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Fandom Transformers: Into Infinity - Characters



Role on the Odyssey:

Alternate Mode:

Slightly taller than a regular Transformer, Firewall is almost completely red in color, save some white detailing. The front of the fire engine forms his chest, while the various wheels end up on his limbs while in robot mode. The emergency ladder rests on his back, while his various explosives are stored on a belt around his waist. Firewall’s head is a black cube with two red prongs sticking out the top. The face has no mouth, instead a red piece of armor, while his optics are a bright blue.

  • Standard Issue Energy Rifle
  • Freezing Bombs
  • Flame Retardant Bombs
  • Combat Hammer

  • Programming
  • Hacking
  • Disaster Relief
  • Military Training

Personality Traits:
+| Intelligent
+| Loyal
+| Hard Working
+| Humorous

-| Unsure of himself
-| Perfectionist
-| Micro Manager

Born on Cybertron before the start of the Civil War, Firewall quickly proved himself to have a faster processor than those from his batch of proto-forms. As such the ruling body of Cybertron would make him a computer technician, reviewing the core servers of Cybertron’s government and making sure no one hacked into them. Firewall would be pleased with this job as it meant he got to write a lot of code, which was his joy in life. He would be blissfully unaware of what was going on outside on the streets of Cybertron.

Firewall’s first taste of the unrest is when he and a co-worker were assaulted by Decepticon followers, who believed them to be stooges of the Senate. After this, Firewall began to feel unsafe as he now saw the turbulence on Cybertron. Eventually he would just stop attending his job, instead remaining in his meager quarters, seeing the fires in the distance. Then everything would change when the Decepticons finally marched on the capital, killing the entire Senate and wounding Sentinel Prime.

Fearing the downfall of society, Firewall would flee his home. Crossing the barren wastes, Firewall would end up in a refugee camp in Iacon, a city controlled by the Autobots. Firewall would be safe there for awhile, even as the Civil War began in earnest. However Iacon wouldn’t be safe forever, as soon Decepticon Seekers began bombing the city regularly. It was one such bomb hit his encampment, killing the others there, that Firewall decided to fight back. The next day Firewall would enlist in the Autobot Defense Forces.

After some basic training, Firewall would be sent back to the barren wastes as part of an effort to push the Decepticon forces back. Firewall would spend an exuberant amount of time out there, as both sides lost countless soldiers. Things weren’t much better in the cities as constant bombings and resource deficits were causing undue suffering. It wouldn’t be too long before the unthinkable happened and Cybertron ran out of Energon, the energy source that powers all Transformers.

Firewall and his squad would then be recalled to Iacon, where they would learn that the Autobots were abandoning Cybertron. Initially unsure of it was the right thing to do, Firewall would end up boarding an Ark and leave his home world. By the time that the Decepticons caught on to what was happening, most of the Arks had escaped the planet, though a few of the later leaving ones would be shot down.

Now traveling the stars, Firewall would be a part of keeping up the lines of communication between the various Arks. This would work for awhile, until Optimus Prime and his Ark-1 would go silent, the Autobot leader missing. After that the Decepticons would ruthlessly hunt down all remaining Autobots. Many, including Firewall, would decide to go into hiding, disappearing among the locals of different alien planets.

Firewall himself would end up on a space station where he would write code for a living. He made a decent life doing this, though he always kept an ear out for news of the Civil War. This would eventually work out when Firewall caught a transmission of Optimus Prime and his battles on Earth. Firewall would then immediately gather all Autobots that he knew where they were and travel to Earth.

Firewall would find that his group weren’t the only ones who heard of the return of the Prime, as many more Autobots reached Earth. Together with the locals of the planet, the Autobots were able to oust the Decepticons from Earth. This victory brought even more Autobots out of hiding, as soon there was enough to form an actual army. Optimus would take advantage of this and continue a crusade through space. While he would be successful in ending the Civil War, Optimus would then disappear alongside Megatron.

Following this victory, Firewall would help build Autobot City on Earth, and then later the Odyssey, the first ship built by a crew of both Humans and Autobots. Firewall would then be surprised when Ultra Magnus, the head of Autobot City, would task him with captaining the Odyssey. Its mission, find Optimus Prime. While unsure if he is qualified for this mission, Firewall did accept and would try to do his best at the task.

While more of a technical person, Firewall has proved himself in the war over the centuries, and as such is given being a chance to succeed by being made Captain.
Dr. Kita Emiyo




Role on the Odyssey:

Emiyo is quite short, standing at 5’3’’. Her diminutive build masks that she is actually well muscled and in great shape. Her skin maintains a perpetual pale color, giving her an almost ghost like appearance. She keeps her black hair to shoulder length, while making sure it doesn’t get in front of her brown eyes. Emiyo isn’t really one for makeup, only occasionally putting on some lipstick. Most of Emiyo’s wardrobe when she’s on the clock is professional, with blouses, skirts, and jackets. But when she gets a chance to just be herself, she wears bright colored shirts and pants, often related to some aspect of media she enjoys. Though she is past a half century old, Emiyo has yet to get any wrinkles.

  • Standard Issue Handgun
  • Tablet
  • Other various scanning tools

  • Doctorate in Xenobiology
  • Firearms training
  • Knowledge of Cybertronian anatomy
  • Cooking

Personality Traits:
+| Inquisitive
+| Patient
+| Friendly
+| Ethical

-| Too much energy
-| Gossipy
-| Headstrong
-| Has a temper

Born in Sendai, Japan, Emiyo would be intrigued by the various giant robots and alien beings she saw in media. Made fun of for being into boy things, Emiyo remained resolute, saying one day she would be a scientist and work with such things. Her parents would tentatively support her, but they believed it was just a phase. Perhaps Emiyo would have grown out of it if not what happened in 1984.

A volcano on the western side of America would erupt, awakening a battle from another planet. In the few years after this there would be rumors of aliens on earth, as massive disasters were covered up by the governments of Earth. That was until Megatron attacked the United Nations.

