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Fandom Transgressions: Flight to Utopia [NOT ACCEPTING]

Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

Skipping for now

Taskforce Prison Facility Corridor

Sephiroth smirked a little as the demon seemed to be thinking of better times. He didn’t move again as he just cut the energy in half. The destructive force hitting the wall behind him. He was about to attack again, however a new opponent appeared and used flames to attack. Though the flames didn’t seem to be aimed at him. Rather they were aimed at the demon that was standing to his right. Deciding to ignore the newcomer. Sephiroth disappeared and reappeared behind Bahamut slashing down with his sword.


Taskforce Prison Facility Reachurch lab

Solomon was not expecting the new arrival, and he was a bit annoyed by it. The more people that arrived the more this man would need to take care of before he made his decision. He remained calm as he just listened to what was going on. The first matter of business would be Clive.

“That creature may obey you, but I doubt it thinks of you as its master. However, if you do have complete control over that power, you will find that you will become a target in this world.” Solomon said as he then turned to the two talking at the door. The conversation was intriguing. It seemed that this little group had found his collection room. It almost amused him greatly that someone found Shadow. He looked at the warrior bear behind the child and smiled. Shadow must be having fun fighting someone that can control something like that.

“Child, take your friends, and return to that man's side. By the time you get there the fight will be over, and you can take this Sung away. Even with the warriors he has at his disposal he will not be able to beat Shadow.” He said looking at the black creature behind the child. Smiling slightly.
He placed a hand on Edgeworth's’ shoulder. “And you have yet to answer my question, Miles.”


Royal airplane

Nothing to reply to.

Wisteria Gardens Ubuyashiki Mansion

Everything happened fast as more of the Herasha appeared and spoke to him and the master. Also, a crow appeared and spoke to the master telling him that Wright was on his way. With everything that had been happening Pyo almost forgot the reason he was here in the first place. He had been sent by the resistance to make a deal with Wright. Well, the deal mattered little to him. He may have been part of the resistance, but that was only because of what happened in the past. Staying as calm as he always is, he looked to the master.

“When will he be arriving?”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Underground maze

(Coming soon)

Underground maze
Research lab
"I am very aware of that." Clive replied to Solomon. " Though if my allies are slso in this world,then I have nothing to worry about." He added.
"Right...but I'm doing this for Edgewoth-sama,Nezuko-Chan and Sung-Sama!" Zenitsu shouts at Solomon.

Clive smiled. Zenitsu reminded him of his friend Gav for some reason.
"Nezuko,we should get going." Zenitsu told her.
Wisteria gardens
Ubuyashiki mansion.

"Do not worry. It won't take long before Mr Wright arrives." Kagaya replied. " According to my crow,he's nearby."
Taskforce Labyrinth
Research Lab
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Nezuko still didn't let Solomon out of her sight, but she complied nonetheless, continuing to keep an eye on Solomon until she and Zenitsu were gone.

Edgeworth pointedly waited until they were a fair distance away. Sung was a trustworthy ally. Edgeworth could trust that he would continue to watch over the two children in his absence. And Wright would surely understand if Edgeworth's decision here prevented him from making it back safely.

"I'm afraid you already know my answer, Solomon." Edgeworth said calmly to Solomon. "With all due respect, I have little to no reason to trust that your intentions are good. And from what you just told Zenitsu, it was you who summoned the enemy that Sung is now facing. Under these highly suspicious circumstances, I cannot in good conscience agree to become your subordinate."

Taskforce Labyrinth
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Akaza stopped in his tracks for a moment. Bahamut hadn't used his wings defensively before, and it wasn't something Akaza had accounted for with his first Technique Development. A bit more analysis was in order...

But that thought was instantly forgotten when another combatant entered the fray. Akaza stared wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the figure, so stunned that he almost forgot to dodge the figure's vertical sword strike. The sword ended up severing half of Akaza's left forearm, which the Upper Moon swiftly regenerated.

"That cape! That hair! That technique!" Akaza gasped. "Can it be?"

Upper Moon 3's breath caught in his throat. Had fortune really been so generous as to grant him a second chance?

"Is that really you, Kyojuro?"


The sisters had paused in their attacks, circling Luna in search of even the slightest crack in her protective barrier.

"As long as we're all stuck here, we may as well introduce ourselves." The blonde mused to Luna. "I'm Bela, and these two are Cassandra and Daniela." Bela motioned to the brunette and the redhead respectively.

During Bela's introduction, however, a new figure arrived on the scene. Daniela's eye started to wander toward the new figure, but a stern clearing of Bela's throat prompted her to focus back on the task at hand.

Wisteria Gardens
Outside Ubuyashiki Mansion
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

”Nezuko forgave them a while ago. She and the rest of my family would want me to show mercy. For that reason alone, I’ve been holding back this whole time.” AU Tanjiro replied. “Lady Sheala said I should just take revenge and be done with it, but that’s not what Nezuko would’ve wanted. That’s why I tried to give them every possible benefit of the doubt. But instead… you saw how they treated us in there! They ignored your suffering, humiliated me and the judge, treated me like an enemy, treated this whole trial like a joke... and they call THAT ‘sincere and worried’? No thanks.”

