Giyu replied as he headed for the king's room along with Shinobu

Noctis and Ignis's room
The two hashira returned inside to room.
"So,how did it go?" Noctis asked.
" It is better for Keira-sama herself to explain." Shinobu replied.

Demon Slayer Corps HQ

Prompto looked shocked as he both saw Geralt and Margarita. " You two look you just came out of some medieval fantasy video game!" Prompto said. "Don't tell me..." He looks at Rita. " Your class is mage, amiright?!"


Seifer stares at the five shinobi in front of him."You guys are the diversion? Eh,no problem with that. You can leave the rest to me. I'll leave the Serpent hashira unharmed. Though mind telling me what you plan to do with the guy?" he asked despite not carring what happens to him.
Noctis’ & IgnisRoom
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"There isn't much to explain, really. That entire meeting was a waste of time from the start." Keira said, her tone much more blasé than before. "Philippa's already set up the entire plan herself. She knows Rita and I are likely compromised, so she refused to say a word of it. The only potential clue is that she asked if the Master had any 'promising young heirs'."

"And the Taskforce?" Saskia asked pointedly, not failing to notice Keira's complete avoidance of that subject. Keira merely shook her head.

"She said the balance of power in this world can't survive without the Taskforce, and that reforming it into something more 'manageable' would take time." Keira said plainly. "Needless to say, I doubt you'll get any help from her on that front."

Outside of the Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Our superior is in need of a new body. Your witches offered him the body of any Hashira of his choosing, and he chose the serpent.” Kimimaro explained. “That’s all you need to know.”

Before long, the five shinobi and their new colleague entered the wisteria gardens. They started to feel visibly ill as they neared the garden, but not for long. The wisteria trees in front of them started to wither in their wake, clearing a path for them and guiding them directly towards the headquarters proper.

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“You could say that.” Margarita said a bit awkwardly. This was hardly the time to humor such questions however, so Margarita turned her focus back to Gentiana.

A friend of the king, you say?” Margarita asked. This was good. With how beloved the Corps were in Utopia, surely a friend of the king could be trusted with their current predicament.

Geralt was the first to realize something was wrong. His medallion was vibrating like crazy, and a quick glance outside confirmed his suspicions.

“You guys might want to see this.”

Margarita immediately followed Geralt’s gaze outside. There was nobody in sight, but the once-healthy wisteria trees around them had been reduced to dying husks. Those trees were the headquarters’ primary defense against demonic intruders, which could only mean one thing.

“It’s begun.” Margarita said, turning toward the others.

“Follow the dying trees. They must lead to the Lodge’s target.” Margarita instructed the group. “I must stay behind to heal the wisteria.”
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Noctis and ignis's room.
"Honnestly,this is not surprising at all. Miss Eilhart sides with the Taskforce willingly." Ignis replied. " I do not want to be pessimestic but we don't stop her...well.." "Just say it already." Giyu replied.
" Eilhart,Ardyn and the Taskforce,they might be planning to tear Utopia appart from the inside. I highly doubt Eilhart will stop after conquering the Demon Slayer Corps. She'll go after the Kingsglaive next,then the royal throne. "

Outside of the wisteria gardens

Seifer quietly followed his new allies. "This is gonna be fun." He said to himself.
Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Rita's quarters
Squall,Rinoa,Gentiana,Jill and Prompto all noticed the dying wisteria trees.
"A boss battle already?! And I didn't find Marcus yet!"
"Who's Marcus?" Squall asked.
"No time to find out! Here's an incoming enemy and we need to stop them before they reach the Corps's HQ!" Jill replied. She drew her rapier as a light blue aura surounds her. She ran toward the forest. " I will look after her." Gentiana replied as she trsnsformed back into Shiva,her allies coild feel the cold that occured during her transformation.
It died down as she flew after her variant's dominant.
Prompto summoned a gun out of thin air.
" Alright, Hopefully the hashira will come to help us!" Prompto replied before to run in the forest. " I'll stay and help guard the place." Squall replied in annoyence.
"Do you think he has the right idea?" Rinoa asked Rita.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Pyo and AU Zenitsu's quarters.
AU Zenitsu suddently froze. "Those sounds...demons...coming here?"
"It's impossible! The HQ is surounded by wisteria trees!"
"I know,but it's like they're going through them!"
He ran outside followed by Tengen. Both were horrified at what they saw. The trees were dying.
Without any second thought. AU Zenitsu ran toward the dying tree path.
"That's surprising!" Tengen replied before turning to Pyo. " I'm going to help him. You're welcome to join us or to help the other hashira defend the HQ." The sound hashira added before going after the older variant of Zenitsu.

Meanwhile, AU Zenitsu entered the path and focused on the demonic sounds.
"I found them!"
He stopped and focused,while holding his Nichirin katana with both hands.

"Thunder breathing...first form...Thunderclap and flash!"
He blitzes at the speed of light toward the target,hopping to catch them off guard.

