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Fandom Transgressions -- A Multifandom RP *roleplay thread*


The Spartan was now in a 38-MPH sprint toards the city walls of Utopia, From there, He planned to get them to the "Resistance Base" Garrus had mentioned to him. "Cortana?" Chief slowed down when Locke had mentioned her. "She's gone, As far as I know." He continued forward with his Magnum now In his hands, In case anything were to happen. "This is Singapore, And Locke, He's a Spartan-IV. The current year on this Earth is...2021."
The Chief slowed down as they approached the giant doorway to Utopia, A place for all and any offworlders alike. "Okay, We're gonna have to-" Before the chief could finish something large shook the ground behind the three and Chief turned around quickly.

Liberty Prime

The giant 40-foot tall robot stared down at the three, and scanned them, sending thin blue streaks of light over the group of three super soldiers. The scanning stopped and the giant robot let out a booming voice in the dark streets. "Welcome to Utopia. Representative democracy in Singapore, A technologically advanced place of Freedom for all Offworlders and humans alike. Please be advised, Any harm caused by you will result in your ERADICATION. Enjoy your stay!" The heavily armored robot spoke as Its blue 'eye' glowed in the dark.

Specialist Specialist Knight boi Knight boi
Locke heard a loud 'boom' noise and he immediately aimed his rifle at the robot seeming it as a hostile he didnt shoot it he slowly turned his saftey off his helmet scanned for possible weakness aeound the rbot his helmet scanned its visors as a possible weakness he then lowerd his rifle and saw it more as a freind then foe, thoguh he still had the saftey off just in case, he renemberd what he had done to cortanna he shook his head.
"What is it," Samara asked, completely calm, "another portal?" She presumed that to be the case, only noticing it for a brief moment.
"Perhaps it's best to check it out," she figured, "in case the being is hostile." The locations where persons from other worlds are dropped is completely random, some even spawning into the ocean, so it isn't completely out of the ordinary to see one so close to their settlement.

By the time Starflight had personally buried Basilio, Hana with him for the support, he had returned to his office to get some time alone. He felt horrible inside. It wasn't the first time he'd killed here, but he certainly hadn't done it enough to where it felt comfortable. Killing wasn't supposed to be what the Taskforce did. He started to panic internally, his vision feeling cloudy as he felt lightheaded, stumbling backwards and into a shelf of books and scrolls. He wanted out. If there was a way out. He might be in too deep. He lowered his head, still feeling a zing of pain in his jaw. He needed time to recollect his thoughts. Maybe he'd read, or finally get some sleep for the first time in almost 48 hours. Then when he was in his right mind, he could continue reworking the prison. Yes, that could be good. Most of the prisoners had been scattered, those that were recollected send to a temporary location outside of the country. The facility was in shambles right now, which only made it easier to rebuild it better than how it was before.

Vitals: 100%

Location: Near 'Utopia' entrance

Interacting with: Stricken Steel Stricken Steel , Knight boi Knight boi

'2021. Spartan Four. Singapore. ....
Spartan Four?' She mulled the details over in her mind, right before being greeted by an at least forty foot tall mechanized unit of some sort. Its blue visor glowered as it spoke- the damn thing was like a walking megaphone with patchwork metal armor. However, she did not deny that behind that shell was something deadly to all hell, and instinctivly took a step backward. That thing didn't appear hostile despite its warning, and she kept that in mind before actually speaking up. "Right, uh... Where are we going? Is this even the right place?"
Rex Texas
Rex cleared his throat and leaned in to the microphone. "Good mornin' to y'all, citizens of Utopia. The council and I have been in deliberation for the past few days, and we have come to a decision. This decision is in accordance with the terrorist attacks of late, and to address the soldiers that are approaching our city." Rex paused. "The council has arrived to the conclusion that we must immediately ban all giant robots within Utopia. This includes the self-appointed protector Liberty Prime. He simply cannot be trusted after the bombing of our city. Nor can any other titanic robot, so none can be allowed in case they bomb us again. Secondly, we must address the soldiers coming to our city. These soldiers will be allowed within our city, because we welcome all folks, but I must ask: what in tarnation are y'all doin' here? Utopia ain't no fortress that needs sieged. You may come In to the city, but you cannot be violent within our city. The council will no longer allow militant organizing within Utopia's city limits. Unless you wish to train or practice self defense, violence and militarism will not be tolerated here. I understand that these are vague laws, and we are hoping to work with the citizenry to make the laws both safe and fair, and more detailed. Weaponry and soldiers are allowed within the city, but if they are caught using unpermitted violence, they will be arrested immediately. Lord Nevaelyn Corthis, our Head Security Councilor, will be in charge of this. We will now be taking questions. Thank you. "

He didn’t like the knowledge that another like him had been stuck on this Earth for years, even less the prospect that he too could be stuck away from home for just as long. Perhaps even forever. Sure, Jack had never fooled himself into believing that he would be sent home, but he certainly held onto the hope that it may happen someday. Despite that uncomfortable reminder at his own uncertain future he had been rather intrigued by what Zadruch had said. This was certainly an unusual person. Why would this man purposefully live a -he assumed- lonely life? Was it really for the freedom that an organized society could not offer? Possibly, but it wasn’t like he had any reason to doubt the wanderer thus far. It probably wouldn’t be polite to pry into such matters with somebody he just met.