AU Tanjiro stopped at that, forcing himself to calm down for the sake of his friend and counterpart. They had already been overwhelmed enough for one night, and now he was making it worse. With a sad sigh, AU Tanjiro tried to find something more positive to focus on.

”Only Rengoku-san showed any meaningful remorse earlier, when he offered to take Shinazugawa-san’s punishment for him. But that was after he already knew who I was, and he knows I wouldn’t agree to something so blatantly unfair. If I still had my mask on, would he still have been so willing to make amends? Would ANY of them even have bothered in the first place? At this rate, we may never know.”

He watched silently as Mr. Wright was promptly escorted in.

Wisteria Gardens
Ubuyashiki Mansion
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Upon being allowed inside, Phoenix Wright followed behind his escort and bowed respectfully to everyone present. He felt an unusual tension in the air and instinctively fell silent, waiting for someone else to speak first. Was something wrong? Did this have something to do with the Resistance's visit?

For now Wright could only wait and see, his focus mainly on the only unfamiliar face in the room. That must be the representative of the Resistance who came looking for him.

Wisteria Gardens
Magical Tent
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The king watched the pair in complete silence, but the dark circles around his golden eyes belied a subtle, calculating stare.

"This whelp is smarter than he looks." Philippa's voice spoke telepathically into the mind of the false Sanemi. "He's not yet convinced that you're really his brother. And there isn't much I can do with that damn pendant around his neck. You'll have to keep up the act a bit longer, until one of us finds an opening."

Kingsglaive HQ
Holding Cells
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"I've nothing left to try, so you needn't worry." Sabrina casually replied. She left it at that for now, not knowing how much this little girl knew or didn't know of the Lodge of Sorceresses.

"I am indeed Sabrina Glevissig of Ard Carraigh. Former advisor to King Henselt of Kaedwen, True Daughter of the Kaedweni Wilderness… useless titles, I know, but it’s only polite to give you a proper introduction.”

She let herself relax a bit more. There was no telling how long this interrogation might take, or what it might entail. In fact, having a woman as her interrogator did negate some of her most reliable advantages in situations like these. But a bit of conversation to pass the time might not be so bad.

”Seeing as this is an interrogation, I suppose I could offer you this." Sabrina turned her gaze to face Lightning. "Poor Ubuyashiki can’t see the gold mine he’s sitting on. Even the weakest demon slayers far surpass any ordinary soldier. Just one Hashira is worth a thousand of the finest knights on the Continent. You think we’re the only ones in this world who want that gold? If we don’t take it, someone else surely will. At least we would have used it wisely.”

Kingsglaive HQ
Private Rooms
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

”Most important right now is to examine her thoroughly. Internal damage is not uncommon in cases of artefact compression.” Keira said, maintaining a calm professionalism. “Beyond that… we’ll just have to wait and see.”

”Rinoa…” Margarita croaked weakly as soon as she had regained some strength. “Where’s Rinoa?”
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Taskforce labyrinth
Research lab
Zenitsu waited till Nezuko was on the bear's back with him. He noticed that she coudn't keep her eyes off Solomon until they were away. He could even hear mistrust from her. "I don't him either. I just hope Edgeworth-sama will be okay. For now,we have to find Sung."

Taskforce Labyrinth

The mysterious masked warrior faced Akaza. "Perhaps,perhaps not." He replied,his voice modified by the mask. " I can't let you take innocent lives Akaza." He added,raising his Nichirin sword. The figure could sence Daniela's presence and hid his nervousness while focusing on Akaza.

Bahamut used the opportunity he had to defend himself by charging another attack,though this one wasn't for Akaza and Sephiroth. The dragon Eikon aimed for the vampire sister.
Meanwhile, with Luna.

She tried to maintain the barrier. She could sence Bahamut's attack aimed at the vampire sisters.
Outside Ubuyashiki mansion.
"Yeah...though I could hear sound of mistrust and confusion among few of them." AU Zenitsu replied. Despite not liking that his friend was tricked into holding a grudge against the Corps,he was still releaved that AU Tanjiro was mostly himself.
"Yeah...I guess we may never know. Though Uzui and Himejima both have sharp senses of hearing like me." AU Zenitsu added.
Tanjiro still looked toward his variant with worry.
Ubuyashiki mansion.

A small drone which looked like a mechanical flew to the mansion and lands near the master. It's eyes glew and started to show a projection of an injured Obanai Iguro.
"Obanai! You made it. Well....sort of...." Mitsuri said cheerfully.
"It was the only way. The Kingsglaive provided us with technology to allow me to be present despite not being able to." Obanai replied through the hologram.
Wisteria gardens
Magical tent
"I got everything under control. You don't have to worry." the fake Sanemi mentally told Phillipa. " Speak up, Nemi,what's this all about?" Genya asked.
"Why,I thought I told you in that letter I've sent you." "Sanemi" replied. " I have to commit Seppuku and don't have much time. The honor of the Corps depends on it." He added,smilling.
He puts an hand on Genya's left shoulder. "I can't leave this eorld without making amends with you." He looked at Genya. "Will you forgive your big brother?"
"No,this isn't right..." Genya muttered. " What's wrong Genya?" Sanemi asked.
Genya brought out his gun and shot the fake Sanemi.
"You're not my brother. You're not Nemi!"