Tired of fighting in the shadows, Megatron and his Decepticons would openly attack the governments of Earth. This would be broadcast all around the world, as would the Autobots arriving to save as many Humans as possible. When the battle was done it left a lot of destruction, the general public unsure what to make of these two opposing alien sides. But all it did to Emiyo is intrigue her, so she decided to make that her focus of study when she went to America to attend university.

Emiyo would quickly become one of the first students of xenobiology, which revolved around studying the biology of aliens. With everyone now knowing aliens exist, there were calls for the government to remove them from the Earth. Emiyo, who had just attained her doctorate, would be one of the voices opposing this talk. In her mind they had to talk with the aliens, learn exactly why they were fighting.

Eventually sentiments like hers would win out as talks between the Autobots and the United Nations Security Council would begin in earnest. The Autobots case would be helped when Decepticon seekers would bomb several rocket facilities, in an attempt to prevent humanity from spreading amongst the stars. Following this attack, a temporary alliance would be formed between the Autobots and the people of Earth.

For her role in making it happen, Emiyo was given a place on the board in charge of the project. It was her role to bridge the gap between Humans and Cybertronians, to make humanity understand aliens better. It was through working together that the Autobots were able to send out a message into space, rallying other Autobots throughout the universe. It wouldn’t be long before the Autobots had themselves an army on Earth.

Emiyo was aware that many governments were weary of having this many aliens on Earth, so she convinced Optimus Prime to declare that as soon as the Decepticons were ousted from Earth, the majority of the Autobots would leave. The Autobot commander would be true to his word when he flushed the last Decepticons off Earth, before personally leading the leaving Autobots on a mission to finish the Decepticons.

Of course Optimus would never return from this mission, though the war would end either way. Victory was celebrated on Earth, as the alliance between Human and Autobot became one of cultural support and not martial. Still, Emiyo always wondered what happened to Optimus, even as she continued to be a major player in the alliance.

So when Emiyo heard word of a mission to find Optimus Prime, she practically forced her way onto the crew. While people had assumed that she would remain in Autobot City, Emiyo insisted that she become the head xenobiologist aboard the Odyssey. After all, she owed Optimus a lot, and thus would do anything to find him.

Emiyo had a prominent position in the Autobot-Human Alliance, but she accepted a lesser position as a xenobiologist aboard the Odyssey. Though that isn’t to say that she still doesn’t have pull in the alliance.
Big Tusk


Role on the Odyssey:

Alternate Mode:

A very tall and bulky Transformer, Big Tusk is primarily gray in color. The most noticeable part of him is the elephant on his chest. While in robot mode the head splits in two, the halves of the trunk attaching to Big Tusk’s legs, while the tusks rise up, protruding from his shoulders. Both Big Tusk’s hands and feet are gold in color when they exit the elephant body. His head is also gold in color, with a clean, smooth top and silver lips. Instead of having standard optics, Big Tusk has a band that goes around where the optics should be. The band is silver and gold in color.

  • Copy of the Covenant of Primus
  • Surgical Tools

  • Medical knowledge
  • Religion Savant
  • Naturalism
  • Starship repair

Personality Traits:
+| Devout
+| Caring
+| Intuitive
+| Trustworthy

-| Dogmatic
-| Stern
-| Stubborn
-| Overly Verbose

Born into a planet already at war, Big Tusk became functional in Kaon, a city definitely controlled by the Decepticons. Even as a youth, Big Tusk was not swayed by the rhetoric espoused by Megatron and his commanders. He would quickly develop a reputation as a pacifist, as despite his great size, Big Tusk refused to fight in the gladiatorial arena. Instead Big Tusk focused on just finding some measure of peace during the war.

Eventually Big Tusk couldn’t justify staying among the Decepticons any longer and would sneak out of Kaon, heading into a vast wasteland. It would be there that he sought a meaning for his life, acting as a nomad. That would be until he discovered a group of wounded neutral Cybertronians. Apparently attacked by bandits taking advantage of the war, Big Tusk would nurse them back to health.

He would remain with these neutral beings until they were discovered by an Autobot scouting patrol. Big Tusk would decide to go with the Autobots, who took him to their base in the Crystal City. It was within this ancient city that Big Tusk would discover the Covenant of Primus, a long forgotten tome of Cybertron’s lore. It told the tale of Primus, the god who created Cybertron and its inhabitants, who would always watch over his creations. Big Tusk would decide to take these stories as truth and become a follower of Primus.

To that end, Big Tusk felt like he had to do something to save Cybertron. He would then join the Autobot Defense Forces, though strictly as a medic, avoiding any actual combat. Big Tusk would then begin converting his fellow soldiers to followers of Primus, creating a small religious group among the defenders of the Crystal City. However faith alone would not be enough to stop the eventual capture of the Crystal City by the Decepticons. The few Autobot survivors would flee back toward Iacon.

It was only when arriving in the largest city on Cybertron that Big Tusk would learn just how bad the situation was. Not only was most of the planet heavily damaged, but the life giving Energon had almost run out. The Autobots’ response to this was to abandon the planet. Big Tusk thought this as sacrilege to flee Cybertron and chose to stay. However, a soldier who he had been working with decided to stun Big Tusk and then drag him aboard. And so Big Tusk unwillingly left Cybertron.

From the start there would be problems with the Ark Big Tusk was on. First the Decepticons were able to hit with blaster fire before it fully left Cybertron. Then there were technical issues, causing them to lose contact with the other Arks. And finally there engines gave out, forcing them to land on an alien planet. The Autobots would find the planet fairly primitive, save a few spaceports and smugglers’ dens.

Seeking enlightenment, Big Tusk would wander away from the other Autobots, heading into the wilderness. He would walk for a long while before encountering a small temple. Inside he would find a fellow Cybertronian, one who had left his home long before the war started. He had been forced off Cybertron for the heresy of taking a biological alternate form. Big Tusk would then train with this elder Transformer, taking a biological alternate form himself.

