Too many ideas!


Senior Member
Every now and then I come to the conclusion that I have waaay too many ideas for my own good. Essentially, I produce more ideas for games and characters that I know I cannot put into good use. But I still dream of the time when I can, so I hold onto those ideas because maybe, just maybe, there will come a day when me and my friends want to play something but we have no idea what. Then I can rise from my chair and declare: "I have an idea!"

But that day can be a long way from here, so I got another idea (shocking!). I'm going to post my ideas here in a 'pitch' kind of way, for you to read and judge, and I would like you to do the same. I'm fairly certain that many of you have ideas that you may not ever get the chance to use, either for a game or a character or possibly even a novel or a whole setting.

We don't need details; there's still a chance that some of this will pop up here in the future. Who knows? Maybe someone will read this and think "Man, I'd like to know more" and implore you to run with it. Best not spoil the fun then. So, if you want to share your ideas, I'd suggest you go with the 30 second pitch idea, and I'd also like to know what system you had in mind.

It also helps to just write them down. Gives you a clearer perspective.

So here are some of my ideas:


A group of children are sent to a boarding school somewhere in the middle of nowhere. The school has a reputation of turning troubling youth into less passionate individuals, but the children find out that the school is actually a group of Changelings who send them off to Arcadia.

A mixed game of Changeling the Lost and WoD Innocents. Tried running it in a PbP but failed.

Unnamed Exalted Character

I have this idea for a Solar Exalted who is also a father. The idea is that he Exalted as a Zenith Caste when his son/daughter was born, but was forced to run away. The idea assumes that the child is less than a year or two old, forcing the Exalted to protect the life of his child at all cost.

Impossible Adventures: Zigma

I might actually run this. There is a secret organization that knows about the existence or Zigma Waves, a scientific theory that the connection between cause and effect can be measured and altered. The organization exists to protect the world from the misuse of these Zigma Waves, but when the leader's brother returns from the dead, all hell breaks lose.

I've been planning to use Savage Worlds for this, and have been toying with the idea of running it here, but I don't know how to incorporate the card-mechanics.

Samurai in Space

In our Solar system (or one just like it), the imperial society of old Japan has taken to the stars. Clans fight for supremacy in spaceships using mechanical armor, artificial intelligence, and cybernetic or bioengineered enhancements, all while holding on to the tenets of bushido.

Again, Savage Worlds. Again, cards are getting in the way.

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Welcome on board. Piracy on the high seas, landlubbers, cannons, rum and PotC quotes. All this and more on a ship that is sailed by the dead or the dead-ish.

Geist: the Sin-Eaters game set in a Piracy setting.

Wolves of Bushido

No idea really, but I really want to run a game of Werewolf: the Forsaken (or Apocalypse) set in feudal Japan.

The House Always Wins

Again, not much of an idea yet, but I recently had an idea for a Changeling: the Lost game set in Las Vegas where the PCs are the Court Monarchs trying to build and protect the Freehold, all while trying to hold power.

1881 Space Opera

While writing this, I had an idea for a game that mixes Steampunk and space opera, likely using Savage Worlds. It would focus on the Martian Settlements and its political relation with Earthian space ports. Mixing it with a terrorist group that is attempting to sever that connection.

Goddess of Justice for Women Wronged by Men

I have an idea for a female character for Scion that starts off as a volunteer at a women shelter who later receives the power to bring justice upon the men who harm women. Depending on the game, her efforts might become misguided and soon even the smallest of slights could be punished with extreme measures.

God of Rap

Not much of a rap person, so I figured stepping out of my comfort zone is good. A Scion character who will become the god of rap music.

Power Struggle

I would very much like to play a game where the players make multiple characters in a handful of political powers in a grim fantasy setting. The idea would be a Game of Thrones kind of story, where the multiple houses fight each other over the throne. I would use the A Song of Ice and Fire game mechanics, but in an original setting since I don't know much about Westeros.

God/Goddess of Transhumanism and Sexual Preferences

I had this idea but I don't know if I could ever pull it off without pissing someone off. The character would represent all different sexualities as well as transhuman ideals, having the ability to change their gender and sex at will. I think it could be fun, if done right, but I'm not sure I could do it properly without offending someone. Again, for a Scion game.

