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- Tori's Treasure Trove
Hi! Welcome to Tori's Treasure Trove, my character showcase! Previously, it was Victory's Valhalla, and before that Floral Garden in the Sky. However, I wasn't happy with it at all, and so I remade the thread in my private workshop to save everyone! In the future, some may be re-added. In fact, Quincy was re-added after a quick color swap for visibility! Hooray for Quincy!
By clicking on the character's name, you can quick jump to their post in the showcase. Below that will be what sort of RP they're for. EX: Marley and Harley are for a vampire RP, so it says Vampire RP, and Quincy's for a general modern setting, so it says General Modern RP. If a character's a WIP, they were be a * after that. If they're not mobile friendly and DO NOT HAVE AN UNCODED VERSION, ^ will be after their setting. Most will be mobile friendly, however, so...
If you want to RP with any of these guys, please DM me! You can find my current 1x1 search here. I exclusively RP with anime faceclaims! No AI generated ones! Picrew and drawings are okay too! I am willing to write these characters as different ages and in different settings, but please ask first to be sure if it's okay for your specific idea! - Characters
Harley Ellis
Vampire RPMarley Ellis
Vampire RPQuincy Damaris
General Modern RPFelix Alderidge
Magical Warrior RP*Full Name
RPerFull Name
Coded by AnemoVictorious
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