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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul : Monochrome Silhouettes

I saw plenty of CS that didn't have two paragraphs on it but fine I'll find something more to write about in his past and personality?
Sure, but each and every one of them wrote more in their Investigator/Ghoul tab. I find your lack of content alarming.
Why exactly is it alarming?

the history and personality are two small paragraphs each.

Trail time. You're accepted. Remember that your posts have to be between 2 and 5 paragraphs. If the content is lacking in grammar quality, relevancy, punctuation and actual size, you're kicked. This rule, of course, applies to everyone.
Sure, but since I'm on vacation, it may not be too sizable or particularly quick. I can't phone-post for the life of me.
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@BirdFeathers the only experience I have with god parents is my god father who makes money going places and climbing things so I kind of have to assume you are a badass. Wait no. I stand corrected. I have seen the movie The Godfather if that counts for anything WHICH IT DOES BY THE WAY.
@BirdFeathers If they met one another again now it'd be too suden and/or awkward. Let's give it a natural flow. Since your character doesn't really care about people, you can just assume he died and move on for now.

@Lionheart post :c

@BirdFeathers If they met one another again now it'd be too suden and/or awkward. Let's give it a natural flow. Since your character doesn't really care about people, you can just assume he died and move on for now.

@Lionheart post :c
Sorry guys my tablet is being fixed so I on my phone sorry if txts are short or if there is anything messed up


I'm pretty sure it's one of the three of you next. Status updates please? I know Aqua's tablet is borked, Lionheart are you still on vacation? And Quirky, what's up?
I'm here...I just don't know what to write.

Akane's unconscious...as for Tsubaki...still thinking of where I should insert her...
...then can I assume that there's been a time skip and Zero ran away? Where would Issei have taken her?
I'd rather there wasn't a timeskip until @Aqua can't post I rule that you can assume he's run away, but Issei would still only be there with her in hand. Either that or you can assume that some random trooper picked her up and put her in an ambulance or some shit.
@Aqua Not much, but all the other ghouls ran away and there's Q bullets flying through the air at you. Issei is also ready to kill the shit out of you if you make a move. The only real move you have at the moment without someone's OC dying is to run away.
[QUOTE="Prizzy Kriyze]@Aqua Not much, but all the other ghouls ran away and there's Q bullets flying through the air at you. Issei is also ready to kill the shit out of you if you make a move. The only real move you have at the moment without someone's OC dying is to run away.

Lol ok ill leave with a cocky remark and leave in a badass way since I'm last sorry I it's short or I make mistakes in on mt phone tablet is busted.
Lol don't get pissed like I said I'm on my phone

Lol about to change my post so he goes to hide out in the cafe...im such a dick. ^3^

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