Showcase To You Whom I've Never Met ~ Character Scrapbook

A Murder Of Corviknight

HP in critically red
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello, my currently username is A Murder of Corviknight but I used to go by Birb. I still go by Birb for short bc the current username is pretty long...
Anyway, I just wanted to get a thread to place my old and new characters. Some will be never finished I think. ;;;
Please do not comment on here so the thread stays organized and clean!
(to be completely honest this is a super old code by mono so I'm surprised it survived this long 😭 )


Mathias Blumenthal | LODESTAR MEMBER | MALE


monoASSESSMENT 21.05.72
Mathias Blumenthal assessment report. Austrian born. Date of birth: 31.01.56. Male. Proves to be a well-rounded individual with particular strength in observation and reflexes but weakness in ranged accuracy. Initially seemed a bit too prideful to work well in a long-term team but the haughty front seemed to be more of a defense mechanism upon further observation. Blumenthal started to warm up to fellow applicants and staff members after his nerves seemed to wind down. Assessment: Passed. End Notes: Needs to deal with nerves without withdrawing into himself, may prove to be his downfall during field work. Seems to work better when not under intense scrutiny. Works well in a group. Recommendation to assign Blumenthal to larger branch in Berlin to facilitate to his skill set.

Blumenthal seems to adjusting to his God Arc well. No issues have risen from his God Arc or wristlet. His long blade God Arc compliments his skill set (aside from his lacking ranged accuracy). Blumenthal seems to be a naturally curious individual but hasn’t tried practicing without supervision yet, as recommended. For someone who has been observed to be stubborn and rather sarcastic, he does follow orders when given.

Mission success. Blumenthal, though initially anxious about being on the field for the first time, adjusted to the new situation well. Team leader, Yulia Hawkthorne, stated that Blumenthal “performed rather well for a newbie after he got going”. He worked successfully with the team and only suffered slight bruising after being blown back by a stray tail. However, he also needs to learn to operate on his own without always looking at the team leader for guidance. Team leader might not always have the patience to coddle their teammates.

monoBLOOD ART -- IN PROGRESS 01.02.74
Blumenthal began exploring blood arts on-and-off after exposure to Evoke support. Currently favoring learning the blood art, Galestrike. Unsure if this particular blood art is recommended. Blumenthal accidentally embedded his God Arc, Toto, into the north-side wall of training room No05. No one was hurt except Blumenthal, who only suffered some bruising and forming blisters in the hands. Sturdier gloves recommended for Blumenthal.

Recommended to take on missions as a team leader. Proves to work well with team even in dire situations. Thinks on his feet effectively even when unexpected events occur. Blumenthal shows skill in organizing objectives by priority. He takes feedback into account and strives to improve in the areas that has been pointed out to be his weaknesses. Extra notes: He has covered his weakness in ranged combat with alternative tactics depending on the situation. Prefers to use his bullets at close range in order to not be wasteful.

Blumenthal strangely does not work well when assigned as a team leader. He clams up and his nervous habits from his earlier months as a God Eater reappear and has proven to have negative consequences on his performance on the field. Thankfully, this was only during a mock field run and not during an actual field mission. Further assessments on this matter will be done to see if this behavior can be grown out of.

monoBLOOD ART -- COMPLETE 01.06.75
As recommended from team leaders that have worked with him, Blumenthal has taken time off from the field as his confidence seems to have taken a hit after his assessment as a team leader. During this time, he has taken the time to be more consistent with his training and perfected his blood art. This accomplishment seems to have brought his confidence up but as of now we are unsure if it’s enough to be successfully re-assessed for leadership potential.

Upon further observation, it has been recommended that Mathias Blumenthal be transferred to a smaller branch. The size of the Berlin might have been beneficial to the God Eater while he was still a new recruit but that is clearly not the case anymore. Many of the God Eaters who Blumenthal has a close bond with have already transferred to other branches so the transfer would likely be easier for him than others. It’s recommended that he be transferred to a branch in Austria as he seems to appreciate familiarity.

Blumenthal has been transferred to Vienna Branch upon further assessment. The God Eater has not been notified for the reason behind his transfer as it is not necessary might just cause needless confusion than be of any benefit. He has taken the news well. He even seems to be happy about the change of assignment, though notably puzzled. Blumenthal seems to have a positive attitude about being back in his homeland and has started the process of getting ready for the official transfer.

Blumenthal has adjusted to Vienna and seems to be more at ease than he was in the Berlin branch. He initially had been a bit intimidated by the new environment but after the first few weeks he seems to have adjusted nicely. He is less stiff with his fellow branch members and has taken to go as far as snarking and joking with them. The God Eater seems to prefer familiar faces, even if he inevitably doesn’t get along with some of them. However, he seems to be one of the few God Eaters who can work with some of the more difficult personalities and is fine with work them (and around them if that is needed). He prefers not to let his personal conflicts affect how he works and trains with his fellow members of Vienna Branch.

Selected and moved to Lodestar. Blumenthal questioned the decision to select him for Lodestar multiple times as if we would make an error while logging in information to the database. After the third round of questioning, operator decided to print him out an official document and sent him off with specific instructions to cease asking questions about the reassignment. Blumenthal has stopped questioning his acceptance into Lodestar.

monoTITLE PENDING ??.03.77
Data log pending.

“It is eerily terrifying that there is no sound when a heart breaks. Car accidents end with a bang, falling ends with a thud, even writing makes the scratching sound of pencil against paper. But the sound of a heart breaking is completely silent. Almost as though no one, not even the universe itself could create a sound for such devastation. Almost as though silence is the only way the universe could pay its respect to the sound of a heart falling apart.”
– Nikita Gill, The Sound of Heartbreak
basic information
Rosalind Berne
twenty-four (24)
date of birth
january 25th
years working
5’ 6” | 167 cm
Grey to blue

Rosie is a deceptively delicate looking individual due to her carefully picked clothing and well-maintained hands. She carries herself with confidence and sometimes with threatening intent depending on what she wants (she really enjoys wearing shoes that go clack clack). She also really enjoys the air that a good uniform gives off as well but that’s not always a choice for daily wear. While she enjoys business formal dress code it’s ironically more common to see her in casual wear.
In short, Rosie is a practical individual with a vicious petty streak. She’s not callous per say (why would she be in criminal justice then). She definitely has empathy set deep in her bones but she knows when to put her foot down and tell people to cut the bullshit. She firmly believes that if you want something done the right way you have to put on your big girl panties and kick some ass every once in a while. While she seems calm and passive (maybe even pleasant if she likes you) on an ordinary day, an outside observer to most squabbles, she’s definitely the type to not tolerate any nonsense on her turf. Rosie will use wit and petty willpower to do what she believes is the right thing to do.

This also means, however, that she’s prone to storming in and going too far. Even she admits (after a long period of cooling down), that she has a vicious streak and says things that shouldn’t be said. But she has grown up from her teen years and can at least own up to her mistakes (when she catches them) enough to apologize.

(...Most of the time anyway.)

Due to her pragmatic approach to most situations, most people see Rosie as the reliable type and often forget that anyone can have issues. Since she often gives off the impression that she has everything under control, even most of her friends don’t realize that she is often just shelving the issue to deal with it at a later date. People who aren’t close also don’t realize that Rosie does have her childish moments.

