Tokyo Ghoul: Thrist for Blood

Death Weapon-Meister Academy Info Request Form

This form must be completed as truthfully as possible. Read and follow all directions. Any violation of this statement may result in disciplinary action such as a verbal warning or possible suspension.


Given Name:




What is your official DWMA Nickname?


Provide a yearbook picture here:








Hair Color:


Eye Color:



Are you an EAT, NOT, or NEW student?

"I was an EAT Student last year... But one of the teachers mentioned something about about 're-evaluation' if I lost my partner... Again..."

Are you a weapon or a meister?


If a weapon, what type of weapon are you?

"Huh... You'd think such an important school would have separate forums for each type of student don't you?"

If in the EAT class and a meister, what is your rank (Only 2-3 accepted three star students)?

"Three, Three, Three! It's
Three! And no re-evaluation is going to change that!"

If a meister, what is your preferred fighting style?

"Hmmm... That's a tough one. It's of my opinion that you should change your fighting style depending on your opponent, I mean, using the style you use against somebody with a Rapier against someone swinging around a Warhammer seems a tad silly to me, you know? But.. If I had to pick a favorite it'd keeping pressure on your opponent at all times, don't let up your attack, keep them on their feet. It's only a matter of time before they slip up if you can pull it off right, and there isn't a hell of a lot someone can do if you're good at it."

How many years have you attended the DWMA?

"This'll be my third year. Hah! Three Years! That's a star for each year!"

Personal Profile

What would others say are your strengths?

"What would OTHERS say my strengths are? Ah... Well... I suppose being Studious could count? Yeah! Studious. I can study for just about as long as I need to, and I usually don't stop until I can everything memorized down to the letter... One of my partners even called it obsessive once... But that doesn't matter, I like to think of it as being Determined anyway! Focus on the positives! Anyway, moving on... Housing a sound soul! Well, actually I've only ever been praised on one of those criteria, namely having a Sound Body, I mean, keeping in shape isn't the hardest thing, but I still think it's worth noting... Ah, god. Is this section so hard to fill out for everyone? Um, I have a strong will maybe? Well, that's paraphrasing, people don't normally point that out as one of my strengths, and it's normally worded with a lot more... profanity... But, hey! Being stubor- I mean, uh, Willful, is a good thing, right? I guess that's it the- OH! How could I have forgotten? I'm one of the top students when it comes to my Fighting Abilities like, it's been enough to keep my in the EAT Class, well, alongside my Grades, even with the amount of partners I've lost... Ah, should I be mentioning that here?"

What would others say are your flaws(At least 3, be honest.)?

"Well... I guess we should pick up where we left off... I've had uh, issues, with keeping a partner in the past... They usually say something about me being too Stubborn when they um... Dump me... Wait, that makes it sound my boyfriend is breaking up with me! Not that that's ever happened! I'd need to have ha- Damn it! I'm rambling again... Where was I? Ah, right, Stubbornness.. Well, people, and by people I mean the teachers, often tell me that I should stop refusing to use anything but a Scythe, but that isn't going to happen. If I want to be anything like Lord Death I need be be authentic you know? The staff made me partner up with a few other weapons in the past, but that... Didn't work out... Other than those uh, other two issues, they said something about being sick of how Easily Frustrated I am, though, I think I was pretty justified in that! How could I not be frustrated when they tried to have me use a halberd instead of a scythe! They also mentioned something about Mood Swings, but I don't know what the heck they're talking about there. Anyway, That's... All I can think of for now... Moving On!"


Describe your personality in 2 paragraphs or more:

"Ah... My personality? Why is this even on an application sheet? ...Well, whatever. I'm a pretty dedicated person, well, I'm
dedicated to the things I'm interested in... What am I interested in? Becoming a Meister of course, it's the most important thing to me, really, some of my old partners said the amount of time and effort I put into my training was borderline obsessive! Wait. Isn't obsessive a bad thing? ...U-Um... W-well I suppose I'm... Good things good things... I'm pretty lighthearted! Yeah! That's a good quality isn't it? Won't be getting me down very easily haha! Now, more good things... Friendly? I guess I'm kinda friendly, though most people just call it being loud, but what do they know right?"