Kingsglaive hq
"I was a soldier myself,so I know ehat it's like,thank you very much." Lightning replied dryly. " Plus I was a gods champion. In both case,I was a pawn. The Demon Slayer Corps are no one's pawns. Not even your superior's.
"Ms Heartilly is waiting in the mess hall. " Lulu replied. " She was extremly worried about you."
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Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

The battle between Sung and Shadow was intense. The walls were covered in deep cuts, and there was blood splattered on the walls and floor. Sung had decided not to release his power. If he had all of the items he had on his inventory would have disappeared, and there were many things in it he just couldn’t lose at the moment. He was breathing hard as he looked at the young man he had been fighting.

He had several lacerations that were bleeding, however that man didn't have a single injury. This fight was getting him nowhere, and he didn't want to call any of his shadows to help him fight. He didn't want to lose any more of his army to this man.

Shadow was getting ready to attack once again. However, he stopped and turned his back to Sung. Walking back to the door he was supposed to be protecting.

“You are free to go.” He said as the shadow bear appeared around the corner. “You have been forgiven. So, leave, and don't show your face here again. If you do, I won't hesitate to rid this labyrinth of your presence.”


Taskforce Prison Facility Corridor

Growing tired of being ignored Sephiroth decided that he was done playing around with this creature. He stood behind the dragon and placed his sword horizontally to his side as he raised a hand into the sky. Red flames surrounded his hand as he slowly brought it down. Once he was at chest level a fireball appeared in his hand. He threw it at the dragon. It may have been small, but it was as powerful as the summon of fire’s attack.

As soon as this attack was sent he followed by slashing his sword I. The dragons direction sending a couple of wind blades at the dragon as well.


Taskforce Prison Facility Reachurch lab

The smile disappeared from Solomon's face as Edgeworth spoke about how Sung was fighting Shadow, and how he was the one who summoned him. It seemed that this man never intended to willingly join him. It seemed he was sacrificing himself in order to save the children. Shaking his head he stood up, his smile returning to his lips.

“I had no interest in those children, more so I have any interest in the one fighting Shadow. At least for the moment. You were the main goal in all of this. So, I don't mind if you try and sacrifice yourself for the children.” Solomon said as he began to approach Edgeworth. Once he stepped next to the man he placed a hand on his shoulder.

“I guess you are as stubborn as Wright. I would have thought you were smarter than that. Though it doesn't matter. As for Shadow, he is tasked with protecting something. He would only attack those that got too close to what he was assigned to protect. That is the only reason he is fighting that man.” Solomon said as he released the man's shoulder and waved his hand in the direction of the only exit. A dark portal appeared in the doorway. Leaving no way out except through the door.

“I am sure ‘he’ will enjoy some company. Shall we get going now? Or are you wanting to be taken by force? The choice is yours.”


Royal airplane

Nothing to reply to.


Wisteria Gardens Ubuyashiki Mansion

It didn't take long for the rest of the Herasha to appear. Though one had appeared in the form of a hologram he was still present. Pyo knew that the trial would soon commence. He really wanted to get this over, but when he was told Wright was almost there, and then the man appeared it made this whole situation more complicated.

Sighing he looked at the man that was looking straight at him. Everything was happening all at once. Taking the initiative he looked at the master. “I am going to need a moment with Wright. Then we can get this all started. I will take Wright to the next room.” He said as he then approached Wright. “We need to talk.” Pyo said as he pointed to the next room. Indicating for Wright to follow him as he began to walk to the room.

Once they were in the next room Pyo sighed once more as he looked at Wright. “My name is Pyo. I am from the resistance. I came here to make a proposal to you. Though we will need to have our meeting at another time. A trial is about to begin, and I am going to pass judgment in this trial. So, I will have to discuss our proposal after. I do apologize for the inconvenience of having to wait, but a lot has happened, and now to keep the Harasha and their master from being destroyed I will have to participate in their trial to see who is guilty or not. I do hope for your understanding In the matter.” Pyo said a little out of character. He just wanted to get this over with.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Zenitsu watched as Sung was injured. "Sung!!!" Zenitsu cried. He climbed off of the bear's back to help Sung and get him on the bear's back.
"Nezuko-Chan! We need to get Mr Sung out of here!"

Before he could unleash his next attack,Bahamut was caught off guard by Sephiroth's attacks,getting hit by both of his attacks. Dion underestimated the silver haired man. He was just as powerful as a dominant,yet he wasn't one. He had to keep his guard up.
"What are you?" Dion's mental voice asked Sephiroth.
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Taskforce Labyrinth
Research Lab
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Despite the circumstances, Edgeworth remained as composed as he could. Nezuko and Zenitsu left to find Sung, and Edgeworth had to trust that they could make it on their own. The two children would be safer with Sung right now than here with him. Edgeworth could not bring himself to let two children risk their lives for him, but he could trust them to reach Sung and hopefully get help in time.