She’s fairly competitive and enjoys friendly competition but is quick to lose interest if she sees that someone is taking the game too seriously. Rosie is also a secret foodie and is quick to accept food (due to her high metabolism). Her brother used to find it worrying because once in elementary school Rosie nearly got kidnapped while accepting food from a stranger. Thankfully, she doesn’t accept food from strangers anymore, being far more vigilant to malicious intent.
As someone who was immediately abandoned on her father’s lap the moment her mother left the maternity ward, Rosie’s life didn’t have a great start. But even without a mother, Rosie was perfectly content with just her dad and her twin brother as a child. Sure, her dad was often at work but if it was a paperwork day at the police station, Rosie and her brother were often there with him to keep him company. Her babysitters often praised her and her brother for being well-behaved children.

Around when Rosie was in second grade of elementary school, her dad wanted to remarry. With a very serious face (for a child), Rosie told her dad that “as long as pap is happy” she would accept anyone and even convinced her brother it was the right thing. So without conflict, Rosie’s family of three grew to four with the addition of their step-mother. These days, both Rosie and her brother just call her mom.

Unlike her brother, who became a relatively young but well-known novelist, Rosie decided to work with the police like her dad though through the forensics services unit. She got her bachelor’s degree in forensic sciences before moving onto graduate school. She is currently working part-time at Noah’s Ark and has an internship at the forensics services unit. She’s slowly working her way through her master’s degree.

Of course, like everyone else who works there, Rosie wasn’t always a part of Noah’s Ark. It was maybe a year into her undergraduate program when Rosie’s life started to go from “planned” to “ok-maybe-not-so-planned”. But then again, you don’t just plan for a car pile-up crash to happen on top of you. Especially on local streets. But what can you do? At least she isn’t dead.

At the time she didn’t think much about the actual details of what happened while she was still stuck under a truck (or was it a car?) and teetering between life and death. She was too busy trying to get her life back to some semblance of order after the accident to really think of the strangeness of what happened while she was stuck. How was she able to survive for so long while stuck under the truck? Even the investigators and doctors said that it was a miracle that she survived at all.

After recovering from her injuries and getting her life back in some sort of order, over half a year later she started to notice strange happenings in her house. Things would be moved around the house without anyone noticing or remembering doing so. She would be looking for something in the house only to find it dropped right behind her. It was getting to the point that her whole family was wondering if it was a poltergeist extra stranger living with them in their house.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was when no one was home but someone or something pulled the chair back for her as she sat down with her breakfast at the dinner table. When she brought it up to her dad, he got a strange look in his eye before suggesting that she visit Noah’s Ark and order “Stella’s secret rose latte” to ask them for their particular brand of help. Rosie was...extremely skeptical but her dad wouldn’t prank her like this so she went ahead and did what was suggested. She’s been there during coffee breaks before and she never thought anything special about this rose latte. However, much to her surprise, the cafe sent her back home with two of their employees to investigate her home. It was during the investigation that both parties realized that it wasn’t a haunting (or a Regret). That day, Rosie was quickly brought back to Noah’s Ark and was thoroughly informed that she was an Elegy and what this new status would pertain to.
Thea: Rosie eats the meal part of her Happy Meals. The two also often get into friendly but fierce debates about justice. The two friends have a good emotional support system in each other going that stems from their pasts. Thea was one of the people who worked on Rosie’s case and was also the one who helped Rosie to adjust to her new life as an Elegy. She provided Rosie the emotional support related to being an Elegy that her family wasn’t able to provide for her.

Luca: One of the people who worked on Rosie’s case. He’s the friend who usually stops Rosie from running off and changing her job occupation to a vigilante. The two work well together, with Rosie catching anything Luca throws or drops out of his pocket dimension (example: setting tables quickly). Rosie is also one of his taste testers and plating critique. Surprisingly, Luca is often the straight man of the two.

Alex: The two got off on a bad start but over the years they smoothed over their differences. They have a mainly professional relationship. If there is a particularly rude customer in the cafe, the two will often play rock, paper, scissors to see who will have the honor of escorting them out.

Helianthus “Lian” Berne: Published under the name Lian Berne. Lian is Rosie’s twin brother. While they get along like two peas in a pod, Rosie also finds him nosy and overly enthusiastic for his job. He gives her frequent heart attacks with his pestering and popping in at her school or workplaces without notice. She loves him dearly but also dislikes how he can spontaneously insist that they adventure together so he can get inspiration.

Pap/Solis Berne: Rosie’s father and former helicopter dad. He is currently the Chief of Department of the Genesis City Police Department. He hopes to retire soon so he can spend more time with his family. Rosie and Lian have strong bonds with their parents.

Mom/Cassandra Berne: Rosie’s stepmom and currently a lawyer. Rosie and her get along like a house of fire and often team up on gaming nights to beat her dad and Lian. Her stepmom never forgets to remind Rosie to come back home safe ever since the incident.

Aria Sakuraba: Relatively fond of Aria but sees her as very young. Like how she does with other younger members of Noah’s Ark, she tries to keep an eye out for them when it gets busy. Particularly for Aria, Rosie tries to soften her tone because she had noticed Aria’s nature to be timid.

Lance Park: Sometimes feels the vague urge to strangle him. She does care about him but claims that he’s easier to be fond of when he keeps his mouth shut. It’s worse when both Thea and Lance team up because they get along like a house on fire. She often carries around a pair of ear plugs, stating “If I don’t see or hear them I don’t have to think about what’s going on behind me.”
last words
Ability Type

Move it! - Telekinesis - Currently, Rosie can drag around a refrigerator with her mind. However, she can’t throw it. Rosie describes it as how people physically move heavy objects: you brace yourself to gather your strength before yanking or tugging hard. It’s easier for Rosie to knock over a heavy object than to throw it around like she would do to a plate. She also finds it easier to move multiple objects around if they don’t go beyond her estimated weight limit. Her ability is not invincible and can be resisted as long as your physical strength exceeds her telekinetic strength. For instance, while she would tug you around by your shirt (lighter and easier to control than a body), you can yank yourself and break away from the force. Since people are too unpredictable in a fight and are likely to give her a headache, she mainly uses this to stop people from tripping or yank people out of danger.

Rosie can also levitate and move herself around. Since the progress is easy but slow, she likes to primarily use the ability to reach the top shelves.
To clarify while under the car pile-up she had two broken legs and a dislocated collarbone but she would have died of blood loss and suffocation if she didn’t get help on time.

Is a grad student. Is getting a forensic sciences Master’s degree.

She needs to have order. Like plan out her day and at least get some of it done. Her plans can deviate but she’d really like to have a schedule to work off of. (She hates last minute notifications.)

She calls her dad “pap”.

Rosie’s not related to her mom (stepmom but she calls her mom anyway). But while she does know this fact, she doesn’t care to figure out who her biological mom is past her medical history and family medical history.

Her dad is the police chief and used to be a helicopter dad before her mom told him to chill.

She worries about how much her novelist twin brother loves conspiracies and thrillers.

Her brother recently published a best-seller novel called “Nobody Heard the Little Bird Scream”. It’s an urban fantasy, thriller novel with a splash of conspiracy and mystery elements about a superhuman young boy who had been engineered by the CIA. The story is the boy’s journey on learning how to be and what it means to be human. Much to her brother’s confusion, though Rosie usually likes reading his novels, she seemed to not enjoy his new series much.

