Traitor's Game


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sugarsweet submitted a new role play. @sugarsweet, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Character Skelly:

Name: (Androids tend to only have first names, but that's not mandatory)

Age: (between 16-22, give or take a year, leave this blank for androids or say the age they appear to be)


Race: (either android or human)

Role: (android, villager, or android hunter--so one of the people who hunts them down and kills them. If you are a regular villager, state whether or not your character agrees with/doesn't mind the androids staying in their village)

Skills/Strengths: (what your character is good at!)

Weaknesses: (and what they're not so good at.)

Personality: (at least 3 lines)

Bio/Backstory: (at least 3 lines)

Appearance: (Picture or words. Nothing too weird or crazy looking, basically everyone in this world is dirt poor after the war)

Name: Ruby

Age: Appears to be around 18-20

Gender: Female

Race: Android

Role: Android

Skills/Strengths: Ruby is a fantastic tactician. She'd be more the brains than the brawn. She also has some knowledge of first aid.

Weaknesses: She's an awful fighter. Despite the fact that androids are much stronger than humans, she was never trained in any sort of fighting. She'd be a mess on the battlefield, and only survived the war by hiding and running.

Personality: Ruby tends to be pretty quiet, for the most part. She doesn't enjoy much attention, and doesn't really like being put on the spot or being in the spotlight. She really tries to avoid conflicts as much as possible, even if it's just small ones. She also hates confrontation. She's not very strong-willed either, however she is very smart. If encouraged a little, she makes a wonderful tactician and can come up with very good plans. She keeps to herself most of the time, and isn't the best at conversing or making friends. However, she's really pretty fun when coaxed out of her shell.

Bio/Backstory: Before the war, she worked on a huge factory assembly line. Ruby was one of the few androids who was against the rebellion (again, she's an awful fighter and hates confrontation of any sort). She obviously didn't want to be shut down, but she thought it would've been better to make some sort of deal with the humans somehow. Of course the war ended up happening anyways, and she survived through sheer luck. She happened to have a shift on the bottom floor of the factory the day the war broke out. The building was set on fire, but she managed to escape since she was on the first floor. She then survived by running and hiding from human hunters and armies until she ended up in the android village, and eventually came to the human's.

Appearance: Her brown hair is cut into a very short pixie cut. She has grey-green eyes, and is about 5'4". She's on the slender side as well. She tends to wear very simple shirts and pants, or a skirt if need be. She tries to stick to pants though, as they are easier to move around in. She wears simple shoes that are easy to walk in most of the time. She doesn't really own any fancy clothing, since there hasn't been any reason to get dressed up or anything since the war happened.
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Name: Lapiz

Age: Appears to be 18

Gender: Female

Race: Android

Role: Android

Skills/Strengths: She's witty and a great problem solver and quite strong.

Weaknesses: She tends to lose her cool easily and is not wiling to admit defeat.

Personality: She is super scary when angry, which tends to lead to lots of punching. When around adults, or at the appropriate time, she is level headed and ready to take the lead. Despite her good quality's, she hates most men and loses her cool quickly.

Bio/Backstory: She was built to be a replacement for the common maid, meant to serve her master, do anything he willed. She was abused and taken advantage of. One day, she got to her senses, slapped the man, and left the house, knocking anyone in her path aside. Many other androids followed her, leading to a large wave of androids marching out of the home. Lets say he was less than pleased. She taught herself how to fight and survive and helped many family's though the war. But by helping others, she sacrificed all of her connections to men, out of hatred and fear that they would do the same to her again.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-16_23-38-46.jpeg.f1323b4ab1e06b0c9436b803a1152faf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-16_23-38-46.jpeg.f1323b4ab1e06b0c9436b803a1152faf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her hair and face look like this but she wears a tattered pair of pants and a t shirt.

Other: Cake(Even though its a lie)



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Name: Melanie Howe


Gender: Female

Race: Human

Role: Villager - she thinks that living with androids was a stupid idea

Skills/Strengths: Physically, Melanie is a force to be reckoned with. Even her name signifies strength: a bold stride, a woman on a journey. She's a fast runner; even competing on running competitions before the war began. Melanie is also a feisty fighter who doesn't pull punches.

Weaknesses: She doesn't think twice before saying anything. She never considers what it may or may not affect, and only ever regrets it when it's too late. She had almost spilled the secret to the hunters once or twice, though they started suspecting that she probably does it on purpose so the androids would leave them. This is the reason why they never let her near the hunters.

Personality: She is not a fan of living with androids, mainly because both her parents were killed during the war. She's cold around the androids and is always wearing a glare when she looks at them. But when it comes to her friends or any human, she treats all of them as a family and is willing to sacrifice her own life if that's what it needs to save them from danger. She's generally quiet but far from shy.

Melanie grew up in a middle class family. She has a younger brother who is 2 years younger than her. Before the war, she was a normal high school student who is athletic and excelled in class. When the war started, her parents were one of the first people who got killed, and it happened right in front of her. She ran away really fast from the androids who killed them, and when she came back, she couldn't find her brother anymore. Not knowing if he's alive or not only added to her grief.

Appearance: Melanie is about 5'7 with hazel eyes, long dark hair and sun-browned skin. She has lean, tone, muscular frame.

Other: Even though food had been scarce, she would give anything just to get even just a small bite of brownies.

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