The two would remain together for a long time, before the temple was discovered by Decepticons. They would attack Big Tusk and his mentor, gravely wounding him before the Decepticons fled with the rest of his Energon supplies. As a dying wish, the mentor told Big Tusk to go back into the universe, revealing that he still had a shuttle. Big Tusk would oblige and fly back to civilization.

He would then receive word of the Autobots push back of the Decepticons, which would result in the end of the war. Glad that peace was finally here, Big Tusk would arrive at Autobot City. Perhaps it was the will of Primus that Big Tusk was offered a place among the crew of the Odyssey as a medic. Either way he accepted immediately and is prepared to make the universe a better place.

Big Tusk is a devout follower of the Covenant of Primus, and truly believes in the Cybertronian god. He has also sworn an oath of non-violence and will not harm a being in any way.

NAME: Iacon

ROLE: Personnel Management

ALTERNATE MODE: Iacon has a Cybertronian hover-truck shaped and designed in spirit of Optimus Prime’s earthen vehicular mode.

APPEARANCE: Iacon is a large Cybertronian who bears great resemblance to Optimus Prime in physicality though bears a noticeably slimmer and more angular physique when contrasted to the great Prime. Iacon retains his odd purple and maroon color scheme with red optics and lights that he was born with.

  • Dual Wrist-Mounted Energon Blades
  • Ion Blaster Replica
  • Hand-Held Energon Axe Replica
  • Cybertronian Trailer-Stored Jetpack With Dual Kinetic Auto-Cannons
  • Ranged Combat Expertise
  • Melee Combat Expertise
  • Metallikato Aptitude
  • Interrogation
  • Personnel Management

Iacon is a devout fanatic of Optimus Prime and his Autobot cause, displaying a severe a lack of remorse and mild sadism closely associated with Decepticonism but practices great restraint. Iacon is understanding and forgiving, unable to hate anyone or anything.

Iacon was once an unremarkable Cybertronian managing personnel of an Energon storehouse before the war. He found leisure in literature, delving into fiction and philosophical arts whilst recharging or in downtime in his domicile. It was in literature that Iacon learned of Freedom — and Megatron. Iacon initially joined the Decepticons through discreet means, operating economically by anonymously smuggling small packets of Energon from the storehouse he managed into the hands of Megatron during the fledgling days of the Decepticon cause.

Iacon openly joined the Decepticon cause during the Great Civil War, where he was merely viewed as another soldier due to the anonymity of his donations. He did the things any average Decepticon would, and he continued to do so until he met Optimus Prime at the frontlines. Iacon was enraptured with Optimus Prime, who seemed gleaming to Iacon’s optics. But Optimus Prime’s appearance alone hadn’t swayed Iacon’s conviction, it was the speech that the Prime recited after calm had dawned on the battlefield. It was a speech of freedom and hope so captivating that Iacon tore his Decepticon emblem – which was fused to his chest – and threw it to Optimus Prime.

Iacon was retrieved alongside other wounded Autobots for his act of rescinding allegiance and nursed back to health, where he was put to work aiding the war effort through menial labor. But it wouldn’t for long that Iacon was tasked with just meager work, as Iacon would instinctively give managerial feedback whilst working and was soon put in charge of personnel management in Energon storehouses nested in the rearlines.

Iacon worked tirelessly at the storehouses, but with each transmission reporting the ongoing war, Iacon grew restless. His managerial work was highly important in regards to attrition and resource management, but Iacon wished to support the war more directly, rather than from the rearlines. So Iacon secretly set off for the frontlines.

Iacon wandered into the nearest frontline. His color scheme got him frequently confused for a Decepticon and he suffered numerous cases of friendly fire, but he persevered. Iacon racked tens of confirmed Decepticon kills before he was put in critical condition. But instead of staying down, Iacon rose again and again. Iacon ran through his Energon reserves and entered stasis long before any Decepticon could put him down. And Iacon inflicted so much carnage upon the Decepticons at the frontline that they didn’t dare step toward Iacon. The other Autobots at the battle rushed the frightened Decepticons and claimed a victory.

After the battle, Iacon was retrieved by Autobot medics and brought to a hospital, where he was reactivated and then met Autobot Prowl. Iacon was offered a spot on Prowl’s clandestine operations team. Iacon was quick to accept, seeing Prowl as another fellow devotee of Optimus Prime. Iacon was transferred to an unknown lab where he met an unaffiliated scientist named Mesothulas. Iacon and Mesothulas quickly became cordial, sharing a similar lack of remorse. Mesothulas one day asked if Iacon wished to partake in a prototype process of the doctor’s, to which Iacon accepted, under the condition that the end result was him gaining power and attaining a visage akin to Iacon’s idol.

Prowl used Iacon and a few other Autobots to root out internal strife discreetly, being assigned codenames pertaining to cities or important Autobot events. Iacon chose his namesake due to his like of literature. During his work with Prowl, Iacon came to see the ugliness within the Autobots and became disgruntled with the rampant misuse of the freedoms that Optimus Prime espoused and granted. Iacon went AWOL, acting on his own to dispense discipline. He would use the cruel methods of Decepticons to instill obedience into belligerents while manipulating those of malleable minds to adhere to his fanatical worship of Optimus Prime. Iacon eventually came into conflict with Prowl, who ambushed him and then arrested him.

Iacon was left stranded on Cybertron inside a remote prison near the Sea of Rust, where he remained in stasis up until the end of the war, after which, Prowl would return to the derelict prison and offer Iacon something he couldn’t resist: finding Optimus Prime.

Iacon’s fanaticism to Optimus Prime made him a perfect crewmate for the Odyssey in it’s search for the missing leader of the Autobots and he was thus assigned as the Odyssey’s personnel management and secluded to the Energon storehouse of the ship to prevent hostilities.