As for the nomad’s question, Jack offered a well told lie, “Ah, well I wish it didn’t come in handy so often. But then again it is the reason why the Taskforce probably thinks I am dead and has left me alone.” Well, the first part wasn’t a lie at least. “It would be nice if somebody could figure out how to send us all home soon. The way it sounds we might not have very long before things start getting worse.”

Interactions: gwenpool gwenpool
The last remnants of her wine were drunk as she listened, placing her empty glass to the side. Lungwort gave a wobbly nod, relaxing back into her seat "I wouldn't doubt it, the universe is full of wonders"
Her ears perked to the sound of his voice softening "It was a tragedy, the war itself was packed with horrific events" Her voice also quieted. "But, the thought of it is sensitive" Lungwort's ears turned from perked to slightly pinned, careful on such a touchy subject.

"Say, it's getting awfully late, do you have a place to stay?" The hound questioned, her sweet demeanor resurfacing. "You're more than welcomed to stay at my apartment tonight, I have plenty of room for both of us" Lungwort offered with a small smile.
"The bar closes soon, and I have to be up early to open my office" That, and she knew she'd get more wasted if she stayed any longer.
Liberty Prime and Eight

The NCR Soldier looked up to the giant commie hating robot. "You did your best bud..." Eight said as he slammed a gloved fist into Prime's metal foot. "I did my best for Democracy," Liberty Prime ranted as he slowly looked down to Eight, "Orders, Las Vegas Riot Officer Number Zero-Eight?" He asked. The Ranger let out a sigh and looked up to the robot, Knowing it would only listen to him no matter what.
"Prime..." He then turned around and looked around at his friends. He had wondered where Basilio had went, and wondered If he was going to come back soon. He then looked at his new friend Samara, and those new Super Soldier looking people, Especially that guy with the '117' on the right of the chest piece.
"Let's go, Bud. We're goin' to join the Taskforce, We'll find a way to get there. I ain't lettin' you go alone, Nor do I want to see you get destroyed again." Eight said as he slung his Anti-Material rifle over his shoulder and started towards the exit of Utopia. "Maybe I'll come back again! You armoured people, There's a bar not far from here, Best whiskey around." The Ranger shouted as his helmet muffled his voice and his cape flew in the chilly wind. The giant robot followed close behind the ground thudded with each step he took, His hydraulics creaking and the metal scraping softly.

Logan and David 'Hesh' Walker

Logan sat up in his bed quickly, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. "Hey..." Hesh spoke as he noticed his little brother sit up and kneeled down beside him. "Doctors said you'd have to stay at least a day or two more, But, There were some...People like us to donate their help so you could heal faster." Hesh smiled as he passed Logan a bottle of water. Logan unscrewed the cap and raised the plastic bottle to his lips, letting the water flow down his parched throat. "Ahh, Thanks, bro!" Logan said as he lowered the bottle and looked at the bandages around his chest.
"Must've been out for a while now, Eh?" The ghost asked as he looked up to his brother. "You could say that, Been out three days now. Once your back up onto your feet, We'll continue this fight, Also, Your friend Garrus is back." Hesh smiled as he helped his brother sit up all the way. "Oh damn, Really?" Logan asked with a smile as he screwed the cap back onto the bottle.
One thing they did not know, All hell was going to break loose soon. Prime would be a large advantage to the Taskforce, including a person who knows a lot about the Fusion powered robot. Next time the Resistance would attack the Taskforce, They would be prepped.

William B.J Blazkowics

The trucker dropped William off at an Burger stand in Dallas, Texas. "Thanks for the ride, Mister!" B.J waved the trucker goodbye and thanked him, Instead of him having to walk miles. He slung his schockhammer with the strap over his back and approached the Burger Stand slowly then he approached the window. "Hey Sir, What'll ya have today?" An older man with grey hair asked who was wearing a 'Kiss the Chef' apron stained with burger grease. It was getting dark and most likely in the late 40s due to the freezing air, and warm breathes of air being seen in the air.
"Oh ya one of dem offworlders, Right?" The Old man asked quietly as he looked out the window as If he were watching for anyone. "Yeah...You could say that." Blazkowics said as he turned and examined the area but then turned back to the old man. "You looking fer somebody?" He asked as he stared at the old man. "C'mere son," The old man motioned for Blazkowics to come closer. ", I've been hearin' people like you get Imprisoned by the Taskforce since ya got that shiny thing round ya neck, But, There's a place in Morocco where this 'Resistance' is. I heard recently they attacked one of da Taskforce bases today, And you may be interested in joining the Resistance instead of sittin' in a cell or being forced to work with them." B.J nodded and moved back a bit. "So just two burgers and a coke? Alrighty then. You jist wait here." The old man spoke as he turned and began to fix the food.
When Blazkowics was given the food, The old man wished him luck, but when he unwrapped the burger, Under the patty, Was a map wrapped in foil by what he could tell. He unwrapped the map and could see the big black bold letters spelling, 'Morocco Base' which was obviously all the way in Africa. "Now how in the hell am I supposed to get to Africa?" B.J spoke to himself as he bit into the freshly made burger.

