Showcase TORI'S TREASURE TROVE - character showcase


local tired fool
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site
My Interest Check
  • Tori's Treasure Trove

    Hi! Welcome to Tori's Treasure Trove, my character showcase! Previously, it was Victory's Valhalla, and before that Floral Garden in the Sky. However, I wasn't happy with it at all, and so I remade the thread in my private workshop to save everyone! In the future, some may be re-added. In fact, Quincy was re-added after a quick color swap for visibility! Hooray for Quincy!

    By clicking on the character's name, you can quick jump to their post in the showcase. Below that will be what sort of RP they're for. EX: Marley and Harley are for a vampire RP, so it says Vampire RP, and Quincy's for a general modern setting, so it says General Modern RP. If a character's a WIP, they were be a * after that. If they're not mobile friendly and DO NOT HAVE AN UNCODED VERSION, ^ will be after their setting. Most will be mobile friendly, however, so...

    If you want to RP with any of these guys, please DM me! You can find my current 1x1 search here. I exclusively RP with anime faceclaims! No AI generated ones! Picrew and drawings are okay too! I am willing to write these characters as different ages and in different settings, but please ask first to be sure if it's okay for your specific idea!
Coded by AnemoVictorious
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A storage for faceclaims I want to use. If you see one you like and want me to use one for a 1x1 RP, let me know!
Feminine Faceclaims
Masculine Faceclaims
Coded by AnemoVictorious
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  • Basics
    Harley Ellis
    FC: edward 'add' genore [psychic tracer] (elsword)
    Full Name
    Harley Ellis
    Nineteen (19)
    May 24th
    Trans-Male (He/Him)
    Bisexual Biromantic
    Place of Origin
    Iridumglen, Sanguinia
    Moonbeam Resistance
    Resistance Member + Commoner Thief
    5'4' (162.6cm)
    102lbs (46.3kg)
    Of shorter stature and lighter weight, the Ellis twins at first glance may seem identical. With the same white hair, pink eyes, pale skin, and facial structure, it'd be easy to mistake them as such. In truth, they look it, but they are fraternal, Upon seeing them use their powers, or uncovering their veiled eyes, this is increasingly more obvious, as Harley has a diamond shaped brand in his right eye, and Marley in his left. Unmistakably, members of the royal Iridiumglen bloodline, despite Marley's electricity affinity. Perhaps, if they payed attention in classes or even attended them in their later years, they would be aware of the obvious signs of their heritage, including their pointy ears and shark-like teeth. Their eyes are also accented by dark bags, a side effect of their insomnia making them restless. Their vision isn't the greatest, but it isn't like they really know that there's anything wrong with it, and if they did, they probably couldn't afford it.

    Harley is a tad heavier then his brother, but only a tad - 2 pounds. The two tend to wear ripped jeans and worn sneakers, though in the warmer months they'll wear shorts. Harley will also wear plain t-shirts, though he's started a collection of stolen graphic tees, or ones with sayings, from the human realm. He also has a black jacket with some fur trim on the hood. which he'll wear in colder weather and climates. He often wears a binder, and is very bad at overusing it, much to Marley's chagrin (albeit a bit hypocritically, as his twin can be a bit forgetful about it too).
    Between him and his brother, Harley is the more confident one, the snarky one. The one that has a temper and is quick to anger, fiercely protective of his twin, though they bicker quite often. Harley doesn't like to express his vulnerability often, or perhaps doesn't really know how, preferring to hide behind snark and sarcasm. It takes a lot for him, and his brother, to trust others, and the two have very prominent abandonment issues, though they would rather not admit it. Because of this, Harley is often dismissive, sarcastic, or rude to others, and his hotheadedness doesn't really help. Both twins struggle with social cues, and Harley is prone to moodswings, as well as lingering anxieties over when they'll have their next meal or if they'll live to see another day.

    They both have mischievous streaks, and have perfected the art of sneaking around to take - especially in the human realm, considering they'd erase the memories of any witnesses. They also are fairly closed off. Harley is the one to make the plans, the one to act quick and lead the duo. While they're both fairly impulsive, Harley is more so, acting without thinking. His greed is more prominent than Marley's, taking what he wants without care and willing to attack and fight for it should he deem it worth it. He's far brattier and more defiant compared to his brother as well.