Iacon is afraid of the dark, has terrible eyesight, and has minor motor impairment that causes him to frequently stumble and bend his foot awkwardly when walking.

A lot of this is IDW-inspired, with me leaning heavily toward an Autobot Tarn rather than the Nemesis Prime I originally envisioned so that’s why it’s so edgy.

EDIT: Iacon is more centralized in the start of the war, rather than the latter part. He was at the start but never saw the end. And as for lightening Iacon up a bit? I can do that. He's already afraid of the dark and has trouble just walking without stumbling, so he can be somewhat of a bumbling loner.
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Endu_Makyr Endu_Makyr
I like what I see so far about an Optimus fanatic who became a black ops super soldier for the Autobots. While I’m fine with dark things having happened during the Civil War, I want this new post-war era to be more high spirited and fun, so Iacon would definitely need to adapt to this new status quo.

However some of the time line doesn’t line up, like Iacon being a prisoner in the Sea of Rust until the war ended. Almost all of the Autobots abandoned Cybertron a long time ago in Arks. Perhaps Iacon went AWOL after the exodus of Cybertron, and was imprisoned in a decommissioned Ark, his fellow crew watching over him until they received word of the war’s end. Only then would they release Iacon who would rush to Earth to join the effort to find Optimus Prime.

Or at least that’s what I was thinking. You could use it or come up with something completely different, whatever suits you better. Just let me know when you’ve edited the sheet and I’ll review it again.
Name: Jettison

Gender: He/him

Role on the Odyssey: A last-resort rescue/body recovery agent (think rescue divers but for space), though officially he's listed under security detail.

Alternate Modes: F-111 Aardvark (primary), A kenworth 18-wheeler that has been converted into a moderately fancy RV, though the bulk of the living space is interspersed with seemingly random jet parts, and all of the seatbelts are a five-point harness.

Transformers jet V6.png
Standing at a frankly absurd height for anything to be, even a Cybertronian (think the Cybertronian equivalent of a guy being 7'6"), Jettison falls into some category between "Markedly unsettling" and "completely unreal." While most bots pride themself on their battle damage, the only blemishes that seem to stay on Jettison are the ones on his face, specifically around the crest of his helmet and his faceplates. His armor is almost always completely smooth and spotless, an impressive feat especially as none have seen him even take the time to detail it.

Even just visually, it's obvious Jettison has gone through extensive modifications, and his armor sits almost awkwardly on his frame. His olfactory systems no longer work, and he has noticeable difficulty switching to his secondary alternate mode.

As with most Terrorcons, his energon siphon has been shortened, and no longer poses a significant risk aside from simply the visual disturbance of... his entire face.

-Camouflage matrix. Located on the inner chest plating, Jettison's primary tool is the camouflage matrix he... borrowed from Decepticon scientists during his default.​
-Charge shield. No one knows why it's called that, it does not charge things nor is it a shield. More aptly, it collects electrical energy when idle and discharges it while put under stress. It's fused to Jettison's protoform near his spinal struts, and upon activation, will send a short shock across his entire outer armor. He has seemingly been modified so that the charge shield does not affect his other functions.​
-Energon shock prod. Its electrical capabilities severely underutilized, its only purpose seems to be as a blunt force object.​
-A single air-to-air explosive.​
-Bastardized medical equipment plus some extra detailing tools.​
-Holoform generator (slightly buggy).​

Infiltration: Jet is, first and foremost, a stealth operative, and getting places he probably shouldn't be is his specialty. Of course, infiltration itself comes with its own subset of skills such as acting.​
Medical expertise: Before the war, Jettison was a medic... of sorts, and he maintains those skills mostly on himself. Granted, a lot of what he has learned since his early days is... inadvisable to practice.​
Melee/close-quarters combat experience: Nearly all of Jettison's combat experience has been close-quarters, and although his fighting style is not graceful or pretty in any way, shape, or form, he can be particularly vicious if sufficiently motivated. Because of his modifications, getting locked in close-quarters combat with Jettison especially is more dangerous.​
Human relations: Jettison is actually quite experienced when it comes to handling, and generally interacting with humans due to the Decepticons' kidnapping and subsequent keeping of one.​
General performance experience.​


Jettison is often accused of "going native", as it were, seemingly perfectly fine with never leaving Earth, and especially never returning to Cybertron. Really, the only reason he's on the mission is to keep track of his human charge that he still feels some amount of responsibility for. Unlike many other reformed Decepticons, Jet is of the opinion that if he never fought again in his life, he would be happy. He holds a high opinion of Optimus Prime and his morals, but remains somewhat suspicious of his and Megatron's entangled past, as well as Optimus' place in the old Cybertronian caste system.

He has a distaste for hierarchy in almost any setting, and can be quite difficult to work with if he perceives any feeling of superiority from those he associates with, though his protest appears less in any catastrophic manner and more in the form of small, petty slights and itemized lists of why, exactly he does not wish to speak or interact with certain people. Jettison can easily swallow his distaste in service, and does so perhaps too quickly should he decide that the ends are worth the means.

Unintuitively, those that Jettison enjoys the company of—few and far between at this point in time—he would both die and kill to protect, and in fact would do so without question or hesitation. He generally thinks the best of people and treats them as such, but if it comes between a semi-stranger and his own, it would not be a competition.

Otherwise, Jet is perfectly amicable, and very friendly, if somewhat rigidly polite initially.


Jet was born into the caste system with a lithe, light frame. His original assignment was to the entertainment caste, where he spent much of his time as a novelty, and the rest as a gladiator. He was not in the Pits of Kaon, and as such never crossed paths with Megatron, but his initial promise to liberate the unsatisfied from the current, oppressive system. when sides were taken, he joined the Decepticons.