"Mmmm... I guess I have to move onto the bad stuff now don't I? Well, there's the stuff I mentioned earlier... I can be kind of stubborn apparently, but, it's only when I know I'm right! I'm not going to go and budge on something if it means setting me back or something you know? I ramble a whole bunch too, but that this really a bad thing is it? Hmmm... Oh! There's a bunch of stuff I could put here that my psychiatrist told me! Wait, wait. Before you get the wrong idea, I'm not crazy or anything, the DWMA just has me visit one every month. I don't know why, but it's not like I'm some sort of former psychopath. Alright? That cleared up? OK. Well, these notes say I need to be less naive, which I honestly don't agree with, but if the Doc says so I suppose I should put it here, they also say I need to get out of the habit of poorly I handle failure, and I guess I can get... Kind of mean when something goes wrong... And the last part says I need to work on my self-esteem is- Wait! What! I don't have self-esteem issues! Doc or not! This is a mistake!"


What do you like?

"What do I like? Hm... Well, training... studying... Ah, I guess I should put some hobbies or something on here shouldn't I? Hmm... I'm a decent cook I guess? And I do a lot of doodling when I'm not doing anything else... I kind of suck at drawing though... Oh! And I love sour and spicy food! Not together though. I tried that once. Do not recommend..."

"Oh! I can't believe I didn't mention this! I
love being a Meister. I mean, I'm sure most Meisters do too, but... It's really important to me, even more so than it is more most people I think... OK, That's all! Next section!"

What don't you like?

"Ummm... There isn't all that much I don't like... Failure I guess? That always gets me riled up.. But other than that there isn't a whole lot that I actually dislike... I suppose I don't like bullies or anything along those lines, but that's kind of a given isn't it?"

Give a 3 to 5 paragraph biography:

"Woo, A biography? Actually, wouldn't this be an autobiography? Well, whatever, I'll get to it anyway. So... Where to start where to start... Well, I guess my parents are as good a place as any. The two of them weren't, or um, aren't the most remarkable of people, they weren't Meisters or anything cool like that, Dad's an accountant and Mum is a... Cook I think? So I wasn't exactly born and trained as a Meister, thinking back on it is kind of disappointing, I mean, imagine how much better a Meister I could be right now if I had spent my childhood preparing for coming here, rather than messing around at school and all that boring stuff. So... Yeah, My childhood wasn't too interesting, it was REALLY, painfully normal actually, and I didn't even know it was so boring until I was like eight! Lame right!? You'd think Mum and Dad would tell me about something as cool as the DWMA... Well, when I was eight, my parents won a trip to Death City in some raffle my school was putting on, luckiest day of my life right there! If they hadn't won that I might have never found out about this place! So, the trip wasn't for a few months after that, but I can remember how excited I was the whole time, it was the first time I was going to leave the town I grew up in you see? So it was kind of a big deal for little old eight year old me."

"So a few months passed by and the trip finally came around, and when we got there... It was spectacular! I got to see so many things that I never would have seen in that little town we lived in, I saw my first Demon Weapon, we watched a ton of live demonstrations from the best students in the Academy, and, get this, I even saw Lord Death! Yeah! We didn't speak or anything, but it was still awesome! I guess that was what sparked my interest in becoming a Meister... Well, after that when we got back home I couldn't really settle back in, like, who could have? And I started getting really into Death City, I convinced my parents to buy me all sorts of posters and merch, and by the end of the year my room was basically covered in the stuff. The next couple of years were even duller than the last eight, I was thinking about how much cooler it would be to live in Death City during half of my spare time, and eventually my parent's caught on and booked another trip."

"The second trip is what I really think consolidated my coming here, because I was older, eleven I think I was, the memory is kind of fuzzy... Well, because I was older I was even allowed sit in on some basic Meister Classes, my parents let me take them while they spent time together in the city, and, while I didn't learn a whole lot, I mean, I WAS eleven, it was an awesome experience none the less... The lessons weren't at the DWMA though, apparently my parents couldn't afford to have me go to those, so they found a former Meister had paid her to teach me instead, one to one lessons, and I remember her being super-nice! Her name was... Uh, I'm not sure what her name was... Hmmm... It was... Ah, sorry. Can't seem to remember, actually, there's a lot of stuff I don't remember from that trip... Weird... Oh! There was a note I was supposed to attach around here..."

