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Fantasy Tossing A Line, Let's See Who Bites? [Lit/Adv, Open]

Mortal Recoil

The Stone Face
Wow. I first opened this thread a long time ago, but I'm back and interested in RP again.

Don't think much has changed in the below criteria, other than I now would prefer my partners to be at least 18+.

About Me:
  • I love writing and coming up with interesting plot ideas, but I really don't enjoy being stuck in the planning phase for too long. If I'm in the mood to RP, I want to jump into it now. I find that the stories I enjoy writing the most are the ones that surprise me and lead to unexpected places. If you have any starting prompts I can just jump into immediately, throw them at me!
  • I always write at least 2 or more paragraphs per post. I don't aim for a specific word count, but I'll generally try to match the amount my partner writes.
  • My favourite genres are horror, sci-fi, fantasy and mystery. I love some angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn relationships.
  • If there's romance abound, I prefer MxM and MxF pairings, but I don't mind FxF as well.
  • I'm not too bothered by violence, gore or sexual references, but I have no interest in writing smut.
  • It usually takes me a while to write story posts, especially if I have multiple RPs running at once. I usually post at least once or twice a week. However, I do check this site regularly, so I'll gladly fill the time in between story posts with some plot discussion or even just idle chit-chat.
  • I'm happy to RP here in threads or through PMs, or take it to Discord.

What I'm looking for:
  • Literate/advanced writers who can provide detail.
  • Quality over quantity. I don't mind how many paragraphs you write. As long as you give me something substantial to work with and move the plot forward, I'm happy. But please, no one-liners.
  • Plot with me! Don't hesitate to let me know what works for you and what doesn't, we can work around it.
  • Able to post at least once a week.

I'm currently in the mood for something more original, but here's a list of fandoms I'm interested in anyway, just in case.

  • Serenity/Firefly
  • Hannibal (TV series)
  • Fallout (specifically New Vegas)
  • Dishonored
  • The Elder Scrolls
  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • A whole lot more that I can't think of at this very moment... Ask, maybe I'll like your thing too?

Super Basic Plot Ideas I've Not Fleshed Out At All:
  • Art Thief/Art Thief or Art Thief/Detective (Horror, Fantasy): A famous artist recently passed away, and it’s discovered he had a secret collection of art he never revealed to the public. The characters pull off the art heist of the century, but soon dire consequences follow.
  • Ship Crew/Stowaway (can be either Historical, Fantasy, or Futuristic): Character A discovers Character B hidden amongst the ship’s cargo. Character B is running from their past, and begs Character A to help them.
  • Stalker/Target (Realistic, Horror, possibly Fantasy): Character A is a shut-in, but lately they’ve noticed Character B hanging around their apartment complex rather often. Who could they be? What do they want?
  • Human/Ghost (Supernatural, Modern): Character A has just moved into their new home. But one feature the real estate agent didn’t mention is that the place comes with its very own resident ghost. What will make them go away for good?
Please shoot me a PM if you’re interested. I’m also very happy to hear any ideas you may have.
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Mythological Creature x Mythological Creature peaks my interest.

Do you mind me playing the F role though?
Aster said:
Mythological Creature x Mythological Creature peaks my interest.
Do you mind me playing the F role though?
Not at all, feel free to play whichever/whatever character you like. You can PM so we can start to work on details.
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BlackPlauged said:
what were you thinking about along the lines of horror?
It's really hard to come up with an effective horror plot to be perfectly honest, so I haven't given it a lot of thought at this stage. If you've got any ideas, though, I'd be interested to hear them.
Ooh, nice ideas! I love Hannibal and Mr.Robot (the latter for a great part thanks to Rami Malek).

I'd love to hear the ideas you had for :

  • Otherworldly Spirit x Human (Dark Fantasy) *
  • Ghost x Human (Modern) *

So I'm shooting you a PM! ^^
Captain said:
Ooh, nice ideas! I love Hannibal and Mr.Robot (the latter for a great part thanks to Rami Malek).
I'd love to hear the ideas you had for :

  • Otherworldly Spirit x Human (Dark Fantasy) *
  • Ghost x Human (Modern) *

So I'm shooting you a PM! ^^
Woohoo! Another Fannibal/Mr. Robot fan! I look forward to sharing my ideas with you. :)
I'm really interested in either the Android x Human one or the vampire gang in the 1920's prohibition era.
Hello there! A bunch of your options pique my interest, but if I had to name a few I'd say:

  • Otherworldly Spirit x Human (Dark Fantasy)
  • Android x Human (Sci-Fi)
  • Alien Soldier x Human Soldier (Sci-Fi)
  • Fallout
  • Mass Effect
I'm interested in hearing what plots you have for the first three! The vampire gang also sounds rad. ^.^
I'm really interested in something set in a Bioshock universe -- did you have any ideas for that in mind? I'm happy to play M/M or F/F ♡
Hey, hello! I believe I can easily meat you're requirements and I'm interested in maybe the alien soldier x human soldier or the 1920s vampire gang. Maybe we could work out a plot?
Mythological Creature x Human, Android x Human, or Test Subject x Doctor all sound like they could be promising, going by the once not already marked as taken. If you have the time I would love to discuss something with you going off one of those ideas.
Mmm, hello.

First off, welcome to RpNation, Mortal. May I call you Mortal, or do you prefer something else?

With that formality out of the way, I'd like to express my interest in plotting a one on one with you. Both test subject x scientist/doctor and mythological creature x human piqued my interest. I see you have a fair amount of interest as it is, so I totally understand if you're too busy to take on another game. c:
Thanks everyone for showing interest! But for now I'll have to close my thread -- the responses are getting too overwhelming for me to handle. I'll update this when I'm looking partners again, and I'll keep you all in mind when I want to resume my search!

Mordecai said:
Mmm, hello.
First off, welcome to RpNation, Mortal. May I call you Mortal, or do you prefer something else?

With that formality out of the way, I'd like to express my interest in plotting a one on one with you. Both test subject x scientist/doctor and mythological creature x human piqued my interest. I see you have a fair amount of interest as it is, so I totally understand if you're too busy to take on another game. c:

Wow, an admin! Thank you for the warm welcome. You can call me Mortal, or MR, or Morty, or whatever you find easiest! I don't really go by many other names, at least not any that would be pertinent here, so I really don't mind.

I'd love to do a one-on-one with you, but I already have a few active RPs underway and I'm pressed for time to respond to them all. Maybe in the future, I'll shoot you a PM.
[QUOTE="Mortal Recoil]
Thanks everyone for showing interest! But for now I'll have to close my thread -- the responses are getting too overwhelming for me to handle. I'll update this when I'm looking partners again, and I'll keep you all in mind when I want to resume my search!
Wow, an admin! Thank you for the warm welcome. You can call me Mortal, or MR, or Morty, or whatever you find easiest! I don't really go by many other names, at least not any that would be pertinent here, so I really don't mind.

I'd love to do a one-on-one with you, but I already have a few active RPs underway and I'm pressed for time to respond to them all. Maybe in the future, I'll shoot you a PM.

:P despite the myths, we also roleplay. I figured as much. Enjoy your games!
Hi, I'm new. I've been role playing on and off for years. I'm a bit rusty though. But i remember being quite fond of romance rps.I also can play many different personalities but I prefer female characters.I have an idea but I'm not sure if you'd be interested or not. Of course I have to wait to pm because im new ( as I mentioned ) but can we maybe talk here till we get a rough idea penned out? If your still taking partners.

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