    Harley does have his insecurities, particular when it comes to showing such vulnerability with those he trusts, even his brother. He is a bit envious of his brother's ability to do so, as well as being more comfortable in his skin and with his gender identity. Despite this, Harley loves his brother dearly, and if anything happened to him or they were separated, he would be devastated.
    Meat, food, shiny things, pizza, bread, blood,
    Feminine things, spicy foods, Marley's picky eating, extremely hot weather, extremely cold weather
Code by Nano
  • Basics
    Marley Ellis
    FC: edward 'add' genore [arc tracer] (elsword)
    Full Name
    Marley Ellis
    Nineteen (19)
    May 24th
    Trans-Male (He/Him)
    Homosexual, Homoromantic
    Place of Origin
    Iridumglen, Sanguinia
    Moonbeam Resistance
    Resistance Member + Commoner Thief
    5'4' (162.6cm)
    100lbs (45.4kg)
    Of shorter stature and lighter weight, the Ellis twins at first glance may seem identical. With the same white hair, pink eyes, pale skin, and facial structure, it'd be easy to mistake them as such. In truth, they look it, but they are fraternal, Upon seeing them use their powers, or uncovering their veiled eyes, this is increasingly more obvious, as Harley has a diamond shaped brand in his right eye, and Marley in his left. Unmistakably, members of the royal Iridiumglen bloodline, despite Marley's electricity affinity. Perhaps, if they payed attention in classes or even attended them in their later years, they would be aware of the obvious signs of their heritage, including their pointy ears and shark-like teeth. Their eyes are also accented by dark bags, a side effect of their insomnia making them restless. Their vision isn't the greatest, but it isn't like they really know that there's anything wrong with it, and if they did, they probably couldn't afford it.

    Marley is a tad lighter then his brother, but only a tad - 2 pounds. The two tend to wear ripped jeans and worn sneakers, though in the warmer months they'll wear shorts. Unlike his brother, however it's rare to see Marley without his beloved hoodie, and even rarer still to see him without long sleeves. The reason is simple, his shoulders are littered with burns form cigarettes from being alone with his negative thoughts during his solitary smoking breaks, and the hoodie is his comfort item of choice. Under his hoodie, he wears plain shirts usually, though will dip into his brother's stores of graphic tees. . Like Harley, Marley also wears a binder and will occasionally forget about it, but is much better about properly using it than Harley. He likes to paint his nails, usually black, in order to stop himself form biting on them, though it doesn't always help.
    Marley is the quieter, shyer twin. The follower. And yet, he's more okay with showing his vulnerability than Harley is. He has a sarcastic streak, mostly in regards to his brother doing stupid things, but will always follow him to the end no matter how much they bicker. It takes a lot for him, and his brother, to trust others, and the two have very prominent abandonment issues, though they would rather not admit it. Because of this, Harley is often dismissive, sarcastic, or rude to others, and his hotheadedness doesn't really help. Both twins struggle with social cues, and Marley tends to have days where nothing seems to be worth it, as well as lingering anxieties over when they'll have their next meal or if they'll live to see another day, especially considering Marley's picky eating habits.

    They both have mischievous streaks, and have perfected the art of sneaking around to take - especially in the human realm, considering they'd erase the memories of any witnesses. Marley is impulsive and greedy, though less so than Harley, as he'll think about whether or not it's worth it to fight to keep something or not. Marley is also more sensitive, and while he doesn't show it, he lacks confidence in himself.

    Despite being confident in his body and identity, Marley has his fair share of insecurities. He's always felt inferior to his brother, believing that Harley would be better off without him. He has low self worth and doesn't really care for himself all that much. He keeps this hidden under lock and key, lying and saying everything's alright when it's not? But the twins are good liars, so most have no reason not to believe him. After all, he wouldn't want to hurt Harley by telling him that he's part of the reason he feels this way.
    Meat, food, shiny things, pizza, bread, blood, cooking, tinkering, his hoodie
    Spicy foods, extremely hot weather, extremely cold weather, Harley attempting to cook, his insecurities
Code by Nano
basic info
Culinary Rascal
Quincy Damaris
    Quincy Angel Damaris
    Quince, Quinn, Sammy Sandwich
    Freshman culinary arts major, part-time sandwich shop worker
    Eighteen (18)
    September 15th
    Cis-Male, He/Him
    "It's kinda funny how my dog Titan has been there for me more than my parents ever have, and I've only had him for, what? Less than half my life? And by funny, I mean sad..."
    5 feet, 10 inches
    171 pounds
    Dirty Blond + Brown
    Light Blue
    Face Claim: Arven from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
    Voice Claim: TBD
    "If I were the mascot of my workplace, I think I'd be called Sammy Sandwich? I dunno, maybe it'll appeal to the kids and make them feel welcome and... not that lonely anymore."
    On the surface, Quincy is a goofy and kindhearted young man. He tends to crack jokes and cares greatly for other people, always making sure they have a nice meal and treating them with kindness, no matter what. He can be a bit clumsy and he's not the greatest with academics, but he certainly can turn a frown upside down! ...That is, if it's not his own...

