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Tokyo Ghoul: Hunters

The wind blew heavily, causing the small drapes of blonde hair poking from behind her mask and hoodie to flutter about aimlessly at the mercy of the air. Tugging at her purple hoodie's sleeves, she covers her hands; peering over the edge of the building and seeing her feet dangle to what seemed like a thousand feet drop. "It's a looooong way down." Pulling her mask back, the black shaped wolf face, etched with red streaks through its design, now sat above her hoodie; and falling back she gives a loud sigh, lying down. "So bored... I wonder if anything worth hunting will show up. All we get are those stupid doves throwing about ghoul part weapons like toys."
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The was filled was the smell of blood after the fight that had just taken place.looking around checking nothing was sneaking around,"That's what you get for going into my sector".At the corner of his eye he spotted one of his crew was injured,He looked down and broke off a limb.He then started to walk over to the injured member and says with a hint of confusion and a light squint in his right eye and says "You serious you got hurt by one of them?,here eat this and get going back to base ill come with you just incase of those dove motherfuckers"
Now whistling, Shadō truly was bored; performing nothing but swinging her legs about wildly and groaning as she stared at the empty alleyway below her, not even a body left behind. "This place is so dull. It use to teem with humans and doves, but nooooo they just had to go and set up an alarm; hiding all the prizes away in their precious little houses--" Sniffing the air, a sudden smile creeps onto her face, immediately sitting up, pressing herself to her feet; the white trainers making short scratch noises against the gritty house roofs. "Oooh, it seems like a dead one! Maybe I can squeeze a little more out of this place after all! Licking her lips, she performs endless leaps, follow the delicious scent of blood now flowing in the air, the strings of her hoodie flying backwards as she accelerates. "Where there's one, there's more! Stupid humans always run away in packs."
as Osamu was walking the grunt back to base he saw a pack of humans running and screaming Osamu saw this as a chance to feed he orders the grunt to go to base as he knew was close by. Osamu puts his hand on his mask which covers the lower half of his face and cracks his knuckles and says "Oooh i cant wait to see blood" as he starts to sprint hes black leather trench coat waving in the air,he was going to use his kanuge but he says to him self "No no im going to tear them a part with my bear hands".As he starts to slaughter them with out mercy he noticed that someone killed the rest, Osamu looks about in confusion not knowing what had done this then in the shadows he see's a female figure in a hoodie with a wolf mask with blood red eyes,seeing this he knows its a ghoul but to make sure hes not going to fight a ghoul with out a reason he shouts out "Im The Caged Demon this is my sector are you friend or foe?",looking at her with a serious look in his eyes, slightly squinted waiting for her to replay.....
Wielding nothing but a simple kitchen knife, Shadō twirls it between her fingers, watching the sudden interruption of the brutish man killing her prey right in front of her, leaving nothing but a few dead bodies in his slaughter. "Aw, leaving me out on all the fun?" As one of the fleeing survivors tries to escape down the side alleyway, she casually strikes out, the sudden gushing of blood sputtering from his neck and drops surrounding her hoodie. Looking back to the fight, the other pair lay dead on each other, and the self announced 'Caged Demon' staring to her. Looking around her she smiles from behind the mask, whispering to herself "Leaving me with the leftovers, now that's hardly fair." and putting on a fake pout. Stepping from the stony alley, her bloodied clothes revealed and her favorite little mask shown to him. "I... am someone who's thankful for the free food!" Quickly rushing to the pair of dead bodies, she tries pulling each one by the collar and flipping them onto her shoulder as she sprints for her escape, leaving the hulk of a ghoul with nothing but a sly wink, the smallest of the humans, and taunting "Seeya!" before vanishing from his sight round the corner.
Osamu lets out a quick chuckle when he sees what he thinks might be a dove and gets excited and say ti him self "Can this night get any better hmm..hahaha" but after farther inspection he sees theirs more than one he feels the air getting thinner and his blood starts bubbling wanting to see more blood before he could think more he see's a face that he has seen before confused not knowing were he's seen him until it clicks one of the doves had killed hundreds of his crew because of a pussy sneak attack.This filed his rage with vengeance he lunges through the air his trench coat flickering in the air, Osamu knows he wants to cause damage he unleashes his kangue,pulsing red and purple Osamu readies his kangue making the end thicker and making spikes and slams them into the ground wanting to split them up. Osamu raises his kangue up in the air an slams them into the floor knocking three up in the air,drawing his arms back and smashing them together with enough force to make a sound wave nearly killing two instantly,this excites him even more, Osamu has his back towards the last dove,slowly turning he head towards him when suddenly they make eye contacted and Osamu says "Get ready to feel pain for my fallen members but before i slaughter you ill introduce myself call me the Caged Demon"Osamu got ready to fight,taking in in a deep breath through his noise and clenching his fists..........