The last remnants of her wine were drunk as she listened, placing her empty glass to the side. Lungwort gave a wobbly nod, relaxing back into her seat "I wouldn't doubt it, the universe is full of wonders"
Her ears perked to the sound of his voice softening "It was a tragedy, the war itself was packed with horrific events" Her voice also quieted. "But, the thought of it is sensitive" Lungwort's ears turned from perked to slightly pinned, careful on such a touchy subject.

"Say, it's getting awfully late, do you have a place to stay?" The hound questioned, her sweet demeanor resurfacing. "You're more than welcomed to stay at my apartment tonight, I have plenty of room for both of us" Lungwort offered with a small smile.
"The bar closes soon, and I have to be up early to open my office" That, and she knew she'd get more wasted if she stayed any longer.


"You are right about that, Miss Lungwort. The universe never ceases to Impress." He wipes his mouth with a napkin and places money onto the table, Which should be able to pay for the drinks and food altogether. "Ah...It t'was a tragedy, Even for the ones not fighting..." He let out a sigh and stood up thinking about the millions and millions of men who died leaving fatherless children and widows during the war.
"Seems someone has wasted themselves already, Hahaha." He frowned when she mentioned a place to stay. "No, Sady, I don't. But, I do thank you for your offer, I will take your offer ma'am!" Ludwig smiled at the hound. "Do you need help getting back home? I will gladly help you."

"Wasted? I'm no such thing!" Lungwort was quick to stand, eager to prove her sobriety.
That's when the alcohol really began to kick in, eyes widening as she stared at the floor. To her, it looked as if the floor was splitting, lines that indicated the table from chairs blurred- maybe she was drunker than she thought.

"Very well, I'll be happy to let you stay" Still determined she started to walk, her footing unstable. Lungwort was careful to not let herself fall, but the drunkness and heels she wore were making it harder than she'd prefer.
Eventually, she gave up, resting her hand on the table in search of stability. Although she only took a few steps it felt like she'd already walked miles. "...I may need some help" Lungwort laughed, knowing it was glaringly obvious by now that she couldn't make it on her own.
Resistance base
Interactions: Open

Rook finished cutting up the meat and the fruit. She has the meat in 2 separate bowls of course. She let Adara back on her shoulder and started walking back to her room. She looks around with the unchanged RBF expression she usually has on. Adara is quietly cawing on Rooks shoulder, once again happy to see Rook after the mission. After a few minutes of walking she gets to her door, opens it, and walks in. She sets down Coldor’s food next to his bed, and she puts Adara on her bed frame. Rook then looks down at the bowl of fruit. An orange, grapes, a few strawberries, and then a banana. She quickly gets up and grabs a book she was reading off of her table. She lays back down and opens the book. She pops a grape in her mouth and reads.
Simon 'ghost' riley
Stricken Steel Stricken Steel

Simon enterd the infirmary and saw that logan wss there, his skull mask shined a little in the lgiht of the room, he had a hoodie oger him as his britsh flag shinned on his shoulder, his skull looled actually pretty real well beacuse it was an actual human skull, he looked at logan and nodded to him,"logan....."

Vitals: 100%

Location: Near 'Utopia' entrance

Interacting with: Stricken Steel Stricken Steel , Knight boi Knight boi

'2021. Spartan Four. Singapore. ....
Spartan Four?' She mulled the details over in her mind, right before being greeted by an at least forty foot tall mechanized unit of some sort. Its blue visor glowered as it spoke- the damn thing was like a walking megaphone with patchwork metal armor. However, she did not deny that behind that shell was something deadly to all hell, and instinctively took a step backward. That thing didn't appear hostile despite its warning, and she kept that in mind before actually speaking up. "Right, uh... Where are we going? Is this even the right place?"

"Well, Seems we are going to be staying here awhile."
Chief said as he looked at the person who was talking on the microphone, Then looking at the Riot Officer and his damned giant robot. "Locke, You go with Ellie. Link up to our squad. You two go find Information on this Resistance and Taskforce, I'll be fine by myself." The Spartan quickly turned around and holstered his Magnum. The Spartan turned on his comm set and radioed, "Meet me back at that spot in Ten minutes. Then, We can find a place to stay. Don't break any laws as Mister Texas said. Also, What year were you 'snagged' in? Where I was snagged it was 2560."

