Tollunt Infernos
Tollunt Inferos
"Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo."--If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell.
We created you, we found you, we saved you. You are indebted to us for as long as you live. Your own people turned against each other, burning the cold surface of luna to the ground. Everything that they had built was destroyed by their own hand. Be glad, you children of heathens, that we rescued you in your time of need. Without us, your kind would be irradicated. That would have been a great loss. Selenians could very well be the key to the next step in human evolution.
We didn't just keep you inches from death and leave you to fend for yourselves. You were children. Young and defenseless. We brought you home, gave you families, gave you a new culture, a new future, and a bright hope. We, the people of earth, are your saviors.
Yet it pains us to see that some of you have rejected our great kindness. You have forsaken your liberators, your makers, and your heros. You spread lies about us. You bite the hand that fed you, clothed you, and nurtured you all these years. I guess it's true what they say, that you can never tame a wild beast.
Gloria Regali
By Tommee Profitt
& Fleurie
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18 March 1985, the United States of America passes a new bill to legalize the exile of certain classes of violent criminals to the Moon. Some headlines praised it as a novel idea, a step towards the future. Others denounced the idea as a slow, cruel and torturous death sentence wrapped up in fancy packaging. Of course, what they said did not matter. The decision had already been made. For a while, this bill was the topic of heated debate, with politicians from every nook and cranny of the country proclaiming their stances. The people were divided on their opinions toward this shocking and sudden new change. But, as man-made laws were wont to be, they began to regard it as a natural part of life.
22 January 1988, the United Kingdoms decided to follow suit. It didn't take long for multiple countries to speak up with their intention to partake in this and the trend spreads to most parts of the Democratic world, with only America's Cold War opponents remaining stubborn. An intergovernmental organization, the LEC [Lunar Exile Council], is set up to handle the process, though the number of men being sent away is low for the first few years.
10 November 1992, with the end of the Cold War, more and more countries trickle into the LEC, the most notable being China, whose uncharacteristic openness to cooperation becomes the talk of the town. From then to the next few decades onward, there is a spike of exiles. Due to the no-parole nature of this sentence and general conviction of scientists that surviving there for more than a dozen years is impossible, there is little to no surveillance on the Moon. Earth continues life as normal, unaware of the developments taking place on that little dot in the sky.
28 June 2141, the exiles come to a stop due to the renewed outcry of human rights organizations against the sentence and a general lack of funding for the frequent space travel. No further contact is made with the Moon, as Earth's scientists scramble to solve the increasing accelerations of their own planet's deterioration. Humanity is living on the edge of survival and society is undergoing tremendous changes — an upheaval of all they know, or at least that was how some historians would later describe this period. They had no time or thought to spare for the people they'd already abandoned.
15 December 2205, the interest in space adventures have reached a new all-time high. Humanity had managed to pull through disastrous times but only barely. Earth no longer welcomes them as much as it used to, with the atmosphere slowly being drained of the element they need most to survive and the seasons showing no more mercy in their extremity. They head to the Moon, the long-forgotten plane, in an attempt to reclaim what was left of the artificial atmosphere there, only to discover something much more shocking: traces of civilization. It doesn't take long for the exploration team to come in contact with the inhabitants: a country of people just like them and yet so different, a country formed in the underground tunnels of the Moon. The Selenians, they called them, as if they were a different species entirely. The news spreads like wildfire.
13 January 2206, the LEC is revived as SECA [Selene-Earth Communications Authority], and though it is framed as a council made to form friendly relations, the people deployed to this new authority are military generals and intelligence officers, not diplomats.
3 March 2208, negotiations with the Selenians are on the verge of breaking down. They refuse to rejoin the world that threw them away in the first place, especially when its intention to dominate them rings so clearly in their every action and attitude. Humans are self-preserving as well as stubborn and, unfortunately, that facet has not evolved away in the Selenians either.
21 August 2208, governments across Earth announce that communications with Selene have been suddenly cut off. They have sent troops to investigate, they claim, but it is difficult to ascertain the situation. Humanity holds its breath for the next piece of news while days pass, stretching into weeks. Unbeknownst to them, there is a war raging on the Moon. Or, rather, a one-sided massacre. The Selenians and the society they'd spent centuries building was collapsing amidst a backdrop of fire and blood.
20 November 2208, after many vague, placating announcements, there is finally information released about the Selenians. There was a civil war, they tell the people, their friends up in the sky have destroyed themselves. Earth and its government tried to help, of course, but there was just no saving the savages. They could only aim to protect the children, and they succeeded!