Gauging Clive's reaction to all that unfolded, Edgeworth could see that Clive had no intention of leaving him behind. Edgeworth was both grateful and worried for that. He was not naïve enough to assume he could escape Solomon on his own, but he didn't know much about Clive either, or whether Clive would escape alive if Solomon seriously turned his attention toward the man.

Edgeworth couldn't offer any direct aid in whatever fight was to come, but there may be another way...

"'He'? So you have other prisoners as well?" Edgeworth asked Solomon.

Taskforce Labyrinth
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

With the swordsman’s words, Akaza’s excitement cooled, his expression almost unreadable as he studied the figure more closely.

“You’re not Kyojuro, but you are someone closely connected to him. A relative, perhaps.” Akaza deduced. “The resemblance is uncanny, your Breathing Style is the same... even your fighting spirit almost matches Kyojuro's. Almost, but not quite. It doesn’t matter. Your destiny is clear regardless.”

The Upper Moon lifted a hand to his heart, clenching it into a fist.

”In all these centuries, my deepest regret is letting Kyojuro go to waste.” Akaza started to lament. “He was the first and only Hashira to make me truly fear for my life... but that stubborn attachment to his humanity was his one fatal weakness. I tried to warn him. I even held back as much as I could, just to give him a fair chance. He and I both knew his only hope of winning was to become a demon. But he insisted on fighting me as a human, even if it meant slowly torturing himself to death at my hands. Now that strong, youthful body is just a pile of ashes buried somewhere. That indomitable fighting spirit, unlike any I've ever faced before or since, is extinguished forever. All just to save a few worthless weaklings destined to die anyway! It disgusts me to even think about it!”

He put his hand down and looked at the swordsman once more.

”After our battle, I vowed that if by some miracle Kyojuro returned, I would not let him go to waste again. And now here you are: a living remnant of the man he was.” Akaza growled, dead serious determination in his voice. “And I WILL keep my vow. I’m going to capture you alive and present you to Lord Muzan. If you try to kill yourself, I'll force-feed you just enough of my blood to keep you alive. And if Lord Muzan accepts you, you WILL become a demon whether you like it or not!”


Daniela's eyes couldn't help but wander toward the new swordsman, making her the first to notice Bahamut's next energy attack being aimed at her and her sisters.

"Incoming!!" Daniela shrieked, her body dispersing into flies to avoid the blast. Her sisters had no choice but to follow suit, giving Luna at least a moment of rest.

Wisteria Gardens
Ubuyashiki Mansion
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

"A trial?" Wright's eyes widened in shock, then instinctively turned back toward the courtyard outside. Why was a member of the Resistance judging a trial involving the Demon Slayer Corps? And just what was this case all about anyway?

"Well... I was a defense attorney back in my world. Maybe I could help somehow." Wright offered. He wasn't entirely sure what he could do to help yet, but something told him he had to try.

"For starters, maybe you could tell me more about this case?"

Wisteria Gardens
Outside Ubuyashiki Mansion
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"That's true. I tried to hide my voice, but you still recognized me, so they probably would've recognized me too." AU Tanjiro sighed and looked down, despair and resignation in his sound/scent now.

"Lady Sheala was right. She kept warning me to stop holding back and just get it over with. That trying to find any good in those psychopaths was pointless." AU Tanjiro turned tense again, his blank-eyed expression almost reminiscent of an amnesiac Muichiro.

"I need to get back." AU Tanjiro said in a very flat tone. "It's time to end this."

Wisteria Gardens
Magical Tent
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The moment Genya aimed his gun at 'Sanemi', the king made his move as well. While Genya was shooting at the impostor, the king moved to stab Genya from behind with a sedative-laced dagger, at the same time reaching to grab Genya's pendant from behind and pull it off.

"Hold him; I'll see to the rest." Philippa's telepathic voice told the impostor.

Kingsglaive HQ
Holding Cells
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"That's all the worse for the Corps." Sabrina retorted. "At least pawns are worth keeping alive, as long as they're useful. But in refusing to be pawns, the demon slayers have become a threat. Rulers despise threats more than anything else."

Sabrina sat up a bit more straight, focusing more intently on Lightning.

"The Corps' alliance with Utopia shields them for now, but only in that Utopia currently holds the deed to the gold mine. But how much longer can they hold onto it, I wonder?"

Kingsglaive HQ
Private Rooms
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Margarita sank back in relief that her protégée was alright. It would be some time before her strength could fully recover, but there was no telling what else may have happened while she was compressed.

"You've... made your choice then?" Keira asked. It didn't take long for Margarita to understand what she was referring to.

"I have. And I don't regret it." Margarita said. She did not fail to notice the hint of sadness, or maybe concern, beneath Keira's professional exterior.

"I confessed to Master Ubuyashiki what I'd done: naming him as a target for the Lodge." Margarita continued, eliciting a gasp from Keira. "My students might have been suspected had I not confessed, and I couldn't allow that."

"Not to worry." Keira interjected. "I've already secured a pardon for you from the king. They can't touch you now."