"No more running away." he thought.
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Noctis' & Ignis' Room
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Not tear it apart. Control it.” Keira said very matter-of-factly. “Political turmoil in Utopia is not in the Lodge’s interest. By all accounts, Philippa is truly convinced that both Utopia and the Corps would be better off with her in charge.”

“At any rate,” Saskia added, “Philippa would never seek power openly. She prides herself on being a puppet master, controlling everything and everyone from the shadows. At most, she would likely seek an advisory role, much like her current position in the Taskforce." Saskia shook her head and stood up.

"But we've no more time to speculate. The Lodge is conspiring against Master Ubuyashiki, and I'll not stand idly by and let it happen!" She turned to face the demon slayers. "How long would it take a Kasugai Crow to reach the Master from here? Or I can fly you all there right now if you'd like."

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"One must always take action, Rinoa. Wrongly or rightly, that is revealed later, but the only thing you should ever regret is inaction." Margarita said firmly, standing outside in the center of the path of dying trees.

Margarita spoke an incantation in Elder Speech, and her staff began to glow a bright green. Then as she stuck her staff into the ground, the green glow flowed into the soil, forming what looked like bright green veins that traveled from the staff to the roots of each of the dying trees. The wisteria trees absorbed the green energy and rapidly began to recover, forming brand new wisteria blossoms in place of those that were lost.

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Ubuyashiki Residence
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As the attack on the Corps' headquarters began in full force, Master Kagaya Ubuyashiki suddenly received a strong telepathic vision.

In place of the Ubuyashiki residence, Kagaya was standing in the middle of a wide, grassy field on a warm autumn day, and could clearly see every vivid detail. It was a beautiful sight, but the pleasant atmosphere was short-lived, as two armies of fully-armored knights suddenly charged at each other and collided in the center of the field. The ensuing battle was an assault on the senses, from the horrific sight of raw blood and gore with each knight slain, to the loud battle cries and blaring trumpets, to the overpowering smells of sweat and blood. In all the confusion, it was hard to even tell which side was winning.

But as horrific as the slaughter was on both sides, it soon became much, much worse. Without warning, massive flaming meteors rained down from the sky. The meteors pummeled both sides of the battlefield without mercy, setting the field ablaze and roasting the knights alive in their own armor. The knights all fled in terror within a matter of seconds, but all to no avail, as the meteors continued to crush and incinerate every knight in their path.

“Impressive, isn't it?” Said a male voice with what sounded like a Scottish or Irish accent.

Standing next to Kagaya was a tall, stout king with dark, beady eyes and a bushy auburn beard, wearing a red-and-gold crown, red robes lined with fur, and a large gold medallion with a unicorn emblem. The king watched the screaming knights, not even bothering to look at Kagaya.

“The magic you see before you, young Master, is called Melgar’s Fire.” The king said. “A powerful spell, as you can see. One that I myself cast upon this very battlefield long ago. And I can and will cast it again, here and now, if you don’t do exactly as I say.”

As if emphasizing the king's point, all nine of the Hashira suddenly appeared amidst the fiery carnage, all screaming and contorting in agony as the flames began consuming them as well.

“I’ve told your lovely wife exactly where to go. She’ll be taking you there shortly, and you’ll both go along quietly without any fuss whatsoever.” The king said sternly. “If you or your precious ‘children’ try anything stupid, I’ll burn down your entire headquarters and all your little brats with it. Quietly nod your head if you understand.”
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Noctis snd Ignis's room.
"The same as Ardyn." Noctis replied. " No wonder they get along."
"The sooner we reach the corps the better!" Ignis replied. " It would take at least s day or two for a Kasugai crow to reach the master." Giyu replied.
"I got something faster then a Kasugau crow." Noctis replied.
Right on cue, a black and gray dog carrying a small backpack made himself known.
"Umbra! Just in time!" Noctis happilly replied as he pets the dog,
"Umbra is no ordinary dog. He a Astral messager that can teleport to any place ,even at any time."
"This dog can travel through time?" Giyu asked.
"I....I'm not found of dogs." Shinobu replied.

Demon Slayer Corps HQ.
Wisteria forest,
Halfway of reaching his target,AU Zenitsu stopped dead in his tracks.
Tengen was able to reach him. " What's your problem? Don't tell me you'll cower like your younger prime self.
"No..." AU Zenitsu replied.
"The master. He's in danger."
" Yeah,that's why we are defending the Corps's HQ!" Tengen spat back.
"Those enemies might be a diversion! They want Ubuyashiki!" Zenitsu focuses once again. " I'm going back to check on the Master. You go ahead and defend the Corps's HQ!" AU Zenitsu told Tengen before to blitz back toward the residence.

Meanwhile,the other Hashira reserved the intruder alert thanks to Kasugai crow. They all went through the forest to track down the intruders. The master and his familly were defenseless.