"Wasted? I'm no such thing!" Lungwort was quick to stand, eager to prove her sobriety.
That's when the alcohol really began to kick in, eyes widening as she stared at the floor. To her, it looked as if the floor was splitting, lines that indicated the table from chairs blurred- maybe she was drunker than she thought.

"Very well, I'll be happy to let you stay" Still determined she started to walk, her footing unstable. Lungwort was careful to not let herself fall, but the drunkness and heels she wore were making it harder than she'd prefer.
Eventually, she gave up, resting her hand on the table in search of stability. Although she only took a few steps it felt like she'd already walked miles. "...I may need some help" Lungwort laughed, knowing it was glaringly obvious by now that she couldn't make it on her own.


The medic had put an arm around Lungworts waist and helped her stabilized herself so she wouldn't fall. "Those heels are causing most of the problems." He says as he pushes open the door with one arm and continues forward with Lungwort. "I really thank you for letting me stay, As I know not of how things still work here. Say, What is the direction of your apartment?" He asked as he helped the drunken Lungwort along.
A man in what seemed to be green futuristic-like armor went inside the bar, Most likely he was new or something like that. "Hmm, Never ceases to Impress..." He whispered.

Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Stricken Steel Stricken Steel

Simon entered the infirmary and saw that logan was there, his skull mask shined a little in the light of the room, he had a hoodie over him as his british flag shinned on his shoulder, his skull looked actually pretty real well because it was an actual human skull, he looked at logan and nodded to him, "Logan....."

Logan and David 'Hesh' Walker

"Oh...Yeah?" The Ghost looked up seeing a man with a human skull on his face and a British flag on his shoulder. "You a...Ghost like us?" Hesh asked as he stood up. Logan sipped his water again and said, "What ya need of me?" He pushed himself to his feet and slipped into his Ghost mask. Then, He approached the man slowly.


Alcatraz stared at Psycho as he drank, Then watched as a Doctor of some sort helped a Hellhound out the bar, Or what he believed was a Hellhound. Then, There was this heavily armed green guy with a rifle of unknown origin on his back and a pistol of some sort on his side.
Based on what his scans read, The pistol was some sort of descendant of the Desert Eagle, and the Rifle was a gas-operated version of an M4 Carbine of some degree, Then there was his armor. The scan had read that the armor was easily weighing over a ton, Built-In thrusters, Grapple hook, Life support, Shielding systems, Waste removing systems, and the composition was made up of a Titanium alloy and some other metals. One flaw he had pointed out: A hard hit to the back of the neck or head would shut down the armor temporarily.

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain
As his arm wrapped around her waist, she rested her head against his shoulder, hoping to subside her dizziness. Lungwort’s tail started a wag at his thanks “Oh it’s nothing, I don‘t mind sharing my home” She fumbled with her hands, trying to remember directions once asked.

“It should be left, straightforward? I know my home isn’t far from here” Lungwort didn’t notice the other being had entered, though the scent of metal briefly caught her attention.
“How sweet of you to help me” She purred as she followed Ludwig’s walking pace, careful to watch her step. Lungwort felt relaxed, sleepy even. Honestly, she could fall asleep right there, regardless of the fact she was standing.
As his arm wrapped around her waist, she rested her head against his shoulder, hoping to subside her dizziness. Lungwort’s tail started a wag at his thanks “Oh it’s nothing, I don‘t mind sharing my home” She fumbled with her hands, trying to remember directions once asked.

“It should be left, straightforward? I know my home isn’t far from here” Lungwort didn’t notice the other being had entered, though the scent of metal briefly caught her attention.
“How sweet of you to help me” She purred as she followed Ludwig’s walking pace, careful to watch her step. Lungwort felt relaxed, sleepy even. Honestly, she could fall asleep right there, regardless of the fact she was standing.


"Oh ja, You were very kind today!" Ludwig spoke as he helped the hellhound along. "Okay. Just a left then straight ahead from there. Simple enough." Medic spoke as he turned a left as directed, Still helping the hound along as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
"I have no problem helping out Miss. I do whatever I can to help out a fellow doctor or civilian in need." Ludwig said as they supposedly approached the area of her apartment. "Say, Which building do you live in?" He asked.
When they arrived at the apartment complex, Lungwort eased herself away from him, grabbing at her keys. She stumbled her way up to the front of her doorway, unlocking it and pushing the door open.
“Good thing I live on the ground floor” Lungwort mumbled, stepping in and waiting for Ludwig. Her home was welcoming, a faint scent of lavender enveloping it.
Her living room could be seen through the doorway, having a couch, table, aswell as end tables- yet no television. Lungwort didn’t really watch much when she was in her old world, so she didn’t bothering pursuing a TV in this one.
“Make yourself at home” She smiled warmly, trying to keep herself from tipping over.
When they arrived at the apartment complex, Lungwort eased herself away from him, grabbing at her keys. She stumbled her way up to the front of her doorway, unlocking it and pushing the door open.
“Good thing I live on the ground floor” Lungwort mumbled, stepping in and waiting for Ludwig. Her home was welcoming, a faint scent of lavender enveloping it.
Her living room could be seen through the doorway, having a couch, table, as well as end tables- yet no television. Lungwort didn’t really watch much when she was in her old world, so she didn’t bother pursuing a TV in this one.
“Make yourself at home” She smiled warmly, trying to keep herself from tipping over.