23 November 2208, the first of the Selenian children are brought back to Earth. Their arrival is streamed live and the whole world tunes in, watching excitedly as traumatized kids are paraded around whichever country they happened to be packed away to before being rounded up and locked away from further interaction. The children knew something that the government didn't want people to know: that there really was a war, but it was far from civil. They feed the same proclamations to the remaining generation of Selenians, scrambling up and twisting their memories to suit the narrative before letting them out. Most of these children are adopted by SECA officials, some chosen by the higher-ups to become symbols of their status and others assigned to officers as responsibilities.
27 May 2219, a Selenian in China murders their adopted family in cold blood and runs away — so says the news channels. More and more Selenians stand up for this murderer. Crimes committed by these children were frequent in the first place thanks to their previous culture, but the numbers see an immediate spike. Many of them are of violence against military officers and people attempting to restrain them, though this fact is gone completely undiscussed by mass media. A rumour begins to spread that this sudden change in the Selenian population to due to a tightly kept government secret, but it is generally dismissed as a wild conspiracy.
1 July 2219, China is the first country to start forcefully arresting all Selenians, regardless of whether they have committed any wrongdoing or not. An emergency SECA meeting is held, before other countries begin to follow suit. The world once again is divided on whether this is the right thing to do, as governments struggle to maintain public opinion, some with a much higher level of success than others.
Current Time, escapades and rebellions have popped up everywhere. Due to the superhuman nature of the opponents, despite their youth and small numbers, it is difficult to control them in the populated cities they've unwittingly been made very familiar with through Earth culture classes. Among the major SECA countries, only South Korea remains the only one with minimal Selenian uprising. Whether that will stay the case for long is yet to be seen.
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Heralded as a spectacle of nature when first "discovered", the children acquired many adaptations during close to two centuries of living on the moon. The term Selenian came from the Greek name of Earth's only natural satellite. When people were exiled to it's surface, they were given an inhabitable dome like structure to call home. The artificial atmosphere was designed to last the test of time even if the people of Earth expected them all to die off before the second generation. As time passed, and the population grew, there was only one option for expansion. And that was downward.
The farther down they dug, the larger the area of the artificial atmosphere expanded to, thus making the air thinner and thinner. This caused the following generations to develop a unique ability to survive with less oxygen than that of a normal human. If you were to check the oxygen saturation of a Selenian's blood, you'd find it to be close to 70% in a healthy adult without feeling breathless. That is quite a lot when compared to the Earth's normal at 95-99%. This gives them added advantages when at a higher elevation and while underwater. They can survive on a single breath for a much longer period of time.
Due to growing up in 1/6th of Earth's gravity, Selenians grew up stronger and more agile. They lived a harder life than many humans on Earth, and without the air pollutants and unhealthy habits, they are overall in better health. Living on the moon, where in the days can be as hot as 250 degrees Fahrenheit (120° C) and -208 degrees Fahrenheit (-130° C) during the night, their bodies have adapted to regulate temperature more efficiently, almost perfectly. There isn't much difference in their outward appearance, as some would assume. Really the most striking visual feature is their skin. Their ghostly pale complexion was brought on by living underground the majority of their lives. Once settled on Earth and exposed to sunlight more often, however, they have gotten closer and closer to a more "normal" looking skin tone.
Likely the most amazing and perplexing adaptation that they have has to do with their age process. From infants to physical maturity, things are normal. Both a baby from Earth and one from the moon reach the same developmental milestones at the same time. Though once they reach their late teens and early adulthood, that is when they diverge. Over time their age process begins to slow. Gradually Selenians age at almost half the speed of Earthlings. This factor is attributed to a hormone, named Cynthisol, one that humans do not possess. As the amount of Cynthisol builds in their system it protects their bodies from normal break down due to age. This hormone is ones that the people of Earth want to understand. They want to harness it's power, because it really could be the key to eternal youth.
Culture on the moon's surface was much different than that of Earth's. Supplied with the bare minimum for survival by the Earth's governments, the technology on the moon was not nearly as advanced. They were so focused on how to farm their own food that they didn't worry about making the first iPhone. Not only that, but the founders were exiles, criminals who absolutely despised rules and laws since that was what sent them there in the first place. Therefore, their society was more based on respect, basically living by the rule "respect those stronger than you or you die". Things like finders keepers worked up there since there was nothing to stop them. One of the hardest things for Selenian's to over come was the language barrier. While it wasn't totally organic, it was more of a mix of every language originally spoken by those sent to the moon, it was still the only form of communication they knew when they were brought to Earth's surface. Now it's taboo to even mention their native tongue. The Selenian's named their children after things that were familiar to them, that reminded them at home. Historical Earth figures from hundreds of years ago, astrological bodies, celebrities from the time when the founders were sent off into space, and even nouns or verbs. Though once on Earth, they were given new names and told not to use the ones their parents had called them. Nothing to remind them of the past they were forced to forget.