Wisteria gardens
"We'll take that as a yes,right Squall?"
"Yeah." Squall replied.
The sound of thunder was heard. Prompto,Squall and Rinoa noticed a golden blur heading for the residence. "Is that the enemy?!" Squall asked. "No,I think I know who it is!" Prompto shouts. " He did it! He overcsme his fears!"
Ubuyashiki residence
Kagaya witnessed this strange vision. It seemed so real. This strange k8ng that came to him,who threatened to cast his dpell on the Corps's HQ,destroying it if he didn't do as he says.
"My,this is quite the powerful spell ..." Kagaya replied. " To tell you the truth,I was made aware of what would happen." Kagaya replied.

Meanwhile,back in reality,AU Zenitsu stopped in front of the entrance of the residence, where Kagaya Ubuyashiki stood,in trance.
"I'm too late..." AU Zenitsu said to himself. "Master Ubuyashiki! Please wake up! You're in danger!" He shouts. He was odd for him to call him Master again,since his variant from his world is dead.
"What's wrong with father? Who are you? You look familiar!" said a young voice.
AU Zenitsu turned to face Kagaya's only son, Kiriya Ubuyashiki. In AU Zenitsu's world and timeline, Kiriya became the new master of the Corps. AU Zenitsu's current Master. He had no doubt that this young variant of Kiriya would become his father's succesor too.
" mast...Kiriya,your father is under a spell,I doubt it's a blood demon art. It was cast by the enemy. They might be coming for him!"
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Noctis' & Ignis' Room
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“This is perfect!” Saskia cried out, immediately reaching for the nearest pen and notepad. “If our canine friend can travel through time, he can carry a warning to the Master and give the Corps ample time to prepare!” She was just about to start writing, but then stopped herself and handed the pen and notepad to the three demon slayers instead.

”I’m not well versed in the written language of your world.” Saskia admitted. “The names of the Lodge members that I know of are Philippa Eilhart, Sheala de Tansarville, Sabrina Glevissig, Francesca Findabair, Ida Emean, Triss Merigold, Assire var Anahid, and Fringilla Vigo. Keira Metz and Margarita Laux-Antille are also members, but both have helped reveal this plot and received full pardons from the king. But most importantly, tell the Corps to stock up on as much dimeritium as they can. Dimeritium is a silver-blue metal from our world that has unique magic-blocking properties. Dimeritium bombs and arrows are common weapons against mages, and a mage bound in dimeritium shackles is completely powerless.”

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Ubuyashiki Residence
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

While AU Zenitsu and young Kiriya were speaking, Lady Amane Ubuyashiki entered the room without a word to either of them. Her eyes were wide and pleading as she shook her head, then approached her husband’s side and took hold of his hand. Within seconds of this, AU Zenitsu’s mind went blank, and Kirito’s followed soon afterward. Both were still fully aware of their surroundings, but it was as if something was completely blocking out every single thought, including every instinct to do anything besides tend to their own physiological needs.

Still not saying a word, Amane took hold of Kagaya’s hand and forearm and started leading him out of the building.

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Ubuyashiki Residence
Kagaya’s Vision
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Were you now?” The king said, a renewed interest in his eyes as he finally turned to face the young Master.

”Then you probably know this isn’t the real me.” The king said plainly. "Apologies, young Master, but I must maintain the ruse for just a little bit longer.”

Suddenly the king’s attention was pulled elsewhere. In that moment, the sounds of those near Kagaya in reality could be heard within the vision.

"Master Ubuyashiki! Please wake up! You're in danger!"
"What's wrong with father? Who are you? You look familiar!"

”Shit.” The king spat under his breath, glaring daggers at Kagaya now.

”Listen well, young Master.” The king growled. "I made you a promise just now, and I intend to keep it. You and I both know your brats can’t do a damn thing to stop it.”

”Kiriya, your father is under a spell, I doubt it's a blood demon art. It was cast by the enemy. They might be coming for him!”

”Pay no heed to those two; they’re being dealt with as we speak.” The king continued. Shortly thereafter, Kagaya would feel a soft feminine hand holding his own hand, even if he wouldn’t be able to see it.

“Feel that?” The king said. “That’s your wife holding you now. I told her I’ll carve up her young ones like cattle if she says a word: yet another promise I intend to keep. Now go, and remember, stay quiet.”

With that, the vision disappeared. The hand holding Kagaya’s hand start pulling urgently toward the exit, while the other hand moved to his forearm to provide support.
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Noctis and Ignis's room
Shinobu started to write on the piece of paper,writing the name of every of every member of the Lodge who were a threat.
"That should be enough." said Shinobu. She tried to place the letter in Umbra's backpack but coudn't because of her fear of furry pets. Tanjiro did it instead and pets the dog
Noctis gives Umbra one last pat before the dogs leaves and vanishes.

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Ubuyashiki residence

Coming soon.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Sephiroth looked at the summon as his blades of wind hit it. However, what he was not expecting was to hear the man's voice come out of the creature's mouth. A cruel smile formed on his face.

“So, you are able to talk. You are not just a mindless beast.” He commented as he pointed his sword at Ifrit. “I already told you I am a soldier, nothing more. Well…. Maybe something more, but someone who is going to die doesn't need to know.” Sephiroth said as he charged at the summons once more.