"Thank you for that, Keira. But as it turns out..." Margarita met Keira's gaze. "The Master never blamed me at all. He asked only for the information he needed to protect his children. Even his wife, Lady Kanroji, and the others present all insisted I was not to blame. They accepted me as an ally, in spite of everything."

There was a long pause between them.

"That easily?" Keira asked, her tone much softer than normal.

"That easily." Margarita echoed. "And that's when I realized. Utopia is everything the Lodge sought to build in our world, yet it defies every political norm the Lodge has ever known. This was the Lodge's chance to embrace the very future it claims to fight for, but Philippa threw it all away simply because the Lodge couldn't control it. I could not in good conscience follow her down that path."

Another long pause followed. Keira's eyes started to wander toward the exit, her expression becoming more thoughtful before she turned back to Margarita.

"You know..." Keira started to say. "Before we returned to Singapore, there was some talk among the king's staff about either reforming the Lodge... or creating a new Lodge."
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Underground maze
The masked swordman removed his fox mask. He looked alot like Kyojuro,but his expresions were of sadness and fear. He frowned as he looked at Akaza.
"You're right. I'm not Kyojuro and I'm not pretending to be him. My name is Senjuro Rengoku. Kyojuro was my older brother. At first,I didn't want to become a demon slayer as I felt that I wasn't strong enough,but Tanjiro Kamado motivated me and started to train...until I joined the Corps and became the new flame hashira." He raised his sword.
"Akaza...you murdered my older brother. I cannot forgive you. I know why Kyojuro refused your offer to become a demon. He prefered to die as human then live longer and make anyone else suffer as a demon." He raised his sword.
"Like him, I refuse to become a demon! Accepting would tarnish his memory! As the new flame hashira it is my duty to stop you!" AU Senjuro shouts.

Meanwhile,Luna kept her barrier up as she watched what was going on.

Outside Ubuyashiki mansion

AU Zenitsu and Tanjiro looked worried as they saw AU Tanjiro like this
"I don't regonise you my friend..." AU Zenitsu said in a sad tone. "The Tanjiro I know would never say such things. It's like you became Muzan Kibutsuji himself. What would Nezuko say?" He then turned to Prime Tanjiro.
"Come on,I need yo go back to my quarters and pack.
Tanjiro nods before looking at his older variant with a sad look. Both headed back to the HQ's quarters.
Wisteria gardens
Magical tent
"You don't have to tell me twice." The impostor said.
Genya felt to his knees and he was stabbed.
He looked toward the fake Sanemi who kneed in front of him and looked at him with a twisted smile.
Black blood was coming from his woulds.
"You might found out that this was a trap..." the fake Sanemi said. His voice changed to an different accented voice. "Howrever,you still fell into our trap none the less."
"Who...who are you? Are you one of Muzan's demons?" Genya asked.
"Of course not!" The fake Sanemi said,laughing. He slowly changed back to his true form. Genya glared at the red haired man dressed in an odd outfit and fedora hat.
"We are allies though. What did you think of my little performence?"
"You jerk! How dare you passed yourself as Nemi to lure me in? What do you intent to do with me?!" Genya shouts.
"Oh,you will have a big role in this. You will serve as exchange for the Demon Slayer Corps."
Kingsglaive HQ
Interogation room.
"Be careful with what you say..." Lightning said with a venomous tone. "As a former soldier,I've dealed with nutcase like you in the past. The Corps are not your proprety,you got that? If do not cooporate,a fellow Kingsglaive of mine will force you. He's got the power to do so."
Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Tanjiro led AU Zenitsu to his quarters.
"Will you be alright? I know it might be hard for your Tanjiro, but there might be a chsnce to save him." Tanjiro told him.
AU Zenitsu looked at him and smiled. "I'm sure there is..." There was a scent of secerity.."Wait for me here." He told Tanjiro before closing the door.
Tanjiro waited for him outside. Ten minutes later,Tanjiro decided to check on AU Zenitsu. Surpringly,the door wasn't locked. When he opened the door, Tanjiro noticed that AU Zenitsu was gone...though the window was opened.
What was he doing.
"Excuse me?" He heard a voice calling him. Tanjiro turned to come face to face with a young man brown hair wearing classes and a uniform belongning to the King's own Corps,the Kingsglaive. " I was looking for a way to the Ubuyashiki mansion.
"You're from the king's guards,right?" Tanjiro asked.
"Yes,the Kingsglaive. " the young man said. " My name is Marcus Blitson."
Tanjiro could still get a familiar scent coming from the man.
"Your scent...no,that can't be you."
Marcus smiled. "I guess your nose got through it,huh?" He said. He removed his glasses and pulled his face off. Tanjiro understood that it was a mask. The man,Marcus,revealed himself to be AU Zenitsu.
"Marcus Blitson is only a disguise,a alter ego the king created for me to join the Kingsglaive. When I arrived here,the kinglaive found me snd brought me to Noctis who wanted to talk with Ubuyashiki so I could join your version of the Demon Slayer Corps. I refused,fearing to be rejected because I'm a variant of your world's Zenitsu." AU Zenitsu explained. "So I join the Kingsglaive under a fake identity. "
"Who cares if you're a variant of Zenitsu. You are you. Master Ubuyashiki still acepted you,right?" Tanjiro said.
"He did. We still have to save your world's Zenitsu." AU Zenitsu said beforw putting his madk amd glasses back on. "But first,we need to save the Hashira." Tanjiro nodded to him. They both headed back to the mansion.
"Are you not worried the other me will smell through your disguise?" Tanjiro asked."I'm sure he will." Marcus said. "I just hope I csn trust him not to tell the sorcereses about it."
Ubuyashiki mansion.
After a few minutes,Tanjiro and Marcus(AU Zenitsu arrived to the mansion."I came across this distressed young man who told me about this trial going in,so I escorted him here." Marcus lied. "Yeah,the other Zenitsu had left. He had other matters to attend to." Tanjiro added,playing along. Tengen who already knew about Marcus being AU Zenitsu kept hid mouth shut.
Marcus was looking around for AU Tanjiro. "If you're here,I hope you'll forgive me for what I said. It's the sorceresses who brainwashed you." he whispered.
Underground maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
"What makes you think that Sir Edgeworth wants to follow you?" Clive asked.glaring toward Solomon. " He is not your prisonner Taskforce scum."