Early into the war, Jettison (previously known under a different name), trained under the Decepticon medics, where, to some extent, he began the arduous and confusing process of making an identity for himself that was beyond what was made for him. True to the old values of wartime medics, Jettison cared for both Decepticons and Autobots with the same attention, a trait that later got him reassigned to the Terrorcon unit, where he underwent a many of the operations that shifted his appearance to what it is in the modern day.

The Terrorcon unit itself was half stealth-based, and half kamikaze. Initially it was a last-ditch effort to make use of untrained soldiers (or, in Jettison's case, liabilities), but it became a small squadron, made up of whoever survived both the procedures and the first few suicide missions, built to be dropped on top of Autobot forces to confuse and disorient them. Being similar to the mythological energon eaters, Terrorcons earned their name by the way they would take down an Autobot and siphon off their energon in the middle of battle. Terrorcons were later starved prior to being sent out, as it made them more efficient and far more desperate to make a kill.

It was on one of these drops he would meet his human charge and longtime troublemaker, Arii. Having stumbled away from combat wounded and bleeding energon, he managed to instruct them on how to contact the Decepticon warship so he could be retrieved and repaired.

Jettison would stay a Decepticon in the Terrorcon ranks until a spare few years before the war ended. He had been disillusioned with the Decepticon cause for a long time before, but never really had the means or an opportunity to flee. He kept some amount of contact with Arii—to some extent, they saved his life after all—which quickly lead to his commanders finding and retrieving this "distraction".

It was Arii's plan that got Jettison far enough that he could make contact with the Autobots and change his allegiances, where he used them as a sort-of "hostage" so that he wouldn't be gunned down on the spot. Needless to say, Jettison didn't agree with the plan, and the fact that it even worked mystifies him to this day.

By the time the war ended, Jet was approximately 110% done with this whole combat business, and with some assistance from the Autobot medic, could return to normal life... as normal as an alien lifeform on an unfamiliar planet can be. For the most part, he laid low after the war had ended and during the reconstruction. For the most part, he simply kept track of his allies and friends, hid out in random parking lots, and mostly avoided contact with others of his species. Of course, when his charge applied to the human-cybertronian diplomacy department, he had to come out of his self-imposed banishment.

It was entirely by accident he got wrapped up in this whole "let's go find Optimus and one of the most terrifying cybertronians still alive" business, and frankly he is not excited for it.


He can't swim. Like. Really can't swim. The more he tries to swim the more he sinks. Related, Jettison hates water.

His denta are so messed up on account of the whole "have to be built to latch onto bots and keep them still so he can steal their energon" thing.

The finials on the side of his head are not audio receptors but electrical sensors. They don't do much aside from let him feel the electromagnetic fields around things.

He doesn't like letting other people work on him, and does almost all of his repairwork himself.

Name: Officially, their name is Maive Raa, however they much prefer being called Arii

Gender: Dubious

Age: 18 as of a few weeks ago

Ethnicity: Mixed (Asian/European)

Role on the Odyssey: Human/Cybertronian relations "how to not kill, maim, or insult each other while stuck in the sardine-can ship" Will also do basically any odd-job people ask of them given it has nothing to do with cleaning

(I hate drawing people but they'll have a ref here too eventually)
Digimon Arii.png

Standing at a solid 5'9", Arii is built something like a stork had a lovechild with a snake and the resulting human inherited only the skinniest of the two's bones. They're tall and lanky, but with the general constitution of a piece of wet tissue paper, and it's a miracle they're still alive after being around large metal organisms for so long, because a stiff breeze can and will knock them over. Their entire wardrobe is something like "chaotic" with a dash of "too many layers" and a little bit of "impressively disheveled" whatever they wear is whatever they found on the floor that day paired with their signature jacket whether it matches or not. Seemingly the only clothes they're willing to wear are long sleeved shirts and full length jeans, with the occasional half-sleeve when they forget to get out of their pajamas.


Technically, they're allowed to wield a short-barrel Cybertronian-made rifle under the stipulation that Jettison keeps it when they're not actively using it.​
Utility multitool.​
Human-sized datapad complete with Cybertronian script option.​
Space-appropriate vacuum-safe attire.​

Because half of their life was spent aboard the Decepticon warship, they can almost fluently read and write in modern cybertronian, with some amount of understanding of ancient cybertronian.​
Remarkably, they get along very well with most Cybertronians, in part because they've learned how to fall well and how to climb better, and in part because they understand how to be very clear about how they feel about being picked up, thrown, etc. Mostly, though, it's because catching someone of diminutive size that can hide under the average workstation is a pain. If Arii doesn't want to be caught, they won't be.​
Arii has quite an extensive history with SCUBA diving, and as such, has somewhat of an understanding of how spacewalks work. While going through the introductory training, they scored very well on both the water-tank spacewalk and the launch and landing tests. They cite their aptitude for the latter in being flown around, thrown, launched out of cockpits, and generally all of the things that happen when "your giant metal roommates don't understand the concept of 'squishy and prone to gravity sickness.'"​
They are a very picky eater, but luckily, if food is dehydrated or freeze-dried, they are far less picky, as both of those things eliminate most of their texture concerns. Though, they loathe the astronaut favorite of oatmeal with a distaste seemingly borne of nowhere.​

Personality Traits:
Arii, to put it frankly, is a coward. They have some pretty terrible chronic anxiety, and a penchant for prey-animal fear. Nervous breakdowns are common, though they often take the form of angry outbursts more so than anything resembling the fear it actually is. Their best defense is sarcasm and abrasion, and despite their current status as a diplomat of all things, Arii is actually a very hard person to get along with when one gets down to it.

They are, however, far better at mellowing out their own personality and becoming someone tolerable for however long they must be socially acceptable.

Really, though, Arii resembles somewhat of a handleable cat. They're typically perfectly fine being picked up, and will lounge on top of bots for however long they please. If they don't like something, you'll know immediately, and it's that sort of quick and specific communication that lets them get along so well with Cybertronians.