World of Dark Fantasy

An alternate setting for WoD, where everything is switched out for fantasy elements. Essentially, it is a fantasy setting that re-envisions most of the character templates. The realm is ruled over by a council of Magi, formed from a handful of powerful Houses. The rest goes through similar or even greater changes.
Samurai in Space
In our Solar system (or one just like it), the imperial society of old Japan has taken to the stars. Clans fight for supremacy in spaceships using mechanical armor, artificial intelligence, and cybernetic or bioengineered enhancements, all while holding on to the tenets of bushido.

Again, Savage Worlds. Again, cards are getting in the way.

Legend of the Five Rings can also work. In fact, in Imperial Histories 2, page 289, is the start of a chapter named Empire of the Emerald Stars, which is basically Rokugan in Space.
[QUOTE="Red Shadow Claws]Legend of the Five Rings can also work. In fact, in Imperial Histories 2, page 289, is the start of a chapter named Empire of the Emerald Stars, which is basically Rokugan in Space.

I know the guy who wrote that chapter - he actually lives up the street from me.

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Yeah, this'd be fun - I actually pitched something like it a couple months back.

Wolves of Bushido

The House Always Wins

1881 Space Opera

I'd play the hell out of these. 1881 is a real unknown gem. Don't like Apocalypse one bit, though.

Power Struggle

World of Dark Fantasy

That is basically Crucible. I mean, it's not an intentional 1:1 ripoff, but I'm dealing with a lot of the same monster tropes so comparisons are inevitable. Hell, I even started a game like this... two weeks ago? Full now, I'm afraid.
[QUOTE="Red Shadow Claws]Legend of the Five Rings can also work. In fact, in Imperial Histories 2, page 289, is the start of a chapter named Empire of the Emerald Stars, which is basically Rokugan in Space.

I really need to get my hands on that book :D

Grey said:
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Yeah, this'd be fun - I actually pitched something like it a couple months back.
I've been toying with this since I heard about the Dark Eras book for WoD, and I still hope that they do pirates for Geist (don't know if they've announced what era they're actually going for though). Too bad I missed your pitch :(

Grey said:
Wolves of Bushido
The House Always Wins

1881 Space Opera

I'd play the hell out of these. 1881 is a real unknown gem. Don't like Apocalypse one bit, though.
I'd probably go for Forsaken, but the setting for Apocalypse is still my favorite. Might use the translation guide if I go for it.

1881 really is a gem an era that I'd really like to use more in my games. But, too much on my plate to get around to do it.

Grey said:
Power Struggle
World of Dark Fantasy

That is basically Crucible. I mean, it's not an intentional 1:1 ripoff, but I'm dealing with a lot of the same monster tropes so comparisons are inevitable. Hell, I even started a game like this... two weeks ago? Full now, I'm afraid.
It is difficult to do any sort of dark fantasy without including vampires or werewolves and such, which is probably why WoD is using all the classics (although mixing Demons with programming and computers is pretty cool and new). The best we can do is to do them different. As for the Power Struggle idea, I guess that Game of Thrones (the series, that is) is just so exciting that a lot of GMs are bound to want to run such a game at some point.
I've wanted to run a political game since before I read ASoIaF or saw GoT. The great thing about it, you see, is that the players don't get to resort to violence when faced with a problem.

Because in my experience players will usually resort to violence to solve a problem.

I may still do the pirate ship thing. I came close with Infinite Macabre, but you know, that one's in space.
I can't remember if there was any ship creation rule in IM, but I would have wanted to use something similar in my pirate game. I'd probably be able to use some modifier Krewe or Haunt Merits.

I agree that many players resort to violence, especially when threatened, rather than run away. Perhaps it is partly my fault if I keep presenting problems that can easily be solved with violence.
It's up to player attitude. D&D players are pretty much taught that opponents are manageable, especially in recent editions. Exalted and Scion make it less distinct, because there are bigger fish than you, and in some cases, much bigger than you.