    Deep down, Quincy struggles with loneliness and abandonment issues, as well as dealing with things that cause him stress. He's very much the type to bottle things up and only tell his dog, Titan, the things that are bugging him. He's deathly afraid all his friends will leave him and that he'll eventually be all alone, as well as being self-conscious about the way he acts. He never wants to let this side of him show to other people, though only time will tell if the façade will break down and he'll find someone he can share his feelings with.
code by Nano
Only the divines know when it'll be finished, so be patient! AKA: I was too lazy to do a full CS for him. He was made for a 1x1, but maybe I'll do one later.
Coded by AnemoVictorious

Felix Alderidge
Magical Boy​
cis-male, he/him
Felix is a young man who has been fairly sheltered through his entire life. A friendly person despite his rich upbringing, he's always been kind to others, charitable. Maybe a bit naïve, but he always means well. His nature means that people take advantage of him, but he's always been none the wiser. He's had money to spare, and if he was helping someone, why not give a little? This nature came to bite him back one day as he didn't have on his person one day when someone asked him for some. When he admitted he could not give any, they got hostile and demanded it, threatening his life. Felix narrowly escaped, his perception of kindness shattered. It was then he started paying more attention to the world around him. It was then he came into contact with a creature, offering him powers stemming form a wish if he helped to defeat monsters. Felix made a wish to be able to protect other people, resulting in his transformed state donning a suit of shining armor, a sword, and shield. Despite the tough situation it would put him in, Felix was ecstatic to be able to protect others, and decided to adopt a secret identity, one he named Paladin. FC: Axia Krone from Nijisanji
Code by Nano
"A smile better suits a hero." – Haurchefant Greystone, Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
basic information
Rosella Cerise Flowers
Rose, Rosie, Ella
Cis-Female, She/Her
Seventeen (17)
date of birth
March 12th
place of origin
City of Vale
Beacon Academy Student
Anon Chihaya from Bang Dream
5 feet 2 inches

[I miiight add an appearance write up here later]
There is a lot of energy stored within a petite frame, and a lot of kindness too. Always smiling, always helping others, Rosella is an optimist with a heart of gold. If someone is struggling, she's the first to extend a hand to help. If someone's all alone, she'll worm her way to their side so they aren't lonely. Rosella is the type to put others before herself, to cheer them on. She's also the type to bounce around the walls, and always had pep in her step.

Underneath her warm exterior lies a desire to be liked, to not be alone. Is life worth living if she lives in solitude? Is life worth living if she can't help others? Rosella puts others before herself, is quite self-sacrificial and harbors a lot of self worth issues. She wants to be seen, to be needed so she has a reason to keep going, a purpose. Despite this, she wholeheartedly believes that things will always turn out okay, which leads to a lot of devastation when things go wrong. She si very emotive normally, but when her façade cracks, expect a lot of tears and for her to be inconsolable a while...
Rosella's father died when she was very young, leaving her with a mother who had to work a lot. An only child, she spent a lot of time with relatives that met her needs, but didn't give her much quality time. Her rare moments of solace were when her mother was free. She was loved very much, but the work hours at the hospital were long and tedious. Perhaps that was where her negative thoughts and need to be seen stemmed from...

As she got older, she wanted to help others like her mother, in her own way. She often helped out her neighbors with errands such, and was always happy to be given gratitude. This later stemmed into a desire to become a huntress. She attended Pharos Academy with her mother's blessing, and she made lots of friends but... wondered if they actually liked her. Especially as she came to Beacon and none of them sought her out. Despite everything, Rosella wants to put everything into her training and hopes to be on a team that becomes close and tight-knit.
To Be Added
last words

Rosella has not yet unlocked her semblance, though she has gone through great lengths to try and do so.

Blooming Bubble - Bladed Dust Bubble Chakram [BDBC]


(I'm bad a describing these things... Something like this but pink!)
Image Credits
Portrait: 空之爱恋
Weapon: CuppaJo

Rosella's theme color is Brilliant Rose #F64A8A

Rosella's enjoys cooking and gardening, and loves to make dishes with home-grown ingredients for those she cares about.

Rosella's favorite foods are sweets, and she struggles eating spicy things. Her absolute favorite is chocolate fudge.

Rosella based her weapon off of one of her favorite childhood activities - playing with bubble wands!

Rosella loves animals, but she never had one of her own.
code by @Nano

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