Total Eclipse of the Heart


a sad lil bean

Female Spots


1. Taken by Yours Truly <3

2. Taken by @Oasis

3. Taken by @Jessfire

4. Taken by

Male Spots


1. Taken by
@Skillex Freyrdottir

2. Taken by
@Wolf Wolf

3. Taken by
@Imrealk <3




{Make it look purty}


Age: {20-23}


Appearance: {Gif preferred, NEVER anime.}

Details: {Tattoos, piercings, etc.}

Name of Ex:

Break-up: {Why you broke up.}

Traits: +___,___,___-___,___,___

Personality: {Traits explained, detailed please.}



My Character


Work in Progress...

Alaska Black // 21 Years Old // Female



"Just take a gander, buddy."

A small stud nose piercing, a bellybutton piercing, average ear piercings, and a tattoo on her lower back {it's white ink, showing the phases of a moon down her spine.} Scars all over her body from Alec and self-harm.

Name of Ex:

"Don't remind me..."

Alec Parker


"Long story short, he was an asshole and I got tired."

Alec had been abusing her for several months, but she never had the courage nor oppurtunity to leave him until one night when he was out late with his friends. Her breaking point was when he took his gambling addiction to the extremes and bet Alaska, and lost. After realizing what kind of life she was living, she packed her things and was walking out the door when he came home with some of his buddies. His friends started laughing at him and making drunk jokes about how she was leaving him. He got so mad that he started beating her right in front of them as they cheered him on.

Alaska woke up in the hospital, with Alec in prison along with his friends. She visited behind glass and broke up with him, and before he could respond, she left. Alaska was wasting no time in finding someone else, as she had wasted years on Alec.


"Jesus, you ask a lot of questions."

+ Spontaneous, Flirty, Witty - Sensitive to Touch, Paranoid, Quirky



"I've got lots of it..."

Alaska definitely makes rash decisions that often end with her being in sticky situations, but she loves the thrill of being spontaneous, and that makes her really fun to be around. Besides the occasional spontaneous decision, her every move is cool and calculated, making her seem laid-back and relaxed. Alaska is also very good with her words, using them to both flirt constantly with boys she finds special and to express her feelings on a subject. She's witty and funny and can think on her feet. Unfortunately, however, she's very insecure, and winces when people touch her uninvited. Alaska has mild paranoia, and Alec is never far from her thoughts. She's very quirky and is a complete dork on the inside.



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"George Washington."

Connor Blake


"Please, don't start singing."



"Why don't you take a look?"



"Look at me, being as fabulous as ever."



"I love tattoo's, but I only have one"

Has a spiral tattoo on top of his left foot.

Name of Ex:


Marie Verati


"Ugh, again."

After years of a committed relationship where the two built their own house, created their own business, and even traveled the world together, Marie had gotten more harsh than she already was. She had started picking arguments and fights, talking about negative things, and pointed out every flaw in Connor, and he swore that he was going to go nuts, although the thought of breaking up had never crossed his mind. He believed it was true love, and true love it might of been, but only for him. After driving around New York (Where he used to live before he moved to Silver Peak), she had asked if they could go to the train station where they had met several years ago when Connor had played his guitar for her. She explained how she wasn't right for him, and how she would never be affectionate and couldn't love him like he loved her. She got on the next train and went her own way, while Connor had broken down in the station and had to drive himself to his old house in the wealthier part of New York, where his mother's and older sister comforted him and gave him a place to stay for a while.



"I don't really know myself that well."

+ Charming, witty, Humorous; - Aggressive, One-track-minded, Sarcastic


"There's a lot of it."

Connor is the type of guy to light up a room with one smile, and loves making people happy. His sweet demeanor is generally appreciated by most people and he aims to leave a trail of smiles and laughs behind him. Plus, with his charming Aussie accent, it adds a different, more charming effect.

Once Connor makes a decision, there's no going back or changing his mind. It is what it is, and you'll just have to deal with it.

He often takes things a little far though, so try to be careful. He'll get aggressive with the things he doesn't like.

He can be funny and sarcastic in a cute way, and he can bite back with full force too. There's a never ending supply of comebacks and nasty remarks in his brain, so don't think you'll ever bring him down.


"I think I'm done now."

Connor grew up happily in wealthy household, with two lovely mother's and an older sister. He grew up normally with love from the three women in the house since the age of seven, when he was adopted from Australia when his sister and mom's were on vacation. He was introduced to New York and instantly fell in love with it, along with his wonderful family. He managed to keep his accent fortunately, and also kept his Australian vocabulary. At the age of thirteen, he was diagnosed with dyslexia, explaining his trouble with school all those years. He was also found with ADD, ADHD, and learned he had exercised induced asthma, which quite frankly never stopped him from doing sports.