Fate looked at the child and shook his head as he put Greed away. He couldn't bring himself to keep the weapon drawn. It was too pathetic to watch as a man hid behind a woman, and only two of the men spoke. Shaking his head he looked to Edgeworth.

“So, you are an enemy of the bastards that run this place. Then you are a friend. At least for now.” He said as if he didn't know what he should do now. He was stuck in this place, and his hunger had yet to be satisfied.

“I have to get going.” Fate said as he turned his back to the group. He needed to consume more souls, or these people would be in danger.


Ubuyashiki residence

Poy was a little lost with the whole demon thing, but what he did get was that they were the enemies of the corp, and that made them his enemy. He thought a bit about what was being said and wanted to ask a question. However, before he could get a word out the hashira ran out of the room as soon as AU Zenitsu heard something.

It only took a moment, but Pyo was right behind the two. As they all looked at the trees as they were dying. The Hashira mentioned that demons were repealed by the trees. However, something was killing them. The two ran off and Pyo had a decision to make. Would he stay here to defend the manor if it was attacked. Or would he follow the others into the fight?

In all reality, a head on fight was not his style. He had been forced several times into a head on fight, but right now it would be best for him to stick to his specialty. He hid his presence as he exited his room. Not many people would be able to sense his presence. No one from his world would be able to, and he doubted anyone from the other worlds would be able to either. Well maybe AU Zenitsu, and others like him.

He made his way out of the building his room was in just to see that Ubiyashiki was standing at the gate. Then two others showed up, and were trying to get him to wake up, but they fell into a trance. He just watched as the man's wife also arrived and began to lead him out of the gate.

Something didn't sit right with him, so he decided to follow, and not interfere. He wanted to know what was going on. So, he would stay hidden until the time was right.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Ubuyashiki mansion.

Zenitsu didn't know what was going on. His mind felt foggy right now. He noticed that Lord Ubuyashiki's wife just arrived and most of his mind stopped to work, well his thoughts stopped ever since. He could read the sounds. It told him that it wasn't Amane but he coudn't think straight right now. He was scared again.

"No,I can't be trapped like this.I was suppose to do something about what's going on but I can't think!!!! I have....to break....free!"
The fog in his mind slowly started to lift. He noticed Kiriya was was just as confused as he is right now,well partly was. He helped the disguised boy to sit down. "I'll help your father,promise." His surprisingly strong will was able to progressivly break the spell,but it would take some time for him to fully think again. He could hear familiar sounds coming from nearby. It was slow for him to process who it was due to his slow recovery but he could tell that presence was an ally.
He followed "Amane" and Lord Ubuyashiki. He pretends to still be fully under the spell.

Wisteria gardens.

Prompto,Squall and Rinoa noticed the Love hashira herself,Mitsuri Kanroji coming back from the forest with a white haired woman in tow. Prompto blushes red as he sees the Love hashira.
Mitsuri looked sad and distressed.
"Lady Amane needs medical help,quickly! " she shouts.
"I...I think I can help!" Rinoa replied. She turned to Rita. "Can we use your room? I can use a Curaga spell to heal her." She explained.

Underground maze.

"You are no dominant yet your power is inhuman! You are a monster!" Clive said through Ifrit.
He dodged Sephiroth's attacks as best as he could but he was too slow.

Zenitsu looked toward Fate. " Good thing this guy is on our side! He's scary!!!" he said,worried.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Their new ally was in quite a hurry to leave them behind, despite the obvious dangers of such a plan. There must have been some reason behind it, but Edgeworth did not have enough information to deduce what it was.

But if Fate could not stay with them, then perhaps they could at least exchange information first.

“Before you go,” Edgeworth spoke up. “Do you have any information at all that can help us? Our last hideout was just compromised, and an innocent child could die if we don’t get out of this maze soon.”

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Margarita stopped her spell to see what was going on. She could not quite bring herself to look Lady Kanroji in the eyes, but the sight of the horribly wounded Lady Ubuyashiki instantly spurred her to action.

"Let me see." Margarita said firmly, stepping forward to examine Lady Ubuyashiki more closely. The poor woman's kimono was soaked in blood, and upon closer inspection, Margarita could see clean, precise stab wounds and slashes aimed directly at vital parts of the body. Whoever had done this wanted Lady Ubuyashiki dead, and knew exactly where to strike to that end.

"She's lost too much blood as it is." Margarita said grimly, but looked up at Rinoa. "Rinoa, cast Curaga to heal her wounds and stop the bleeding. Then I must replenish her blood."

Once Curaga was cast and the wounds were all gone, Margarita wasted no time casting a spell of her own. She stood over Lady Ubuyashiki's prone form and held out her hands in front of her, a white light emanating from her hands. As Margarita carefully moved her hands over Lady Ubuyashiki, a similar glow emanated from the latter's blood vessels, barely visible at first, but quickly growing in strength until the glow completely overtook the woman's body. Then, as if in a flash, the glowing lights all disappeared, by which time the color started returning to Lady Ubuyashiki's face.

