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Resource TORI'S TREEHOUSE - codes by a novice

I like this one.. it keeos track of the people roleplaying and the characters they roleplay as ^^
very useful and aesthetic, something I look for in my everyday life ^^ or do I..?
I could imagine using this as roleplaying notes.. like uh.. idk for roleplaying..? I feel like this also has a lot of potential uses ^^

16: Moonlit Skies
Something a bit different. Some transparencies and an image background, oooh... And accordions. No character image, as this is meant to be for a prelude or ramble. It has a banner header for the a main act, a header in the box for a second title, and then a hidden scroll box. You can remove the banner though, if you want. It also has room for a mentions and OOC notes. But you can remove those too, if you want.

I got the image from anime-sky on tumblr and hue-shifted it myself, but they don't remember what anime it was from. Best guesses they had were Insomniacs After School or Tonikaku Kawaii. It also... didn't work with variables so... whatever.

EDIT: Removed redundant image variable.
IC Code, Hidden Scroll, Mobile Friendly, Accordions - [LINK]

Coded by AnemoVictorious

- Moonbeam Resistance Act #

Mission # - Mission Name

Text goes here
OOC Notes

Coded by AnemoVictorious
ooh!! this one could be used for uh.. Truthful encounters? ^^'' not sure.. but I love all of these ^^ <3 I'm not a coding expert.. but are these codes free to use?
Wait I think I've seen you before
<3 I'm not a coding expert.. but are these codes free to use?
Wait I think I've seen you before

yep! most codes in threads with the reosurce tag in the bbcode center should be f2u unless otherwise stated - usually they say so in the first post ^^ for me all i ask is you leave a reaction on the post and keep the credits, which is sentiment i see a lot of the other bbcoders also have.

you probably saw me in the obsidian bride rp, i was there briefly but didnt finish my character LOL
yep! most codes in threads with the reosurce tag in the bbcode center should be f2u unless otherwise stated - usually they say so in the first post ^^ for me all i ask is you leave a reaction on the post and keep the credits, which is sentiment i see a lot of the other bbcoders also have.

you probably saw me in the obsidian bride rp, i was there briefly but didnt finish my character LOL
ohh I seee thank you ^^ (whats a BB?)

awhh shucks I would have loved to see your character and rp ^^'' you were going to roleplay as Larimar yes?
ohh I seee thank you ^^ (whats a BB?)

awhh shucks I would have loved to see your character and rp ^^'' you were going to roleplay as Larimar yes?
bbcode stands for bulletin board code, which is the type of markup used on most forums. i think. don't quote me on that LOL. on rpnation we has some css elements enabled however too! thats another different type of code basically

i was gonna rp as larimar yes! but i decided to shift my focus to 1x1s (and then joined other rps anyways LOL)
17: Costume Chest
A code that's been done for a while for, but I qas too lazy to release. But I have another code I wanted to release, and I put this up on pastebin already. I decided it wasn't fair to this code, basic as it is, to not release it. Also it'd mess up my public paste order LOL.

I wanted to do more one on ones, so I decided to make a new interest check. But my old character storage was full of characters I was not happy with anymore. I have an abandoned one, sure, but for some reason I didn't want to make a third one. Probably because I couldn't delete the thread. And I'm nothing if not stubborn. I have refused to make a new discord channel or thread and went and deleted each message one by one. So maybe I am nothing but stupid. Oh well.

So a few days later, I decide that I want a different second message in the thread. So I go and individually delete every character again (There were only three this time, in my defense) and then make a placeholder. I copy and past each one, plus another, and then went to code whatever the hell this is. Then, I realized that... the first post was a modified version of my ToriTown census code to only have one characters section. Now, if I was smart and just recreated it with a two tab version, I could have saved myself a lot of time and clicks. Oh well! I did cut corners and use the ToriTown census cards as a base for the characters. This is called using your resources. You could also use this as a roster too.

All of the images are official art in some capacity.
Faceclaim Storage, Roster, Hidden Scroll, Accordions, Mobile Friendly - [LINK]

Coded by AnemoVictorious


A storage for faceclaims I want to use. If you see one you like and want me to use one for a 1x1 RP, let me know!
Feminine Faceclaims
Masculine Faceclaims

Coded by AnemoVictorious
Dude, can I possibly use some of the FCS? I'll show you the end result(s) if you want.

(I didn't know about some of them until now so that's why I'm asking)
Dude, can I possibly use some of the FCS? I'll show you the end result(s) if you want.

(I didn't know about some of them until now so that's why I'm asking)

go ahead! i dont own the exclusive rights to use them - hell i usually just jot down faceclaims i like if i see other people use them so i can use them for other purposes. i dont need to see it though!

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