He managed to pull through school without getting held back, but decided to skip college all together. He met Marie in New York, but moved back to her home town in Silver Peak. The break-up then happened when they were traveling back to New York for vacation, and he went back to Silver Peak after it, seeing as he already had a job to support him financially there, the one he had started with Marie.


"Call me."



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Eden Thomas Rivers


Twenty One






Eden has four facial piercings which include two black snakebites on his bottom lip that he often tugs and plays with his tongue. He also has a black nose piercing with spikes at the end. He has a black eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow which he hides under his hair.

He has a nervous habit of chewing his lip especially when he's trying not to smile.

He speaks with a Southern Accent though he fears people think him less intelligent because of it.

He often wears black, his normal outfit would consist of his normal black shirt with his long arm gloves and his tight jeans with converse.

Each one of his nails is painted black and he occasionally will be seen wearing eyeliner.

He has tattoos up and down his arms which are just quotes or scriptures he adores.


He loves horses and other types of farm animals due to the fact he grew up on a farm

He keeps a small notebook and pen in his pocket for when he feels inspired to write.

While he isn't verbally skilled in other languages, he does know sign language due to his the time he was with his ex.

Though he can be quite shy, he enjoys dancing but does what he likes to call "The Nerd Dance" Yup that's right, nerds are cute too!

His favorite past time has always been star gazing and he likes to chart them down in a separate notebook.

Name of Ex

Annabelle Mary Smith


Eden came to find out that Annabelle had cheated on him after he agreed to give them another chance when they ended up fighting. He picked her up the next day, ready to take her out on a date when he noticed an odd mark on her neck. Come to find out, Annabelle had made out with another man and it broke Eden's heart.

Traits +

Shy, Friendly, Sweet, Humorous,

Creative, Poetic, Calm, Stubborn

Playful, Argumentative, Faithful, Vulnerable


Eden is usually shy by nature and often has to have his friends drag him into social situations but that doesn't mean he's stone silent.

He can actually be quite friendly when around others or getting to know strangers. He uses his sense of humor as an ice breaker when meeting new people and enjoys making other's laugh.

He's not the biggest Prince Charming when it comes to complimenting others as his shyness does creep up on him in such situations but if by chance he does compliment you it's often a sweet compliant.

Eden has a creative side to him, often his mind fills with ideas and words for poetry which he just has to write down but he is stubborn about sharing his writings.

But aside from that he's rather playful, always looking to have fun with others or create his own sense of entertainment.

He is still sensitive when it comes to certain things like sharing his feelings and may raise an argument if someone tries to push him to spill his feelings.

But if he's around someone he feels he can truly trust, you will him open up but be very careful people who are vulnerable break easily.


Eden was born in Tennessee on a small farm, which influenced his love for horses and such farm animals.

He spent the first few years of his life stuck inside his home, only allowed to go outside with his parents for they feared he would get hurt by the farm machines or animals.

Still whenever he was outside, he had fun chasing the chickens and petting the horses.

Learning how to feed and care for the fellow animals was Eden's job once he was old enough to know the dangers of the farm.

But when he wasn't caring for the animals, he spent his time in his room. Either drawing or writing.

He was homeschooled by his parents who taught him the basic skills he knows today. This is also what influenced his rather shy personality.

But regardless nothing fascinated him more than poetry.

As he grew, he studied it. Learning the different types of poetry and how one would go about writing them. Of course everyone has their own style.

Though he never liked sharing his poetry with anyone, thinking it wasn't good enough despite his parents encouragement.

His friends however didn't care much for the fact Eden wrote poetry and focused him on getting a girlfriend at the sixteen.

However Eden never budged, not one thinking about romance at his age which made his friends surprised.

For years he watched them date,
laugh, live and love. And while a small part of him wished that was him, he used their experience for his poetry.

He learnt to love the sweet words of poetry that he decided to get such quotes embedded into his skin.

No surprise his parents were quite shocked when he came home that day.

After he graduated from homeschool, he remained at home unsure of where his life would take him.

He would often sit on the roof of his house, staring at the stars as if they'd give him an answer.

He began reuniting with his love of star gazing and spent two years charting a map of them down before he considered going to college.

That was around the time he met Annabelle and fell in love for the first time.

Spending day after day together, he began to open up to her like no other. Sharing his poetry and emotions.