The persona they put out to most people can quite simply be summarized as "well-meaning brat," because as it turns out, most adults love feeling smarter than Arii is while they're pulling strings, especially when they put on the "pretend to be smart" act. People like good people, and people also tend to like stupid people. With the right balance, they can worm their way right past most of the barriers put up to them.

Arii was fairly normal as a human being until, at around the age of nine, they were very abruptly kidnapped by giant metal alien robots. Now, surprising as it was that they didn't immediately die of fright, what became more surprising that, as they settled in and managed to secure things like food ("organic things need to eat a lot, and every day."), water ("Not salt water that will kill me."), and some amount of protection from getting squashed, they actually began to thrive. Having a curious mind, the propensity to ask "why" as many times as physically able, and the common sense to escape before people got too frustrated, as it turns out, opened up a lot of avenues.

Groundbridge control was their favorite of their "supervised tasks" (really just making them watch for hope that they would not somehow find the airlock and fire themself out of it, thus losing the Decepticon ranks the leverage they needed them for), and through that, they learned the basics of the modern Cybertronian grid and numbering system. Thus, any willing bot became their teacher, because what else is there to do when trapped on a warship but learn the native language. Of course, modern Cybertronian is completely unpronounceable to human mouths, but their ability to recognize minute changes in complex shapes carried them well through the frankly absurd makings of modern Cybertronian. Reading material was sparse, but hey they got really good at math.

And quite frankly, the Decepticons' math wasn't mathing. Save the planet is a good goal of course, but hey there's always slow rehabilitation instead of beating the other side into submission, and hey maybe stop spreading your war everywhere if you really do want peace.

As it turns out, when the superrace of giant metal robot people think you're stupid, it's really easy to cause a little havoc without getting blamed. Especially Easier still to help someone escape in that time period while everyone's distracted.

Now, Arii was much older when they met the Autobots, and their experience in the Autobot base was something to the left of pleasant. For the most part, they found they didn't like the battalion of Autobots they and Jet were stuck with, but lesser of two evils and all, and once they stopped picking fights they couldn't win the threats of getting stepped on stopped happening, so that was nice.

Arii mostly took the role of scribe, translator, and diplomat during the tail-end of the war, though diplomat was something of an exaggeration, as for the most part, they spent their time scrubbing the internet of things such as videos of energon explosions and blurry pictures of whatever bot had gotten themself caught on camera. It took nearly all of their time, and they didn't stop until well after the war was over (taking pictures of people without their permission is rude), but that gave the police or whatever some time to handle the whole "hey yeah it's been like six years since I vanished off the face of the world but I'm alive, so I kinda need my legally alive status back" thing.

Too young to take the GED exam to even attempt an estimate of a highschool diploma, they took a gap year that was filled mostly with free college courses and picking up old, human hobbies they hadn't been able to touch in a while. And also the whole... haven't so much as interacted with another human in multiple years thing.

During the start of their studies for the GED, they were offered a position on the Odyssey one of the only people to have spent significant amounts of time both on a Cybertronian ship as well as interacting with them on, essentially, technology built for them.

Arii is actually quite smart, despite the appearances they put up, and have a remarkable capacity for pattern recognition.

They've broken bones before, and most of them were due to being on the Decepticon warship.

Their vision is so, so, so bad. Like. With their glasses off, they can't see shit.
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Endu_Makyr Endu_Makyr
Thanks for making the edits. So I’m going to approve Iacon. Also reminding you that you are allowed to make up to two more characters, including humans.

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon
So I like Jettison, and I’m glad that you toned him down like we discussed. So I’m approving him. I also really like Arii, and the idea that the Decepticons essentially had a pet. So he’s approved as well. If you want you can make a third character, or perhaps wait to see if something comes up story wise that could bring in another character.
Siren, Songbird​
Role on the Odyssey:
Chief Intelligence Officer​

Alt Mode 1: Kenworth C550 Bed Truck
Massive trucks aren't uncommon in the oil and gas industry but, never one to be outdone, Sirensong simply had to choose one of the largest she could find (while still being marginally street-legal). With its powerful dual winches, eight-wheel drive, deployable gin poles, and a load limit in excess of a hundred tons, she can easily tow other vehicles or carry most mid-size Cybertronians on her back, even across the roughest terrain.

Sirensong often used this mode to haul 40' shipping containers. She would fill them with communications equipment, weapons, spare parts, or energon cubes. Their unassuming outward appearance meant she could drop them almost anywhere and not raise suspicion. Like many Transformers, she is also capable of projecting a holographic driver or passenger to fool humans. But Sirensong takes this one step further: she can also project fake cargo on the truckbed.

Alt Mode 2: F-15 STOL/MTD (replica)
After surviving a centuries-long war, atmospheric re-entry, and being buried for millions of years in a volcanic cavern, it would be safe to say Sirensong's Cybertronian jet mode was overdue for retirement. She "upgraded" to an already-obsolete F-15 model sometime in the early 1990s, and stubbornly stuck with it, despite repeatedly getting her goose cooked by Decepticon Seekers.

Nearly two decades later, after joining the Human-Autobot alliance, she begrudgingly allowed some friends at NASA to perform a refit, transforming her into this six-winged abomination. The thrusters and weapons were overhauled, creating what is essentially a Cybertronian spaceplane within the shell of an Earth jet. What it lacks in speed and refinement, it makes up for in maneuverability, and might actually have a tighter turning radius than her truck mode.

Appearance / Transformation
Sirensong's robot mode stands slightly taller than the average Cybertronian, but most of that height is in her long legs. She is entirely monochrome -- mostly black, silver, and gunmetal. Her silver faceplate is very human-like, is fully articulated, and is contained within a pseudo-helmet of a darker gunmetal, which makes it look as if she is wearing a hooded cowl. Her optics glow a pale purple, and two black stripes travel down her cheeks, like teardrops. A pair of very long blade antennae extend up where ears ought to be.