As she sprints further, she peers behind her with a slight look of disappointment sudden spreading across her and a furrowed brow of fake annoyance. "Not even a chase! Pfft, the ghouls of this sector get so boring." Jumping up a few flights of broken stairs towards a broken building, she watches as more doves appeared before the caged demon; finding a seat as she looks around the abandoned house. Placing it beside the window, she drops the two dead humans she snatched from earlier, taking a leisurely bite from the larger ones hand "Ooh! A show! A display! Let's watch shall we?" Taking the head from the current body she moves it's mouth, putting on an stupid voice and moving it's mouth with her fingers inside "Yea, I put fifty on the big guy." Giving a light chuckle, she looks intently towards the carnage and eats even more intensely as the doves are ripped apart "Oh, it's onto the good part! I love these bits!" Lifting the dead body again, she does the same as before using it's mouth like a puppet "Look, that dove is back against the wall!" Giving a false shocked look and a loud gasp she cheers "KILL, KILL, KILL! Say it!" "KILL, KILL, KILL!"
Osamu slowly starts to walk towards the final dove and says "Im going to enjoy this way more than i should ha who im i kidding i could never enjoy this more hahahahaha" Osamu walks slowly towards the dove he see's its sacking like a leaf in the wind,He laughs and noticed that the dove pisst him self letting out a massive roar of laughter yelling "The little bird pisst it self ahahaahaahhah" the dove quckly draws he weapon trying to slash him and cut him down the middle but Osamu seen this coming from a mile a way he quickly doges it with his hands in his pockets and cuts off the right hand of the dove,his blood squirts all over Osamu and this makes him laugh saying "For such a small man you sure bleed a lot hahaha" the dove crumbles to the floor with his back against the wall. Osamu jumps over and lands before his feet. Standing straight covered by a shadow with the wind flowing through his pitch black hair blue high lights,the only thing the dove could see is the sinister red glow of his eyes he slowly bends over picking him up by the head and crushing it like it was nothing but a merely a bug. Osamu can sense someone watching him he looks one the rooftops and he thinks he see's something...
As the dove squirms, Shadō stuffs her mouth with fleshy guts; the blood running down her face as she almost starts jumping up and down as the hulk-ish ghoul closes in on him. Letting out a series of excited squirms and yelling in her mind yes, yes ,yes, yes, yes ,YES! As soon as the dove is crushed like an insect, Shadō's face lights up with joy, shouting out with joy and swallowing the remained of the guts in her mouth in a single gulp. Squealing out she shouts at the top of her lung, arms in the air "EXECUUUTIIIOON!" Suddenly ripping the guts from the remaining body, she begins throwing random parts out the window towards him in high pitched yells of weird happiness "Bravo! Bravo! Bloody! You didn't fail to shred him to bits!" Licking her lips and rubbing the arm of her pink hoodie across her face to remove any spilled blood, she points to the recently deceased doves leaning out of the window shouting "You going to finish that?!"
Osamu looks up and shouts "By all means finish what i started" with a hint if sarcasm in his voice "I got what i wanted" while looking at the pure carnage he had mad and he was proud of it,He took a deep breath and shouted with a hint of passion in his voice "WHEN YOU COME DOWN HERE I WOULD LIKE A CHAT IF THATS OK WITH YOU MADAM?" as he saying this he put one arm on his stomach and one parallel on he back and took a swift bow.
Looking hungrily out the window, she almost falls out; but manages to land gracefully on her feet causing the tarmac to give a loud gritty sound in return. Reaching for of the near by deceased doves and takes a large juicy bite from it's neck, sitting down, and doesn't seem to mind the blood flowing over her clothes and legs; staining them a heavy red. With a mouth filled with flesh, she shouts towards the caged Demon, even though he's only a few feet away. "Humph, you can still taste the fear! It's how you know it's still fresh." Ripping off the hand she uses it to wave towards him and then takes the head of this corpse and pretends talking to it, the same terrible voice from before. "Come come! Sit with the Madame, as you so kindly put it, Mr Big Caged Demon!" at this moment she's slurping the intestines like noodles, the corpse nothing more than a mutilated mess of unidentifiable guts and gore. "Hey! who said you could call the shots here, you headcase!" Oddly giving the puppet a light punch she returns to eating the rest of its body while waiting on Demons arrival.

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