How do you feel about the DWMA?

Why have you joined the DWMA, what motivates you?

What are your goals while attending the DWMA?


Personal Items:

Other Important Facts:
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  • Kasumigaoka.Utaha.full.1829939.jpg

    "Oh~ Sorry, did you just fall in love?"


    Yusa Rivah II (Given)

    Eve Perriot (Used)

    "Who am I? Oh... I wonder about that..."



    "In my prime~"



    "Hmmm, I think you might need glasses"




    Redosia's Willshaker

    Eve Perriot


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Lady Ellis, The Northern Blur

Name: Ellis Penbrooke

Nickname(s): Ell, Penny, Brooke

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Usually being indifferent towards romantic and sexual advances, most assume Ellis has no interest in such things, but, she does, in truth, have some interest in the matter, but is a rather 'tough nut to crack' when it comes to getting her to reciprocate one's feelings, despite this, it would be safe to say she's Heterosexual

Species: Human

Power(s): N/A


  • Snow. Having grown up in the northern regions of the continent Ellis is quite fond of the Snow, it giving her a nostalgic, homely feeling.
  • Swimming. Ellis is particularly found of swimming, it serving as both a good stress reliever and decent exercise.
  • Soldiers and Warriors. She holds a respect for those that follow a martial lifestyle, something she's held since she was a teenager.
  • Planning. As a somewhat high ranking member of the military, Ellis has needed to develop a talent in planning and strategy, and, in the process has grown to somewhat enjoy it.
  • Dolls. A more... Secret liking of hers she's held since her youth, Ellis is fond of stuffed dolls. Though she tries not to show it, spotting one she likes the look of will often lead her to break her usual calm demeanor, and buy it on the spot.
  • Training. Unlike most who actively dislike the training and exercise required to lead a martial career, Ellis actively enjoys it, viewing it in a similar manner she does her habit of Swimming, namely, as a stress reliever and time killer.


  • Traitors. Alongside personal reasons, being a member of the military presents this as somewhat of a given for Ellis, who is often involved in situations where the betrayal of a few could lead to the deaths of many.
  • Underground. Ellis has a fear of caves, tunnels and underground spaces in general. She is very hesitant to enter them and when inside must exert active mental effort to stop herself from hyperventilating.
  • People who don't trust her. Ellis holds the belief that trust is the first, and most important step to anyone working as a team or squad, and is, as a result, rather distasteful of those who are unwilling to put their lives in her hands as she will with hers in theirs.
  • Bookworms. Despite being easily mistaken for one herself, Ellis is rather adverse to those who chose to spend their time locked away on their own with a book. She doesn't exactly hate them, but thinks of their habits as needless wastes of time.
  • Spicy Food. She can't deal with spicy food. At all. Even the slightest amount of spice in her food is too much for her.




Preferred Weapon: Scimitar


As the younger of two sisters, with her elder being an exuberant, extroverted girl, Ellis developed a very patient, quiet persona at a young age, growing used to being overshadowed by her louder, more energetic older sister. As a young girl Ellis was exceptionally distant, always lurking somewhere in her elder sisters shadow, seeming like the stereotypical, bookworm sort of girl, a stark contrast to her out and outgoing younger sister. Contrary to this though, Ellis held little interest in books, instead showing a tendency to mimic her elder sister, following her her habits of active physical activity, despite her silent and stoic nature.