In my table-top Exalted game, that has probably been the hardest lesson for my players to learn.
Depends on the players. In one of my Scion games, the PCs are overpowered battle-machines that can kill anything and avoid any damage while doing so. (I'll admit that my houserules opened up the possibility of being overpowered battle-machines.)
Wolves of Bushido

No idea really, but I really want to run a game of Werewolf: the Forsaken (or Apocalypse) set in feudal Japan.
I love Werewolf: The Apocalypse! Have you read the Hengyokai book?

Goddess of Justice for Women Wronged by Men

I have an idea for a female character for Scion that starts off as a volunteer at a women shelter who later receives the power to bring justice upon the men who harm women. Depending on the game, her efforts might become misguided and soon even the smallest of slights could be punished with extreme measures.

God of Rap

Not much of a rap person, so I figured stepping out of my comfort zone is good. A Scion character who will become the god of rap music.

God/Goddess of Transhumanism and Sexual Preferences

I had this idea but I don't know if I could ever pull it off without pissing someone off. The character would represent all different sexualities as well as transhuman ideals, having the ability to change their gender and sex at will. I think it could be fun, if done right, but I'm not sure I could do it properly without offending someone. Again, for a Scion game.
How about all of these? ;)
[QUOTE="Skari-dono]Depends on the players. In one of my Scion games, the PCs are overpowered battle-machines that can kill anything and avoid any damage while doing so. (I'll admit that my houserules opened up the possibility of being overpowered battle-machines.)

...Just one of them? :P
Haven't played it, but I had to review it for the Gazebo a ways back.

I don't just mean players having to run from problems - I mean facing them with problems where something has to be done and violence will only make the situation worse. Like if it cripples the local economy or turns the townsfolk against the party or incites a witchhunt or war...
I like your ideas Skari, and since you've opened up the floor, I have one that's been haunting me since I read on the First Age. It's not the number of ideas that worries me, but the detail in the ideas I find myself developing and remembering.

The Western Front

A long term campaign set in the West, all across the West, where a perfect circle of Solar Exalted find themselves dreaming of the same vision one night, them with the other members of their Circle standing before a hoard of Fae with the Western Ocean behind them.

It's inspired, in a way, by some XCom elements, in that after a certain point (gaining a base of operations or taking control of a nation), it will be a tactical and strategic game where the Solars will need to lead those that have chosen to follow them, how they should deal with other nations or significant players. The Zenith and Eclipse(?) have the same Exaltations that powered Queen Amyana and her husband, and they have unfinished business to deal with, especially if Amyana's Inheritor found their Lunar Mate. How would one deal with the threat of the Infernals or what about the Abyssals? Upon finding out about the Sidereals, what would be their stance towards them? The Silver Pact...what would these Solars make of them? And their fellow Solars? If they find more of them, how would they interact with them? Not all Dragonblooded are exclusive to the Realm either, would they try to recruit the Lost Eggs to their cause? How would they deal with the inevitable Wyld Hunts?

And how would they prepare the West for the Invasion of the Fae? Conquer the Direction? Diplomatically bind the nations together? Work from the shadows to set up everything that needs to be done?
At first I thought you were talking about the Wild West, as in Eastwood-style :P

Then I thought "Exalted in a Western could be awesome!" I'll let someone else brainstorm about that one...
[QUOTE="Skari-dono]At first I thought you were talking about the Wild West, as in Eastwood-style :tongue:
Then I thought "Exalted in a Western could be awesome!" I'll let someone else brainstorm about that one...

When you thing about it the Victorian Era, the tail end of the Samurai Era and the Frontier/Western Era all overlapped some---You gave me a great idea for an Exalted mash-up
hellrazoromega said:
When you thing about it the Victorian Era, the tail end of the Samurai Era and the Frontier/Western Era all overlapped some---You gave me a great idea for an Exalted mash-up
Let me know if you ever decide to run it here :)
[QUOTE="Skari-dono]Let me know if you ever decide to run it here :)

Let me give it a think and I'll let you know.
Two more ideas I remembered today, neither one with clear plots in mind.