Much like many others, he believed he had found the one however it seemed over the years Annabelle began becoming less interested in their relationship.

Eden trying to fix it, showing up at her home to try and talk it out which unfortunately led to them fighting.

Never wanting to be one to hurt the woman he loves, he agreed to let everything go if they would be willing to start over.

Annabelle agreed and Eden felt as though everything was at peace, just having turned twenty one.

But as the saying goes, nothing lasts forever and upon picking her up. He found out she had cheated on him and ended the relationship.

Now unsure of what to do and feeling rather broken, he decided he needed to clear his mind and leave home for the first time.

Hopefully he'll find love under a different set of stars.



Though I loss a part of my heart, be still and without worry precious love. For you come and you go, bless those who need you and others who learn lessons through you. I feel a new rhythm beating inside and I pledge that I will not deny. When you yet again pierce me with cupid's sweet arrow and the night sparkles

Love Written In The Stars

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"Call me Jill and I'll kill you"

Jillian Nordick


"Old enough for you to buy me a drink"



"I have a magic tunnel"



"Take a picture, it lasts longer"



"heavy words are so lightly thrown" small tattoo on her side, just below the bra line

Flower tattoo on her thigh that covers up old scars from self harm

Name of Ex:

"Who? That jerk you mean?"

Sam Hayes


"He was an ass"

Sam put Jillian through a living hell. He was a recovering heroin addict and she was the supportive girlfriend. A year into the

relationship was when things started to change. He would lie to her about where he was and come home at all hours of the day.

Then it happened. In a relapse he lashed out, making Jillian the unsuspecting victim. She had it with him and left him in the

middle of the night.


+Caring, Adventurous, Easy going

-Sarcastic, Mistrusting, Insecure


"It's all a facade you see"

Jillian likes to cover things up and likes to never let people in. Every morning she puts a big smile on her face and acts as if her

life is perfect. She hides all her insecurities and worries underneath piles of metaphorical crap. She has a laid back, easy going

attitude about her, nothing seems to ever bother her. Seems to that is. Deep down incidents and comments eat away at her until

she can't hold it anymore. Causing her to have an explosive and quite volatile outbursts, which normally ends with a few broken

items or a broken heart. Ever since breaking up with Sam she has channeled all her frustration and demons into partying. This

may not be the best way for her to deal with things, but it's her way. She has a young and playful spirit to her...when she isn't

"letting her feelings out." She is almost never serious, but when she is, you know she means it. She also tends to care to much for

others and never lets them care for her.


"Do we have to do this?"

Jillian comes from a seemingly perfect family, despite it's hiccups. Her father left her mother when she was young and remarried

when she was in her early teens. The marriage not only brought in a mother she felt much closer with, but the siblings she always

wanted. She grew close to both of her step-siblings, an older sister and a marginally younger brother. They stand by her through

thick and thin. Her family is about the only thing perfect in her life. That's what counts right?



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Cordelia Lance

"Also referred to by the name given to an electrical appliance."


Her birthday having been four months ago, Cordelia has just officially left her ‘teen’ years and is now twenty years of age.




"Is this not clear enough?"


So far, Cordelia only has single ear piercings with simple earrings put in most of the time. As for tattoos, her parents are still firm on their decision of not giving her permission to get herself inked for presentation's sake. God only knows how many times she was glowered at when she wrote her parents a persuasive essay asking for their approval of getting herself tatted at the age of seventeen.


Name of Ex:

Matthieu Blanc

"What ex?"


The two broke up due to complications in their long-distance relationship At the time they were dating, Cordelia was convinced that Matthieu would return home for her as promised, but having found another during whatever it is that they called a relationship, he made the decision to stay in England with his new lover.

"I wasn't with anybody."


+ Considerate, Loyal, Disciplined

- Passive, Impulsive, Reserved

"You can decide on this."


Cordelia being Cordelia is a girl of many thoughts, most of which she chooses to scribble down on paper before she stores them away in case any one should find them. At least, that is what she does now with having nobody she trusts enough to confide in. Tending to think more than act, though act more than speak, the young lady can indeed be fairly quiet and reserved, preferring to observe than be the one observed. That's not to say that she won't talk though, of course. The female is described as quite the enigma due to her passiveness and face often lacking in a variety of expressions. Owing to her wealthy house hold and her minimal interaction with other people, the young lady has also been wrongly deemed as ‘stuck-up’.

Furthermore, as teachers repeat each year, she is a
"quiet achiever". Cordelia, being used to acknowledge for her wits, naturally does not like having the spot-light on her and will often advert attention focused on her, to another person. This being the case, Cordelia will generally be quick to try to change the subject if the subject is her but even so, she does not always succeed in her attempts.