But during this time, Margarita had not been maintaining her spell to heal the wisteria, bringing the trees' healing to a halt. In fact, a few of the trees were starting to show signs of weakness once again.

Meanwhile, the Sound Five had already divvied up which Hashira each of them would square off against, and their first step was to isolate their chosen opponents from the rest of the group. Jirobo had called dibs on Gyomei right off the bat, eager to test his strength against that of the legendary Stone Hashira. Kidomaru singled out Obanai and Sanemi, rather enjoying making every possible effort to annoy each of them and try to lure them into his spiderweb traps. Tayuya, much to her annoyance, was chosen to ‘babysit’ Muichiro as a counter to his more disorienting fighting style. Sakon and Ukon joined Kimimaro in engaging Rengoku, Uzui, and Mitsuri in what was technically a 3-on-3 fight, though Sakon and Ukon remained fused together as one until the opportunity came to try to fuse with one of the three Hashira instead.

At first both sides were holding their own quite well, despite each side being clearly unfamiliar with the other's methods and fighting styles. Each member of the Sound Five pointedly took steps to slow down the Hashira at certain points in the battle, just enough to let Seifer collect what he needed.

But then others suddenly arrived whom the Sound Five were not at all prepared for, and that was when things got more confused. A girl with a sword, some kind of ice queen, and some old geezer with two swords on his back all started meddling in the Hashira's favor at every possible opportunity. This freed up more chances for the Hashira to start reuniting with their compatriots and helping one another out. At one point Kimimaro lost track of Mitsuri altogether, but Rengoku and Uzui attacked before Kimimaro could go looking for her.

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Ubuyashiki Residence
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

If Amane noticed either Pyo or AU Zenitsu, she didn't show it. She dutifully guided Kagaya to the back of the manor, periodically searching the area to make sure no one else around.

Once they were far enough away from the manor and the fighting, Amane stopped. Seconds later, there was a loud crackling and whooshing sound, accompanied by the smell of ozone and baking soda as a portal opened in front of the couple.

"Your escort awaits, young Master." The king's voice echoed in Kagaya's mind. "Now walk forward, and be quick about it."

Amane led Kagaya toward the portal, this time much more urgently than before, almost to the point of dragging him toward it.
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Demon Slayer HQ

Wisteria gardens

"On our way to find the demons, Rengoku,Uzui and I found Lady Amane on the ground. We were embushed by two demons but Rengoku and Uzui managed to hold them off as I helped her and carried her here." Mitsuri explained.
Rinoa nodded to Margarita before to start her Curaga spell and heal Lady Ubuyashiki. After Rita finished her own spell,Amane regained consiosness.
"K...Kagaya....he's...in grave danger..." she said. " The Master?!" Mitsuri replied. " This is not good!"
Squall noticed a familiar figure sneaking around in the HQ. " What is he doing here?" he muttered. He followed the figure.

"I'm sorry,but I cannot let you go any further." Gyomei said to Jirobo. He brought out his massive nichirin axe and chain,ready to fight.
Jill arrived on the battlefield. "This is dangerous child. " Gyomei told her.
"Not to worry,I can fight." Jill told the blind Stone hashira. " You might be right. I sense great power within you." Both went into fighter stance once again.

Meanwhile with Obanai and Sanemi.
"I heard of Lower Moon 5's spider demon familly from Tomika and Kocho" Sanemi spat."If you're one of them,I'll have the pleasure to end this cursed bloodline once and for all!"
"I doubt he's part of Lower moon 5's familly,despite the spider likeness..." Obanai replied.

With Muichiro

"Well..." Muichiro started as he brought out his Nichirin sword. " I never seen you before. No matter. I'll destroy you quickly. Mist started to suround him. He started to feel the temperature around him dropping. A floating female being stood next to the young Mist Hashira. " Lord Tokito,I,Shiva shall assist you in this battle."
"Good,I guess." Muichiro replied.

With Rengoku and Tengen.

"Flame breathing... third form...Blazing universe!"
"Sound breathing...first form...Roar!"

Kyojiro Rengoku attacks Sakon and Ukon with a strong slash while Tengen unleash his attack with his cleavers at long range as he targets Kimimaro.
Ubuyashiki resisdense.
AU Zenitsu's mind was cleared once again. " No...I'm too late..." He said as he noticed that the imposter impetdonating Lady Ubuyashiki was trying to take the master through some kind of portal.
Zenitsu blitzes and stops between the imposter and the portal.
"You are not Lady Ubuyashiki! I don't who you really are,but I cannot let you take the master!" He attempts to block the portal.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Sephiroth just shook his head as the man once more mentioned something about a dominant. Coming to an conclusion he smiled slightly. This man must be referring to his transformation. So, he was a dominant. The term didn’t make any sence, but he seemed to have Ifrit inside on him. Not something he cared for. Since he was not strong enough to really impress him.

“It takes a monster to see one.” Sephiroth said as he watched as his blade sunk into the creature. He had hoped this would be a fight worth fighting, but it was another disipoinment. Though, in one aspect he is enjoying the creaturs atempt to stop him. So, he jumped back once more, and waited to see what Ifrit was going to do next.