Rosie sincerely hopes that her brother doesn’t ever offend a higher up in the government. His new novel doesn’t really hit too close to home but she sincerely hopes that he never sticks his nose into the wrong place for “inspiration”. He already browsed through the CIA’s declassified files.

Learned self-defense while growing up. However, she’s fairly crafty in her own right. She also isn’t the type to initiate fights for stupid reasons or to show off.

code by @Nano
“These works are handed down from teacher to pupil, from parent to child, almost without question, like DNA. They are memorized, recited, discussed in book reports, included in university entrance exams, and once the student is grown up, they become a source for quotation. They are made into movies again and again, they are parodied, and inevitably they become the object of ambitious young writers’ revolt and contempt.”
― Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories
basic information
Lance Eunwol Park
Twenty-two (22)
date of birth
March 8th
Fridge (rarely seen) Zookeeper
years working
5’11” | 180 cm

A tall individual who always looks tired and ruffled both physically and emotionally during the summer. He does have good days where he seems more put together and at ease but those days are more common during the winter than during the summer. Fitting the image of a tired young adult, Lance is often seen in comfortable looking clothes and claims that he doesn’t care about appearance until a situation calls for it. When the situation does call for it, he shows that he actually has a very sharp sense of fashion and visual sense. However, even during his off days he at least still retains his dignity by excelling in color coordination. Many have to wonder how someone who seems to be running on 10% brain power on his bad days can still at least color coordinate so well.
A snippy and mischievous person but often too tired during the summer months to poke and root around more than necessary. He’s the type of person, no matter the day, who you often have to wonder whether he was joking or not. During the days he’s not feeling lethargic, he’s still not a giant ball of talkative sunshine but he’s still a lot more open to human interaction than when he’s feeling under the weather.

Frankly, he’s a bit infuriating to talk to at times due to his tendency to brush things off if he doesn’t care about it. Even when he’s wide awake, he tends to be selectively deaf when he thinks you’re annoying or unnecessarily bothersome. Or smiles and nods like he’s listening when he’s actually paying attention to anything else but the nagging.

Surprisingly, while he’s snippy and at times airheaded, he does have his moments where he’s actually considerate to others’ feelings. It might be hard to come by but he is reliable when you get a straight answer/promise out of him. He is also probably the one of the most patient and unfazed members of Noah’s Ark.
Lance Park was born to a second generation Korean American mother and a Korean immigrant father. His mother is a businesswoman and his father is a fairly well off illustrator. Supposedly the two met in college because they ran around in overlapping friend groups but Lance was never particularly interested in his parents’ dating history…

This often meant that his father was home more than his mother as she travelled due to work more often than his father. While she did take the family with her with the trips that allowed it, the incident that turned him into an Elegy was one of the periods where his mother was out of state. It was also the year where his parents decided to renovate parts of the house (including his room) during his summer vacation. During the renovation, he needed to briefly stay in the guest room/floor in the basement floor of their house.

Unfortunately, a particularly bad summer storm had knocked over an old but big tree that had stood in front of their house directly into the house. While the back of the house, where his father was resting, was relatively undamaged that day, the front and middle portion of the house had been severely damaged. It had blocked off the exit of the basement to the point that they needed to wait for professional help to attempt to get him out of there.

Lance actually doesn’t remember much from that day (due to shock and trauma). But he does remember that his father had stayed with him through the narrow broken basement window. He remembers initially joking with his dad that he wishes he had a working fridge to sit in. He also vaguely remembers getting food and water through that window while waiting for help to come. However...clearly help did not arrive on time.

He has been told by the doctors that he was very lucky to not die from heatstroke as the temperature and humidity had caused his body temperature to stay at dangerously high levels. Apparently, they initially thought he was dead as he was unresponsive to stimuli and they had a hard time finding signs of life by the time they pulled him out of the wreckage. The doctors had summed it up to being a miracle that they just happened to reach him on time.

After going through the motions of getting his life back together, other than psychological scars, Lance actually didn’t notice anything different about himself for a whole year. He had felt more tired during the hotter months than before the incident but he chalked that up to trauma. At least...the AC always seemed to work well while he was in the room.

It was maybe a year or so after the incident that Lance started to notice strange things. He wouldn’t feel the effects of particularly bad summer months but he would feel extremely tired throughout the day. The ice in his cups wouldn’t melt no matter how long he shook them to try to get the last bit of water. And to put the nail in the figurative coffin, he had accidentally frozen his water bottle while taking it out of his locker. Luckily for him, his water bottle was his opaque refillable bottle so even he only noticed when he tried to open the lid and drink from it.

In the weeks following, he did a fairly good job hiding his increasing list of worries and abilities that came with being an Elegy. But fortunately or unfortunately, he did get caught by the cafe he frequented in the end. One of the birds had been eyeing his muffin when it noticed that the coffee in Lance’s cup had frozen over while he was just trying to cool it down a bit. Of course, the bird had immediately ratted the unsuspecting Lance out to Stella.

To this day, Lance still claims that his discovery of Noah’s Ark is fairly normal and tame compared to some of the other origin stories that the members hold.
Thea: Mayhem twins. Together they’re chaotic but good. Separate they’re actually relatively easy to get along with. >wo7

Luca: “No u” The two are often seen somewhat getting along one minute then squabbling like children the next.

Rosie: He finds her fairly intense to deal with when she gets mad at him but he also finds it funny when she loses her composure. They used to talk and interact more when he was active in the cafe. But due to their conflicting schedules they haven’t talked as much. Gives Rosie a headache when he’s together with Thea (and by himself) and thrives on her irritation. She can deal with both SEPARATELY but they’re very chaotic together. Like an irritating but well-meaning little brother, Lance genuinely enjoys teasing Rosie and thrives on the chaos that ensues once she gives into his pestering (to murder him). Rosie often carries around a pair of ear plugs, stating “If I don’t see or hear them I don’t have to think about what’s going on behind me.”

Chase: Lance is his favorite reluctant chair since Lance is basically a natural human air conditioner. Chase is cute but Lance always needs a lint roller on hand when he’s in Noah’s Ark...
last words
Ability Type

When Hell Freezes Over - Frost Manipulation - Is immune to disruptions of his body temperature whether it’s heat or intense chill. His immunity to intense chill is due to his body not being able to feel the effects of the cold due to his Last Words. The immunity to heat is due to his Last Words automatically countering the heat with his ability to manipulate the temperature to extremely low points. However, since this is powered by his own energy, it does drain him quite a lot during the summer.

When Hell Freezes Over as an ability centers around utilizing the body’s fuel and willpower to lower temperatures at concentrated points or areas and thus controlling the frost “blooms” to a certain extent. While he is naturally able to lower the temperature of the air around him, he needs to be in contact (like the select area of air around him or the chair he’s sitting on) to start actually frosting anything but he can also use a medium to start a chain reaction. For example, he can concentrate and channel his chill into a coin and throw it into a glass of water to cause it to frost over into solid ice. He can also cause water to freeze in a restricting (or directly harmful) way through touching a body of water he’s in contact with. The bigger the body of water, the more damage he can do. However, this also would mean he’s expending more energy. Through means that he’d rather not be reminded of, Lance knows that he’s better of using puddles than ponds.