Ludwig walked in as Archimede's cooed quietly, Most likely due to the faint fragrance in the air. "I haven't stayed at a well-furbished place like this since before the War! Lungwort, I say you must get some sleep else you will have a bad hangover in the morning." The doctor said as he sat down on the couch. "Thank you Miss Lungwort, Very kind of you. I shall get to sleep now." He took his boots off and set them beside the couch on the floor, Then leaned back onto the couch taking off his glasses and sat them on the arm of the couch.
Lungwort closed the door behind her before easing off her heels, chuckling at the compliment. "Thank you, I do try to keep this place homey" Her head tilted, attention drawn to him.
"Ludwig, you don't have to sleep on the couch" While she spoke she moved her way towards the bedroom, gently brushing her hand against his shoulder as she passed. "We can switch places for the night- after all, you deserve something nice " Lungwort was unsure if it was just drunk her talking, or if she really meant that.
Alcohol worked well at getting Lungwort to be more inviting, not to mention lower her guard. At this point in time, her eyes had already become half-lidded, a clear sign she was about to fall asleep.


Vitals: 100%

Location: Near 'Utopia' entrance

Interacting with: Stricken Steel Stricken Steel , Knight boi Knight boi

Glancing at 'Locke', his HUD could see that she had given him a green acknowledgement light for a 'thumbs-up'. Ellie made her way over to him to start their mission, and quipped back to the Chief via comms, "2546. I got transferred out of my company almost instantly after our training. Issued MJLOLNIR and assigned to Group Five. Ambrose wouldn't tell me why, but I could sense something was troubling him."


Vitals: 100%

Location: Task Force HQ

Interactions: [OPEN]

I get up- and nothin' gets me down

You got it tough, I've seen the toughest around

And I know, baby, just how you feel

You got to roll with the punches and get to what's real

Ah, can't you see me standin' here

I got my back against the record machine

I ain't the worst that you've seen

Ah, can't you see what I mean?


The dry, riffing voice of Sammy Hagar coupled with the climax into the chorus came to an abrupt stop as the woman depressed a single button on the grey metallic box at her side. Rolling over to stare at the grey ceiling from her cot, she blew out a quiet exhale as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. As far as she could tell, it was approximately a few days since she was plucked out of her dimension, found by this enigmatic contracting company, and given an ultimatum: work as a hired assassin, or face imprisonment. There were many things she simply didn't understand, or didn't bother to. If she wanted to, she could probably take out everyone here, but... no, that wouldn't do. Whatever needed done, she'd do it- as long as she got the answers she was looking for in time.

Activating her transponder, it sent out a wireless notification to higher-ups in the center that she was online and would be ready for tasking within five minutes. The time she took to prepare was a quick, hot shower and eating a ration bar courtesy of the messhall. She rarely ever got hungry for anything since the parasitic surgery, and her only terms for working with this 'Taskforce' was that her suit was made breathable so her skin could get adequate air intake. Making her way down to the main lobby, she tied the sea green bandana around her deep amber hair in the middle of her stride, ready for orders should be instructed to meet somewhere.
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Simon 'ghost' riley
SImon looked at the two men with the ghosts mask, he looked at them both and crossed his arms grunting at them both at the same time,"You can say that i guess mate." he hit his extremely heavy British accent on it, he un-crossed his arms and looked at them both, they're masks were kind of funny to him they were interesting in matter of fact.
Stricken Steel Stricken Steel
Resistance base
Interactions: open

Rook finishes her bowl of fruit and closes her book
“Page 172” she says to herself
At the sound of her voice Coldor looks up from the bowl of meat he finally woke up to.
Rook rolls out of bed and stretches with the book still clenched in her hands. She walks over to the bookshelf and puts the book back. She puts her boots back on and same with her jacket. She quickly walks out of her room and heads for the blacksmithing room that she set up some time ago.
it takes her a few minutes of walking through the mostly underground base she finally arrived. She opened the door and turned on the dim lights. She walks over to the forge and grabs some more coal to put in. She pours the new coal in and then strikes a match and throws it in. While she waits for the coals to all catch fire and heat up, she picks the ingots she was going to use on the project. She settles on a beautiful steel ingot. She brings it over and sets it on the anvil.
Rook then grabs her blacksmithing mask and gloves. She puts them on and the grabs her tools. At this point the room was heating up. The coals catching each other on fire and burning a bright orange. She grabs the tongs that were next to the forge. Grabbing the Ingot and shoving it into the fire. She lets it sit, waiting for it to be the same glowing orange and yellow as the coals.