The PCs are monsters. This game would use Hunter: the Vigil for base, but the players would create their characters using Dread Powers and be on the other side of the Vigil. Any monster would be accepted, but they would be limited to the Dread Powers of published material for Hunter. Would likely include some extra house-rules (such as the replacement of Practical Experience with Monstrous Experience).


Essentially a game where the PCs are zombies in the World of Darkness. It would use the zombie-creation rules in Antagonists, but that's about as far as I've gotten.
There's a book called Creature Feature for Pacesetter's Chill RPG from the 80's, you may be able to find it in PDF on the web--it has some interesting ideas for playing monsters in a horror game. Such as getting extra XP for "Playing with your food" which is pulling the sort of stuff we see in horror movies to scare the prey into a terrorized lump curled up in the fetal position before you go in for the kill.
Being tagged for me is like being pushed out of bed; I'm always surprised, a little stunned, and never quite sure what's going on, but it's usually always something interesting going on at the time.

The thread for it still exists here:

I actually got to playtest it a bit with the wonderfully willing @Inari and got some decent results.If Nari feels like adding his own review, he can tell you more than I could; I was the ST and designer, so I'm not really allowed to comment.
I'm disappointed it never made it to full-fledged game here on the site. I really want to play it sometime.
Perhaps you will, some day. On the plus side, it means I have more time to devote to nMage Fantasy.

... I'll get to it eventually!
Everyone should be disappointed! Except me, because it worked out really well that way. I wanted to give a proper review, so I figured I’d try and divide things up into reasonably organized sections.

Balance: I found the C&H revision to be excellent; the rules translated very well from B&S and the adjustments felt balanced. To be fair, I was playing a Predator and the only time I encountered another alpha was a Pyrian, but the fight between the two of them was an excellent match-up. And compared to the normal Infected, there was a really nice balancing act. My character was actually kind of a combat beast, which made me worry about undermining the point of it, but there was still a firm balance of power. The first Infected I went up against was a one-on-one fight, and I managed to defeat it without getting wounded. However, any case of multiple opponents was still a very dangerous proposition; part of this was that my character didn’t have a gun, but she was both an alpha with some combat mutations and a former police officer with a lot of unarmed prowess, and groups of Infected –still- felt very dangerous. I –had- to play smart even with alpha powers. And a whole Horde was entirely out of the question.

Theme/Setting: I really dug the survival and isolation themes. Part of this is just good storytelling, but mechanics have to enter into it, too. Even being a comparatively strong figure in the apocalypse, the feeling of desperation was palpable because there’s just no way to deal with all the Infected as it stands. Every cache of supplies was a small triumph. The Mississippi setting helped to make the place feel wild, lonely, and threatening even for an apex predator. Admittedly, this theme took a hit because my character encountered a group of survivors sooner than I expected (partly due to just a really lucky die roll, I think). It wasn’t a bad thing to happen in and of itself, but I was –really- digging the loneliness and hopeless feeling. On the flip side, playing with a group may also interfere with that feeling, but there’s not much way to get around that. A reasonably small group and more time before finding survivors might help make for a middle ground; I’m not sure.

Themes of inhumanity and personal horror also carried over very well. Even if you’re not alone in the quarantine zone, you still have to deal with what’s happened to you. I really found myself liking the unusual feeling; instead of the brooding darkness of Vampire, the transformation in C&H is a straight-up sickness. The effects on a character’s body felt not just intrusive, but sickening. I could grasp the feeling of personal revulsion at an alpha’s condition better than I ever have with a Vampire’s metaphysical taint. Sweating ooze and having to hide pustules (and claws) made me feel monstrous and sullied more than concerns about the sanctity my character’s soul (I know there’s still biological changes in Vampire, but I liked these ones better).

Storytelling: I know this isn’t strictly about the rules, but you can’t separate the story from the storyteller, especially here. The only real complaint I can muster about the story was that I encountered other survivors too soon; it wasn’t anything bad happening, just that certain themes I was really enjoying didn’t last as long as I wanted. I really like the rule revisions, and Axel did an excellent job using them.

That’s what I came up with thinking of a review today. If anyone’s got questions, I’d be happy to try and answer. I dunno if Axel would be up to making a game, but I think all the effort he put in to this deserves some praise at the very least.

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