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A princess locked in a tower, enchanted by the resident witch, blind to her saviour's struggles. Armed with a dangerous naivete, Pandora is one of the unfortunate handful of Selenians who have yet to accept the truth of her kind's tragic history. Caged in a beautiful world of deception, she lives, seemingly peacefully, unaware of the chaos brewing in even the people closest to her. Though perfectly obedient to the system, Pandora is not currently in a holding facility like so many other Selenians for two reasons. One: to be the guinea pig of Earth's latest attempts to recreate the fountain of youth. Two: to be the hostage to keep her brother, Prometheus, going along with the government's demands. Pandora is, as far as anyone knows, glad to be the former and blissfully unaware of the latter.
A few days into the rounding up and so-called holding of the Selenians, an emergency alarm went off in one of many facilities. Blinding lights shone from the guard towers and wardens rushed to scatter across the grounds, scouring the area in search of what they had unwittingly lost. Through their cracks, a figure slips away. That impressive figure was Nyx. Once a child of authority, much in the vein of the famed Prometheus or the precious Pandora, she has now been announced by the same men she often dined with as a savage, a crazed escapee and a wanted fugitive from the law. With a price on her head and droves of officers on the lookout for her, Nyx is in a sticky situation, to say the least. Her only ally now lies in Cassandra, the same friend who helped her break out of her prison, and whoever these girls can rally for the second round of rebellion.
Genius, truly, in her own right, Cassandra is no stranger to making theories. Done as a past time, she never really trusted authority as blindly as others. Her strong friendship with Nyx may have been the catalyst for her current obsession, but there is something behind the Selenians cries. Apt to believe her friend's first-hand account, it did not take long for her to start breaking into governmental flies using her skills as an advanced hacker. That was until her friend was taken away in shackles for speaking up for what was right. That was something Cassandra simply could not stand for. She used her father's position as a warden in the detention centre to break her friend out. As she's uncovered more and more of the truth (including some interesting missing person files), it's very clear to her that a rebellion is in order.
A symbol for the masses — that is the singular purpose for which Prometheus has existed and continues to exist. He is wonderfully and impeccably like the people of Earth and, hence, represents what they so desperately want: a stronger, tougher, evolved them. The perfect Selenian, the obedient Selenian; the not-so metaphorical tamed beast. But, like most public figures, Prometheus hides his true face. Inside, he seethes with resentment and anger at the world that traps him, at the men who have played him like a puppet from the moment he stepped onto this planet. He knows the truth about what happened to his people and every time he preaches the opposite, it kills him a little bit more. The only thing that keeps Prometheus from breaking out and turning over the whole act they've set up for him is the knife that hangs over his sister, Pandora, which threatens to fall at the slightest sign of his treason.
A simple farm boy, that's all he was. That's all he's ever known. He should have guessed something was different about him, but everyone around him told him he was normal. Just like every other boy from Earth. Yet when he thought back on his life, there is this dark emptiness that surrounds his memories. There is nothing from his early childhood. His parents said there was an accident, but then explain the dreams? The visions of screaming, of violence, and of pain. Is he going mad? Sinon must be. There is no other way to explain it. The truth? A small Selenian boy was lost during transit, declared dead as if he didn't matter. That lost child was found wandering by a farmer and his wife and claimed as their own. That is Sinon. Now as he began working as an intern in the government sector handling Selenian propaganda, he's started to wonder what am I?
Selenians, in his opinion, are nothing more than frayed beings, ready to snap at any point. He should know, he lives with one. Both him and Prometheus were raised by his father who is a high ranking general stationed on the moon when the colony was discovered. Kratos was formed to be every bit the coldhearted loyalist that the general wanted him to be. Though it was from less than ethical means, it worked. He is no stranger to manipulation, lies, and deceit. A snake lying in wait for its prey. Placed into a position of power for both his intellect and well-spoken-of name, he now searches for the straggling Selenians left beyond the walls. Though he plays others like a puppeteer for selfish gain, he's tied by more strings behind the scenes than anyone is aware of.
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