During transformation, the truck's grille and hood split down the middle to form her upper chest, while the doors and fenders travel up and outward, becoming her shoulders. The steer tires tuck up into the hood cavity, overlapping the heavy framework of the truck's bumper and skidplate, which lays flat to become her abdomen. The truck's undercarriage --toolboxes, fuel tanks, etc-- become her arms, ending in long, black multi-jointed fingers, each with a sharp claw. Her legs are digitigrade, having thick blocky thighs, tapering into slim calves, and ending in armored "hooves," with a sharp two-pronged "heel" for stabilization. The rear dually tires tuck up into her haunches and can only be seen from behind.

The remainder of the truck cab folds onto her back, along with some other jet kibble, and is only recognizable by the headache rack and winch drums, which sit behind her shoulders. The cargo deck splinters into long irridescent black "shards," which are affixed to these drums. These articulating blade-like appendages on her back serve as antennae and, depending on their position, can either look like wings or make Sirensong look like a spiky evil hedgehog... but usually they just hang there, doing nothing.​

Weapons / Gear
Reflector Shards: (robot mode) Sirensong's primary tool(s) are the metal shards adorning her body, which are actually fragments of a retroreflector array, a vestige of her old satellite alt form. They can be controlled remotely, as long as they remain close to her body, and can absorb or deflect EM radiation (such as radio waves, microwaves, and even some energy weapons fire). When combined, they form a large parabolic dish, which boosts her communication range. Although these can be used as melee weapons, they are sensitive scientific equipment so... yeah... that's a bad idea.

Palm Laser: (robot mode) Sirensong can project a thin laser beam from her palm. It requires concentrated fire to do any meaningful damage, which is unfortunate because it overheats if sustained for long. However, it is pinpoint accurate and can be reflected off her shards for sneaky geometry-based shenanigans.

Sonic Claws: (robot mode) In addition to being very sharp, Sirensong's claw-like fingertips can vibrate at extremely high frequencies. This is intended to serve as a form of gound-penetrating sonar, but can be used to shatter rock or fatigue metal, once the correct resonant frequency is found. Requires direct contact.

Ion Circus: (jet mode) Tiny missiles which leave behind a small cloud of electrically-charged particles when they explode. Sirensong's body generates these in robot mode, but they are only useable in jet mode. She can store up to twenty, but her tendency to panic-fire them --because she really sucks at aerial dogfights-- means she burns through them rather quickly.

Zipstream Gun: (jet mode) This weapon, mounted under the jet's nosecone, emits what looks like an energy beam, but is actually thousands of tiny needles accelerated to ludicrous speed by elecromagnetism. It is nowhere near as destructive as an autocannon, but is surgically precise and whisper-quiet.

Winch Cables: (all modes) These woven cybertitanium wires are available in all modes. In robot mode, they are on her back; in jet mode they are in a hidden bay beneath her fuselage; and in truck mode they are behind the cab. They can be used for anything, from dragging cargo to binding enemies (or friends, if they're into that sort of thing).​

Skills and Abilities
Radio Frequency Manipulation
Signal Jamming and Spoofing
Decryption and Hacking
Logistics Experience​
High Intelligence
Exceptional Spatial Awareness
High Mental Fortitude (Curcuit-Su Training)
Energon Cube Generation

Personality Traits
Sirensong is a bot who delights in her own perceived superiority. Arrogant, haughty, and boastful, she likes to be the smartest person in the room and will make this "fact" clear every chance she gets. She can come across as a caricature of stereotypical highborn behavior, the type of bot who sips her energon with her pinkie up. Even her speech patterns are drenched in passive aggressive witicisms. In short, talking down to others and demanding she be treated like royalty are her favorite pasttimes.

However, those who know her well can see it's all just an act... or maybe a defense mechanism? Pretending to be insufferably pompous is her way of keeping anyone from getting too close. There's a certain self-awareness to it all, as if she's laying it on a little too thick for it to be real. And despite pretending to be "too good for this" she never puts forth an effort to distance herself from whatever needs to be done. Quite the opposite, actually: she is surprisingly helpful and even somewhat compassionate toward those in need, especially humans. (However, this could just be noblesse oblige masquerading as altruism.)

Aside from all of that, her greatest character flaw is her refusal to engage in anything involving physical effort or handling filth. (And, in her eyes, anything that is not her is "filth.") She will happily spend days studying reports and data, than spend five minutes being a lowly beast of burden. Ironically, this mindset completely flips when she is in her truck mode -- she adores hauling things in truck mode, even through mud and dirt. Also, while she is not a pacifist, she avoids combat as much as possible and likes to keep warfare as assymmetrical as possible. Loves trolling her enemies.​

Prior to the Great War, Sirensong was a researcher for Cybertron's Ministry of Science. As a triple changer, she had two alt modes: a space shuttle and a powerful communications satellite. Her daily duties consisted of drifting in orbit, sometimes for weeks or months at a time, sending and receiving high-priority communications or testing new forms of data encryption. It was boring work, mostly. But, while others might be content to live such a comfortable life, the isolation and her own ambition slowly ate away at her.

Her rather unique alt mode made her valuable, but also meant she was trapped in this role. Her research team operated out of Luna 1, which put her on the edge of space, yet unable to go further, thanks to the Senate's isolationist policies. She felt that Cybertron was doomed to fade into obscurity and stagnation under their rule. Although she disagreed with Megatron's violent means, she felt a similar yearning to break free of this stifling existence.

When war came, Sirensong had already quietly chosen her side. She lent her talents to Megatron's cause, but remained incognito. She was a voice on the radio, guiding Decepticons to hidden Autobot bastions. She was the nameless message in their inbox. She was a seed of chaos, sprouting in Autobot logistics. She felt a thrill, knowing her efforts made a difference, no matter how small.