Note from Babel: The limit of his “When Hell Freezes Over” is tested and confirmed to be his physical capabilities. This year’s limit seems to be lowering the temperature of a radius of 10 feet around him to the point of making it hard for a body with limited body heat regulation to move and disrupting technology not made for arctic climates. He seems to be fairly effective against Regrets, reptiles, fish, cheaply produced electronics, plastics and other materials that are generally weak when exposed to wintry elements. Warm blooded animals, other than feeling intense chill, are more resilient against his Last Words.

He has been confirmed to have higher metabolism than normal humans after becoming an Elegy. It has been contracted with Noah’s Ark that the agreement will be void if he ever manages to break past his Last Words’ limitations and cause a danger to the masses.

(Concerned) Note from Stella: Emotional exhaustion is more common to Lance once he starts hitting his Last Words’ limit. Also make sure he gets sugar and some protein before he starts nodding off or while he’s in...shock for the better word.

(Concerned) Note from Doctor: Body temperature seems to run a little lower than normal but blood tests don’t show signs of anemia or cardiovascular disease. Overall, Mr. Park is healthy so he was sent home with instructions to come back if it becomes a cause for concern. (hint: Lance did his best to pull back the influence of his Last Words.)

Personal note from Lance: The limit that Babel talks about was tested during the winter. They had the heaters off too. Not to mention I still had to stay over at Noah’s Ark for a few days to recover from their tests. Fortunately, they don’t ask me to come in to test during the summer. I can’t go anywhere near the limits they’re talking about when it’s too hot outside. I can’t beat the sun, you know?
Is mostly descended from Korean blood but mom is a second generation Korean American.

He gets annoyed when people ask about his “korean name” only to not bother respecting it enough to not treat it as a novelty.

His birth certificate does have his first name as Lance and his last name as Park. Eunwol is listed as his middle name out of convenience. However, to himself, he identifies as both Lance and Eunwol.

He does get genuinely annoyed how sleepy he gets due to his Last Words. He is tired not out of lack of care but out of inconvenience.

During Babel’s tests, he has been forced to use his Last Words to the point of blacking out to make sure he wouldn’t be capable of endangering the government. (probably also under varying conditions?).

Is still very claustrophobic and against basements. He had been going to therapy for it though. He still goes once a month or so.

His family moved from their old town near Genesis City to Genesis City after the incident.

His grandma in Korea is mildly peeved that she can’t see him as often anymore because he’s “more busy now”.

Lance does work in Noah’s Ark but he took a year off from working there to build up his portfolio more before his graduation from undergrad.

He’s now a (graphic) game designer but he also does freelance illustrations.

Senpai over Thea but is ironically younger than her.

Used to play racquetball all the time but currently he only plays during the winter or fall seasons.

Some of his concept points are inspired by Frost Nova from Arknights and Eunwol/Shade from Maplestory.

extra notes

extra notes

extra notes

code by @Nano
“We believe that we can change the things around us in accordance with our desires—we believe it because otherwise we can see no favourable outcome. We do not think of the outcome which generally comes to pass and is also favourable: we do not succeed in changing things in accordance with our desires, but gradually our desires change. The situation that we hoped to change because it was intolerable becomes unimportant to us. We have failed to surmount the obstacle, as we were absolutely determined to do, but life has taken us round it, led us beyond it, and then if we turn round to gaze into the distance of the past, we can barely see it, so imperceptible has it become.” – Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time
basic information
matthias “matt” hertz
dwarf human
gender pronouns
twenty-five (25)
place of employment
Hertz Monster Clinic
weapon class
romance route
5’ 8” / 160 lbs
light blue
grey to blue

Matthias Hertz is a young man of average height with a lean figure. Which is why visitors or newcomers often have to do a double take when they witness him easily wrangle an angry buffamoo or griffin back into their treatment pens. And surprisingly, for someone who messes with sick and/or irritated monsters on a daily basis, he usually still does his best to neaten up after for the sake of “professionalism”. People can usually tell if the monster clinic is open that day based on if Matt is wearing more formal “professional” clothing (with an apron hanging over his arm) or if he is in everyday casualwear.

For casualwear, he prefers sturdy comfortable clothing in darker ranges of colors during the colder seasons and light ranges of color during the warmer seasons. People will sometimes see him running around in casualwear when he needs to gather materials outside of town. As long as he is not scheduled to see patients that day, he is comfortable with dressing down for the day.

But no matter what the day is, Matt is usually always prepared with his trusty black bag slung over his back. He will keep his backpack on even on holidays to keep basic necessities just in case there is an emergency. He also always wears his silver rings. While they look plain they do have some basic enchantments that help a little with taking minimal damage from accidents while wrestling monsters into place for their treatments.
odd quirks. obsessed with rocks; claims that grumpy monster patients give him some extra excitement in his life; knows all his patients by name; can stomach eating basically anything but also has much to analyze and critique;

fears. (very current) cana is sick and he can’t figure out why or how to cure; his parents’ disappointment; piyo town being destroyed;

feelings about newcomers. curious but also doing his best to mind his own business to prevent making others uncomfortable

Matt is an outgoing individual with a caring disposition. He does have a stubborn streak once he puts his mind to something but is rarely closed off to new ideas. While he knows that he’s a skilled and knowledgeable monster vet he understands that there can’t be new discoveries without new ideas. As someone who is naturally curious and open to trying new things (as long as safety is taken into consideration), he is also considered to be an adventurous person. When he has to restock his supplies, he prefers to go out himself to gather them not because he distrusts people but because he likes getting some fresh air and adventure.

He’s also someone who is extremely meticulous when it comes to dealing with his patients. While he has a notoriously good memory, he still goes out of his way to write down all his thoughts and notes for each patient. And although his filing system was taught by his mother, even his mother considers the detail that puts into his notes a bit extensive.

And though Matt is someone who is easy to get along with as well as easygoing, he’s very strict when it comes to monster care. He firmly believes in the circle of life and that to sustain life sometimes you have to take a life. However, he also believes that people who keep monsters as livestock are responsible for giving their monsters the best life up until their death. Though their lives maybe finite, whether they are being harvested for meat or not, he feels like they should be respected enough for the food or help they may provide people.
Matthias Hertz was born and raised by both of his parents in Piyo Town. Although he grew up most of his time toddling after his mom at the Hertz Monster Clinic, he also spent days being dragged off to adventures with his dad outside of Piyo Town when things got a little too busy at the clinic for baby Matt to be underfoot. So while he learned how to be a monster vet from his mom, he learned about the world outside of Piyo Town from his dad. Much to his mom’s exasperation, his dad’s love for rocks seemed to have rubbed off onto Matt during their escapades.

At 15 years old, he decided he was going to inherit his mom’s practice and become a monster vet. Once he came to the conclusion he learned everything that he could with the resources that were available in Piyo Town and the neighboring towns, he decided to further his education in Palermo. During his time studying Palermo, he experienced that while he was a country bumpkin compared to most of the students. But he was also one of the students with the most practical experience getting run over by buffamoos. He spent five years in total in Palermo before returning back home. Matt could have come home earlier but extended his stay to study more outside of obtaining his licensure.