Kingsglaive HQ
Private rooms
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
"Pardon me,did you say,creating a new lodge?" A female voice asked. Yuna went to see Krira and Margarita. "Yuna,I see that General Leonis sended you here." Lulu replied as she joined the others.
"Yes,the king has enough guards for now." Yuna replied. "Sorry for asking this. If you are making a new versionof the Lodge,free of corruption,I would be honored to join. I'm a summoner but I also have experience
in magic."

"I might be joining as well. My talents in voodoo magic might prove useful." Lulu replied.
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Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

Sung was surprised that the man named Shadow was letting him go. He figured that he would have to reveal his true power in order to escape. However, that didn’t happen, and worst of all Tank returned with not only Zenitsu, but the young woman as well. Why would Tank go against his order? Unless something happened, or there was a strong foe that it couldn't defeat.

Now he was worried. He picked himself up and looked at the back of the cloaked man as he left. He needed to leave, but at the same time he wanted to know more about what was being protected by the person. However, Edgeworth was more important.

Sung was helped to the bear and once they were on the shadow back the bear began to step backwards. “What happened?” Sung asked as the Shadow walked backwards not turning his back to Shadow.

Taskforce Prison Facility Corridor

Sephiroth chuckled at the dragon as it asked what he was. A simple question with such a difficult answer. It would take way too long to try and tell this simple minded mortal what he was. So, he just smiled, his eyes showing a green glow in the light.

“I already told you I am a soldier, but I am so much more.” Sephiroth said as he raised his sword once more, using the sword to send another wave of energy at the dragon. “I am not someone that you can defeat. So, just surrender, and become a good little lab rat. Before I lose my interest.”

Taskforce Prison Facility Reachurch lab

Solomon forgot about the man that was housing the power of another. That man was becoming a slight annoyance, as he kept trying to stick his nose in others business. He gave a slight sigh at what the man said and then turned his attention to him. His tone was light, but he looked down on the Dominant.

“Such big words coming from a bug. Do you think that you have a means to back up your words? You are nothing to me, and that thing inside of you is no match as well. So, keep your opinions to yourself and stay out of this. That is unless you would like to see if you can beat me. In which case I think Edgeworth wouldn’t survive. He is just human after all.” Solomon said as he looked away from the warrior. He then looked to Edgeworth, as his demeanor changed back to normal.

“You can think of them as prisoners. I prefer to call them a part of my collection.” Solomon said as he just smiled slightly. “I already told you I am a collector of sorts; you are the one that didn’t ask what my collection contained. So, you really shouldn’t be surprised.” Solomon said as he waved his hand. “I will ask once more. Are you going to come of your own free will, or are you going to need some persuasion?”


Royal airplane

Nothing to reply to.

Wisteria Gardens Ubuyashiki Mansion

Pyo looked at Wright as the man spoke of being something called an attorney. He didn’t know what that was but if it could help in this situation then he was more than willing to accept his help.

“If you think that you can help, I would gladly appreciate the help.” Pyo said as he nodded his head. “My justice is quite a bit different than this. So, this is all new to me.”
Taskforce Labyrinth
Research Lab
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

"I had my suspicions." Edgeworth said to Solomon, pointedly avoiding looking at Clive. He had hoped to divert Solomon's attention away from Clive, but Clive had spoken up before that idea could come to fruition. But even if he couldn't distract Solomon, perhaps he could at least stall for time.

"Then am I to understand that you mean to add me to your collection?" Edgeworth asked. He and Solomon both knew the answer to that, but every second counted in situations like these. "Though I must ask, what exactly makes me such a special prize to you? Or Wright, for that matter? Surely two ordinary humans would be of no interest to a collector like yourself."

Taskforce Labyrinth
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

"Weren't you listening, Senjuro?" Akaza growled, not quite managing to smile. "Only Lord Muzan gets to make that choice now! Not you, and definitely not your brother! If Lord Muzan approves, I'll have you turned by force if I have to!"