Interactions: 'SIlence' ( Specialist Specialist )
Location: Task Force HQ | Personal Laboratory ---> Hallway

The sounds of metal and bolts clang and screech in a sharp tone as they found themselves quickly being welded together in place. A steady glove carefully wielded the welding gun even as blinding sparks began scattering off Dell Conagher's goggles. Yet he was in no rush. For according to him - as an Engineer with 11 PHDs in engineering - nothing should sacrifice quality in any circumstance. After all, it was his choice to join the Taskforce after being picked up in that desert all those years ago. It was either that or find his talents rotting away in a jail cell just for being one of those "otherworldly invaders" the people here feared. Not that he could blame them of course; for he had his own fair share of invaders back home, ranging from blue-clothed "clones" of his own mercenary team to robotic doppelgänger variants hellbent in destroying Mann Co - his prior employers.

And who's to know what else was out there that could become the harbinger of the end times? He'd seen a lot back in his world; a lot of weird and wacky circumstances. And while he didn't know much about the current conflicts plaguing his new employers, it did at least give him a chance to work for a surprisingly reasonable pay grade. And who knows, maybe he could one day find his way back~

*Ring Ring~*

Engie's thoughts suddenly stop upon hearing the phone ringing from a near by workbench. Another phone call? Why this was the sixth call within the past half-hour; half of them being useless voicemails from telemarketers. He really needed to discuss with the higher ups about getting a new encrypted phone. And maybe have them give him a new ringtone for incoming calls. With an annoyed sigh, he deactivated his welder and put it aside. He then pulled a lever to finally bring his metal platform down to ground level. Once down, he proceeded to walk over and quickly picked up the phone:

"'Ello, Mister Conagher speakin'." the Texan answered in a hard southern accent.

He then heard the voice from the other side, in which he quickly recognized as the higher ups of the Science Division, "Ah, what can I do for ya'll?" A brief pause as the voice asked him a question. "Yes... The project, right? Project: Gravelmann?" The superior confirmed as Engie looked back at the current workpiece behind him. "Yeah, it's comin' along jus' fine." It then began to elaborate a series of demands, causing Engie to quickly stop him mid-sentence. "Wait... Y'all wan' it deployed when...?" A date was referred. "Uh, 'bout that... Listen it~ it won't be quite ready then. I still need'a tinker and test with a buncha little things before I feel the prototype is ready for~" The superior seemed displeased with Conagher's reasoning, his words being more urgent and demanding this time. "I understand sir, but ya already know how I go about doin' things 'ere. I'd rather give ya'll a workin' product rather than a pile o' junk. One lil' mistake could jeopardize~" He was given an annoyed response, followed by a muttered inquiry. "Uh... 'haps a few days at least? Week tops?" Another short pause before the superior gave his final response. "Two days...?" Engie was hesitant, but ultimately gave in. "Alright, I'll see what I can do." The phone soon hung up.

Dell placed the phone back down as he took off his hardhat and whipped his brow. His superiors seemed uncharacteristically eager for him to be directly manning the front lines. It was a bit odd to him, especially being a valuable scientist and engineer for their cause. Nonetheless, he could feel himself growing more tired by the hour. He'd been working for nearly 5 hours straight - minus the phone calls. Time to finally call a quick break to grab some coffee from the kitchen a few rooms up. He picked up a square device and pressed a button, closing the door leading to the mechanical object and hiding it from view. With his workplace secure, the Engineer exited his laboratory in a hurry to grab himself a "pick-me-up". However, in his hurry, he was unaware of another figure just turning the corner and risked crashing into her.
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Lungwort closed the door behind her before easing off her heels, chuckling at the compliment. "Thank you, I do try to keep this place homey" Her head tilted, attention drawn to him.
"Ludwig, you don't have to sleep on the couch" While she spoke she moved her way towards the bedroom, gently brushing her hand against his shoulder as she passed. "We can switch places for the night- after all, you deserve something nice " Lungwort was unsure if it was just drunk her talking, or if she really meant that.
Alcohol worked well at getting Lungwort to be more inviting, not to mention lower her guard. At this point in time, her eyes had already become half-lidded, a clear sign she was about to fall asleep.

"I promise I will be just fine, Madame. I am quite used to it, It's Just a bit noisier though." The Medic leaned back and folded his arms and rested his head on his arms. "Your bed is your property, This couch, I claim as mine, Haha..." He dozed off quickly as the drunkness overwhelmed his mind.