Aside from that, Cordelia is very much of an independent person though ironically, finds herself relying on other people as a source of happiness and whatnot. She also has a profound interest in psychology and animals, two subjects of which she can lose herself in.

"Not much."


As a child, Cordelia was never a person who was given too much attention to by her parents who were constantly quarreling though never did divorce for reasons her mother and father refused to answer elaborately. All they would reply with was the simple lie that they love still each other too much, but their behaviour convinced her otherwise. Coming from a family who prides themselves in academic intelligence and wealth, Cordelia is anything but unfitted for the family. Cordelia was a student of high grades lives the life of the upper-class.
"Be smart and honour the family" was all she was taught through her years and to this day, she remains the product of what her family enforced. The selfish need to be the 'perfect' family however, caused for Cordelia to withdraw herself from her distant and uncommunicative family. With having focused too much on her studies to be who she is now, Cordelia never did have too much of a social life.

"Not my favourite subject."



"What other information would anybody want to seek?"


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"'Sup people?"

Colton Atticus


"I'm not THAT old."

Twenty-two years old, born on November 6.





"Staring is rude, ya know."



"Aaand, CUT!"

Colton has a scar on his left wrist. He got it while trying to chop a lettuce with a pocket knife.

Name of Ex:

"I don't know who you are talking about."

Rose Royale


"It's a long story, okay?"

Colton found out that Rose was only after his fortune, like the others. How? When he woke up and checked the Money Safe, it was empty. He had told Rose the code because he thought he could trust her. She was sleeping at his house before that day.

I HATE YOU!" he shouted.

Of course, he didn't mean it. He regretted saying those words, but her words stung him like a knife.


Clearly, she was drunk before there was four or five empty glasses of wine, but Colton didn't notice it.


thought she loved him.


Colton's father was out that day, he was in a one week vacation.


Rose slapped him.

FINE, YOU --------!"

The door slammed shut, leaving Colton alone in his mansion. Even if that happened, he still had his friends who cared for him.

Traits: +fun-loving, laid-back, loyal -impatient, extreme, complacent


"Shoot that plane down! Yes! High score!"

Colton is a fun guy to be around with. If he gets board, he tries to think of something
not boring. His extreme personality can help. He'll even risk using all of his money. And no, he does not gamble. He goes to some kind of unbeatable game and tries to finish it, even if it costs him all of his money. He loves to joke around and make people's frowns upside-down. He knows a lot of hilarious quotes, most coming from experience. He handles situations calmly but his impatience gets in the way. His impatient persona only shows up when he's playing games, however, so that's a good thing. For example: An earthquake. He doesn't freak out. When he's reading a book, he simply places it on top of his head. When the game takes too long to load, he starts cursing under his breath and closes it. When he earns an achievement, he grins smugly and congratulates himself.


"You'll find out sooner in the book, I can't spoil it!"

Colton was a son of a rich man. His mother had passed on when she gave birth to him. His father was well-known and he gives Colton anything he wants. Colton wasn't greedy, he puts other first before himself. When he has his own money, he donates to charity. His father got him a Maserati for his 16th birthday and he was overjoyed. He passed his driver's test and he couldn't help but pretend he won a trophy. After he got his driver's license, he drove around town, attracting more attention from the ladies. He didn't want fame, he just wants to live a normal life. But of course, "normal" was the worst word that described him in the dictionary.


"No comment."





Grace Goldberg


"WHY are you asking a lady's age? That's just rude!"



"Is this a trick question?"

Female. No duh.




"Hmm... getting a little personal there, don't ya think?"

Has a tattoo of a raven behind her left ear, and a tattoo of a dove on her right.

Name of Ex:

"... wait, were we actually considered 'together', together?! I figured he just liked me and I ignored him."

Max Washire

Break up:

"WE BROKE UP TOO?!?!?!? Damn, I have to pay more attention one of these days!"

Max got tired of being ignored, and Grace was not aware that they were going out. ^.^


"I'm not perfect."

Sarcastic, mopey, a little emo at times, but otherwise a fun, energetic, snarky and great person.



Grace is in general, a fun person to be around. She loves music and freedom, and is extremely loyal to any friend of hers. Good luck getting her trust, though.


"Don't remind me."

Grace grew up in a very abusive family, and constantly ran away from home to visit her best friend who lived about 10 miles away. Her friend had HIV, and died when he was 17, leaving her slightly traumatized. She lives at another friend's house right now.


"I'm not really interested in relationships."



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