Because of this, Ellis can be described as whose personality lays in stark contrast to her habits, she finds her greatest moments of clarity and relaxation when surrounded by the stillness of silence, but would sooner spend her free time training or exercising rather than reading a novel, she carries extremely passive mannerisms and manners of speech, but is one of the most unrelenting warriors one could fear to meet on the battlefield, and so on and such-forth. Having developed since childhood, one should not confuse her passive manner of speech for a quiet one, Ellis is easily able to make herself heard in the most crowded of room, speaking with a smooth, cold, blunt and unflinching manner of speech, her emotions not exactly being hidden as she talks, but rather not present at all, rarely displaying strong emotion, it only surfacing when she finds something exceptionally, shocking or pleasing. This also carries over to her physical mannerisms and fighting techniques, she carries herself smoothly and efficiently, giving off the presence of some who does not waste a single iota of effort on the unnecessary, almost seeming as if she plans out things as simple as walking down a hallway in advance, step by step. Unlike many who hold a warm, friendly or compassionate personality beneath their cold exterior, the first impression one has of Ellis is likely to be the right one, she is in no way a of 'You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover'

In the past she has been described as the snowy tundras of her homeland made human, holding a serene sort of beauty in her personality and appearance, but able to people a blinding, merciless snowstorm at a moments notice, washing away all that stands in front of her with the merciless, blank, whiteness of the snow.

Despite all of this, it is important to note that Ellis is indeed human, and, even with her usual seemingly unphasable personality, when she does succumb to fear or anger, she outright shatters, breaking her usual visage and tumbling into a mess of emotion, this is usually the result of her bottling up her emotions, an unfortunate habit she developed during childhood, so not to steal the spotlight from her beloved elder sister. Speaking of, she holds, or rather, held a large degree of respect for her sibling, her childhood mimicry of her being the very reason she took up a position in the king's military, but, this is something that lays in the past, due to her sisters betrayal during a key battle against an enemy force, leading to the death of hundreds of soldiers under her own command, and the development of Ellis's strong distaste of liars and traitors.


  • Speed. Ellis has not earned her title as The Northern Blur for no reason, she is able to both move and attack with monstrous swiftness, reaching the point where she can appear to the naked eye as well, a blur. Her speed is comparable to those who enhance themselves via magical means, and, in cases where long, sustained battles are involved, even surpassing them.
  • Evasive. Coming hand in hand with her blinding speed, Ellis is easily able to predict and evade enemy attacks, dancing around foes of a lesser speed and wit with ease.
  • Attentive. Ellis is easily able to focus on, and pick out the details of things, especially combat styles and techniques, allowing her to effectively, evade, and adapt to them.
  • Skilled Combatant. To be able to fight at the speed Ellis does, at least without any magical aid, one must have an excellent understanding of combat, and more importantly, know her to execute it. Ellis is no exception to this, having mastered her chose form of swordplay, which focuses on a lack of theatrics, wasted movements and deadly efficiency.
  • Cool-Headed. As her personality would suggest, Ellis is extremely hard to provoke and is easily able to stay calm in even the most stressful and dangerous scenarios.


  • Normal. Ellis possesses no supernatural abilities or resistances at all. She is easily effected by magical attacks and can do little to protect herself from them other than evasion.
  • Like-Glass. Because of her evasive method of fighting, Ellis is not exactly used to taking a hit. As a result she has little resistance for damage, and will go down very easily once a few good blows have been landed.
  • Too Sympathetic. Despite her personality Ellis has a hard time passing someone off as good or evil, and can be tricked by one of greater wit into believing their intentions are not of ill-will, leaving her open to attack and betrayal.
  • Fear of the Underground. Stemming from an unfortunate incident in her childhood, Ellis has a crippling phobia of caves, tunnels, and any underground spaces. Within them she has to actively focus on staying calm, and is essentially unable to battle.
  • Long Fuse, Explosive Reaction. Despite her extremely long fuse, when one does manage to enrage Ellis she flys into an almost berserk state, unable to think rationally, and is essentially useless in both combat and planning. This applies to all her negative emotions, she doesn't just get sad, she becomes depressed, she isn't just scared, she's petrified, and the list goes on.


  • Alongside her sister, Ellis was knighted by King Ruvyn at the age of Twenty-One
  • Her sister is currently one of the most-wanted people in the kingdom. With a bounty of $500,000 Coin.
  • Ellis is surprisingly skilled at baking cookies.
  • She was once offered a position in the Royal Guard, but refused immediately and returned to her post in the North.