Vitals: 100%

Location: Near 'Utopia' entrance

Interacting with: Stricken Steel Stricken Steel , Knight boi Knight boi

Glancing at 'Locke', his HUD could see that she had given him a green acknowledgment light for a 'thumbs-up'. Ellie made her way over to him to start their mission, and quipped back to the Chief via comms, "2546. I got transferred out of my company almost instantly after our training. Issued MJLOLNIR and assigned to Group Five. Ambrose wouldn't tell me why, but I could sense something was troubling him."

Spartan 117

The Spartan Immediately looked up to the Nanosuit wearing supersoldier who had a Deagle on his hip after Ellie had responded to his message. "Interesting, So we were ripped from different times. My time the furthest so far, Locke is just only a few years back from...My current time in the Universe." He radioed as he approached the Nanosuit wearing man.
"Do you know the whereabouts of the Resistance base?" Chief spoke in a low tone to which the Soldier could understand. The Soldier gave a slight nod then turned his head to the man beside him, then back again. A large amount of Info on the resistance suddenly popped up on the screen in the form of distorted signals, Which the Chief could break. The Chief nodded quickly and turned to exit the bar with the heavy thudding of his boots.

Simon 'ghost' riley
SImon looked at the two men with the ghosts mask, he looked at them both and crossed his arms grunting at them both at the same time,"You can say that i guess mate." he hit his extremely heavy British accent on it, he un-crossed his arms and looked at them both, they're masks were kind of funny to him they were interesting in matter of fact.
Stricken Steel Stricken Steel

Logan and David 'Hesh' Walker

"Hmph, Fine by me man. Say, Whats uhh...your homeworld like, If I can ask?" Hesh asked the Ghost as he stood up and approached him. Logan leaned against a pillar in the underground bunker's infirmary, Thinking it would collapse sooner or later. "Yeah, Seems like an appropriate question to me bro." Logan elbowed Hesh in the side gently and chuckled. "This world is better, But uhh, Taskforce people are complete pricks, Including a personal enemy of ours as well." Hesh says as he narrows his eyes to Logan, Who was shot in the chest and forced to watch Rorke put a gun to his Father's head.

Gabriel T. Rorke

"Hmph, Damn chickenshits!" He slams a folder onto his desk and limps back to his seat. "I'm 'bout tired of these damned resistance rats, Always scurrying in the sewers for the tiniest flaw in the tunnel."
He groans as he sits down into his chair and flips open the folder and stares at the recent 'Recruit' who had only arrived a few minutes ago, And is now in a cell and being processed. He had an Interesting weapon loadout, A weapon similar to a .50 BMG Sniper and a .357 Magnum. Then, There was his 'special armor' and his so-called buddy named 'Liberty Prime'. All he knew that the robot was deactivated by some sorcerer that willfully assisted on deactivating it. His gaze flicked down to the photo and he examined the scars on the man's face.

A fairly large burn mark and a scratch on his face as well, Most likely from a much-advanced world than the one he was in right now.

(I'm getting Eight and Prime into the Taskforce.)​
Lungwort gave an exhausted chuckled, dragging herself to her bedroom. She didn't bother to change into her nightgown because by the time she laid herself down, she'd already fallen asleep.
Morning rose, the dim light lingering through her sheer curtains. It curled and contorted against Lungwort's body, a flick of sunlight hovering over her eyes. She wriggled, turning to avoid the light when she opened her eyes.
As soon as she woke her head twinged with pain, hungover from the night before. A dull whimper escaped her before sitting up and scooting to the edge of her bed, head hanging.
Lungwort murmured, her words inaudible. Slowly she began her daily routine, scuttling into her bathroom. The hound undressed and eased herself into the shower, hoping the heat would help soothe her aching head. Once finished, Lungwort placed on her bathrobe, grabbing at the clothes previously worn to place them in the hamper beside her.

Soon her bedroom's doorknob turned with a click, opening to present a drowsy hellhound.
Lungwort gave an exhausted chuckled, dragging herself to her bedroom. She didn't bother to change into her nightgown because by the time she laid herself down, she'd already fallen asleep.
Morning rose, the dim light lingering through her sheer curtains. It curled and contorted against Lungwort's body, a flick of sunlight hovering over her eyes. She wriggled, turning to avoid the light when she opened her eyes.
As soon as she woke her head twinged with pain, hungover from the night before. A dull whimper escaped her before sitting up and scooting to the edge of her bed, head hanging.
Lungwort murmured, her words inaudible. Slowly she began her daily routine, scuttling into her bathroom. The hound undressed and eased herself into the shower, hoping the heat would help soothe her aching head. Once finished, Lungwort placed on her bathrobe, grabbing at the clothes previously worn to place them in the hamper beside her.

Soon her bedroom's doorknob turned with a click, opening to present a drowsy hellhound.