Fate stopped walking when the man had asked him a question. It wasn’t to stay, but if he could help them find a sutable location to hide. Fathe sighed as he knew that people that couldn’t defend themselvs would need a place to hide. So, he turned around looking into the man’s eyes. His red eye looking like it was glowing.

“There is a abandoned lab that is a bit of a ways away from here.” Fate said as he decided to go ahead and lead the way. “I will go ahead and take you there. Just don’t attack any of the monsters. They are mine.” Fate said as he looked at the child before they left. “In this state I am a monster. So, don’t let your guard down.” Fate said as he began to walk leading the way to the room.

Sung just looked at the man as he didn’t know how to take him. He seemed like a nice man. However, his last comment was a little unnerving. He was going to keep his guard up at the moment. “Let’s fallow him.” Sung said as he ushered the group down the hall.


Ubuyashiki residence

With everything that was happening Pyo was a bit unearved by the way the young lady was acting. She was suposed to be the Masters wife, but for some reason she was leading the man out of the building without saying a word. She was acting diffrent than anyone that he had seen as a couple. But that was the least of his worries.

The fact that AU Zenitsu seamed to be in a trace as well. Maybe that is what was happening to the young lady. As he fallowed the group to where the woman that was the masters wife semed to open a portal. This was a red flag. He doubted the woman knew magic. So, this ment that she was not who she was pretending to be.

Then sudenly AU Zenitsu must have regain his barrings. Because he was infront of the two trying to stop them from leaving. He still was not going to revile his position. If they did escape, he wanted to be able to fallow.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Underground maze.
Clive cursed mentally. This man was too fast. He had Ifrit unleach flames toward Sephiroth again.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Zenitsu nods to Sung and follows him and Fate."You hear that Nezuko? We'll have a new hiding spot!" he said to Nezuko.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Ubuyashiki mansion.

"Master,please...snap out of it!" AU Zenitsu pleads. " Don't let this imposter take you away!
"Agatsuma...dear child...do not worry. I am aware. Thank you for helping me. "
AU Zenitsu looked shocks but nods to Kagaya. He faces the impostor. " Master Ubuyashiki will not come with you!"
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Mm-hmm!" Nezuko nodded excitedly, proceeding to follow the new stranger's lead. She continued to keep a wary eye out for any threats, until finally they arrived at the abandoned lab in question. The notes and equipment inside were all scattered about and in some cases heavily damaged, but at least it would keep them hidden for now.

"Radar equipment, audio transmitters, ancient artifacts... Interesting." Edgeworth said, already taking notes of everything inside this new hideout of theirs. "The Taskforce must have been studying the creatures keeping track of everything in this maze, until the creatures found the researchers and they were forced to abandon their work." He didn't want to think of how that encounter might have turned out, so he returned his focus to learning more about this place, and took to sifting through the papers left behind.

"These notes are in German. I can translate them easily enough if time permits." Edgeworth noted. "With any luck, they may hold clues to a way out of here."

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Margarita sighed in relief as the healing spells worked, but her relief was short-lived. Upon regaining consciousness, Lady Ubuyashiki confirmed that the Master was indeed in danger.

”Oh gods…” Margarita said with an audible crack in her voice, but she willed herself not to cry. As Tissaia de Vries used to say, 'Nothing is more pathetic than a sorceress in tears'. And in any event, this was no time for self-pity. Philippa had made her move, and now they would need each other's help.

"I know who threatens your master, but you will need more than swords to stop them." Margarita said, retreating to her quarters and returning with a small chest, which she opened and showed to Mitsuri. The chest contained an array of shackles, wristbands, hand grenades, and powders all made of a blue metal, as well as arrows with tips made of the same blue metal.

"The metal you see here is called dimeritium." Margarita explained. "It has unique properties that block all forms of magic. These are all common weapons used against the mages of my native world. The manacles are used to render mages powerless." Setting the chest down, Margarita picked up one of the dimeritium wristbands and put it on her left wrist, looking physically ill as she did so.

"Have each of your fellow Hashira put on one of these bands. The real Hashira would be unaffected, but if you see a reaction like this..." She held up her left wrist, which was now visibly burned with prominent black veins spreading from underneath the band. "...that person is a mage in disguise." Having made her point, she immediately tore off the band and put it back in the chest.

Just then, Squall noticed something in the distance and ran off.

"Squall? What is it?" Margarita asked, but he was too far ahead before she could get any answer.

Meanwhile, the voice of the sorceress Seifer had spoken to earlier spoke now in his mind.

"Seifer, slight change of plans. I've encountered a bit of a delay on my end." The sorceress said. "Find a safe patch of land to bury the samples I asked for, then mark each burial site with the name of the corresponding Hashira. I'll find them later and take over from there."


Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Ubuyashiki Residence
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

'Amane' turned her focus to Kagaya as he finally spoke, and her expression turned uncharacteristically sour, frowning with utter disdain.