Once Matt returned to Piyo Town, he worked under his mom for two years before she decided that he was good enough to be independent. His parents decided to semi-retire and start traveling a lot more. For the most part, Matt has been the main monster vet of Piyo Town for the past 3 years. (But his parents do stop by every once in a while and help him out.)
wendy. A silver wolf who followed him home one day and never left. Since she decided that she was going to freeload off his house, Matt makes her “pay rent” by doing little odd jobs for him like retrieving deliveries and herding his patients into their pens to rest for the night.

cana. tbc

blank. In purus ipsum, lacinia eu elementum volutpat, mollis non mauris. Morbi pretium consectetur sagittis. Pellentesque blandit congue lobortis. Donec a mi nunc. Proin magna justo, porttitor ac sollicitudin tincidunt, scelerisque et libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer eu lorem interdum, aliquet eros dapibus, rutrum mi.
monster vet

obtain monsters? yes, mainly one. But others will randomly follow him around the clinic for treats

what kind of monsters. one silver wolf that followed him home one day and never left???

in-game item. talisman

proficient skills. pharmacy; taming; cooking;

worst skills. carpentry; decoration; farming (too busy); crafting;

hobbies. collecting interesting rocks; reading; cooking for monsters; cleaning;

favorite food. curry; spicy food; bitter vegetables; bread; cheese;

least favorite food. none - isn’t really picky as long as it gives his enough energy to function for the day

likes. rocks; fossils; monsters; learning new things; reading; camping;

dislikes. messes; painted rocks (sorry mira ;v; ); breaking things; recklessness;

health issues? none currently but has been poisoned in the past (enough times to be immune to certain poisons–especially monster based ones)
Birthday is 8th day of Winter. No special meaning.

Matt does have three siblings and is the oldest. But he is the only one out of four children to take a shine to monster vet care. His oldest younger sibling is getting higher education in Palermo while his youngest twin siblings went to travel with their parents. They all exchange letters regularly and visit home a few times a year.

While his parents have never explicitly said out loud or written in their letters, Matt believes his parents might be traveling also to (discreetly) gain more knowledge on native dragons for Fulminaris’ sake.

Matt’s dad took on his mom’s last name because he liked her last name better.

Favorite tactic for giving vaccines is leaving a treat in his pocket and hugging a monster. Once the monster is distracted by the treat he jabs their butt with the vaccine/shot of treatment. Most of the time they don't even notice

code by @Nano

“We believe that we can change the things around us in accordance with our desires—we believe it because otherwise we can see no favourable outcome. We do not think of the outcome which generally comes to pass and is also favourable: we do not succeed in changing things in accordance with our desires, but gradually our desires change. The situation that we hoped to change because it was intolerable becomes unimportant to us. We have failed to surmount the obstacle, as we were absolutely determined to do, but life has taken us round it, led us beyond it, and then if we turn round to gaze into the distance of the past, we can barely see it, so imperceptible has it become.” – Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time
basic information
calliope “calli” blumenthal
half-monster (nine-tailed fox)
gender pronouns
thirty (30)
weapon class
romance route
5’ 7” / 145 lbs
light pink

Having long mastered the art of transformation, Calliope is able to keep her ears and tails disguised and hidden away. When she needs to hide her extra tails away, she is able to do so even in her sleep (and now amnesia as well), as the habit of pretending to be a werefox has become second nature to her. However, she still wears dresses or light jackets with long elegant trains during the warmer months and a long cloak during the colder months out of habit from her childhood. She prefers to make or alter her own clothing to suit her need for functional and pretty clothing. When she is working outside or with flowers, she makes sure her clothes don’t get dirty by wearing aprons.

Though most of the time her human guise can be described as elegant, at night some people may be startled by the luminescent quality of her eyes. Her eyes are a remnant quality of her monster form as a nine-tailed fox.

Though she is capable of turning into a regular sized, single-tailed fox, her natural monster form is that of a giant nine-tailed fox with a thick light pink coat. Her nine-tailed fox form has a cream white underbelly and her tails have a gradient that ends with cream white at the tips.
odd quirks. sometimes gets a violent craving for cluckadoodles and ducks; usually the cravings are satisfied with chicken or duck meat based dishes; sometimes finds herself stalking the neighborhood cluckadoodles/ducks; can eat onions raw without flinching;

fears. sheers aiming for her hair/fur; children with grabby hands; (pre-amnesia) her tails being grabbed; being captured;

Calliope is someone you would describe as calm yet cautious. She prefers to carefully consider her options before making a choice and dislikes making rash decisions. For this reason, while her anger does run hot, she hates letting anger take over and make irrational and hasty decisions. It’s also why she gets extremely embarrassed whenever she realizes that she has been daydreaming again and let her instincts take over.

While Calli is a little slow to warm up to others, she does enjoy good company and is noticeably more open and cheerful with those she is fond of. She is also more likely to warm up faster to those who are familiar to her or takes good care of animals.
Calli was born from a union between a female human traveler originally from the Sechs Empire and a male nine-tailed fox from a forest in the Kingdom of Norad. She was told by her parents that their love story was like that of the beauty and the beast, except there was no sick father (her mother was just traveling) and no angry villagers with fire and pitchforks. Or a castle. Or a prince in disguise. Just a grumpy monster who had hermitted himself away from civilization to enjoy his gardening hobby but got discovered and pestered by a traveler. Apparently the human woman was persistent and charming enough to seduce a nine-tailed fox out of his comfort zone and settle with her in a mostly human village as a Florist. While Calli is sure that there is more to the story, she was never told more than the “kid-friendly” version of the story.

Calli was raised by both parents in a small town in Norad near the forest that her father originated from with villagers assuming that they were a family of a human, werefox and their half-werefox child. Half her days as a child were spent with her parents either in their garden or their shop. The other half of her childhood days were spent in the forest with her parents or just her father to learn how to survive as a nine-tailed fox and how to disguise the features that would give her away as a monster.

When Calli thinks back on those simple days of her childhood, she wonders if her parents had known their days together were numbered as all kits leave the den eventually. While her parents weren’t overbearingly strict, when it came to her days training as a nine-tailed fox or the use of a spear they became strict as generals. Though on days where she had grown frustrated, Calli does fondly remember that her parents did their best to at least try to make it out to be a game.

As she grew older, Calli took more and more trips outside the small town she grew up in. First starting out with deliveries before branching out to traveling for leisure. Though she started out with wandering before returning home within a week or two, eventually Calli started actively taking longer trips that sometimes span months to explore new places and maybe hoping to stumble upon other nine-tailed foxes or half-monsters.

During one of these longer trips, Calli just happened to be one of the unlucky folks who happened to be on airship in the middle of a conspiracy(?) Unfortunately for the half-monster, when the airship crash landed into the farside of Piyo Town, she happened to get hit by a loose crate hard enough to scramble her memories around. As far as she is concerned, she is a werefox who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got a bad case of amnesia.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac sapien feugiat, dignissim nunc vel, egestas lacus. Sed in posuere tortor. Phasellus at ipsum enim. Aliquam euismod nisi nibh, nec rhoncus nunc vehicula nec. Aenean vel metus faucibus, venenatis justo quis, hendrerit nisi. Sed ultricies laoreet maximus. Sed ac orci et augue maximus consectetur. Pellentesque imperdiet justo non diam convallis malesuada. Suspendisse vitae mi eros. Etiam dignissim, tortor vitae hendrerit sollicitudin, risus sapien consectetur dolor, in suscipit velit ligula eget risus. Proin vulputate lacus non turpis luctus, et suscipit sem malesuada. Nunc auctor libero in consectetur cursus.