The red Medic had gotten up earlier than Lungwort, As by that I mean 4 'O Clock early. He had given Archimedes a nice warm bath in the kitchen sink and scrubbed himself clean of the alcohol smell. Since he had no other clothes he had to Improvise, He scrubbed his clothing free of stains and had his shirt in the dryer on tumble.
He had to admit, The technology of this world was much much better than what he had back then with the Red team.
He had buttoned up his shirt and slipped his brown vest over his shirt and brushed them free of dust. "Ahh, Now I must make breakfast!" He exclaimed as he pulled a carton of eggs out of the fridge and got the oven and a clean pan prepped.
He cracked the egg on the edge of the frying pan and dropped its contents into the pan and closed his eyes as the egg began to crackle. He then heard the click of a doorknob and turned to see Lungwort coming out of her room. "Ah Hallo there! I'm just cooking you some breakfast, If that's fine ma'am."


Location: Resistance Base | Quarters ---> Hallway
Interactions: N/A : Open

"Well I be damned!"

In a desolate realm, filled with coal-black brimstone and a molten sky, a lone figure stared over an ominous cliffside. The man in question was one cladded in thick battle-hardened armor, riddled with bullets, scratch marks, and dried gore upon its once smooth finish. The suit had no sleeves however, leaving bare his scarred muscular arms as they that gripped upon a sawed-off shotgun at his side. The rest of his body - minus his hardened umbilical region - was also clothed in a green commando-grade suit made of specialized nano-fiber, with armored components making up his boots and knee-pads. And resting upon the man's head was a gunmetal helmet - where one could barely see two bloodshot eyes wildly looking upon a sight to behold.

Demons! as far as the eye could see!

It was as if he personally came upon a great sea alive with each and every kind of damned souls in Hell! The cacophony of infernal noise coming from the fleshlings below was deafening even at the height in which he stood. He imagined all sorts of demons clawing at his very presence; envisioning wild monstrosities that his dark, deranged mind could only think of in his time in the underworld. For most individuals this would terrify them for eternity; followed no doubt by a scream of incomprehensible madness regarding their situation. Perhaps they would commit their own self-demise right on the spot, saving them from the thought of being torn limb from limb alive to serve as a mere morsel to the hungry mob. No way in any circle of Hell was anyone crazy to jump in there...

But not for the man who calls himself "The Doom Marine".

He had twice protected mankind from demonic incursions, ripping and tearing through their ranks with his trusty arsenal of weapons and even his own bare hands. He fought them on the Phobos moon of Mars within the facilities created by the UAC corporation, went to Hell twice to kick the asses of a horrendous Spider Mastermind the first time and the mounted head of the Icon of Sin the second, and fought on Earth soil within his own hometown no less. He gave no quarter and showed no mercy; killing each and every demon he came across with wild and ruthless methods. And he reveled in this slaughter. So to see such a concentration of demons all in one place was enough for the armored marine to get him shaking in excitement. A giddy smile crawled upon his stubbled face before turning into one of malicious intent.

"Am I older, or is this the greatest birthday present I've ever received?!"

He then proceeded to howl wildly into the horde with all of his verbal might.


The sea of demons seemed to reply back to his challenging threats with their own blasphemous uniform symphony of screeches and roars. Were they of rage? Mockery perhaps? Maybe cowardliness? Or even all three? The Marine didn't care for their opinions, nor did he ever ask them. All he cared... was to rip and tear. So after reloading his double barreled shotgun, the lone man took a running start and leapt off the side of the cliff directly towards the demonic ocean below. He screamed at the top of his lungs, enough as if he was going to risk shattering his vocal cords out. This was it! This was going to be the greatest battle he'd ever~!

Doomguy's eyes bolt open as he sat at attention with a roar of fury; his eyes red and irritated while his body felt hot and heavy. He took a moment to quickly look around his surroundings, wondering what fate he had succumbed to now. But he was simply back in his own quarters, sat upon his bed in a dimly lit room within the Resistance Base. Another dream it seemed. A shame it ended so soon. And there wasn't even an alarm clock to have him take his anger on either. The marine groaned disappointingly as he slowly got out of bed, his mind still trying to slow down from the racing high it experienced from the dream's climax.

"Agh, damn... was so close that time." the grizzled man muttered to himself as he put on his armor.

He hadn't been with the Resistance for very long. In fact, outside of knowing the name of their opponent - the ones they hail from the faction "Taskforce" - and a rough synopsis their intentions, Doomguy knew barely anything about this world for the past week since he arrived in their world. The only reasoned he joined was because they claimed to be fighting evil and to bring upon normalcy in this world once again. The big plus was about their relative disdain towards demons, a cause the battle-hardened marine could easily get behind. So as long as he got the chance to shoot and kill demons, he was in.

Leaving his quarters, Doomguy proceeded to walk down the hallway down to the mess hall. He was starved. A good breakfast oughta help him get through the day...
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