"You finally speak up, and that's all you have to say? Pathetic." 'Amane' said, but in a completely different voice with a British-sounding accent. Briefly sneering at Kagaya, she quickly dropped the sneer as she looked back toward AU Zenitsu, more intently than before.

“As for you, who the hell do you think you are, speaking to me that way?” The false Amane snarled at AU Zenitsu, but then noted exactly where he was standing right now and got an idea.

“Perhaps you’d like to join us?!” The fake Amane said shrilly. With no other warning, she telekinetically pushed AU Zenitsu directly toward the portal. If he drew close enough to it, he would be able to see a large screen on the other side of the portal, connected via wires and tubes to a metal chair fitted with head, arm, and leg restraints.

“Move!” The fake Amane ordered. Abandoning all pretense, she pushed and dragged Kagaya much more roughly toward the portal, clearly not caring at all about the Master’s frail health.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Underground maze

Zenitsu looked around the lab. He felt safe but was abit worried. Edgeworth studied some notes. " S...Sure,we got all the time in the world right now,right?" Zenitsu said.
Wisteria gardens.
Amane and Mitsuri looked at the weapons brought by Margarita. "It's a like a Nichirin weapon,but against mages." Mitsuri replied. "I'll give it to them!"
"Indeed,this will be a great help."Amane replied.
Rinoa also noticed that Squall was going after someone. "I think I know why he's going. I've noticed someone nearby."

Hashira quarters.
Seifer had managed to get the samples of four Hashira. He was about to reach Shinobu's room when he received the message from the sorceress.
"Right...I'll go." Seifer replied as he headed for the forest. He'll get the remaining samples later. Squall followed him quietly.

Ubuyashiki residence
"HA! Got you impostor!!!' AU Zenitsu shouts poiting toward the fake Amane.
Before he could add anything,AU Zenitsu was being pushed toward the portal. He could see what was waiting for him on the other side.
Before he the Master could be sent inside the portal.

A familiar bare chested youth wearing a boar mask taclkes the impostor.
At the same time, a girl with a butterfly pin tied to her ponytail pushed the master and AU Zenitsu away from the portal.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

More flames. Was this all that Ifrit could do? This was really a disappointment. He could easily dodge the flames again, but this time he let the flames hit him. They were hotter than the spells on his world, but they still didn’t do that much damage to him. Walking through the flames he appeared on the other side unscathed.

“For something as big as you. You are weak.” Sephiroth said as he lifted his sword and pointed it at the creature. Yet his fun was interrupted by a voice that came from behind Ifrit.

“Quit playing around. If you are going to kill it, then do so. If not, you should get back to work. I hate being sent on these errands.” A man with black hair said as he was leaning against the door jam. He had his arms crossed and his eye closed.

“Why were you sent?”

“Because you were taking your own sweet time.”

“I do as I please. ‘He’ should know that.”

“I don’t care. Get this over with, and report back.”

“Are you giving me orders now?”

As the group made it through the halls. Fate had dispatched more than Twenty creatures along the way. It was still not enough for him, but it would at least sustain him long enough to not have an issue. Though he wouldn't be able to stay with the group long. Opening the door and looking into the lab he made sure nothing was in the room before letting the others in.

Sung had knottiest that the creatures that the young man was killing didn’t have any souls. Because when he passed them there was no black smoke that indicated he could add them to hi army. It made him think that the child was consuming the souls for some reason, and that is why he would need to leave them. It didn’t sit right with him so he figured since they had reached the room, he would ask about it.

Granted asking such a question would bring with it unnecessary complications. However, knowing someone’s abilities can mean finding their weakness. Not something he really needed to worry about though. Because he was the Shadow Monarch his abilities were not as easy to find weaknesses. As the others were looking around the room. Sung walked next to Fate and began. What he hoped would be a civil conversation.

“I have a question. Thous creatures that you killed. Why didn’t they have a soul?”

Fate was not going to stay long however before he could leave the man in black approached him and asked him a question that made him look at the man in surprise. How could he tell the creatures souls were not there? So, man, questions arise, but now was not the time to get the answered. Turning his would body you face the tall man Fate sighed slightly.

“They didn’t have souls because of my ability. It consumes souls to give me power.” Fate said in a matter-of-fact tone. “That is why. When I am like this, I can’t be around people too much. I have to satisfy my ability. If I don’t, I will kill anyone and anything because I lose my mind.”

Sung understood. Eventhough the young man never said what his ability was, he never asked how he knew. This must meant that he didn’t have a lot of time, and the creatures he killed were not enough.

“Okay. then go and do what you need to do. We will be here when you get back.” Sung said as Fate took this moment to turn around once more to leave. “I am sure we will have plenty of time for you to make those translations. We are safe for now.”


Ubuyashiki residence

Now more people were coming into the picture. It was becoming almost a free for all, but he still didn’t make himself known. If he did, then the new people that didn’t know him might attack him, and he would hast to have to kill them for a misunderstanding. So Pyo kept himself canceled for now and kept himself close to the Master. He would help the others if the needed t, but right now he was curious about what was going to happen next.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Edgeworth nodded and adjusted his glasses, promptly getting to work reading through the notes.