In purus ipsum, lacinia eu elementum volutpat, mollis non mauris. Morbi pretium consectetur sagittis. Pellentesque blandit congue lobortis. Donec a mi nunc. Proin magna justo, porttitor ac sollicitudin tincidunt, scelerisque et libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer eu lorem interdum, aliquet eros dapibus, rutrum mi. Aenean cursus eleifend dictum. Sed mi est, imperdiet vitae dolor eu, consequat tincidunt eros. Maecenas dictum hendrerit posuere.
the “Beast”

obtain monsters? Nope because there’s a high chance she might sleepwalk and eat her own hens

what kind of monsters. not applicable

in-game item. Sneaking Boots – A pair of boots that were given to her by her mother. Her mother crafted them out of Calli’s and her father’s old nine-tailed fox bells.

proficient skills. cultivating flowers; spearmanship; hunting

worst skills. taming; forging; rod fishing; mining

hobbies. reading; exploring forests/woods; (secretly) digging; walks

favorite food. poultry; eggs; udon; fried foods

least favorite food. kale; burnt food; rough leafy greens (give her a stomach ache);

likes. flowers; cluckadoodles; good quality dirt; pretty pastries

dislikes. greedy people; sticky children; weeds; horses (only when they eat her flowers)

health issues? amnesia
Birthday is 21st day of Spring


code by @Nano
Full Name
Leif Sterna
Code Name
0. The Fool
Twenty-nine (29)
Date of Birth
8th day of Dewdrops
Detention Member
Hair Color
Mostly white
Eye Color
Elysium (Arknights)
Leif is a cheerful individual who you would call a certified genius in the Third Faction but also a certified idiot in the Common Sense Faction. An example from his list of crimes would be causing a (contained) explosion while tweaking an alignment-sensitive relic with his stigma instead of grabbing the wedge right next to him to keep it stable instead of purely relying on his own concentration. Which he has a lack of sometimes. Predictably, he is also quick to wander off and get into trouble as well as a toddler. Over the years many of his seniors have gotten into the habit of sticking a new thick book or puzzle into his hands to ward him off from sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.
He is trying
“Oops. Well, that could have gone better. But we have all our fingers, toes and eyes. AND the relic is intact! So I still count that as a win. We also know what it does now.”
Leif is someone who seems to have a permanently amused expression on his face. Even his “professional” or “serious” face seems to be tinged with well-intentioned humor. He takes on two different appearances depending on what he is doing. While working outside of Arcana he wears a black wig and glasses to disguise himself but keeps his natural appearance when working within Arcana. Though he will habitually keep a neat appearance, he does prefer comfortable clothing over formal and pretty clothing. He also almost always wears gloves or some sort of cloth to cover most of his hands not only because of the mark from the stigma but the burn marks on parts of his hands and forearms. The burn marks on his right hand aren't that bad. His left hand, especially the top and palm of hand, has the worst of the scarring but the stigma tattoo covers some of it.
A warm, easy-going member of the Third Faction who is known for being bright both in personality and intelligence but not very bright in common sense. At first glance, he doesn’t seem to have a complicated bone in his body but it’s his method of avoiding complicated matters like politics. This stems from the mixed feelings he has about the rest of the late Sterna family members. But he likes to think that he has long moved on from those days. Nowadays, he tries to do what his sister asked of him a long time ago and attempts to do his best to live in the present. There’s not much people can do to frustrate or anger him as most of the time he just lets insults roll off his back with a clueless tilt of the head and/or smile. Ironically, this behavior infuriates a lot of people because they can’t tell if he’s genuinely unable to understand what the issue is or if he’s acting dense on purpose. Thankfully, outside of verbal spats or other conflicts, Leif comes off as friendly and helpful (when he’s not distracted. Most of the time, he means well and willing to help anyone as long as there’s no mind games involved. Or he will ask for a rain check if he’s thoroughly invested in a project with the Third Faction.
  • Spicy or savory food
  • Games
  • Trying new things
  • Discovering something new
  • Cleaning/Tidying things up
  • Helping people
  • Punching people (fingers are important)
  • Arrogance
  • Dance - particularly ballroom dancing
  • Mind games
  • Doing nothing
  • Cold food - matches are great
Click to Expand Backstory
tl;dr. Leif's sister get mana corrosion > gets executed by family to avoid shame > leif loses his shit > burns down the estate and their library > gets snatched up by an arcana member named Flora > eventually recovers by keeping busy with research > still dislikes dealing with politics but not enough to burn down houses or family relics anymore

The Sterna family, though not as well-known as other nobles in Vestry, are an old noble family of scholars. They had pride in their extensive collection of literature that consisted of both fiction and non-fiction. In fact, their collection of literature was so extensive that anyone who had a chance to visit would always wonder how the family found anything in the rows and columns of books. The Sterna family had organized shelving systems that divided their library by content and genre and then by author. But unknown to the general public, they also had a relic to help with quickly pulling up needed references to check the contents before pulling the physical book from the shelves.

While most of the main branch of the Sterna family had utilized the relic at least once, the family member who used it the most was Leif’s sister and the heir of the family, Genesis. Prior to the events that changed everything for the family, Genesis was the brightest star of the family with the biggest ambitions for their family. So from the moment she was allowed access to the Book of Knowledge, she started her research and experiments with the relic she was allowed access to. What were its limits? Was it the limitation of technology during its creation or was the limitation put there on purpose? There were so many questions Genesis burned with.

Though at the time Leif wasn’t as interested in relics as he was in architecture, he still bonded with his sister by being her soundboard. With amusement, he often watched her enthusiastically work when he wasn’t studying his own areas of interest or being forced to study dance by their mother.

Over the years he did notice that he was seeing his sister less and less as time went on. But he chalked it up to being the increased amount of duties they were dumped with as they grew older rather than anything suspicious. Like many nobles, he thought Mana Corrosion was only something that happened in the poorer communities. Even to this day, Leif doesn’t know what Genesis was doing to contract the disease.

But one day, Genesis appeared in front of Leif the day before her execution to tell him that she was sorry. She had looked for a cure both inside their library and outside of it but was unable to find anything to fix Mana Corrosion before their parents found out. What Leif remembers the most vividly about that day was that she looked strangely small and defeated. Unusual for someone he always viewed as larger than life. Someone who always looked for something new on the horizon with bright ambitions. But the former heir of the Sterna family only looked at him with a tired melancholy smile with the damning white, scale-like growths embedded into her neck and told him not to resent their parents too much for the decision they have come to. As someone who also thought of the Sterna name first, she understood their decision. She did not want him to grow to be shackled by resentment. She did not want her brother’s bright future to be ruined by her own folly.

Of course, Leif tried to reason with their parents. They were the heads of the family and she was their heir! Surely this was a mistake? But they merely looked at his wide betrayed eyes with narrowed cold eyes full of disdain. Twenty-five years old and still too immature to think for the family first, they had tutted with a shake of their heads. As if he were a spoiled child again throwing a tantrum, they had locked him up in a bare secured room on the day of the (private) execution.