Sirensong never wanted to be in the war, but her meddling eventually caught up with her. The Decepticons found her first and "recruited" her, mostly against her will. She only wanted to anonymously pull the strings and watch the puppets dance, but now found herself in the war room as some of Megatron's most trusted generals. She would witness, firsthand, what they do to their enemies. Needless to say, she didn't want to be their enemy.

Megatron had grand plans of marching on the capital and ousting the Senate. Sirensong made it her mission to ensure this "final" act went as smoothly as possible. She had to make it quick, clean, decisive. For the first time, she joined the battle. She even adopted a new alt mode to fly overwatch for the Seekers as they invaded the capital ahead of Megatron's main force. She jammed Autobot comms, scrambled their sensors, cluster-bombed them with EMPs, did everything she could to bring them to heel… yet they fought on.

At last, the Senate fell. It was messy. It was ugly. But it was done. With his dying breath, Sentinel Prime bequeathed the Matrix of Leadership to the young Orion Pax, turning him into Optimus Prime. In doing so, he ensured Cybertron's death would be a slow one. He galvanized the Autobots, emboldened them, rekindled a war that Sirensong felt should have --would have-- ended that day. He committed the cardinal sin of ruining her plans. As the war dragged on, Sirensong grew bitter, cynical. She immersed herself in her work: control the airways, suppress the Autobot message, further the Decepticon cause.

After centuries of fighting, the planet was nearly bled dry of its energon. The Autobots began constructing Arks for their grand exodus, as if they could simply leave after everything they had done. At first, Sirensong considered joining them, but her own pride, guilt, and envy prevented her from doing so. Instead, she accepted a place aboard the Nemesis.

They chased Prime's Ark across the cosmos, eventually cornering him above a pale blue world. As Megatron's forces attempted to board, Sirensong decided now would be the best time to take her leave. She transformed into her jet mode and left the ship, under the pretense that she would circle around to hit them from the other side. To this day, she isn't sure if the Autobots opened fire on her or if the Nemesis crew saw her desertion for what it really was. Either way, she was shredded by autocannons almost instantly and plummeted into the planet's atmosphere.

Sirensong crashed somewhere in the Pacific Northwest and went into stasis lock for four milllion years. She awoke in 1980, due to the eruption of Mount St. Helens, which provided her with just enough energon to bring her systems back online. But she was still too damaged to remain in robot mode for long. She scanned the first functioning Earth vehicle she could find, replacing her satellite alternate mode with a logging truck, and remained in hiding to study this planet and the primitive organics who called it home. With no knowledge of what had become of Prime’s Ark or Megatron’s Nemesis, Sirensong believed herself to be the only living Cybertronian on the planet. For the first time in centuries, she felt free.

In 1984, while eavesdropping on some military channels, she overheard reports of “giant metal men” who can turn into cars and planes. At first, the government did a decent job of keeping it hidden, but it would soon become clear Optimus and Megatron were going at it again. Sirensong wisely chose to stay out of it this time and hoped the humans would drop a nuke on them or something. The last thing she needed right now was her “old friends” mucking up another planet.

But, by the late 80s, the secret was out. Decepticons were hitting oil refineries and power plants, to turn them into energon collectors. The Autobots were fighting them in the open and human authorities were getting mixed up in it as well. By now, Sirensong was lying low in Canada, working the oil fields of Saskatchewan, a place she had settled in for its energon reserves. Unlike her former comrades, she chose covert coexistence over violent conquest and only took what was needed to survive. But, with the war spreading, she pivoted from vigilance to defense.

By day, she remained in disguise, just another big rig rumbling across the Canadian oil sands. By night, she erected listening posts and patrolled the skies. When Decepticon Seekers inevitably arrived, she was two steps ahead of them. And, thanks to her efforts, so was the Canadian Air Force. They codenamed her "Songbird," an unidentified Autobot aiding them from the shadows. She spent most of the early 90s feeding them intelligence, but even that wasn't enough. Sirensong had to enter the fray herself a few times, dogfighting over the Northwest Territories in her jet mode and even raided military bases to arm herself.

Being a third wheel in this war eventually bit her in the ass. She was finally shot down by a former comrade -- the Decepticon Seeker, Thundercracker. He was repelled by Air Force jets in the area, but Sirensong was captured and taken to a military blacksite, where they were shocked to discover the mysterious "Songbird" was actually a Decepticon. She was held in secret by the Canadians for a few years, first as a prisoner and test subject, but later as an ally in their fight to push back the Decepticons. She would eventually be transferred to America when the Alliance began to take shape.

Sirensong mostly faded into obscurity after that, quietly working for NORAD behind the scenes, and later with NASA when the Decepticons began to target rocket launch facilities. However, despite her earlier goals of traveling the cosmos, she didn't leave Earth when the Autobots re-established communication with the Cybertronian colonies. Perhaps the War finally extinguished such dreams. She did, however, help establish a communications infrastructure between Earth and these worlds.

She would later be recommended for the Odyssey. Sirensong hesitantly joined, despite believing Prime and Megs are probably long dead... or, maybe she merely hopes they are. She doesn't believe they will find the legendary Autobot leader, nor does she feel he is needed in a world at peace. But, for once in her life, she sort of wants to be wrong...​

Nearly all of Sirensong's weapons are repurposed scientific instruments: her lasers are for rangefinding, her sonic fingertips are for seismic imaging, and her shards are an antenna array. Even her long, creepy, nightmare fuel fingers are ill-suited for holding weapons, but perfect for typing or making precise adjustments to scientific apparati.

Sirensong is capable of limited flight in her robot mode, by using her shards to levitate. It is terribly inefficient, but she sometimes does it anyway, casually hovering in place or over short distances, probably to exert dominance or something. Or she's just too lazy to walk.

If left to her own devices, Sirensong sometimes plays music. She has no genre preferences and the volume is usually kept low. But, be forewarned, she can crank it to eleven if necessary. Steadily increasing the volume is her default way of telling others to fuck off.​

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