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Well that's apparently that's a thing then, gonna be interesting seeing how this is gonna go down. alsowhydoyoushipwithallmyfemalecharactersyousomekindastalker?
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Got two people so far, so unless you wanna ship Mr."I don't wanna kill anyone" with Ms. "Lol torture is fun" (which sounds like a super fun time btw) The shippins gonna have to wait till more people sign up >_>

Torture IS fun.
I have WAY more ships than just your characters, you need to make characters that aren't as good if you don't want me to ship.
Well I'm sorry for my shipping demon, he's terrible and knows no boundaries.
Dr. Ken Ecker

Clearance_ 0L46

I.D.#_ Is.03-00-04-77

Job Role_Security Adviser / Head Biologist / Former Psychologist



D.O.B._ [30/06]


    Ethnicity_Mixed Japanese / American Descent

    Eye Colour_Red

    Hair Colour_White



    Physique_Average Build, Neither Toned nor Fat

    Identifiable Features_ Pale Skin, White Hair, Red Eyes

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I feel bad for shipping now, wow, thanks alot shipping, had to get me involved.
Username: The One Eyed Bandit

Appearance: * You can use any pic, but provide a short description along with it. *

Name: Saiko White

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Nationality: American / Japanese

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality Strengths:

Academically, Saiko is one of the top students within Colonial High, even when taking into account students from higher year levels. She has a talent for just being able to 'get' things, often being able to grasp a subject or concept that others may have to study for hours to nail down, just by having it explained to her once, and, due to this she can usually breeze through her studies with little effort on her part, much to the chagrin of several other students of Colonial High. That being said, despite her grades she holds very little interest in the majority of her subjects, taking most of them because of her confidence in her ability to breeze through them with little effort. The one subject she seems to hold any level of investment in is English, indeed, it is likely the only class you could catch her actively paying attention in, assuming that she doesn't already known what's being taught, which, more often than not, is indeed the case.

Aside from her academic skills, she is well known around school for her undaunted attitude. She rarely ever shows concern that her performance at whatever it is she happens to be doing will be anything less than perfect, in fact, she barely even considers the possibility that she could fail at somethings, the past few years of her life being filled with success after success. Alongside this, for better or worse, comes a rather blunt personality in general. She isn't the type to hold back her thoughts, more oft than not being one of the domineering members of a conversation, regardless of who the other participants happen to be.

Personality Weaknesses:

As previously mentioned, she is more than a little bit blunt. She'll speak whatever happens to be on her mind regardless of the situation, or who she's talking to, paying little heed to to how uncomfortable, or infuriated her words may cause someone to become. Due to this she often has a hard time keeping friends, usually driving them off at some point or another from her, rather common, habit of outright insulting someone over the slightest discrepancy. On top of this, her confidence has lead into an strong sense of arrogance. She holds the belief that, should she try, she could rather easily surpass the few students in the school who hold higher grades than her, being fully convinced that she is by far the most intelligent student within Colonial High. In addition to this she enjoys messing with people, usually being either through common teasing, or mocking people for studying for a test, and still coming out with a lesser result than her.

Hobbies ( opt. ):



Crush: Currently, nada, none, zero, zilch.

Timezone: NZT -13GMT
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Darien Sparks

Gender: Girl

Region: Sinnoh


-One of the youngest contestants of the Pokemon League in History.

-Once received her own Pokemon Contest Ribbon for being cute.

-Says she one had a tea party with Arceus. Most are skeptical about this claim.

-Fell asleep during several of her preliminary matches.

(Optional) Personality:

Pokemon Party Jolteon (Electric) Condition (4)

Celebi (Psychic) Condition (3) + 1

Dusknior (Ghost) Condition (3)

Aegislash (Steel) Condition (2)

Aegislash (Steel) Condition (2)

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*shrugging intensifies* First I was afraid, I was petrified, I never thought I could give a proper RP but I survived. I spent so many nights staying and RPing along, and then I learned to get along. *Cake guitar solo*
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Yo, you Fallen, you're an expert on this Corpse Party shit right? So I finally got around to watchin it and it just finished downloading but it's 3 in the morning. So scale of one to ten how bad an idea would it be to start it now? 

Dw, I make no guarantees that the ship won't spring a leak. Or several.

Corpse Party... There's a jumpscare in episode one that always gets me but episode ones okay. WATCH IT.

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