When the heads of the Sterna came back, they came back to a boy with bloodied fingers and bruised shoulders. At the time they only sighed. With the scent of blood and ash still lingering on their clothes, they had a servant fix him up and let him rest off his self-inflicted injuries for a month. A month they let him stay in his room before they got tired of waiting for him to move on. That had been their mercy. They told him that Genesis Sterna had taken to death with the grace that a member of their family should. For the family. He was not a five year old boy who needed his hand held by his older sister anymore. In fact, he was a grown and the heir to the family now that Genesis was not with them anymore. Perhaps they said it more gently than what Leif remembers but that was not what his heartbroken mind heard from the heads of the Sterna family. In his mind it was too soon to move on from what they had done. Not when he can almost still smell the scent of blood and ash that lingered on them that day.

Eventually, one day in the middle of the night, Leif left his room with a flame-lit lamp in hand to at least visit the family library to try to move on like his sister had asked of him. Perhaps subconsciously he was hoping that his sister would still be there. That Genesis would be sitting at their usual table in the library, waiting for him with a book in hand. But of course, when he reached their usual table, Genesis was nowhere in sight.

The reminder of the betrayal of his faith stung as much as the resentment and his anger burned. Leif doesn’t remember much of what happened that night but he remembered a final burst of rage before the lamp had been thrown against one of the many shelves of the library. The flames spread rapidly from shelf to shelf. It wasn’t long before his parents burst into the library with rare fear in their eyes. Without much investigation, the two had worked together to quickly unlock the Book of Knowledge from the vault in the back of the library before shoving it into his arms and telling him to get out to somewhere safe from the fire while they try to get the most delicate books they have in their collection with the rest of the family.

Leif did not find out about this until much later, but not much longer after he had run out of the estate in a daze, the roof of the library had collapsed and trapped the family members who had stayed behind to save some of their books. The last thing he remembered before he passed out was the flames and a stranger he doesn’t remember meeting before dragging him away to safety.

The helpful stranger called herself Flora and she worked at an apothecary, where she had taken him to after picking him up off the street. Not long after she fixed him up, she asked him where he was going to go after he recovered. At that point, Leif was still in shock but was still quick to say he didn’t want to go back. Though he didn’t explain much else other than that, with an unreadable expression and a brief glance to the book that he had been clutching onto, Flora decided that he would be allowed to stay with her at the apothecary. However, once he recovered, he was quickly booted into helping at the apothecary. Especially when Flora needed to run errands outside of the apothecary.

While Flora had said that Leif needed to work for her because she couldn’t have him freeloading off of her all the time, the idle days, weeks and eventually months of working at the apothecary helped him move onto a new life outside of being a Sterna. The only interruptions to the peaceful days were the days Flora booted him outside with a wig and hat to “get some fresh air”. It was during one of those days where he was alone with his own thoughts that he tried to destroy the relic with water and then fire in a fit of mania. It did not work.

All he had to show for his efforts were burns on his hands and forearms and disappointment. All of which Flora thoroughly scolded him for as she fixed him up (again). She gave him a verbal thrashing about taking care of himself and stop getting stuck in his own head the moment he has nothing to do. Then, to put it simply, once his hands eventually stopped peeling she dropped him into Arcana so he can do something productive with that head of his instead of doing stupid things like trying to burn relics and himself the moment her back was turned away from him. Instead, she had him work under various people in Arcana until he settled well with the folks who researched relics in Arcana.

And over the years it eventually did get better for Leif. He never forgot what happened to his sister but with time away from the place where everything began, he learned to move on like how his sister always wanted to.