Nezuko, meanwhile, found herself a little corner of the room and shrank to toddler size as she fell asleep, taking the opportunity to regain some energy while she could.

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15


"I can't create a portal for you without knowing exactly where the destination is located. You would have to lead the way." Margarita explained to Mitsuri and Amane. "Rinoa, can you and Squall handle whoever it is you just saw?"


"You're gonna let that little pipsqueak fight for you? Lame..." Jirobo scoffed. Reaching down, he focused all of his chakra into the ground in preparation for his newest technique.

"Earth Style Barrier! Earth Dome Prison!"

A dome of boulders arose from the ground to try to engulf Jill and Gyomei.


Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Ubuyashiki Residence
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The false Amane was not at all prepared for the boar-headed youth. The sudden impact sent her flying, causing her to drop AU Zenitsu and lose her grip on Kagaya. She pushed back up and instinctively tried to reach for Kagaya again, but a girl with a butterfly hairpin beat her to it, knocking Zenitsu out of the portal and helping him pull the Master out of reach.

As the false Amane pushed back up, her disguise melted away to reveal a red-haired woman in a silk dress that revealed certain areas more than others. Her otherwise-beautiful face was now contorted into a look of vicious fury as she eyed the others. A sorceress of her caliber, thwarted by powerless children... the humiliation was more than she could bear.

With renewed intent, she turned her gaze directly to Kagaya.

"Hear me now, young Master!" The sorceress roared with rage. "I've tried to spare your Corps because a colleague of mine wished it so. But now my patience with your spoiled brats has reached its limit! You've seen the vision; you know what I can do to this place. And now you have a choice to make. Surrender yourself now, and I shall spare the lives of your precious children. Refuse, and I will make you watch as your worthless brats are slaughtered to a man! The choice is yours, young Master! Prove to me here and now how much you truly love your children!"
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Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Underground maze

Fortunatly for Clive,or unfortunatly, someone else arrived on the battlefirld and distracted the man. He took this as sn opportunity to revert back to his human self.
Fortunatly,he had fragements of the power of other Eikons inside of him,half taken from enemy dominants and the rest given to him by friends and allies including his own brother.

He focused. Light surounded him and dragon wings materialised on his back. He flew avove his enemy. He only targets Sephiroth for now. He unleashes multiple beams of light toward the swordman.
Zenitsu looked at Nezuko who was starting to rest. He was happy that she was okay.
Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria gardens
"R...Right!" Rinoa replied as she went after Squall
"We'll lead you." Amane replied. Amane leads the was followed by Mitsuri and Prompto.
Gyomei and Jill vs Jirobo

A blue aura surounds Jill as the boulders surounds her and Gyomei.
She focused.
"Diamond dust!"
She summons shards of ice which are sent flying at the boulders.
Gyomei coudn't see what was going on due to his blindnessbut he could hear it.
"Stone breathing...second form...Upper smash!" Gyomei swings the chain and throws the spiked ball attached to it toward the boulders.

Ubuyashiki residence

DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Kanao helped AU Zenitsu and Kagaya to get up. "Ha! I knew she was an impostor! The great lord Inosuke knows it!"
The revealed sorceress made her threats again.
"Do not listen to her!" AU Zenitsu said to Kagaya.
Kagaya raised a hand toward AU Zenitsu,telling him that he got this under control. He then faced Sabrina.
"I will not allow you to insult my children. They are not spoilled brats." He said with a calm tone. " I refuse to leave my children and allow you to make the Corps vulnerable."
AU Zenitsu noticed Mitsuri,the real Amane and Prompto coming to them. Prompto waved at him happilly.
"I am not affraid of your vision. We have allies who will put a stop to it." Kagaya added.
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Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Ubuyashiki Residence
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As Kagaya made his choice, the sorceress became icily calm. A sardonic chuckle left her lips at his mention of allies who would stop her.

"I look forward to seeing them try." The sorceress hissed. She disappeared in a flash of light, while the portal she had opened swiftly closed.

Shortly thereafter, the real Amane arrived on the scene with Mitsuri, Prompto, and Margarita. Seeing that Master Ubuyashiki was safe for now, Margarita dropped her gaze and knelt respectfully before the man. She owed a full explanation to him and to the rest of the Corps, who were sure to demand vengeance for this night.

"Master Ubuyashiki... I must humbly apologize to you for all that has transpired." Margarita began. "My name is Margarita Laux-Antille; I am a professor at the Utopian Academy of Magic. I don't know all of what's happened tonight, but I do know that I am partly to blame."

Margarita hesitated to continue, but only for a moment.

"It was I who named you as a target. As a means to control the Demon Slayer Corps."

She did not dare to look up or to face any of the demon slayers. They must all surely be furious at her by now, for betraying their beloved father-figure in such a manner.

"I have no right to ask your forgiveness. Whatever punishment I receive, I accept." Margarita continued. "All I ask is that my students be spared. They had no part in any of this. They are my children, just as the Corps are your children."
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