He once again assumed his Technique Development stance, analyzing Senjuro's every move. After a moment, an almost psychotic smile crept onto his face.

"I'm going to do to you what I should have done to your brother. You and I both know you can't stop me. If you try to run, I'm more than fast enough to catch you. If you try to kill yourself, I'll still catch up to you in time. And even if you do mortally wound yourself, I'll just force my blood down your throat: just enough to keep you alive. So do us both a favor and just give up."

Just then, however, one of the Dimitrescu daughters spoke up from the side.



Daniela stared wide-eyed at Senjuro, but then a wide smile nearly split her face in two. But her sisters were not quite so pleased to see him.

"What's HE doing here?!" Cassandra shrieked.

"Lord Akaza! He's one of ours!" Bela cut in. "Daniela probably-."

"How much for him?" Akaza interrupted. He was no longer in his Technique Development stance, but he still did not let Senjuro out of his sight.

"What?" Bela asked, caught completely off-guard.

"I'd like to ask Lord Muzan's permission to add him to our ranks." Akaza insisted. "Tell your mother to name her price. I'll even capture another Hashira to take his place, if that's what it takes. And if Lord Muzan refuses him, we can always just give him back to you."

Wisteria Gardens
Ubuyashiki Mansion - Side Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

"Well a lot of it will depend on the people and places involved in the case. But in my personal experience, the general format of a trial depends on whether it's a civil case or a criminal case." Wright started to explain. He didn't know enough about this case to know if he was 100% right about this, but he couldn't in good conscience do nothing while the Corps was caught up in some kind of legal matter.

"In a civil case, two parties have a dispute over something, but there's no crime involved on either side. In that case, both parties go to trial, where the judge - that's you - would listen to both sides and resolve the dispute in accordance with the law. Both parties also have the right to an attorney to represent them in the dispute." Wright said.

"Criminal cases are where someone is being accused of a crime. In that case, the government - or whoever has authority - brings the accused to trial and appoints a prosecutor to present the case against the accused. On the other hand, the accused has the right to a defense attorney - like me - to defend them at the trial. The judge still listens to both sides and delivers a verdict in the end, but this time the judge finds the accused either Guilty or Not Guilty, depending on whether or not there is any reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the crime. A Not Guilty verdict for any charge means the accused is officially cleared of that charge, while a Guilty verdict means the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and must be punished in accordance with the law. If the accused is found Not Guilty of every single charge against them, the accused is free to go."

Wright paused for a moment to let Pyo absorb all of that.

"Does that help?" Wright asked. "And actually, if it's alright with you, I'd like to take this case on behalf of the Corps. I would just need some time to talk to the specific parties involved and learn more about the case before the trial starts."

Wisteria Gardens
Outside Ubuyashiki Mansion
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15


Wisteria Gardens
Magical Tent
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"That was a bit premature, but I suppose it couldn't be helped." The king said to the false Sanemi. "Bind him and leave the rest to me."

While the false Sanemi was doing so, the king spoke to Genya next.

"There was some truth in that letter you received." The king started to explain. "Your 'Nemi' has indeed soiled the honor of your Corps, and especially that of his Master and his fellow Hashira. And his crime does indeed warrant no less than a final atonement from all of them. But he has no intention of atoning for anything at all. And sadly the rest of it was completely made up... but was it really a lie? You're going to help us find out."

The king took out a handkerchief and cleaned the dagger, then placed the handkerchief in a vial.

"Will you be staying for dinner?" The king casually asked the fake Sanemi. "We've a feast planned for precisely this occasion."

Kingsglaive HQ
Holding Cells
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"I never said they were. Only that kings don't like what they can't control. Especially people. Such is the nature of politics." Sabrina said. "But clearly you know that all too well already. So, what else would you ask of me? Though I doubt I know anything you don't already know of."

Kingsglaive HQ
Private Rooms
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

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Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Underground maze
"Edgeworth-sama and Rosfield sama sent the both of us to get you so the three of us can get out of here." Zenitsu replied. "They're facing a dangerous man. I could hear many powerful sounds coming from him."
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Clive glared toward Solomon. "I will not let you take him. I don't care about that "collection" of yours."
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Taskforce prison facility coridor
"I refuse to become a lab rat to this psychopath!" Bahamut/Dion cried mentally He flapped his wings in order to blow Sephiroth away.

Meanwhile,Senjuro looked paralysed. He tried to be brave but he was scared. Now only he was facing Upper Moon 3,who killed his brother and threatened him to turn him into a demon but the sisters were here too.

Luna watched this. "I have to do something." she said.
Wisteria gardens
Ubuyashiki mansion
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Marcus went to see AU Tanjiro. Tanjiro only watched what was going on. "Excuse me. I suppose this is your trial,right?" Marcus asked AU Tanjiro.

DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Wisteria gardens
Magical tent.
"I suppose I can join." Ardyn replied,while still under the form of Sanemi."Though this form might not be sutable IF we going to contact the hashira,I might need to take another form...one that will affect young Tanjiro."
Genya glares toward the king and the imposter.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Kingsglaive HQ
Holding cells
"You're right. I know too much about rules and politics."Lightning replied."Though I will ask you this. Your superiors. The Lodge. Where are they hiding?" she asked. " If you don't answer,well,a fellow Kingsglsive should be here shortly. He will make you answer."
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Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

Listening to what was being told to him Sung didn’t know who that man was, but he could tell he was strong enough that his shadow at the door was too afraid to attack him. He knew the man was strong, but he had made a promise to Wright to get his friend out of this place safely. He knew what he needed to do.

“Tank, take these children to a safe place. Keep them safe no matter what. I have to go and get Edgeworth.” Sung said as the bear kept walking it nodded its head, and didn’t stop making its way through the labyrinth.

“You two stay with Tank. He will keep you safe.” Sung said as he was about to use his ability to switch places with his shadow.

Taskforce Prison Facility Reachurch lab

A small chuckle left Solomon’s lips as Edgeworth was asking some interesting questions. Though it was easy to tell that the man was ot only curious but was possibly stalling for time for Sung and the others to return. Not caring if more people join them. He could crush them like the ants they were. So, he didn’t mind answering the questions, but he better not think that stalling for time would make him change his mind.

“I am interested in adding someone like you to my collection. You may be nothing more than a powerless human that has little use, but that doesn't mean that you have no value. Your value lies in your unique ability to discern the truth. You and Wright have a knack for that. That is why I want to add you to my collection. Though, Wright is a little too noisy. I would have to sow his mouth shut.” Solmon said as he just smiled.

He then clicked his tongue as he then looked to Clive as he spoke once more. This man was starting to get on his nerves. He had no say in the matter, but he seemed to think that he had the power to actually stop him from his goal. “You should learn to mind your own business. You are not able to stop me. If you want to try…” Solomon said as he waved his hand aa another portal appeared on the wall next to him. Two figures came out of the portal.

The first was a man with wild black hair, bright red eyes, and in a servant's outfit. The second was a man with long blond hair, golden eyes that looked glassed over, and wearing old Victorian clothing. A sword floating by his side. Each of the men stopped next to Solomon.

“It is not often you call on me. What is it that you want?” the man with black hair said as he turned his red eyes to the other two in the room. He shook his head as he turned his attention back to Solomon. The other man didn’t move or speak. It was like his mind was in a daze, and he only waited for Solomon to speak.

“Alucard, go and play with that man in the armor. As for you Sabastian. I want you to make sure that the human in front of you is not allowed to come to harm. "Solomon said as Sebastian looked to Edgeworth. A blank expression on his face. “Such a bothersome task.” He said as he walked over to Edgeworth grabbing his arm and pulling him closer to the portal. “Keep on your best behavior.” He said as he stopped next to Solomon turning Edgeworth to see the fight.

Alucard on the other hand turned to face Clive, his sword flying into his hand as he slowly walked to the man. His face was a blank canvas with no emotions. Then suddenly he disappeared and reappeared behind Clive bringing down his sword on the man.

Taskforce Prison Facility Corridor

The dragon tried to use his wings to create a gale strong enough to blow Sephiroth away from him, but the attempt was for nought. It didn’t affect the soldier whatsoever. Looking at the desperation of the dragon he could only smirk. It reminded him of how Cloud was so desperate to try and kill him all those years ago. Chuckling slightly as a smirk formed on his lips. He raised his hand and energy crackled around it. Bringing down his hand a bolt of lightning descended upon Bahamut.

Royal airplane

Nothing to reply to.

Wisteria Gardens Ubuyashiki Mansion

Pyo didn’t understand most of what Weight was talking about since in his world people usually took care of their grudges on their own. They were either strong enough to win, or they suffered defeat and with that their lives. However, he understood enough to get the jest of the situation. Nodding his head at Wright he sighed. He was yet again dragged into another's mess. Yet like always it was his decision.

“That should be plenty. I would appreciate the help in this matter. As for understanding what was going on. I doubt the young man who is looking for justice will give you time to prepare. He wants his revenge. Though, to tell the truth, me and some of the others believe he has been brainwashed, or maybe under some kind of spell.”


Wisteria gardens
Magical tent

“Are you sure that their premonition was right?” a young man with black hair and a mask said as he looked at the trees that surrounded them. “There is nothing here.”

“Have faith. They have never been wrong.” a blonde man said as he held his staff in his hand. He could feel the magical energies in the area and knew what they had said to be right. Though, if they were right about the situation, that was a completely different story.

“He should arrive soon.” The blond said as a man walked into view. “See, there is the man. Now let's go.” He said as he walked down to the man. “Hello, are you Geralt of Rivia?”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Taskforce prison facility
Underground maze
Zenitsu watched helplessly as Nezuko and him were taken to safety by the shadow bear while Sung wentto save Edgeworth. 'Sun-sama!!!!" Zenitsu cried. There was nothing he could do at the moment
Research lab
Clive eyed the blond man who pointed his sword at him. "You might be under this man's control but you are makinga big mistake." Clive was surounded by a red aura once again.
Bahamut wasn't surprised about the spell this strange man cast upon him. He tried to dodge every bolt was failed the last two ones. He underestimated Sephiroth.

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