(Two years ago) Leif gained a stigma in the form of The Fool and Flora deemed him well enough that he could (emotionally) graduate from being under her wing. She might have not taught him as much about relics as the researchers but she did pick him back up until he managed to find his own feet. “This might not be what your sister had in mind for your bright future but I think she would be proud of how far you’ve come regardless.”
“Leif. Try not to resent mother and father too much for their decision. Resentment will only shackle you to the past when you should be living in the present.”
Leif’s deceased older sister. Before her murder, the two were close as siblings can be even with the 7 year age gap. Leif still doesn’t know how she got Mana Corrosion because she was fairly careful even if she handled the Book of Knowledge the most in the family. The Sterna family came to the decision to dispose of Genesis once she got Mana Corrosion to avoid scandal.
“Well…let’s just call it “The potential to do a lot of good but stupid things.” Because I can see you doing a lot of stupid things with it.”
The Arcana member who recruited Leif. She happened to be in the right place at the right time and snatched Leif up before he could be caught by the authorities investigating the fire that destroyed the Sterna family. She holds the Stigma of the Queen of Swords. Her ability can cause persistent olfactory hallucinations. It can be used for healing or harm psychologically as a lot of humans subconsciously hold a lot of memory triggers from olfactory stimulation. Currently, she runs an apothecary and also uses it to provide Arcana with medical supplies or cosmetics if anyone wants to indulge. She used to do a lot more intelligence networking for Arcana but now claims she’s too old for it. She’s not.
The potential to do a lot of good but stupid things. In Leif, The Fool manifests in manipulating and untethering objects from the physical constraints of the world such as gravity. The heavier the object the more mana has to be devoured by the stigma to release it from gravity and allow him to move or throw it somewhere. Which means in areas with very little mana around it’s better for him to just stick with small objects. It also requires a lot of concentration on his part so he doesn’t do this often because even the slightest distraction can cause a heavy object to snap back to being tethered to the earth and start free falling. More often, Leif uses his stigma to manipulate puzzle pieces as a mental exercise, repair relics or poke around the internal mechanics of relics in general. Leif describes it feeling like a mentally manipulated hand that isn’t restrained by weight or tight spaces. He can also use his stigma to rapidly swing a small object such as a rock in circles to build up speed and force before slingshotting it violently away. He has been asked to not do this with bullets so there are no uncontrolled small explosions. Please.
  • Book of Knowledge(WIP until approved by nano): A relic that used to belong to the Sterna family before Leif stole it away when he left his family. It takes the appearance of a hefty tome with a deceptively plain appearance. Only the manastone betrays its ordinary appearance. The original manastone that is currently attached to the relic has been dead for years (since Genesis Sterna was killed). With mana the relic is able to search through books in a certain radius and duplicate written material onto its pages until the user asks the book to erase the copied book. Only one book can be pulled up at a time. It was mainly used as a time saver while searching through the Sterna library. Genesis had mentioned to Leif that the relic’s sphere of influence seems to depend on the position of the sun or moon relative to the relic. The higher the position of the sun or moon the larger the radius, the lower the position the smaller the radius. But Leif hasn’t tested it himself. Though he has tested to see if it burns or gets damaged by water. It does not. The Book of Knowledge is the only relic that Leif is not interested in picking apart personally but still takes care of the maintenance for the relic out of a sort of familial duty. He does lend the relic out to those who need to use it to search through research material by carefully swapping out the original manastone. However, he always puts the original manastone back to not waste resources. When Leif doesn’t think the relic would be needed in a mission, he keeps it inactive with the original manastone and leaves it behind in a safe place.
  • Backpack - when relic, tool kit is needed or if he is running errands for Flora
  • Tool kit - a pouch that contains Leif’s most commonly used tools | mainly for field repairs but he usually brings a backpack if field repairs are needed
  • Cheesecloth for gathering medicinal plants - For Flora’s errands only
  • Twine - Always in a small satchel
  • Pocket watch that smells a little smokey - Always in pocket
  • Extra gloves - Always somewhere
  • Basic sewing kit - Always in jacket pocket
  • Container of beeswax - Very small, always in sewing kit
  • Matches (not for arson) - …In pocket
  • Wrapped knife - In belt
  • Wrapped sticks of charcoal - Always in small satchel in case he needs to mark things or write it down
  • Small flat stones - Always in his pockets
  • Wires (definitely not for lockpicking) - In his jackets or shirts
Leif’s birthday is the same as his faceclaim’s birthday because I was too lazy to figure out a birthday. It has no other significance other than that. LOL Same thing with his height.
Leif has caused a few explosions on accident. He has very fine tuned control of his abilities but is admittedly bad at remembering the signs he definitely read prior to fiddling with relics. Ironically he does have near surgical precision when manually fiddling with relics and mundane technology but he just forgets. He’s not reckless, he’s just forgetful.
Leif was originally deemed not emotionally healthy enough to have a stigma (nor did he want one at the time) so even though he had been in Arcana for years he didn’t get his stigma until recently two years ago.
He had to learn how to lockpick because he kept forgetting his inn room key and locking himself out without Flora babysitting him. He also isn’t trusted with the keys to the apothecary due to the same reason.
He dislikes ballroom dancing because his mother was an exceptional ballroom dancer who forced all her children to learn even if they didn’t want to learn more than the basics. His feelings on the matter are the same as kids who get forced to learn to play piano.
I know I described it as gravity but Leif doesn’t know it’s gravity. He just describes it as the force that binds objects towards the earth because that’s what it feels to him when he activates his stigma.
Leif first joined Arcana a few months before things went south with Raeger. But he doesn’t actually know more than everyone else knows because Flora basically shoved his head back down into his books and experiments until the restructuring period was over. “This isn’t related to you, just keep your head down and you’ll be better off that way.”
Code by Nano
  • Name
    theodore “theo” yoon
    june 7th
    日光一文字 (Touken Ranbu)
    #black hair
    #grey eyes
    #6’ 7”
    Though he has a face that is perpetually defaulted into an icy expression, Theo is someone you can only describe as sweet and earnest. Maybe someone you can even describe as so earnest that he’s almost gullible. Every so often, he ends up falling for light hearted jokes so hard that people end up feeling bad (or unnecessarily fearing for their lives) instead of remembering to dish out their punchline. In fact, due to having an anxious deposition, Theo is more likely to doubt himself before he’s likely to doubt someone else and feels bad for the other person once he realizes that he misunderstood a joke. Unfortunately, this tendency to second guess himself seems to only help him in getting multiple choice questions in exams right. Regarding relationships, it only made his life harder. Though he’s an extrovert who thrives in company, he tries not to assert himself into conversations too often because he feels bad for scaring people with his physical appearance. He dislikes causing trouble for people so even when he’s helping someone out without being asked, he usually does so behind the scenes to not get in anyone’s way. He is also someone always tries to see the best in people and doesn’t blame anyone but himself for his misfortunes in relationships.
Code by Nano
The Hot-Headed Second Prince of Parlton
  • attack
    You know, sometimes you just gotta burn yourself to bring the rest of the house down.
    Sirius Zephyrus Parlton
    twenty-five (25)
    Anastacius (WMMaP)
    A mix of both of his parents, Sirius has the height and face of his father and the warm coloring of his mother. But admittedly, the second prince has a larger and expressive range of smug or aggravated emotions that he wears openly on his face compared to the rest of his family.

    In contrast to his paternal side of his family, Sirius has bright sunny blonde hair and clear blue eyes that remind people of calm lakes during the summer. A few years back, the second prince’s naturally much more warmer or mischievous appearance often made some people forget that the second prince of Parlton is considered infamously hot-headed for a reason. And it wasn’t just because of his natural affinity for fire.

    Though Sirius used to have longer hair like his older brother, the crown prince, spite made him chop his hair short and convenience kept it that way. It was also spite that made him dye his hair black and magically charm his eyes an equally dark color. Leaving his mother offended and upset at yet another clear (and public) show of distance from the main royal family.

    The only thing that gives his mother a peace of mind is that Sirius actually likes their tailor/seamstress and listens to them willingly. It also helps that their tailor/seamstress works very hard to make sure that his clothes are fairly fire (and blood stain) resistant. So contrary to his personality, Sirius does dress well if he hasn’t stormed off into the woods to avoid his family again.
    For Sirius, his much more hot-headed emotions and spite is what fuels his drive to live his life the way he wants. After spending much of his childhood under the crown prince’s shadow as his spare, the second prince had grown up rebellious and spiteful towards his family and their tutors. Unlike the innocent child that used to follow after his parents and older brother to seek affection and validation, his ambitions and emotions have strayed from the royal path that his ancestors have paved before him.

    While Sirius still cares for the kingdom of Parlton, his hot temper and spiteful behavior during court in front of his family makes nobles wonder. It isn’t as if the second prince is stupid. For all his impatience, Sirius is bright and catches onto things quickly. But unfortunately for the royal family, the second prince often lets his emotions and impatience surge forward before his more rational judgement. And with his clear disdain for dealing with politics, it’s rare to see the second prince in court with the rest of his family anymore.

    For all his fierce temperament and sarcasm, Sirius still holds a piece of compassion from his childhood. But resentment and spite had forged a strong shield around it. While he seems much more personable and casual than the rest of the royal family, it is actually rare for the second prince to close that emotional gap and wear the more tender pieces of his heart on his sleeve.

    The soft underbelly is guarded fiercely by every tooth and nail in his emotional arsenal. If there’s anything his family has actually taught him, it would be that.
code by Nano
ID: 871238444

DOB: 01.01.2047
AGE: 32
  • 01
    HEIGHT: 167cm



    AFFECTATIONS: “Always smiling like she has something on her mind”


    “When you’re child, you’re a genius. When you’re a young adult, you’re gifted. When you’re my age…well you’re just another guy.”

    Ver gives most the initial impression of being very lackadaisical but bright with a splash of sardonicism. A little mischievous, she usually doesn’t care to be serious for much other than her own interests. Technology.

    The Techie always seems to be recklessly chasing after her own ambitions or to satisfy her own curiosity. It makes her seem unreliable outside of her specialization as a Techie. But she shows those that she holds affection for by teasing them and doing favors no catch. Unfortunately, while she means well, her mischievous nature often leaves others wondering when the other shoe is going to drop.

    While she’s usually cool-headed in most situations, it seems that her stint as an IEC Techie left a deep mark on her. It’s the only subject that really gets her blood boiling instead of laughing it off as she usually does. A part of it seems to do with her morals but a lot of it seems to do with her own pride as a Techie.
    Technology; Cyberware; Knowledge; Sweets; A good burger; Efficiency;
    Traitors; Breaking contracts; Bitter foods; Involving unnecessary people/factors;
Code by Nano

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